Bye Bye Mary

Will Mary lose the runoff today?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Is there a reason why anyone should care?
Show's your perspective on the Senate very well................

Have you been a dumb ass all your life, or were you dropped on your head...............

Obviously, TROLL, you cared about it the minute you posted in your troll fashion.
Exactly what difference does this race make either way you idiot? Oh right, no difference at all. Grow up

This specific election you are right.
But when it comes to overall "perception" of Obama/Obamacare/"Stupidity of American Voters" all of it adds up to the fact
most of us THAT didn't fit the "stupidity of American Voter" meme have been saying.

You can make a fool of the voters the first time and blame Obama for that... but fools that voted for him the 2nd time...blame those fools and Landrieu defeat is further confirmation that most Americans are fed up with the direction of this country under Obama.
Close enough for government work. Now grow the fuck up people.

Your entire method sucks ... You probably don't even have the equipment to get ahead in this Going Away Party.

Bon Voyage dickhead ... And take Mary with you.

America sucks dummy. How long before you fucking figure this out???
Sure America sucks when you try to fundamentally transform it into any other country on earth. We'll suck like the rest.
Is there a reason why anyone should care?
Show's your perspective on the Senate very well................

Have you been a dumb ass all your life, or were you dropped on your head...............

Obviously, TROLL, you cared about it the minute you posted in your troll fashion.
Exactly what difference does this race make either way you idiot? Oh right, no difference at all. Grow up

Isn't it amazing that if we quote or post something that Colbert or Stewart says, it's immediately dismissed because they are "comedians" and yet these clowns can't post enough cartoons. The hypocrisy never ends.
This Jon Stewart?
Jon Stewart Apologizes To San Bernardino DA Over 8216 Police Shooting 8217 Comment CBS Los Angeles
Is there a reason why anyone should care?
Show's your perspective on the Senate very well................

Have you been a dumb ass all your life, or were you dropped on your head...............

Obviously, TROLL, you cared about it the minute you posted in your troll fashion.
Exactly what difference does this race make either way you idiot? Oh right, no difference at all. Grow up

Isn't it amazing that if we quote or post something that Colbert or Stewart says, it's immediately dismissed because they are "comedians" and yet these clowns can't post enough cartoons. The hypocrisy never ends.
Isn't it amazing that if we quote or post something that Colbert or Stewart says, it's immediately dismissed because they are "comedians" and yet these clowns can't post enough cartoons. The hypocrisy never ends.

Thanks ... Just set the drinks over there, and see if the kitchen has more snacks ready.

Half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare won t be part of new Senate
Half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare won't be part of new Senate
On Dec. 24, 2009, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed President Obama’s healthcare law with a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority, triggering a massive backlash that propelled Republicans to control of the House the following year. On the Senate side, going into this year's midterm elections, 25 senators who voted for Obamacare were already out or not going be part of the new Senate being sworn in next month. After Democratic losses on Nov. 4 and Saturday's defeat of Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., the number has risen to 30. In other words, half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare will not be part of the new Senate.

Question for ALL you Obamacare supporters:
If it was so good, why are half of the Senators that voted for it GONE???
Half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare won t be part of new Senate
Half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare won't be part of new Senate
On Dec. 24, 2009, the Democratic-controlled Senate passed President Obama’s healthcare law with a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority, triggering a massive backlash that propelled Republicans to control of the House the following year. On the Senate side, going into this year's midterm elections, 25 senators who voted for Obamacare were already out or not going be part of the new Senate being sworn in next month. After Democratic losses on Nov. 4 and Saturday's defeat of Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., the number has risen to 30. In other words, half of the Senators who voted for Obamacare will not be part of the new Senate.

Question for ALL you Obamacare supporters:
If it was so good, why are half of the Senators that voted for it GONE???

Just wait until 2016.

Obama has driven this country to the edge, and the swing to the right is coming.
Is there an epic melt down hall of fame category on this site? If so this one needs to be added. PMH's epic PMS moment is one of the best things I have ever read. This thread is hall of fame worthy.
I told the liberal progressive commies they should have stayed in the closet but no they showed America their true colors, now look at them all kicked to the curb. lol

Is there an epic melt down hall of fame category on this site? If so this one needs to be added. PMH's epic PMS moment is one of the best things I have ever read. This thread is hall of fame worthy.
You're an idiot, like the rest, and there was no meltdown, I just get pissed at people who are so dumb they don't know enough about politics to know they difference between an actual win and a symbolic one, like you for instance.
Is there an epic melt down hall of fame category on this site? If so this one needs to be added. PMH's epic PMS moment is one of the best things I have ever read. This thread is hall of fame worthy.
You're an idiot, like the rest, and there was no meltdown, I just get pissed at people who are so dumb they don't know enough about politics to know they difference between an actual win and a symbolic one, like you for instance.

Of course it was a meltdown; it was a melt of epic proportions, just like the defeat of Dems in the last national election was a defeat of epic proportions.

You gonna entertain us with another one today?
Is there an epic melt down hall of fame category on this site? If so this one needs to be added. PMH's epic PMS moment is one of the best things I have ever read. This thread is hall of fame worthy.
You're an idiot, like the rest, and there was no meltdown, I just get pissed at people who are so dumb they don't know enough about politics to know they difference between an actual win and a symbolic one, like you for instance.
So of course when a Democrat wins it's an actual win... a GOP win is a "symbolic" win. Is that right?
That being the case it is a really symbolic case that the

Last white Democrat from Deep South loses Congressional seat

The same night that the last white Southern Democrat serving in the House lost, South Carolina elected Tim Scott, an African American Republican, to the Senate in South Carolina. Scott becomes the first African American to be elected in the South and the first to start a full term since Reconstruction.


Utah's Mia Love makes history with win

University of Georgia Political Science Professor Charles Bullock told CNN on Tuesday that thirty years ago virtually all districts in Congress from the deep south were represented by white Democrats, but with Barrow's loss "they've become extinct."
No more white Southern Democrats in Congress -

If the above are "symbolic"... give me more!!!

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