California Democrats Propose Strictest Gun Regulations In The Nation

I take it you don't get many calls from Supreme Court Justices asking you to write their opinions for them.
I guess you couldn't name two without resorting to Wiki.

I can remember Justices on the Supreme Court long before any of our present Justices and billboards that read: Impeach Earl Warren. I happen to follow who is on the Supreme Court and how they were nominated and that's why I know it was Republican appointees who made Roe v Wade the law of the land and it was a Democrat appointee named Byron White, who wrote the Dissent. Only one Democrat appointee voted for Roe v Wade and William Rehnquist was the only Republican on the Supreme Court who voted against Roe v Wade. He didn't do anything about it when he became Chief Justice and had 8 Justices being Republican appointees when George H. W. Bush was President.

The Republicans have a long history of making issues out of things they have created. They did it with Civil Rights and in the early days of the party, it was always corruption, meaning Republican corruption.

Wiki is your friend.
There is no fool like an old fool.
I guess you couldn't name two without resorting to Wiki.

I can remember Justices on the Supreme Court long before any of our present Justices and billboards that read: Impeach Earl Warren. I happen to follow who is on the Supreme Court and how they were nominated and that's why I know it was Republican appointees who made Roe v Wade the law of the land and it was a Democrat appointee named Byron White, who wrote the Dissent. Only one Democrat appointee voted for Roe v Wade and William Rehnquist was the only Republican on the Supreme Court who voted against Roe v Wade. He didn't do anything about it when he became Chief Justice and had 8 Justices being Republican appointees when George H. W. Bush was President.

The Republicans have a long history of making issues out of things they have created. They did it with Civil Rights and in the early days of the party, it was always corruption, meaning Republican corruption.

Wiki is your friend.
There is no fool like an old fool.

Information is my friend and I know how to quickly get it. Wiki is a good quick source and is footnoted to give a source for that information.

The ignore list is also my friend and if you insist on changing the subject to me, that's where a fool like you belongs. Your choice is either to discuss the subjects or troll me and I'm not going to waste my time reading the posts of a fool.
There is no problem proposing strict gun regaulations in light of all the shootings we see by people who should not have had access to guns in the first place, let the shit be strict, if you meet all the criteria whats the problem?

More people were killed by lightning than were shot by lunatics last year, are you prepared to offer strict lightning control laws in order to protect people?

I normally don't reply to dickheads, but you know this is bullshit and no statistic can support. I believe people should have to submit to background checks as far as criminal record, mental evaulation, and any pending marital or custody cases, if all of your shit comes bacl clean and you expect to come back clean I don't see what's the fucking problem bud, that isn't denying or subverting the second amendment because you still have that right to own a weapon but it comes with conditions, fucktard.

NWS Lightning Safety Fatalities
A computer isn't going to help on your 53% figure, so where the hell did you get it and why aren't you the traitor for the way you behave?

Oh I'm sorry, 52% of your fellow American voters, you know the percentage who voted for scumbag, are traitors, my mistake. As for how I behave, you don't know me so you have no idea how I behave, so what's your point?

If you are talking about the vote for President, it was 51.1% for Obama and 47.2% for Romney.

If you are talking about the vote for the Senate, it was 54.3% for Democrats and 42.5% for Republicans.

If you are talking about the vote for the House of Representatives, it was 49.0% for Democrats and 47.7% for Republicans.

Based on what you have said in this forum, if you are talking about the vote by traitors, it whatever percentage people like you have voted.

The only traitors here scrote are the ones who support the president/party that is not only doing all in it's power to bring this nation to it's knees economically, militarily and morally, but has voiced the opinion that they want to fundamentally change America and often repeats the socialist's mantra "Change!" "Change!" "Change!", and that my silly little friend would be you, your leftist scumbag president and party and the rest of the scum that voted democrat last election.
There is no problem proposing strict gun regaulations in light of all the shootings we see by people who should not have had access to guns in the first place, let the shit be strict, if you meet all the criteria whats the problem?

More people were killed by lightning than were shot by lunatics last year, are you prepared to offer strict lightning control laws in order to protect people?

To the best of knowledge, lightning rarely strikes indoors.

Comparing guns to lightening, cell phones, and cars is just plain dumb. Guess they have nothing better.
Oh I'm sorry, 52% of your fellow American voters, you know the percentage who voted for scumbag, are traitors, my mistake. As for how I behave, you don't know me so you have no idea how I behave, so what's your point?

If you are talking about the vote for President, it was 51.1% for Obama and 47.2% for Romney.

If you are talking about the vote for the Senate, it was 54.3% for Democrats and 42.5% for Republicans.

If you are talking about the vote for the House of Representatives, it was 49.0% for Democrats and 47.7% for Republicans.

Based on what you have said in this forum, if you are talking about the vote by traitors, it whatever percentage people like you have voted.

The only traitors here scrote are the ones who support the president/party that is not only doing all in it's power to bring this nation to it's knees economically, militarily and morally, but has voiced the opinion that they want to fundamentally change America and often repeats the socialist's mantra "Change!" "Change!" "Change!", and that my silly little friend would be you, your leftist scumbag president and party and the rest of the scum that voted democrat last election.

Scrote? You're the teabagger type, so I'm sure you're an expert on scrote by now.

When you start that revolution you keep talking about, we'll see who ends up as a traitor facing a firing squad. I have news for you, the day of the Republican is done.
THAT is the best you can do??? Dumb!!

View attachment 24417

Is qwhat the best? Pointing out that many mroe people are killed by cars and the journalist is engaging in sensationalism seems like enough for most smart people.

Comparing apples and oranges is what you are doing. It's ineffective. Thus, is that the best you can do??

What would you like guns compared to? Shoes? Teddy Bears? The Left has already done that ad nauseam.
But I do it to bring a little perspective to this. SOmething you know nothing about. Many more people are killed by cars, but I dont see calls to ban cars, even though it is more of a public health concern. Simuilarly with swimming pools, ladders, and a bunch of other stuff.
Gun control has everything to do with control and nothing to do with guns.
California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.
California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.

Spread those NRA talking point lies and when somebody figures out our homicide by gun rate would be less than 200 per year, if we had a rate like the UK, they'll know what a group of liars you are!
More people were killed by lightning than were shot by lunatics last year, are you prepared to offer strict lightning control laws in order to protect people?

To the best of knowledge, lightning rarely strikes indoors.

Comparing guns to lightening, cell phones, and cars is just plain dumb. Guess they have nothing better.

Your side is the one that claims that we can license guns before we can license cars, did you point out how stupid that is?
More people were killed by lightning than were shot by lunatics last year, are you prepared to offer strict lightning control laws in order to protect people?

I normally don't reply to dickheads, but you know this is bullshit and no statistic can support. I believe people should have to submit to background checks as far as criminal record, mental evaulation, and any pending marital or custody cases, if all of your shit comes bacl clean and you expect to come back clean I don't see what's the fucking problem bud, that isn't denying or subverting the second amendment because you still have that right to own a weapon but it comes with conditions, fucktard.

NWS Lightning Safety Fatalities

I see nothing in your source that says more people die from lighting than deaths from guns, fuck outta here
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California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.

Spread those NRA talking point lies and when somebody figures out our homicide by gun rate would be less than 200 per year, if we had a rate like the UK, they'll know what a group of liars you are!

And yet Great Britain has far fewer gun deaths per capita than we do.

California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.

Take it from a guy who lived in San Diego for three years. NEVER, NEVER go there. Beautiful tourist place, but that's where it ends.

Kalifornia proposes the strictest gun control in the US. Yeah, that should work well. It's like when that LIBERAL nutbag Dorner went off his rocker the other day. The LAPD went crazy and were shooting up every truck that even remotely resembled his wounding innocent civilians (yep - you don't hear much about that, do you??)yeah, it's a great thing that ONLY the LAPD and the 200 or so gangs in the area will be armed with the UNARMED citizenry caught in the middle.

Yes sir! That should work out well...........
I normally don't reply to dickheads, but you know this is bullshit and no statistic can support. I believe people should have to submit to background checks as far as criminal record, mental evaulation, and any pending marital or custody cases, if all of your shit comes bacl clean and you expect to come back clean I don't see what's the fucking problem bud, that isn't denying or subverting the second amendment because you still have that right to own a weapon but it comes with conditions, fucktard.

NWS Lightning Safety Fatalities

I see nothing in your source that says more people die from lighting than daths from guns, fuck outta here

There was 26 lightning fatalities in 2011, a record low.

Record Low Lightning Deaths in 2011; What about 2012?

There were 8,583 homicides by firearms in 2011.

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.

Spread those NRA talking point lies and when somebody figures out our homicide by gun rate would be less than 200 per year, if we had a rate like the UK, they'll know what a group of liars you are!

And yet Great Britain has far fewer gun deaths per capita than we do.


The UK is a fifth our size and has been averaging around 35 homicides by gun per year. I was being generous saying less than 200 per year for the US, which would be 40 per year in the UK.
Is qwhat the best? Pointing out that many mroe people are killed by cars and the journalist is engaging in sensationalism seems like enough for most smart people.

Comparing apples and oranges is what you are doing. It's ineffective. Thus, is that the best you can do??

What would you like guns compared to? Shoes? Teddy Bears? The Left has already done that ad nauseam.
But I do it to bring a little perspective to this. SOmething you know nothing about. Many more people are killed by cars, but I dont see calls to ban cars, even though it is more of a public health concern. Simuilarly with swimming pools, ladders, and a bunch of other stuff.
Gun control has everything to do with control and nothing to do with guns.

All of the things you mentioned are not in the same category as guns. None of those things are made to hurt people. But guns are. Gee, real hard to see. Sorry, but you added zero perspective. :rolleyes:
California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.

Oh, bull!!! You know nothing about California, fool. Stay where you are. It doesn't hurt our feelings any.
Comparing apples and oranges is what you are doing. It's ineffective. Thus, is that the best you can do??

What would you like guns compared to? Shoes? Teddy Bears? The Left has already done that ad nauseam.
But I do it to bring a little perspective to this. SOmething you know nothing about. Many more people are killed by cars, but I dont see calls to ban cars, even though it is more of a public health concern. Simuilarly with swimming pools, ladders, and a bunch of other stuff.
Gun control has everything to do with control and nothing to do with guns.

All of the things you mentioned are not in the same category as guns. None of those things are made to hurt people. But guns are. Gee, real hard to see. Sorry, but you added zero perspective. :rolleyes:

Guns aren't made to hurt people. If they are, mine are defective as they've never hurt a single person.
Another fail.
California is a fucking in Great Britain after the weapons ban, gun crimes skyrocketed 40%. It'll be at least that there, which is fine with me.....Im never going to visit that shithole state.

Spread those NRA talking point lies and when somebody figures out our homicide by gun rate would be less than 200 per year, if we had a rate like the UK, they'll know what a group of liars you are!

let's clear away your liberal spin here ok.

Since the UK intorduced their gun laws their muder rate has dropped about .5 to .6 per 100,000 now since the USA has dropped the assault weapons ban our murder rate has dropped about .5 to.6 per 100,000 as well.

The UK never had a murder rate as high as ours. so adopting their laws isn't going to drop our totals to theirs. we have dropped at the same rate while eliminating our strictest national gun restrictions.

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