Buttigieg Draws On Bible, Suggests Unborn Babies Can Be Aborted Up Until Their First Breath

Proof you didn’t bother to read the article.

Any article that suggests that the Bible says you can murder babies is nothing but pure evil bullshit, and any PERSON WHO suggests that the Bible says you can murder babies is nothing but a pure evil demon, not to mention an idiot.

And now, a repeat of my previous post:

QUOTE: Mayor Buttplug is "Antichrist" and that is no exaggeration. "Antichrist" means being the opposite of Christ. Jesus said to repent of your sins. Buttplug says to EMBRACE sin, whether its murdering babies or sodomy. He will go to hell for sure, unless he repents.
All Democrats go to hell, Terri, unless they repent.
All Democrats go to hell, Terri, unless they repent.

Well, it sounds silly when you say it like that, but that's actually true, but that goes for ANYBODY: Repentance and asking forgiveness, and changing your life is what Jesus says you MUST do. Mayor Buttplug does the exact opposite: He wantonly lives is sin, he thinks sin is okay, and he goes even further in promoting sin. If someone remains in that mindset unto death, they will be damned.

I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.

Thats just pure stupidity
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This thread is based on such rank religious stupidity that its frightening. If someone does not want to be a Christian, thats fine. But to distort and pervert the Bible in order to make it seem to support evil and not only disgusting, but its offensive to real Christians.

I find it fascinating that the same liberals who NEVER want to offend Muslims have no problem offending Christians in the most sick and vile ways. You notice how no Liberal will EVER say that the Koran supports abortion or gay marriage or any of their other evil policies? Think about that
I don’t understand why Republicans believe they have the Highground when they fight so hard to arm school shooters. It just doesn’t make sense.

Show a link that shows Republicans want to arm school shooters. If no link then you should be banned for being a disgusting troll. How dare you spit on kids graves for political points?

The people who are spitting on kid's graves are the Republicans who refuse to bring legislation on background checks to a vote. Insisting that the rights of gun owners trample the right of your children to go to school without fear of being gunned down in their classrooms. The solution isn't bulletproof backbacks, it's disarming violent offenders, domestic abusers, and those whose families report them.
Your Prog owned cable TV networks are showing endless commercials of sex disease products/medications so people can continue to do the same things. You are promoting plagues. This one is controlled and very expensive. We must disarm these people by stop giving the medications to them....p.s...domestic abuse is started by a higher percentage of women. Many guys do not say anything. Also the laws were formulated in the early 1970's or so. I believe Biden had a say in some also. They need to be changed and updated. Peoples lives can be and are destroyed for minor stuff. Anyway the abuses will only get worse and a tipping point will occur because you are teaching men to be uncivil, less educated and drones to the extreme feminist state. Really! How long do you think that will last? Only the stupid dikhead males that still protect women keep this going. To their own detriment unless they are married to someone who makes a good living off of others.

The "extreme feminist state" would not have Donald Trump as President. Abortion would be available on demand. Women's wages would equal men's for the same job, and health care, maternity leave, and birth control would be available for all.

The USA doesn't even have a Constitution where women are equal to men. To call the US an "extreme feminist state" shows the ignorance of Russian posters.
I want the Democrats to go with that. It should be engraved in their platform "LIFE BEGINS WITH BREATH". Wow yeah let's see how that plays with normal thinking people.

That's what it says in the Bible:

Genesis 2:7 New International Version (NIV)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There are many references in the Bible to life beginning at the first drawn breath.

The Bible Tells Us When A Fetus Becomes A Living Being
Really? The Party that makes it a point to ridicule Christians and Christianity at every opportunity will now invoke the Bible to justify murdering a baby?
I want the Democrats to go with that. It should be engraved in their platform "LIFE BEGINS WITH BREATH". Wow yeah let's see how that plays with normal thinking people.

That's what it says in the Bible:

Genesis 2:7 New International Version (NIV)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There are many references in the Bible to life beginning at the first drawn breath.

The Bible Tells Us When A Fetus Becomes A Living Being

Really? The Party that makes it a point to ridicule Christians and Christianity at every opportunity will now invoke the Bible to justify murdering a baby?

Democrats don't ridicule Christians. Over 60% of Democrats are Christians. Democrats ridicule evangelicals. Evangelicals use the Bible to justify all sorts of un-Christian behaviour, including discrimination, misogyny, and attacks on those who don't share their beliefs, or whose behaviour they disapprove of.

Their assertions to the contrary, the Republican Party is not the party of Christianity.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

Pete Buttigieg is wrong. There is no reference in the Bible which suggests that life begins when a child takes its first breath. Buttigieg was apparently referring to the following verse which he interpreted erroneously, most likely intentionally:

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” ( Genesis 2:7, KJV).

The quoted verse has no application to children. It refers only to the creation of first man which was formed of non-living dust and given life by the breath of God. Children are not formed out of dust and they are living beings from conception.

Buttigieg's misuse of the Bible proves he is a phony.
Note that when God breathed the breath of life into man, man became a living soul. Did God breathe this breath of life into animals? Are animals living souls, too?

The breath of life is not blood. It's spirit. God endowed man with a capacity to fellowship with Him. He made man a spiritual being. The life of the spirit is the breath of life.

The life of the flesh is the blood (Lev. 17:11). The heart begins to beat about 18 days after conception.

If that gay mayor wants to quote scripture, maybe he should know it first. To him, Christianity is just a means of exploiting evangelical favor.

I wish I had not read your post.

Your opinions are very interesting.

However an 18 day zygote doesn't have enough cells to have a heart much less a heart beat.

It's still a zygote at that stage. It doesn't reach embryo stage until the 4th week.That's 28 days.

This is a zygote at 3-4 weeks. That's 21 to 28 days. Long after 18 days. Show me in those photos where a heart exists much less beats. At 3-4 weeks it's only 2-3mm long. At 4 weeks it's 4-5mm long. No organs exist or anything that's needed for a human being to exist.

You either need to learn the human gestation process properly or stop lying. Or both.

Dr. Ross's Embryology Course - Photos of Human Embryos

Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 10.44.14 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 10.44.28 PM.png
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Bernie Sanders says overpopulation can be addressed by having abortions. I tell no lies, look it up.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?
liberals are intolerant of innocent babies
These same people would celebrate their deranged gay asses off if the Mars rover found a nanobe on Mars or found prokaryotes on an orbiting moon circling Uranus. They would have mocking celebrations towards Christians they despise about LIFE on other planets.

They of course deny an actual person with a beating heart, functioning brain and kicking legs is life.

They can all and all will burn in hell.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

This isn't the first time I've seen this moronic argument. What the leftards fail to mention is that this "breath of life" reference is to the FIRST human created, who was also a fully matured adult. If they want to play this game then anyone up until the age of about 20 should be legal to kill.

It's always comical how people who've never cracked a Bible in their lives attempt to tell us what it really says. As someone who has 8 years of Lutheran education under their belt, it's damn near hilarious.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

This isn't the first time I've seen this moronic argument. What the leftards fail to mention is that this "breath of life" reference is to the FIRST human created, who was also a fully matured adult. If they want to play this game then anyone up until the age of about 20 should be legal to kill.

It's always comical how people who've never cracked a Bible in their lives attempt to tell us what it really says. As someone who has 8 years of Lutheran education under their belt, it's damn near hilarious.

Well apparently that 8 years of Lutheran education didn’t include Bible study. Because there are plenty of passages in the Bible that talks about the living beginning with the first breath.

Clearly you haven’t actually read ALL of the Bible, from cover to cover or you would KNOW that.

Please don’t condescend to others and claim you know the Bible when you obviously do not.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

This isn't the first time I've seen this moronic argument. What the leftards fail to mention is that this "breath of life" reference is to the FIRST human created, who was also a fully matured adult. If they want to play this game then anyone up until the age of about 20 should be legal to kill.

It's always comical how people who've never cracked a Bible in their lives attempt to tell us what it really says. As someone who has 8 years of Lutheran education under their belt, it's damn near hilarious.

Well apparently that 8 years of Lutheran education didn’t include Bible study. Because there are plenty of passages in the Bible that talks about the living beginning with the first breath.

Clearly you haven’t actually read ALL of the Bible, from cover to cover or you would KNOW that.

Please don’t condescend to others and claim you know the Bible when you obviously do not.

Oh is that so? Are you another one of those tards that's going to tell me what's REALLY in the Bible?

Please share with the the rest of us specifically how many passages refer to the "first breath" and their context. And while you're at it, do clarify Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." After that, try and weasel your way out of Exodus 21:22 - 25 - “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."

Tell me more about what I don't know, you fucking Jezebel.
And now you know why I call them the Party of INFANTICIDE..... No joke, wonder when Petey will expand his desire to kill until the baby is one year old.... One of his opponents after hearing this will RAISE the age limit until voting age!!!

Daily Caller ^ | SEPT. 6, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Friday that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath, saying parts of the Bible mention “how life begins with breath.”

The South Bend, Indiana, mayor spoke with “The Breakfast Club” on Friday morning about his comprehensive Douglass Plan, his thoughts on whether America is ready for a gay president, and whether black voters should vote for him.

Buttigieg discussed how the Bible talks about life beginning with breath, and suggested this would be one way to determine when life began in relation to abortion debates.

WATCH: **video on link**

Hey Petey, how about a BUTT SEX video to promote your lifestyle and a preview of what will going on in the Oval office?

This isn't the first time I've seen this moronic argument. What the leftards fail to mention is that this "breath of life" reference is to the FIRST human created, who was also a fully matured adult. If they want to play this game then anyone up until the age of about 20 should be legal to kill.

It's always comical how people who've never cracked a Bible in their lives attempt to tell us what it really says. As someone who has 8 years of Lutheran education under their belt, it's damn near hilarious.

Well apparently that 8 years of Lutheran education didn’t include Bible study. Because there are plenty of passages in the Bible that talks about the living beginning with the first breath.

Clearly you haven’t actually read ALL of the Bible, from cover to cover or you would KNOW that.

Please don’t condescend to others and claim you know the Bible when you obviously do not.

Oh is that so? Are you another one of those tards that's going to tell me what's REALLY in the Bible?

Please share with the the rest of us specifically how many passages refer to the "first breath" and their context. And while you're at it, do clarify Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." After that, try and weasel your way out of Exodus 21:22 - 25 - “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise."

Tell me more about what I don't know, you fucking Jezebel.

Well you know recognize that the part you bolded refers to harm to the WIFE not her unborn child. “Giving birth prematurely” in Biblical times means “miscarries” or “aborts” the fetus because premature babies died in biblical times.

As for your passage from Jeremiah, that refers to one pregnancy - that of Jeremiah. God is saying “You’re mine. I made you to be this great prophet”.

As for your last sentence, your misogynism is just as disagreeable as your condescension. But those who oppose abortion are generally more interested in hating on women than saving the unborn. They certainly have no interest in helping poor families or their children putting the lie to the notion that you care about the children.
......The USA doesn't even have a Constitution where women are equal to men........

Thats just a stupid ignorant lie.

The Equal Rights Amendment has never been ratified by enough states for it to become law. If you were an American, you’d know that.
There are plenty of jobs that are "equal" where one person does better then another in all or most parts and even danger comes with it. And for it the pay is equal or worse for the better.
I want the Democrats to go with that. It should be engraved in their platform "LIFE BEGINS WITH BREATH". Wow yeah let's see how that plays with normal thinking people.

That's what it says in the Bible:

Genesis 2:7 New International Version (NIV)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

There are many references in the Bible to life beginning at the first drawn breath.

The Bible Tells Us When A Fetus Becomes A Living Being

Really? The Party that makes it a point to ridicule Christians and Christianity at every opportunity will now invoke the Bible to justify murdering a baby?

Democrats don't ridicule Christians. Over 60% of Democrats are Christians. Democrats ridicule evangelicals. Evangelicals use the Bible to justify all sorts of un-Christian behaviour, including discrimination, misogyny, and attacks on those who don't share their beliefs, or whose behaviour they disapprove of.

Their assertions to the contrary, the Republican Party is not the party of Christianity.
Democrats are 60% Christian? I've never seen any statistics that would support that. How is the Party of abortion at the same time majority Christian?

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