Cadillac drives lefties nuts?

The left loves Europe?

Where do you guys pull this shit from?

I like French food.... and Italian.

so do I, you can throw in German and Sweden as well, BUT my point was you love their politics, government intervention, ext, I mean Greece, Spain, and Sweden are you dream states.

By that logic, the right loves the politics and tolerance of Russia, Iran, and Uganda. The gun toting liberty of Somalia and the labor rights of China.
Again Swallow with the one cares about electric cars, if they work then we'll buy them, if they suck (which they do now) we wont (that pisses the left of and they try to come up with a way to FORCE us to buy them)

so now back to the op


Dude. I don't let other dudes suck my dick.

So you are barking up the wrong tree.

you're not called swallow because other dudes suck your dick...think about it

and why are you so defensive, it's normal for two men to suck dick according to your side.....shouldn't be a big deal

I'm not called "swallow" SuckEyeDick..swallow is what you fags do.

And I don't do fags.

It's a simple concept.

But thanks for the offer.

We got to the moon because we only take two weeks of vacation?

Imagine what we could accomplish if workers got no vacation?
Isn't that Ray what's-his-face from "Good Fellas"? Ray Liotta. Loved that movie.
The video doesn't rile me. I used to own a limited edition Cadillac. Loved it. But jesus, a key fob was $125.00.

Is it possible to be riled up by something I didn't know existed? The conservatives are so simple-minded sometimes.

I refer you to post #7. ABC reported that liberals were upset and called the commercial "Xenophobic."

Still never saw this commercial; not upset in the least. I doubt GM put a xenophobic commercial on TV.

The last commercial that offended me was the Audi with the HS prom.
The left loves Europe?

Where do you guys pull this shit from?

I like French food.... and Italian.

so do I, you can throw in German and Sweden as well, BUT my point was you love their politics, government intervention, ext, I mean Greece, Spain, and Sweden are you dream states.

Their death by firearm rate is lower than ours in Europe for the most part.
Their students scores on tests in the STEM fields are higher than ours for the most part.

Do you dispute that? Amazingly, most conservatives seem to be all too eager to embrace the education stats when they are slamming the President. As for the murder rates, they are well known.

US Gun Homicide Rate Higher Than Other Developed Countries - ABC News

There are things we do better and there are things they do better. While I will let you account for the things we do better, theirs seems tied to government intervention. For example, Thomas Jefferson was removed from school books in Texas (in part) by some weirdo members of the Board of Education.

Messing With Texas Textbooks |

Better explained here:
In their revision of a report by social studies teachers, board members recently decided to cut Thomas Jefferson from the list of historical figures whose thought influenced or expressed political revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries - See more at: History News Network | Why is Texas Afraid of Thomas Jefferson?

So a whole group of Texas kids are growing up without knowing the full score on Thomas Jefferson. According to Moyers the restrictions placed on the books extend to Title IX influence, the New Deal, and other items.

Should the government just write off these kids because some guys on the board have a political agenda?
Now...the Board's political slant has been cutting both ways for a long time and I'm sure that Jefferson's actions are probably diminished in California as well with a bend toward what Barbara Streisand has contributed and the benefits of veganism. I'm sure that the kids in Wisconsin learn the benefits of a cheese and sausage diet.
Wouldn't it be better if we had some national standards so the liberals won't be slamming the next conservative President and the conservatives won't be slamming Hillary when the 2017 scores come out and we're 40th or whatever? Is it that important that the directives be wrong instead of coming from Washington? Maybe it is to some but I'd rather have smart kids.

It would be a good thing if the federal government sponsored compulsory education. Having more educated persons is better than having fewer. Nearly everyone has to borrow money to go to college or sacrifice taking classes in a more timely manner so they can work more hours to pay for it. I sponsor the solution as to where the government pays for the first 60 hours of your post-high school education and you repay the government with a little taken out of your paychecks during your lifetime plus a modest % added at the time the loan is taken out to pay for future generations. If you want to study liberal arts, great. If you want to take AC/Refrigeration, great. If you want to take drama, fine. If you want to take 60 hours of dodgeball...wonderful. Even better. But when you go to work at General Motors, General Electric, or the General Store, you'll be paying off the hours you used.
Is it possible to be riled up by something I didn't know existed? The conservatives are so simple-minded sometimes.

I refer you to post #7. ABC reported that liberals were upset and called the commercial "Xenophobic."

Anonymous twitter posts. ABC manufacturing controversy?

Why should you be expected to be aware of this info when the MAJOR NEWS STORY OF THIS COUNTRY'S HISTORY is so under emphasized in the Liberal media that you are STILL defending the worst POTUS of all time.

Go back to sleep.

The media knows you prefer blissful ignorance.

As the ranking officer says to a roomful of subordinates after they come to attention upon his entering a closed space...

"As you were."
I guess so, heard about this commercial riling up some left wing nuts so here it is.

Cadillac ELR Commercial : 'Poolside' The First Ever 2014 - YouTube

Why would that upset anyone? Except for maybe a bunch of Eurotrash-lazy asses.

As a liberal, it makes me laugh, not angry. It's a perfectly designed ad too, since it will be attractive to the kind of idiot dbags who overpay for vanity cars.

Yup. I hope you will accept my heartfelt expression of interest in your opinion of this chair.


Cobra GT Scooter

Do they fit in a sedan without carving up the frame?
I guess so, heard about this commercial riling up some left wing nuts so here it is.

Cadillac ELR Commercial : 'Poolside' The First Ever 2014 - YouTube

Why would that upset anyone? Except for maybe a bunch of Eurotrash-lazy asses.

I read/heard the reaction from the lefties.
The reaction is just going to enhance sales for Cadillac...Perfect.

What reactions? Real reactions...or what you've been told are reactions?

Why, the ones he's telling us all about of course.

I love this thread. Not only do I get to find out stuff I'm apparently outraged about, but by telling me that he saves me the trouble of having to watch a commercial I've never even heard of. I already found out I'm outraged, that's good enough for me. Just hope I don't have to explain it.

One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary-Ayn Rand
So true. And now we have a POTUS that declared that having a private sector job was like "being behind enemy lines..."

The P.O.S. posing as the POTUS has never had a real job... never produced anything.
His claim to fame was that he was a community agitator.
I had to Google the commercial just to find out what all the hubbub is about. Does not seem like anyone on USMB is bothered much about it.

So it looks like the USA Today and ABC have poopy diapers. Big deal.
I had to Google the commercial just to find out what all the hubbub is about. Does not seem like anyone on USMB is bothered much about it.

So it looks like the USA Today and ABC have poopy diapers. Big deal.

Ah, speak for yourself. I for one appreciate the OP for letting me know what I think before I think it, since we're all monolith puppets who dress in blue or red and all think exactly alike. I mean, what a time saver. I didn't even bother to watch the ad, since I already know what I think of it.

Yessiree, I'm gonna check in with AZMike every day to find out what my opinions are. Sure saves work.

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