Buying a Lemon--Vaccine Defenders--Any Sales/Marketing Folks Out There?

I call you that because it is what it is. Your personal liberties end at the tip of your nose.
If you want to make that decision for yourself, fine. It's everyone else in your orbit that I care about.
Not you.

Oh goody we're gonna play it that way. In public, you may never again eat any food allergic foods. Not dairy, egg, soy, gluten, nuts, shellfish, seafood, wheat, corn, strawberries, etc. "Your personal liberties end at the tip of your nose". Some people have airborne allergies, and it's YOUR job to look out for their health. Not theirs.

Boy this was easy
Post a legitimate study that claims such and we have something to talk about.
So far, there has no direct evidence linking the vaccine to any death.
But hey, you're a reasonable poster. Show me something.
Typical liberal wormy misdirection. You claimed the vaccinated are not dying, and you've been shown multiple factual reports of lots of vaccinated dying from Covid. These are officially reported numbers. This isn't about dying from the vaccine, and you knew that. That happens too, but we don't need to beat you over the head with that evidence to disprove your ridiculous statement.

The vaccines do not prevent or reduce transmission. The vaccines do not prevent you from getting covid. We are down to this: they MAY keep you from getting a severe case or dying. But that effect is waning over time.

They come with potential hefty side effects and likely minor ones that may make you miss work.

So it is perfectly reasonable to decimate mandates and let every person make a reasonable decision for themselves, especially given that we know NO long term effects.

I invite anyone to find anything unreasonable in what I said.
1. The vaccines do not prevent or reduce transmission.
Not a fact. The vaccines wane in efficacy over time, but they remain at least somewhat effective. Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness drops after 6 months, study shows

2. The vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID.
See above.

3. They MAY keep you from getting a severe case or dying.
By MAY, this is an essentially 90% reduction in death. Do you know how huge that is? Like, taking something that reduces your chance of dying by 90% is massive. It's by FAR the most effective treatment we have for COVID. This benefit is not waning based on the data. We would be expecting a spike in deaths in vaccinated people, but as the data shows, it's flat. Downplaying this would seem to demonstrate a highly agenda driven perspective.

And even if that's all they did, it would still be extremely beneficial.

Potential hefty side effects are overstated. There are side effects. The side effects are FAR less common than the detractors claim. Even the dreaded myocarditis is about 4-5 per 100,000. It's miniscule. The ICUs are full of unvaccinated people dying from COVID, not people with side effects of vaccination.

Invitation accepted.
What it boils down to is this.

If you want to be at a higher risk of dying from Covid, listen to the OP and refuse the vaccine.

If you want to have a far reduced chance of dying, take the vaccine and tell the dingbat OP to fuck off.

Her own sources have said this time and again....yet the dumb bitch keeps contradicting the sources she brings up.
1. The vaccines do not prevent or reduce transmission.
Not a fact. The vaccines wane in efficacy over time, but they remain at least somewhat effective. Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness drops after 6 months, study shows

2. The vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID.
See above.

3. They MAY keep you from getting a severe case or dying.
By MAY, this is an essentially 90% reduction in death. Do you know how huge that is? Like, taking something that reduces your chance of dying by 90% is massive. It's by FAR the most effective treatment we have for COVID. This benefit is not waning based on the data. We would be expecting a spike in deaths in vaccinated people, but as the data shows, it's flat. Downplaying this would seem to demonstrate a highly agenda driven perspective.

And even if that's all they did, it would still be extremely beneficial.

Potential hefty side effects are overstated. There are side effects. The side effects are FAR less common than the detractors claim. Even the dreaded myocarditis is about 4-5 per 100,000. It's miniscule. The ICUs are full of unvaccinated people dying from COVID, not people with side effects of vaccination.

Invitation accepted.

Page 33. The vaccines actually increase transmission and make infection more likely. Probably because they mess with your immune system. Page 33

And here, corroboration from a former Pfizer employee:

Post a legitimate study that claims such and we have something to talk about.
So far, there has no direct evidence linking the vaccine to any death.
But hey, you're a reasonable poster. Show me something.
Let’s be clear. Are you claiming the vaxxed don’t die from COVID or they don’t die from the vax?
What it boils down to is this.

If you want to be at a higher risk of dying from Covid, listen to the OP and refuse the vaccine.

If you want to have a far reduced chance of dying, take the vaccine and tell the dingbat OP to fuck off.

Her own sources have said this time and again....yet the dumb bitch keeps contradicting the sources she brings up.

You're nasty. It must hurt to have such a rotten inside
The vaccines are going just fine. Most of the people getting infected are red-staters who refuse to get their shots. Even with the breakthrough cases, (few as they are), the cases are mild.

If there is a cultist, it's the people who refuse to get their shots because getting them would be renouncing the One True God, Donald Trump. (even though Trump and his family quietly got their shots.)

Trump has publicly advocated for people getting the vaccine. Anyone who believes getting the vaccine is "anti-Trump", is simply stupid.
Oh goody we're gonna play it that way. In public, you may never again eat any food allergic foods. Not dairy, egg, soy, gluten, nuts, shellfish, seafood, wheat, corn, strawberries, etc. "Your personal liberties end at the tip of your nose". Some people have airborne allergies, and it's YOUR job to look out for their health. Not theirs.

Boy this was easy
Yep. Just like when people get upset over not being handed their bag of peanuts on a plane because someone with a nut allergy is on it. You don't bitch, you don't whine, you don't punch the flight attendant, or make an asshat out of yourself. You suck it up and do what's right...and ACCEPT it. Why? Because it's the right, responsible thing to do. Just like getting the vaccine is. Boy, shooting down that argument was easy. Next. :)
Yep. Just like when people get upset over not being handed their bag of peanuts on a plane because someone with a nut allergy is on it. You don't bitch, you don't whine, you don't punch the flight attendant, or make an asshat out of yourself. You suck it up and do what's right...and ACCEPT it. Why? Because it's the right, responsible thing to do. Just like getting the vaccine is. Boy, shooting down that argument was easy. Next. :)

No that's not what I said. You must do the equivalent of having an experiment vaccine--three of them--injected. EVERY TIME YOU GO INTO PUBLIC do not eat any food allergic foods. Remember, your liberty to eat food allergic food, putting others' health at risk, ends at the tip of your nose. There are airborne allergies. So, no wheat, diary, soy, nuts, gluten, berries, etc for you in public.

Gosh. That's gonna be difficult.
Page 33. The vaccines actually increase transmission and make infection more likely. Probably because they mess with your immune system. Page 33

And here, corroboration from a former Pfizer employee:

Read page 34 of the PDF telling you not to do exactly what you just did.

Again, you’re searching for data to support your beliefs. This isn’t science.

And neither is “lifesitenews”
Read page 34 of the PDF telling you not to do exactly what you just did.

Again, you’re searching for data to support your beliefs. This isn’t science.

And neither is “lifesitenews”

Right, propagandizing the facts. The PDF has the facts and then the powers that be propagandize them. No thank you. It still stands that 25% of those dying from covid in MI in the last month are FULLY VACCINATED

Poisoning the well does not make a great argument either.
Read page 34 of the PDF telling you not to do exactly what you just did.

Again, you’re searching for data to support your beliefs. This isn’t science.

And neither is “lifesitenews”

Besides you lied about being a doctor which doesn't really increase your credibility on this site
Yep. Just like when people get upset over not being handed their bag of peanuts on a plane because someone with a nut allergy is on it. You don't bitch, you don't whine, you don't punch the flight attendant, or make an asshat out of yourself. You suck it up and do what's right...and ACCEPT it. Why? Because it's the right, responsible thing to do. Just like getting the vaccine is. Boy, shooting down that argument was easy. Next. :)

Gosh while we're at it don't wear anything with fragrance at all. No soap no shampoo nothing. Remember, your right to liberties ends at your nose. Some people are allergic and have asthma.

Boy, your life is sure gonna be limited.
Right, propagandizing the facts. The PDF has the facts and then the powers that be propagandize them. No thank you. It still stands that 25% of those dying from covid in MI in the last month are FULLY VACCINATED

Poisoning the well does not make a great argument either.
If you believe the British data, why isn’t the Michigan data showing the same thing? You yourself showed that the cases among vaccinated were far lower.

I simply don’t understand why you keep repeating the 25% number as if that’s scary. That’s the percentage which demonstrates efficacy of vaccines, at least when you know a few more facts. That number alone can’t tell you everything you need to know.

I guarantee you didn’t find that UK PDF by yourself. Someone gave that you and told you to look on page 33. Am I correct?
Let’s be clear. Are you claiming the vaxxed don’t die from COVID or they don’t die from the vax?
Nevermind. I misread your sentence earlier. My mistake. Too many threads open.
The chart in the linked study shows that vaccinated people are dying from the virus.
There's still no study directly linking getting the vaccine with dying.
I call you that because it is what it is. Your personal liberties end at the tip of your nose.
If you want to make that decision for yourself, fine. It's everyone else in your orbit that I care about.
Not you.
Bogus bull shit. Do you fools ever stop? Are you so clueless that you don’t know the vaxxed transmit the virus just like the unvaxxed?

Stop with the disingenuous lies. Are you related to Fauci?
If you believe the British data, why isn’t the Michigan data showing the same thing? You yourself showed that the cases among vaccinated were far lower.

I simply don’t understand why you keep repeating the 25% number as if that’s scary. That’s the percentage which demonstrates efficacy of vaccines, at least when you know a few more facts. That number alone can’t tell you everything you need to know.

I guarantee you didn’t find that UK PDF by yourself. Someone gave that you and told you to look on page 33. Am I correct?

I have many resources, liar, and you know darn well I'm savvy and smart enough to find them on my own.

That's first.

Second, remember the vaccines were advertised as 100% protective against hospitalization and death. So yeah. 25% of people now DYING is pretty bad.
Nevermind. I misread your sentence earlier. My mistake. Too many threads open.
The chart in the linked study shows that vaccinated people are dying from the virus.
There's still no study directly linking getting the vaccine with dying.
Does this surprise you? You must know big pharma is getting even more extraordinarily rich off the vaccines. Does it ever occur to you that it might be about the money?

Now please tell me, is Dr Fauci honest and wonderful?

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