Buy Partisan

I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.
I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.
I go for value, what the hell they do with the profits is none of my concern, I have to get home with the toilet paper ASAP...
The app is easier than doing the research. I would prefer an app that tells where a product was made since I am a stickler for buying American made goods.

I would like that app too. I try to buy as many products made in America as possible.

I don't care if the product costs more. I support America and American workers.

I also support business that don't get involved with politics.
Name a non food product made in America.

My furniture was made in California and here in my state.

Th appliances in my kitchen were made in Michigan and Ohio.

The small appliances on my kitchen counters were made in America.

My Washer and Dryer were made in America.

The wood for my wood floor came from my state.

The tiles for the tile on my floor was made in America.

My house cleaner solution is made in America. So is my laundry detergent.

The plastic bags I use to line my waste bins are made in America. So are the plastic zip bags I use for storage. Ziploc.

The glass containers I use for storing food and veggies was made in America.

Most of my pots and pans that I use to cook were made in America

The sprinkler that I use to water my law was made in America.

The dirt and fertilizer I use in my gardens was made in America.

Some of my clothes were made in America.

I could go on but I think you get my point.

Yes, it's not easy to find products that are made in America but it's possible.

I like to use the following websites to find merchandise that's made in America:

Made in the USA Products Directory

This is a fantastic cleaner. It's 100% made in America:

Green Cleaning Products – Bio Green Clean All Natural Cleaner

Here's a good one for clothes:

Clothes Made in the USA

The price of a product isn't as important to me as where it was made. I will happily pay more for a product made here in America that will last much longer than some cheap garbage from China or other nations that use slave labor.

When I don't have any other choice than to buy an imported product, I'll buy that imported product but prefer to buy imports from Japan, Canada or Europe.
Your furniture was made with wood imported from Indonesia.
Your appliances were made with transistors made in Taiwan.
Virtually every industrial product "made in America" is made of components sourced globally for maximum efficiency.
Smart people understand this. Then there's you.
Arugula growers tend to use illegals to harvest their crops so logically donate most heavily to Democrat candidates. Since it takes a certain sort of lib to even consider eating that crap then it makes sense that they feel safe in donating only to the leftmost.

You're a partisan hack.

I won't limit my purchases to just products from businesses that support democrats. In fact, if they do donate to democrats I won't want to buy their products.

Same goes with republican. If a business donated to republicans I won't want to buy their products.

There's a big difference between you and I.

You don't give a damn about America. You only care about the republican party.

I care about America and don't want businesses to donate money to any political party.
You understand corporations cannot donate to candidates, right?

If you read my post you will see that I keep saying that I don't want corporations to donate to any political party.

I don't see how that's not clear.
I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.

I don't do facebook.

I never have and I never will.

I'm not talking about saving the world.

How clear do I have to be? Is English your second language?

I don't believe that corporations should be involved with politics and donating money to any political party.
Your furniture was made with wood imported from Indonesia.
Your appliances were made with transistors made in Taiwan.
Virtually every industrial product "made in America" is made of components sourced globally for maximum efficiency.
Smart people understand this. Then there's you.

No the wood came from right here in my state.

My state has a long history of logging. It turned to total clear cuts in the reagan/bush years.

The logs we used to build our house by Mt. Rainier are 100% from my state. The person we bought the logs from has a permit to go into the forest and harvest a certain amount of downed trees. So no tree was purposely cut by humans, it was all from trees that Mother Nature brought down in storms during the winter.

I'm well aware that some companies use parts from other nations.

I didn't say I needed it to be 100% made in America. Although a lot of the products I do buy are 100% made in America.

It's much better than buying something that's made 100% in another country.

What I buy saves jobs right here in America. I support America and our workers.

You, not so much.
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Your furniture was made with wood imported from Indonesia.
Your appliances were made with transistors made in Taiwan.
Virtually every industrial product "made in America" is made of components sourced globally for maximum efficiency.
Smart people understand this. Then there's you.

No the wood came from right here in my state.

My state has a long history of logging. It turned to total clear cuts in the reagan/bush years.

The logs we used to build our house by Mt. Rainier are 100% from my state. The person we bought the logs from has a permit to go into the forest and harvest a certain amount of downed trees. So no tree was purposely cut by humans, it was all from trees that Mother Nature brought down in storms during the winter.

I'm well aware that some companies use parts from other nations.

I didn't say I needed it to be 100% made in America. Although a lot of the products I do buy are 100% made in America.

It's much better than buying something that's made 100% in another country.

What I buy saves jobs right here in America. I support America and our workers.

You, not so much.
Actually my habits support workers far more than yours. Had you taken Econ 101 and learned what "comparative advantage" was you might understand it.
I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.

I don't do facebook.

I never have and I never will.

I'm not talking about saving the world.

How clear do I have to be? Is English your second language?

I don't believe that corporations should be involved with politics and donating money to any political party.
Why? Do you think corporations do not employ people? Do you think they do not have an interest in regulatory and tax issues? Do you think they should lose their rights of free speech under the 1A?
What's next? Unions shouldnt be involved in politics? Lawyers shouldnt be involved in politics? Citizens shouldnt be involved in politics? Maybe we should just have technocrats running things as dictators. That seems to work real well for the IRS and the EPA.
The app is easier than doing the research. I would prefer an app that tells where a product was made since I am a stickler for buying American made goods.

I would like that app too. I try to buy as many products made in America as possible.

I don't care if the product costs more. I support America and American workers.

I also support business that don't get involved with politics.
Name a non food product made in America.

Click on links, then on category to find which items are made in America. It is hard to find things completely made in America since often parts are shipped from all over. My main concern is that American workers stay employed by producing things here. I've heard some say that even when they buy foreign made products, they still keep trucking companies in business and that is true, however, American businesses also rely on the trucking companies to ship across the states and they employ Americans to work at the factories.

I also frown on companies who make crap. If you ever went into a dollar store, you see the cheaply made items that fall apart when used. I think it's a waste of resources to make flimsy crap.

Fact is, if people didn't buy things, companies wouldn't keep making them. Choose which companies you want to stay in business by supporting them. People must realize that the average person, even low income, have the power to make or break virtually any business simply by being informed.

Look up 'made in America' and there are tons of sites to help you decide which companies deserve your money. Even Walmart has made in America items, but you have to look and read labels. Often, they are cheaper and better. Be an informed consumer, regardless of party. It's good to do a little homework, especially before big purchases but also for everyday ones. Change your brand of toothpaste or other things if you really want to support American jobs. After you figure out which items are American, then continue on with the partisan companies if that is also important.
I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.

I don't do facebook.

I never have and I never will.

I'm not talking about saving the world.

How clear do I have to be? Is English your second language?

I don't believe that corporations should be involved with politics and donating money to any political party.
Why? Do you think corporations do not employ people? Do you think they do not have an interest in regulatory and tax issues? Do you think they should lose their rights of free speech under the 1A?
What's next? Unions shouldnt be involved in politics? Lawyers shouldnt be involved in politics? Citizens shouldnt be involved in politics? Maybe we should just have technocrats running things as dictators. That seems to work real well for the IRS and the EPA.

That's the problem with you extremists, you're so extreme.

A corporation isn't a person. Money isn't speech.

A person who works at the corporation has all the right in the world to donate.

A corporation shouldn't. It's not a person. It's a separate entity from the people who own it, stock holders.

I don't believe that a corporation has any rights under the first amendment. A piece of paper can't speak. It doesn't have a mouth nor does it breath air. So it's illogical to me for anyone to actually believe that a corporation is a person.

If the corporation is run by people who respect our laws then they should have no problem with regulations and laws for business. Anyone who doesn't believe corporations should be properly regulated is violating the constitution.

When you can show me a piece of paper has grown a mouth and can speak then I'll believe corporations have first amendment rights.

I'm not going to get into an argument with you on economics. I did take that economics 101 class and several after that one. It was required for my degree.

It's quite apparent to me you didn't or if you did, it was nothing but friedman economics.
I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.

I don't do facebook.

I never have and I never will.

I'm not talking about saving the world.

How clear do I have to be? Is English your second language?

I don't believe that corporations should be involved with politics and donating money to any political party.
Why? Do you think corporations do not employ people? Do you think they do not have an interest in regulatory and tax issues? Do you think they should lose their rights of free speech under the 1A?
What's next? Unions shouldnt be involved in politics? Lawyers shouldnt be involved in politics? Citizens shouldnt be involved in politics? Maybe we should just have technocrats running things as dictators. That seems to work real well for the IRS and the EPA.

That's the problem with you extremists, you're so extreme.

A corporation isn't a person. Money isn't speech.

A person who works at the corporation has all the right in the world to donate.

A corporation shouldn't. It's not a person. It's a separate entity from the people who own it, stock holders.

I don't believe that a corporation has any rights under the first amendment. A piece of paper can't speak. It doesn't have a mouth nor does it breath air. So it's illogical to me for anyone to actually believe that a corporation is a person.

If the corporation is run by people who respect our laws then they should have no problem with regulations and laws for business. Anyone who doesn't believe corporations should be properly regulated is violating the constitution.

When you can show me a piece of paper has grown a mouth and can speak then I'll believe corporations have first amendment rights.

I'm not going to get into an argument with you on economics. I did take that economics 101 class and several after that one. It was required for my degree.

It's quite apparent to me you didn't or if you did, it was nothing but friedman economics.

I was watching the show last week when they aired the bit about the partisan scanner. It seems the few products they scanned were almost equal in donations to both parties...
Duh. Yup.
It's a gimmick to foist off on credible morons like Dana who think they can save the world by picking toilet paper or posting hashtag selfies on Facebook.

I don't do facebook.

I never have and I never will.

I'm not talking about saving the world.

How clear do I have to be? Is English your second language?

I don't believe that corporations should be involved with politics and donating money to any political party.
Why? Do you think corporations do not employ people? Do you think they do not have an interest in regulatory and tax issues? Do you think they should lose their rights of free speech under the 1A?
What's next? Unions shouldnt be involved in politics? Lawyers shouldnt be involved in politics? Citizens shouldnt be involved in politics? Maybe we should just have technocrats running things as dictators. That seems to work real well for the IRS and the EPA.

That's the problem with you extremists, you're so extreme.

A corporation isn't a person. Money isn't speech.

A person who works at the corporation has all the right in the world to donate.

A corporation shouldn't. It's not a person. It's a separate entity from the people who own it, stock holders.

I don't believe that a corporation has any rights under the first amendment. A piece of paper can't speak. It doesn't have a mouth nor does it breath air. So it's illogical to me for anyone to actually believe that a corporation is a person.

If the corporation is run by people who respect our laws then they should have no problem with regulations and laws for business. Anyone who doesn't believe corporations should be properly regulated is violating the constitution.

When you can show me a piece of paper has grown a mouth and can speak then I'll believe corporations have first amendment rights.

I'm not going to get into an argument with you on economics. I did take that economics 101 class and several after that one. It was required for my degree.

It's quite apparent to me you didn't or if you did, it was nothing but friedman economics.
People do not lose their rights simply because they choose to aggregate under the banner of a corporation.
You make many general and unsubstantiated statements. This indicates you have little real understanding of any issue beyond emotion.

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