California fires caused by global warming

Is anyone here that big of a dolt to actually believe such a utterly ridiculous claim

The real reason is the “dimwitted drug addicts” who run the California Forrests and parks.
Just have to love affirmative action
You have the biggest morons in the country who receive such important jobs ( and since they have zero education) you see California look like hades .
We can smell the smoke even in Vegas and it’s bad
Such vacuous worms in California
Only the very most Stupid among us would believe those wildfires are caused by Globell Warming.
Another factor that drives California wildfires are the Santa Ana winds which have been around since at least 1956 actually longer that was just when it first started getting talked about and well before the idea of climate change.
As I said, fire is as old as Man itself. The political spin dumbasses like you try to apply to it is new

You don't read so good. I just said it the political spin of the liberal dumbass governors like Newsom in CA. I posted a link on what Newsom is saying and another on what he isn't saying. They believe it is AGW that caused the hot weather, dry forests, and lightening to set the fires off. No one can control the weather nor climate. A more balanced approach of clear cutting fire lines in these forests and controlling air and water pollution would've avoided this mess, but you can't dissuade liberals from their AGW fears.

They could've avoided this mess by clearing some trees and cutting fire lines in these dense areas. Yet, they continue to blame humans and AGW for causing the huge forest fires and polluted air and water now. I don't think they can be persuaded that it is their own liberal policies to blame AGW, save the trees, and going green that has led to the mismanagement. Maybe the only way to convince liberals that this is the cause is to see MASS DEATHS of their own kind by fire in Portland, OR. The area is in danger of this happening rn if the fires cannot be controlled.
Look, I don't want to see mass deaths. No one wanted this to happen, but when your leaders continue to spout BS and blame AGW for the mismanagement is the final straw. This is while the fires burn uncontrolled over the past two months!!!

I've voted against these policies and for more conservative policies and politicians, but it falls on deaf ears when liberals continue to control the narrative. This has been going on for over a decade now. Wildfires are nothing new, but we haven't had wildfires that are so out of control that entire forests are in danger of being burned and mass amounts of people being burned. Yes, it has gotten that bad in the Portland area of Oregon. WTF is wrong with these people? The continue to blame AGW during the crisis when it is their own mismanagement. They were warned so many times like in the Forbes' article, but all we see is continued screaming of AGW is the cause. I've thrown up my hands. LET THEM BURN!!!
Is anyone here that big of a dolt to actually believe such a utterly ridiculous claim

The real reason is the “dimwitted drug addicts” who run the California Forrests and parks.
Just have to love affirmative action
You have the biggest morons in the country who receive such important jobs ( and since they have zero education) you see California look like hades .
We can smell the smoke even in Vegas and it’s bad
Such vacuous worms in California
The West Coast is always really dry this year.....and now we have to many in this country that are into sabotage, peaceful protest, and breaking the law.
So it's no surprise that Blue States are on fire.
View attachment 387598

Utah is a blue state?
Montana is a blue state?
Wyoming, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota are blue states?

Yeah, you're stupid
You do realize this is year two of a dry La Niña Flow, Don't you?
He said clear the forests and that involves cutting the trees.
The RWI Contard Indoctrination is shown.

Q: How Exactly do you "clear the forest"? The ENTIRE Forest?
With an intelligent plan and a real willingness to end the destruction of property and life.

Why do you hate California so much?
God hates California because it’s a state full of the most immoral , godless and perverted bastards in the nation next to New York
As I said, fire is as old as Man itself. The political spin dumbasses like you try to apply to it is new

You don't read so good. I just said it the political spin of the liberal dumbass governors like Newsom in CA. I posted a link on what Newsom is saying and another on what he isn't saying. They believe it is AGW that caused the hot weather, dry forests, and lightening to set the fires off. No one can control the weather nor climate. A more balanced approach of clear cutting fire lines in these forests and controlling air and water pollution would've avoided this mess, but you can't dissuade liberals from their AGW fears.

They could've avoided this mess by clearing some trees and cutting fire lines in these dense areas. Yet, they continue to blame humans and AGW for causing the huge forest fires and polluted air and water now. I don't think they can be persuaded that it is their own liberal policies to blame AGW, save the trees, and going green that has led to the mismanagement. Maybe the only way to convince liberals that this is the cause is to see MASS DEATHS of their own kind by fire in Portland, OR. The area is in danger of this happening rn if the fires cannot be controlled.

Global warming is a fact. A drier climate mixed with fire is not a good thing. You don't think so good.
That is a left wing , fake science mag of zero credibility
It’s caused by the giant dummies ( mostly elected by AA) who don’t know that you must clear the brush
Even the natives had many forest fires in California and we had zero emissions

LOL at your stupid talking points.
YES, there exists a THING called "Forrest Management" I agree 100%
Yet you fail to respond to the MILLIONS of acres that can't be "Managed"

The National Forest Service manages about 200M acres of forest. It "clears the brush" in none of it as a means of fire prevention.
Of course it does. It does so by controlled burns.
That is a left wing , fake science mag of zero credibility
It’s caused by the giant dummies ( mostly elected by AA) who don’t know that you must clear the brush
Even the natives had many forest fires in California and we had zero emissions

LOL at your stupid talking points.
YES, there exists a THING called "Forrest Management" I agree 100%
Yet you fail to respond to the MILLIONS of acres that can't be "Managed"

The National Forest Service manages about 200M acres of forest. It "clears the brush" in none of it as a means of fire prevention.
Of course it does. It does so by controlled burns.

Controlled burns and "clearing brush" are two different things. The brush clearing is done for cosmetic or logistical reasons. If you ever visit'd see literally thousands of trees that are just laying there.
That is a left wing , fake science mag of zero credibility
It’s caused by the giant dummies ( mostly elected by AA) who don’t know that you must clear the brush
Even the natives had many forest fires in California and we had zero emissions

LOL at your stupid talking points.
YES, there exists a THING called "Forrest Management" I agree 100%
Yet you fail to respond to the MILLIONS of acres that can't be "Managed"

The National Forest Service manages about 200M acres of forest. It "clears the brush" in none of it as a means of fire prevention.
Of course it does. It does so by controlled burns.

Controlled burns and "clearing brush" are two different things. The brush clearing is done for cosmetic or logistical reasons. If you ever visit'd see literally thousands of trees that are just laying there.
View attachment 387819
They're just laying there because they were killed by a previous wildfire.

Dead tree snags burned by forest fire, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
The RWI Contard Indoctrination is shown.

Q: How Exactly do you "clear the forest"? The ENTIRE Forest?
Fires don't start in the ENTIRE forest! You don't seem smart enough to realize that fires can't always be 100% prevented due to acts of God or whatever but they can be 100% MANAGED if forests are maintained properly.

From a former California Department of Forestry fire fighter. ME. Don't be such a complete idiot all the time.
Is anyone here that big of a dolt to actually believe such a utterly ridiculous claim

The real reason is the “dimwitted drug addicts” who run the California Forrests and parks.
Just have to love affirmative action
You have the biggest morons in the country who receive such important jobs ( and since they have zero education) you see California look like hades .
We can smell the smoke even in Vegas and it’s bad
Such vacuous worms in California

The title is blatantly dishonest, the argument is disingenuous, stupid and basically boils down to yelling at the sky. Looks like another Cult45 thread is born.
The title is blatantly dishonest, the argument is disingenuous, stupid and basically boils down to yelling at the sky. Looks like another Cult45 thread is born.
You could have done a ten second Google search and saved yourself the trouble of looking like a
opinionated jackass but that's not your thing, is it. I guess you just like looking like a fool.

Btw, Kate Brown and Jay Inslee, the other two of the left coast Three Stooges, have also tried to make
these fires all about global warming, as Gruesome Newsom is doing.
A real piece of shit in action.

What a cowardly disingenuous way to avoid responsibility for the unprecedented burning of the west.
The West burns down while the Three Amigos lie and obfuscate.

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