Calderón hints US should legalize drugs


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Mexican President Felipe Calderón seeks "market alternative" to solve the drug problem.

.MEXICO CITY - For the second time in less than a month, Mexican President Felipe Calderón has inched toward suggesting that the United States decriminalize narcotics if that's what it takes to reduce the "astronomical profits" of the crime gangs roiling his nation.

If the United States cannot reduce demand for drugs, Calderón said in New York on Monday night, then "decision makers must look for other solutions, including market alternatives."

Calderón was asked Tuesday morning on CBS' "Early Show" if he was suggesting drugs should be legalized.

"I'm talking about market alternatives, market solutions," Calderón said. "Either we reduce consumption or we need more alternatives, more solutions."

Calderón declined to specify the alternatives, or how they might reduce the profits of narcotics traffickers. But some analysts in Mexico and the United States said it was code language to open debate about legalization without using a word that draws contentious reaction.

"It's loaded. We call it the 'L word,' said Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, a New York-based group in favor of decriminalization.

"It's essentially like uttering out loud a political heresy, and he wants to avoid that."

Calderón is under growing pressure to reduce violence by organized-crime groups in Mexico that has caused more than 40,000 deaths since he took office in late 2006. His ruling party lags in polling for 2012 presidential elections in which he himself cannot seek re-election.

Calderón first used the phrase "market alternatives" on Aug. 26, the day after gangsters firebombed a casino in Monterrey, killing 52 people.

His voice cracking on occasion, he lashed out at U.S. gun shops and their "criminal sale" of assault rifles to Mexican traffickers, and said that high U.S. demand for narcotics made Americans, too, responsible for Mexico's turmoil.

Calderón repeated those criticisms during a speech Monday night at the Council of the Americas in New York even as he lauded growing U.S.-Mexico security cooperation.

U.S. demand for drugs "is the source of the criminals' greatest power," offering "exorbitant profits" that allow them to corrupt officials and equip themselves with sophisticated arsenals, he said.

Calderón hints US should legalize drugs
'His voice cracking on occasion, he lashed out at U.S. gun shops and their "criminal sale" of assault rifles to Mexican traffickers, and said that high U.S. demand for narcotics made Americans, too, responsible for Mexico's turmoil.'

Of course Mr. Calderon, blame the USA - you and Hilary Clinton - that absolves you of trying to stop the slaughter of YOUR people by YOUR people!!! He fails to tell the world how many drug addicts Mexico and all the latin american countries have! The difference being that in the USA they deal with dollars and not with pesos.
Mexicans come to the States for jobs Mexico doesn’t have. Mexicans fill in the void were drugs are concerned, there isn't much those poor bastards WON'T do. Mexican officials are corrupt. Mexico has a long list of deficits, and they don’t seem to have many assets. Who's fault is THAT? We just happen to live NEXT door to these creep-os'. That is our biggest fault.
Originally posted by Angelhair
Of course Mr. Calderon, blame the USA - you and Hilary Clinton - that absolves you of trying to stop the slaughter of YOUR people by YOUR people!!! He fails to tell the world how many drug addicts Mexico and all the latin american countries have! The difference being that in the USA they deal with dollars and not with pesos.

You just proved Calderon's point...

Mexico's drug related violence is generated by criminal organisations trying to smuggle narcotics into a huge market where they get paid in dollars not in Latin American weak currency.

Have you ever heard of a single Mexican who died in the fight to smuggle drugs into Brazil or Argentina??
Originally posted by SW2SILVER
Mexicans come to the States for jobs Mexico doesn’t have. Mexicans fill in the void were drugs are concerned, there isn't much those poor bastards WON'T do. Mexican officials are corrupt. Mexico has a long list of deficits, and they don’t seem to have many assets. Who's fault is THAT? We just happen to live NEXT door to these creep-os'. That is our biggest fault.

You just happen to have the biggest army of drug addicts in the world... with an insatiable appetite for just about every illegal substance capable of producing altered states of consciousness in humans.

Granny says, "He better watch his mouth...

... or Obama gonna be sendin' Navy Seal team 6 after his goofy butt."
1 - The debate on drug decriminalisation/legalisation in the United States is legitimate.

2 - The US should legalise/outlaw drugs based ON THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN NATION, not on the impact this subject has on Mexico.

3 - The notion that the US should completely disregard the tremendous death toll in Mexico when making sovereign decisions on the issue of drugs may sound cruel, callous to some BUT THIS IS THE INHERENT "CRUELTY" OF NATIONALISM.

Nation-states take decisions about changing their laws based on national interest not the consequences those decisions have on their neighbors.

This "inhumanity", this "injustice" is part and parcel of the ideology of nationalism.

If you are not prepared to "live with" this "cruelty" you should reject nationalism altogether, stop considering yourself an american (or, for that matter, a chinese, russian, south african, etc, etc) and declare yourself a "citizen of the world", with no allegiance to any tribe.

4 - The disregard for the harmful consequences that sovereign national decisions have on neighboring countries IS A TWO WAY STREET.

Drug violence victimising mexican nationals in Mexico caused by mexican criminal organisations whose job is supplying the US drug market is Mexico's problem not America's.

Just like America is free to decide the issue of drug legalisation without taking Mexico's plight into consideration, Mexico has no obligation TO SPEND A DIME hiring more border agents to help reduce to flow of illegal immigration.

Illegal mexican immigrants IN AMERICAN TERRITORY is America's problem not Mexico's

As long as Mexico does not consider illegal immigration into the USA as harmful to its national interests the country will be totally free to take decisions on border control completely ignoring the impact of illegal mexican immigration in the United States.

The "cruelty" of nationalism applies to all nations.

According to the "rules" of nationalism both the USA and Mexico have every right to put their national interests ahead of "charity" towards their neighbors.
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3 - The notion that the US should completely disregard the tremendous death toll in Mexico when making sovereign decisions on the issue of drugs may sound cruel, callous to some BUT THIS IS THE INHERENT "CRUELTY" OF NATIONALISM.

It is not the fault of the USA that Mexico is and always has been an inept country who has never been able to solve any of their internal problems but insist on trying to tell the USA how to handle THEIRS!! Mexico has never accepted the intrusiion of the USA in ANY area. Get real Jose. If the USA in truth has more drug addicts than any country, then Mexico should figure out a way to do their part in NOT producing so many drugs and so much quantity!!!! They are unable to handle it so they accuse the USA of not doing their part just to cover THEIR ineptness! And the brainwashing that we are the biggest consumer of drugs take the cake. It boggles the mind that americans fall for it. I expect you to since you are of the same mentality. I repeat - Mexico does not want our advice and/or help - but - they DO want our DOLLARS!!!!!
3 - The notion that the US should completely disregard the tremendous death toll in Mexico when making sovereign decisions on the issue of drugs may sound cruel, callous to some BUT THIS IS THE INHERENT "CRUELTY" OF NATIONALISM.

It is not the fault of the USA that Mexico is and always has been an inept country who has never been able to solve any of their internal problems but insist on trying to tell the USA how to handle THEIRS!! Mexico has never accepted the intrusiion of the USA in ANY area. Get real Jose. If the USA in truth has more drug addicts than any country, then Mexico should figure out a way to do their part in NOT producing so many drugs and so much quantity!!!! They are unable to handle it so they accuse the USA of not doing their part just to cover THEIR ineptness! And the brainwashing that we are the biggest consumer of drugs take the cake. It boggles the mind that americans fall for it. I expect you to since you are of the same mentality. I repeat - Mexico does not want our advice and/or help - but - they DO want our DOLLARS!!!!!

but it is the fault of the US that we have the biggest consumers of drugs in the that creates the need for the drugs to be smuggled..and our continued policies of making drugs illegal creates that problem. Since Mexico decriminalized drugs it clearly is our fault that we continue to have our policies of illegal drugs as they are. So since drugs are decriminalized and they don't produce is produced in SOUTH AMERICA not is it that they should not produce so much of something they don't produce and why should they stop anyway since it is the US that has stupid drug policies not them. Also, we certainly want their oil don't we? That is why we send them so many dollars in the first place to buy oil from Mexico. Also, it most certainly is our fault that guns have been smuggled into Mexico in fact, we created policies that PURPOSEFULLY smuggled guns into Mexico right into the hands of cartel members fueling that drug war even more..or did you not watch the news as our ATF became embroiled in one of the biggest international scandals in history?
Making drugs LEGAL will only produce MORE addicts! It might help Mexico and beyond on the fight on drugs but end up destroying the USA and then what will the world do???? Legalizing alcohol did not end alcoholism. It just generated more LEGAL dollars. And btw, alcoholism runs rampant in Mexico and all throughout latin america and yes also in the USA. Cocaine IS produced in Mexico by the drug cartels. Take your blinders off. They should stop THEIR stupid drug policies to help their country progress and not continue policies that keep their people poor, hungry, and who turn to crime for survival. Is that a good enough reason for you? Of course we want their oil -but - we get 14% of our oil from CANADA - Mexico being the least of our suppliers. Well if you helped put Obama in office you can take blame for that ATF fiasco!
José;4181766 said:
Originally posted by Angelhair
Of course Mr. Calderon, blame the USA - you and Hilary Clinton - that absolves you of trying to stop the slaughter of YOUR people by YOUR people!!! He fails to tell the world how many drug addicts Mexico and all the latin american countries have! The difference being that in the USA they deal with dollars and not with pesos.

You just proved Calderon's point...

Mexico's drug related violence is generated by criminal organisations trying to smuggle narcotics into a huge market where they get paid in dollars not in Latin American weak currency.

Have you ever heard of a single Mexican who died in the fight to smuggle drugs into Brazil or Argentina??

Mexico's pesos is worth more than the US dollar now.
3 - The notion that the US should completely disregard the tremendous death toll in Mexico when making sovereign decisions on the issue of drugs may sound cruel, callous to some BUT THIS IS THE INHERENT "CRUELTY" OF NATIONALISM.

It is not the fault of the USA that Mexico is and always has been an inept country who has never been able to solve any of their internal problems but insist on trying to tell the USA how to handle THEIRS!! Mexico has never accepted the intrusiion of the USA in ANY area. Get real Jose. If the USA in truth has more drug addicts than any country, then Mexico should figure out a way to do their part in NOT producing so many drugs and so much quantity!!!! They are unable to handle it so they accuse the USA of not doing their part just to cover THEIR ineptness! And the brainwashing that we are the biggest consumer of drugs take the cake. It boggles the mind that americans fall for it. I expect you to since you are of the same mentality. I repeat - Mexico does not want our advice and/or help - but - they DO want our DOLLARS!!!!!

but it is the fault of the US that we have the biggest consumers of drugs in the that creates the need for the drugs to be smuggled..and our continued policies of making drugs illegal creates that problem. Since Mexico decriminalized drugs it clearly is our fault that we continue to have our policies of illegal drugs as they are. So since drugs are decriminalized and they don't produce is produced in SOUTH AMERICA not is it that they should not produce so much of something they don't produce and why should they stop anyway since it is the US that has stupid drug policies not them. Also, we certainly want their oil don't we? That is why we send them so many dollars in the first place to buy oil from Mexico. Also, it most certainly is our fault that guns have been smuggled into Mexico in fact, we created policies that PURPOSEFULLY smuggled guns into Mexico right into the hands of cartel members fueling that drug war even more..or did you not watch the news as our ATF became embroiled in one of the biggest international scandals in history?

Just because there is a drug problem in America is not reason to legalize drugs of any kind, but to stop the flow of drugs and stop the use of drugs. The reason we have a drug problem is because of drugs made available from Mexico.

Most of the drugs that cross our border is not grown in Mexico or south american but the middle east that comes through Mexico. Mexico need to stop the flow of drugs across their souther border.

Drug Trafficking in the United States
Making drugs LEGAL will only produce MORE addicts!

Where is your proof?

Because the reason most people do not use drugs is because it is ILLEGAL. When alcohol become legal it created more alcoholics. Look around you.
Legalization would create more drug-addicted babies (crack babies) as did alcohol create more babies with Fetal Alcohol syndrome.
Beside have a lot more drug addicts we would have more babies addicted for tax payers to take care of .
Can you imagine living with a generation of meth addicts? Worse kind of addiction and dangerous to society. I would rather come face to face with a crazed humgry bear than someone high on meth.
Drug addiction destroys users and society. The real problem that come with legalization is addiction and most drugs are addictive. Can you imagine living in a society with legalized drug addicts? Sharing roads with adcdicts plus drunks? Be careful, very careful for what you wish for. I am all for closing the border by any means necessary.

America's Most Dangerous Drug
Aug 7, 2005

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Making drugs LEGAL will only produce MORE addicts!

Are you telling us that the only thing that keeps YOU from doing drugs is that they're illegal?

I do see your point but with legalizing drugs comes many other problems just as it did with legalizing alcohol. Yes, doing drugs and alcohol is a personal choice....but.....why make it so easy???
Making drugs LEGAL will only produce MORE addicts!

Are you telling us that the only thing that keeps YOU from doing drugs is that they're illegal?

I do see your point but with legalizing drugs comes many other problems just as it did with legalizing alcohol. Yes, doing drugs and alcohol is a personal choice....but.....why make it so easy???
Oh, so you're now backing off of the silly-assed claim that the mere existence of laws is enough to keep people from doing drugs?...I'll take it.

Now, what about the problem of urban neighborhoods that've become gang infested shooting galleries?

When was the last time an innocent kid got caught in the crossfire of Jim Beam perpetrating a drive-by shooting of a Jack Daniel's distillery?

Why make criminal thuggery so lucrative?
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