Bye Bye Ahmed....we can all now sleep peacefully at night

Do you want to compare portfolios with me? I'm challenging you.

I'll tell you what. We can post pics of our daily paper with the date and our particular act of leisure for the day.
Personally I dont do shit unless I feel like it and my photos will reflect that.
Ready when you are Charmin.

Bullshit. I want to do this live not posting posting bullshit. Anybody can do that.

Wait a you want to keep our findings a secret from our fellow USMB members?

1. This is off topic. I know USMB will delete our post.
2. I want live face to face not posting posting because anybody can do that. How do I know your posting me the right one. Since I know you are a liar to begin with.

Wait a minute...I see no reason USMB would delete our post.
If you feel the need to pay for a trip to Miami I'll be glad to take you up on it.
But we both know thats not going to happen because you're full of shit.
What bullshit did I ever told you? Prove it to me. Prove it. I asked you to send me an email here to protect your privacy from Internet and you cannot even do that.
Just like what I said posting is very easy and anybody can do that. I proved to you that you lied to me before and I know you are a bullshiter. So posting is not acceptable. I want live. That's my criteria or you are just plain coward.
I'll tell you what. We can post pics of our daily paper with the date and our particular act of leisure for the day.
Personally I dont do shit unless I feel like it and my photos will reflect that.
Ready when you are Charmin.

Bullshit. I want to do this live not posting posting bullshit. Anybody can do that.

Wait a you want to keep our findings a secret from our fellow USMB members?

1. This is off topic. I know USMB will delete our post.
2. I want live face to face not posting posting because anybody can do that. How do I know your posting me the right one. Since I know you are a liar to begin with.

Wait a minute...I see no reason USMB would delete our post.
If you feel the need to pay for a trip to Miami I'll be glad to take you up on it.
But we both know thats not going to happen because you're full of shit.
What bullshit did I ever told you? Prove it to me. Prove it. I asked you to send me an email here to protect your privacy from Internet and you cannot even do that.
Just like what I said posting is very easy and anybody can do that. I proved to you that you lied to me before and I know you are a bullshiter. So posting is not acceptable. I want live. That's my criteria or you are just plain coward.

I sent you a pm that you've ignored.
Everything was so fake about this.

Yeah, like the school not being evacuated.
If they had, you would have used that as further evidence to support your bullshit claim that they overreacted. You are simply a dishonest person with no credibility.

Doesn't matter what your speculation fallacy speculates he "would have" said. That was never his point.
His point -- and a lot of others have already said the same thing -- is that if they're not evacuating and taking the usual bomb measures... THEN THAT TELLS US THEY ALREADY KNOW IT ISN'T A FUCKING BOMB.

--- which is what I just noted again for the 43rd time while you were going :lalala:

Underfuckingstand? Has nothing to do with what some internet poster "would have said" -- it has directly to do with the authorities' actions and what it says about what they knew while pretending not to know.

Holy shit partisan hackery makes people dense.
I'm with you. They shouldn't look into whether it was designed to be a hoax bomb.
I'll tell you what. We can post pics of our daily paper with the date and our particular act of leisure for the day.
Personally I dont do shit unless I feel like it and my photos will reflect that.
Ready when you are Charmin.

Bullshit. I want to do this live not posting posting bullshit. Anybody can do that.

Wait a you want to keep our findings a secret from our fellow USMB members?

1. This is off topic. I know USMB will delete our post.
2. I want live face to face not posting posting because anybody can do that. How do I know your posting me the right one. Since I know you are a liar to begin with.

Wait a minute...I see no reason USMB would delete our post.
If you feel the need to pay for a trip to Miami I'll be glad to take you up on it.
But we both know thats not going to happen because you're full of shit.
What bullshit did I ever told you? Prove it to me. Prove it. I asked you to send me an email here to protect your privacy from Internet and you cannot even do that.
Just like what I said posting is very easy and anybody can do that. I proved to you that you lied to me before and I know you are a bullshiter. So posting is not acceptable. I want live. That's my criteria or you are just plain coward.

Jesus man! If you're going to talk shit dont do it where you can be exposed as a liar.
Well Damn...I thought (not really) that Charmin was going to fly me to Miami to tour his vast holdings.
What a disappointment...I guess I now know how the women in his life feel....letdown.
Hello Charmin? Is this thing on?
I'm waiting for my free trip to Miami so I can view your vast holdings.
Ahmed Mohamed Withdraws From School Where He Was Arrested For Homemade Clock.....And kid, do yourself a favor next time, build a fuckin hero sandwich and leave the clock/bomb shit to the terrorist, your uncles and cousins....stupid shit!!
I guess this means that all clocks and bells should be outlawed... except in LFNJ schools!

Mo, you stickin up for a future bomb maker, kinda says it all
Well Damn...I thought (not really) that Charmin was going to fly me to Miami to tour his vast holdings.
What a disappointment...I guess I now know how the women in his life feel....letdown.

Nothing is free but...

Bullshit. I want to do this live not posting posting bullshit. Anybody can do that.

Wait a you want to keep our findings a secret from our fellow USMB members?

1. This is off topic. I know USMB will delete our post.
2. I want live face to face not posting posting because anybody can do that. How do I know your posting me the right one. Since I know you are a liar to begin with.

Wait a minute...I see no reason USMB would delete our post.
If you feel the need to pay for a trip to Miami I'll be glad to take you up on it.
But we both know thats not going to happen because you're full of shit.
What bullshit did I ever told you? Prove it to me. Prove it. I asked you to send me an email here to protect your privacy from Internet and you cannot even do that.
Just like what I said posting is very easy and anybody can do that. I proved to you that you lied to me before and I know you are a bullshiter. So posting is not acceptable. I want live. That's my criteria or you are just plain coward.

I sent you a pm that you've ignored.

Do I care?
Hello Charmin? Is this thing on?
I'm waiting for my free trip to Miami so I can view your vast holdings.

That was 1:30 am my time. I got your email.... How can I get you a ticket by just saying.. I'll take Miami.... Maybe you have not travel before. I need more information than that so send me the rest so I can get you a ticket. I also replied to your email.
Bullshit. I want to do this live not posting posting bullshit. Anybody can do that.

Wait a you want to keep our findings a secret from our fellow USMB members?

1. This is off topic. I know USMB will delete our post.
2. I want live face to face not posting posting because anybody can do that. How do I know your posting me the right one. Since I know you are a liar to begin with.

Wait a minute...I see no reason USMB would delete our post.
If you feel the need to pay for a trip to Miami I'll be glad to take you up on it.
But we both know thats not going to happen because you're full of shit.
What bullshit did I ever told you? Prove it to me. Prove it. I asked you to send me an email here to protect your privacy from Internet and you cannot even do that.
Just like what I said posting is very easy and anybody can do that. I proved to you that you lied to me before and I know you are a bullshiter. So posting is not acceptable. I want live. That's my criteria or you are just plain coward.

Jesus man! If you're going to talk shit dont do it where you can be exposed as a liar.

I already exposed you as real bullshiter. Let me remind you again cause you have a short memory. We were arguing about illegal immigration. You claimed that you live half a mile from the border. That you can see illegals crossing the border and messing up your back yard. How can that be? When I proved it to you (repeat) I PROVED IT TO YOU that you live 160 miles from the border north of San Antonio. You are a bullshiter.
Hello Charmin? Is this thing on?
I'm waiting for my free trip to Miami so I can view your vast holdings.

That was 1:30 am my time. I got your email.... How can I get you a ticket by just saying.. I'll take Miami.... Maybe you have not travel before. I need more information than that so send me the rest so I can get you a ticket. I also replied to your email.

Here we go again,
Where are you kid? It's about 2 pm my time. I have not heard from you. Are we on or what? I'm still waiting.
aaaand STILL no link.

well, i can understand your retadedness, so i will give and provide you with a little education..., BUT!! remember, muslimes are permitted to fool people like you...,

Look What Clock Kid's Sister was Suspended for in Middle School....

i am proud to be one of you best educators. :lmao:

And that's just quoting the same single source (Daily Beast) that I ALREADY POSTED YESTERDAY in another thread. And since I've already read it I already knew it's an anecdote told by Eyman about another girl in the school WHO MADE THAT CLAIM ABOUT HER -- in a town already described as a "hotbed of Islamophobia".

And I also knew, since I actually READ the story, that there's no evidence in that story -- the one and only source -- that documents any such threat, or indeed that documents anyone getting suspended for anything.

So you're still full of shit.

Thanks for being consistent anyway. Maybe you should fucking read your own links.


Banjo time again.

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