Buying “Made in China” is killing us

Capitalism isn't concerned with anything other than making the highest profit. Greed is good, as Milton Friedman clearly stated.

There can be social modifications to capitalism.

But you can't make a true capitalist into a 'socialist' as you're attempting to do by suggesting a 'social' conscience.

In fact it's illegal for a corporation's board of directors to even consider a 'social' responsibility.
Again you are thinking capitalism and corporatism is the same thing. It is not.
Capitalism relies on a free market system.
Example of a more free market than America is Mexico. In Mexico you can sell an abundance of products you make without the need for licenses that are really a way for the government to help corporations retain their edge.
In Mexico there are many people who ride on bicycles with baskets and go to work places and sell men lunches. Many have done it for years, and make a living doing it. That is capitalism.
Corporatism is a group of people seeing this market, and finding ways to streamline and mass produce it so they can sell their product much cheaper. Their product will be inferior, but to ensure they can get and hold that market they petition the government to write new laws and requirements that are expensive and hard to get. So the little capitalist can't compete.
That is corporatism.
Again you are thinking capitalism and corporatism is the same thing. It is not.
Capitalism relies on a free market system.
Example of a more free market than America is Mexico. In Mexico you can sell an abundance of products you make without the need for licenses that are really a way for the government to help corporations retain their edge.
In Mexico there are many people who ride on bicycles with baskets and go to work places and sell men lunches. Many have done it for years, and make a living doing it. That is capitalism.
Corporatism is a group of people seeing this market, and finding ways to streamline and mass produce it so they can sell their product much cheaper. Their product will be inferior, but to ensure they can get and hold that market they petition the government to write new laws and requirements that are expensive and hard to get. So the little capitalist can't compete.
That is corporatism.
Then America's capitalism is really corporatism!
I have always qualified America's brand as 'greedy' capitalism.
It's America's inability to bring income inequality under control.
Half of Americans have no sense of there being a need to limit your 'corporatism' or my 'greedy' capitalism.
Then America's capitalism is really corporatism!
That is what I was trying to say all along.
Capitalism is not the fault here... corruption via corporatism is the problem.
Corporatism is bastardized capitalism to favor the larger players. And that, is the core of America's economy sadly.
Well, here's an idea on how we can tell China to go fuck themselves and deal with our illegal immigration issue at the same time. We could turn Central and South America into our best trading partners, while helping American companies grow AND motivating desperate people to the South of us to stay in the countries they love:

Warning: My idea will be too complicated for many.
The stiff made in china is cheaper

talking to you is like talking to a child

you already knew that but ask the question anyway
Your argument makes no damn sense. I am against Goods being made in China, but hey all of mine are made there because I can get them made cheaper and sell them for more in America. So are you really against goods made in China.
So are you really against goods made in China.

you ask why trump products are made in china and I tell you because the chinese are cheaper

and you reply that your stiff is made in china for the same reason

so what are you arguing about?

you ask why trump products are made in china and I tell you because the chinese are cheaper

and you reply that your stiff is made in china for the same reason

so what are you arguing about?
I don't have any stuff being made in China, Trump does.
How can Trump criticize China when he is one of the main culprits of taking advantage of the China corruption.
Then America's capitalism is really corporatism!
I have always qualified America's brand as 'greedy' capitalism.
It's America's inability to bring income inequality under control.
Half of Americans have no sense of there being a need to limit your 'corporatism' or my 'greedy' capitalism.
A balance must be found. And after World War 2 as compared to before the balance went from owners to workers in to many fields and our competitiveness was reduced after other nations rebuilt after it. Auto and Steel workers became to greedy and knew they affected the economy with strikes before the fiat currency got out of control.
A balance must be found. And after World War 2 as compared to before the balance went from owners to workers in to many fields and our competitiveness was reduced after other nations rebuilt after it. Auto and Steel workers became to greedy and knew they affected the economy with strikes before the fiat currency got out of control.
A balance must by found?? Brilliant!
As income inequality doubles the pace of its rise!

There's no balance coming on the horizon for Americans, even if Biden honestly wanted to create one. That's doubtful!
If Trudeau would be a nothing, as you suggest, then you would be pointing out the greatest inefficiency is democratic systems.

Other systems create a panel of the country's brightest that go on to choose the 'cream of the crop' as the country's leader.

Canada can get by with our democracy because we place social limits on our capitalism.
You Can Have Any Color You Want, As Long As Its Blueblood

"The country's brightest" are a self-appointed ignorant clique; they are not chosen or cre by the people. Like Pierre's little boy, they are nothing but spoiled and sheltered hereditary oligarchs themselves. Read what HeirHead JFK's "The Best and the Brightest" (written by David Halberstam) did to create the Vietnam FUBAR.

Hereditary power contradicts and eventually destroys Capitalism, so Capitalism can't be the problem. Socialists are richkids with an Oedipus Complex, yet they still believe what their hated Daddies told them, that they are Born to Rule. Trudy, Jr., though, didn't hate his Daddy, who was a Leftist Loony just like himself.
You Can Have Any Color You Want, As Long As Its Blueblood

"The country's brightest" are a self-appointed ignorant clique; they are not chosen or cre by the people. Like Pierre's little boy, they are nothing but spoiled and sheltered hereditary oligarchs themselves. Read what HeirHead JFK's "The Best and the Brightest" (written by David Halberstam) did to create the Vietnam FUBAR.

Hereditary power contradicts and eventually destroys Capitalism, so Capitalism can't be the problem. Socialists are richkids with an Oedipus Complex, yet they still believe what their hated Daddies told them, that they are Born to Rule. Trudy, Jr., though, didn't hate his Daddy, who was a Leftist Loony just like himself.
You seem to want to miss the point. That being, your sheltered heredity claim leads to poor and ineffective leadership, which was my point to begin with.

This as opposed to China's system's leg up of not being held ransom to the ballot boxes. For only one example of how China's system works more efficiently, they aren't tied to having to choose a christian believer as a leader. They will always base their choice on the candidate's intelligence and ability to lead.

Canada is at risk too, even though I would disagree on Trudeau being a particulary poor choice. Just far from the best available in my country.

The ability of the ballot boxes to make a wise choice in a democracy is long lost. In America it's become especially egregious an issue. Trump?
How can Trump criticize China when he is one of the main culprits of taking advantage of the China corruption.
Trump is hardly a “main culprit”

he’s a teal estate mogul who sells trinkets in his gift shop

but dont base your position on trade policy based on your hatred of trump

its a much bigger issue than that
He had to deal with the objections of your deep blue senators and congressmen who wanted no part of balanced trade with china

they were satisfied with the outsourcing of jobs to china
Integration Causes Disintegration

Just like the Whiteys Hating Whitey outsource our jobs within America to inferior minorities through Affirmative Action and government hiring.
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That is what I was trying to say all along.
Capitalism is not the fault here... corruption via corporatism is the problem.
Corporatism is bastardized capitalism to favor the larger players. And that, is the core of America's economy sadly.
Corporate Juniorism

You ignore hereditary power, which has destroyed every civilization, too. Passed on to the son, Ford went from first to third, then the grandson let it slide belong foreign companies. Even in baseball, HeirHeads made the Cubs losers and now Steinbrenner, Jr., is ruining the Yankees.
Just like the Whiteys Hating Whitey outsource our jobs within America to inferior minorities through Affirmative Action and government hiring.
I want black people to work instead of collect welfare

no system is perfect

overcoming discrimination by forced quotas in hiring is bound to introduce some duds into the workplace

but I know that many black people can do the job if they get the chance

employers must have the right to cull those who dont measure up, free from retribution from unions or the government

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