California leading from behind

i notice you did not mention Grey Davis another bad governor,i wonder why?.....the people of California are the ones who have screwed themselves by voting in the shit they voted in........
Gray Davis did not do damage to California. All the governors named are repukes. And yes republicans have been voted in and did what they do best, screw the citizen.
oh he didnt ok.....i guess the reasons he was recalled were just party can tell you are a democrat....

Davis was blamed for what his predecessors did, and by the rules on budgets which gave the minority party in the legislature the ability to hold the governor hostage.

Fortunately Gov. Brown was able to convince the voters to change the rules on budgets, taxes and he (Brown) is fiscally responsible.

Something the Republicans today and in the past never understood. Of course they claim to be fiscally conservative, which seems to be saving money by not fixing a leaky roof or changing the oil in a car.
davis did himself in, he was out of touch with the populace handled the enron thing clumsily and pissed many off including democrats when he tried to give illegals drivers licenses......

Davis was recalled in a Special Election, one which a minority of voters voted. It was fueled by the contract given to Correctional Officers and the media's expose of the retirement benefits provided to the and other public employees.

It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall, and was an example of much to do about nothing. In fact Arnold S. who replaced him did nothing of substance and left in disgrace.

Today Brown is leading what has become a second successful term as Governor by making tough choices using common sense & being fiscally RESPONSIBLE. The first Governor since his last term as Governor to govern by doing the right things, not putting his finger in the wind to see what was popular with the people.
It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall
not what i read in a story about his had a lot to do with public sentiment,so did his signing the illegal drivers license measure...
Gray Davis did not do damage to California. All the governors named are repukes. And yes republicans have been voted in and did what they do best, screw the citizen.
oh he didnt ok.....i guess the reasons he was recalled were just party can tell you are a democrat....

Davis was blamed for what his predecessors did, and by the rules on budgets which gave the minority party in the legislature the ability to hold the governor hostage.

Fortunately Gov. Brown was able to convince the voters to change the rules on budgets, taxes and he (Brown) is fiscally responsible.

Something the Republicans today and in the past never understood. Of course they claim to be fiscally conservative, which seems to be saving money by not fixing a leaky roof or changing the oil in a car.
davis did himself in, he was out of touch with the populace handled the enron thing clumsily and pissed many off including democrats when he tried to give illegals drivers licenses......

Davis was recalled in a Special Election, one which a minority of voters voted. It was fueled by the contract given to Correctional Officers and the media's expose of the retirement benefits provided to the and other public employees.

It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall, and was an example of much to do about nothing. In fact Arnold S. who replaced him did nothing of substance and left in disgrace.

Today Brown is leading what has become a second successful term as Governor by making tough choices using common sense & being fiscally RESPONSIBLE. The first Governor since his last term as Governor to govern by doing the right things, not putting his finger in the wind to see what was popular with the people.
It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall
not what i read in a story about his had a lot to do with public sentiment,so did his signing the illegal drivers license measure...

He had nothing to do with Enron, See:

Regulation - Deregulating The Power Industry | Blackout | FRONTLINE | PBS

"The debate over California's electricity deregulation is similar. Proponents such as Enron CEO Jeff Skilling and Chairman Ken Lay say that California's "deregulation" has merely substituted one set of regulations for another, and that these have actually made it harder for energy companies to do business in the state. They point to the natural gas market as an example of successful deregulation. David Freeman, energy adviser to California Governor Gray Davis, says that is just sour grapes. He says the regulated market is reliable, provides cheap energy, and is humane. He says that faith in the market is blind, and cites the current energy debacle as proof that deregulation doesn't work."

Remember the brown outs, manufactured by the energy industry?
California, Leading from Behind

California has given us three new truths about government.
One, the higher that taxes rise, the worse state services become.
Two, the worse a natural disaster hits, the more the state contributes to its havoc.
And three, the more existential the problem, the more the state ignores it.

California somehow has managed to have the fourth-highest gas taxes in the nation, yet its roads are rated 44th among the 50 states. Nearly 70 percent of California roads are considered to be in poor or mediocre condition by the state senate. In response, the state legislature naturally wants to raise gas taxes, with one proposal calling for an increase of 12 cents per gallon, which would give California the highest gas taxes in the nation.


Consider California’s upside-down logic.
The state wanted to discourage driving and promote hybrid vehicles by upping taxes on carbon fuels. It worked, though it cost the public dearly. People drove less and bought more fuel-efficient cars. But now, because less gas is burned, fewer taxes are collected. So the state wants to reward motorists for their green sacrifices by raising their taxes even higher to make up for missing revenue


California may be transitioning out of a devastating four-year drought. But the state at least should have taken advantage of that record stretch of dry, sunny weather to rush construction of new dams, reservoirs, and canals to trap more rain and snowmelt. It never did. Despite talk of raising the height of Shasta Dam, as planned decades ago, or creating new reservoirs and San Francisco delta tunnels, nothing happened. Such projects are mired in endless environmental and cultural lawsuits.
Farmers want back their contracted surface water that environmentalists successfully went to court to divert to the sea. Greens want even more scarce water let out to the ocean to realize their dreams of the sort of rivers that ran through the state in the 19th century. But both agendas rely on more stored water.
Once the storms resume in normal fashion, millions of acre-feet of precious water will be lost to sea due to an antiquated storage system.
Only in California can government manage to turn both dry and wet years to its disadvantage.


Given that California has the highest number of undocumented immigrants in the nation, and that well over half arrive from Mexico, where 70 percent of the population is overweight and nearly 33 percent are obese (the highest obesity rate in the world among heavily populated countries), the state should be in crisis mode. If state government insists on policies that encourage undocumented immigrants to settle in California, and allows so-called sanctuary cities to ignore federal immigration law, it should at least have a massive health-information and outreach campaign – given that Type 2 diabetes is almost always a preventable disease.
Meanwhile, the state health-care system is in near collapse, and millions of California residents are sick and dying from a mostly avoidable disease.
California government, however, serves one purpose.
It always reminds America what not to do.

Clearly, Calif should repeal all gas taxes.
oh he didnt ok.....i guess the reasons he was recalled were just party can tell you are a democrat....

Davis was blamed for what his predecessors did, and by the rules on budgets which gave the minority party in the legislature the ability to hold the governor hostage.

Fortunately Gov. Brown was able to convince the voters to change the rules on budgets, taxes and he (Brown) is fiscally responsible.

Something the Republicans today and in the past never understood. Of course they claim to be fiscally conservative, which seems to be saving money by not fixing a leaky roof or changing the oil in a car.
davis did himself in, he was out of touch with the populace handled the enron thing clumsily and pissed many off including democrats when he tried to give illegals drivers licenses......

Davis was recalled in a Special Election, one which a minority of voters voted. It was fueled by the contract given to Correctional Officers and the media's expose of the retirement benefits provided to the and other public employees.

It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall, and was an example of much to do about nothing. In fact Arnold S. who replaced him did nothing of substance and left in disgrace.

Today Brown is leading what has become a second successful term as Governor by making tough choices using common sense & being fiscally RESPONSIBLE. The first Governor since his last term as Governor to govern by doing the right things, not putting his finger in the wind to see what was popular with the people.
It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall
not what i read in a story about his had a lot to do with public sentiment,so did his signing the illegal drivers license measure...

He had nothing to do with Enron, See:

Regulation - Deregulating The Power Industry | Blackout | FRONTLINE | PBS

"The debate over California's electricity deregulation is similar. Proponents such as Enron CEO Jeff Skilling and Chairman Ken Lay say that California's "deregulation" has merely substituted one set of regulations for another, and that these have actually made it harder for energy companies to do business in the state. They point to the natural gas market as an example of successful deregulation. David Freeman, energy adviser to California Governor Gray Davis, says that is just sour grapes. He says the regulated market is reliable, provides cheap energy, and is humane. He says that faith in the market is blind, and cites the current energy debacle as proof that deregulation doesn't work."

Remember the brown outs, manufactured by the energy industry?
sorry wry i googled this and davis was mentioned in just about every article that i was looking at...and they all said he was slow to respond and when he did he handled it clumsily and many people thought he did a shitty job of it and was one of the reasons he got recalled....2 of the stories even had quotes from him admitting he was too slow and hesitant about how he went about it....none of these were quotes from someone who worked for davis....
Davis was blamed for what his predecessors did, and by the rules on budgets which gave the minority party in the legislature the ability to hold the governor hostage.

Fortunately Gov. Brown was able to convince the voters to change the rules on budgets, taxes and he (Brown) is fiscally responsible.

Something the Republicans today and in the past never understood. Of course they claim to be fiscally conservative, which seems to be saving money by not fixing a leaky roof or changing the oil in a car.
davis did himself in, he was out of touch with the populace handled the enron thing clumsily and pissed many off including democrats when he tried to give illegals drivers licenses......

Davis was recalled in a Special Election, one which a minority of voters voted. It was fueled by the contract given to Correctional Officers and the media's expose of the retirement benefits provided to the and other public employees.

It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall, and was an example of much to do about nothing. In fact Arnold S. who replaced him did nothing of substance and left in disgrace.

Today Brown is leading what has become a second successful term as Governor by making tough choices using common sense & being fiscally RESPONSIBLE. The first Governor since his last term as Governor to govern by doing the right things, not putting his finger in the wind to see what was popular with the people.
It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall
not what i read in a story about his had a lot to do with public sentiment,so did his signing the illegal drivers license measure...

He had nothing to do with Enron, See:

Regulation - Deregulating The Power Industry | Blackout | FRONTLINE | PBS

"The debate over California's electricity deregulation is similar. Proponents such as Enron CEO Jeff Skilling and Chairman Ken Lay say that California's "deregulation" has merely substituted one set of regulations for another, and that these have actually made it harder for energy companies to do business in the state. They point to the natural gas market as an example of successful deregulation. David Freeman, energy adviser to California Governor Gray Davis, says that is just sour grapes. He says the regulated market is reliable, provides cheap energy, and is humane. He says that faith in the market is blind, and cites the current energy debacle as proof that deregulation doesn't work."

Remember the brown outs, manufactured by the energy industry?
sorry wry i googled this and davis was mentioned in just about every article that i was looking at...and they all said he was slow to respond and when he did he handled it clumsily and many people thought he did a shitty job of it and was one of the reasons he got recalled....2 of the stories even had quotes from him admitting he was too slow and hesitant about how he went about it....none of these were quotes from someone who worked for davis....

I'd like to read the articles, were his comments subsequent to the recall? He may regret not acting, but what could he have done?

He took the heat for events over which he had little or no control. People were pissed off, especially as brown outs occurred. This entire deregulation movement was a scam, and many people supported it do to the propaganda which was broadcast on TV ads as the best thing for consumers since white bread and indoor toilets.

Much of the anger was based on the contract CO's received, but again what would have been the outrage if the CO's walked and the St. Prison system was run by Managers and Administrators? That would have resulted in law suits because lock downs would be assured and the release of a number of convicts likely.

BTW, Gov. Brown is doing something about the overcrowding, a number of inmates have been released and are being supervised by local probation officers. So far, so good - at least I haven't heard of any serious repercussions (yet).
oh he didnt ok.....i guess the reasons he was recalled were just party can tell you are a democrat....

Davis was blamed for what his predecessors did, and by the rules on budgets which gave the minority party in the legislature the ability to hold the governor hostage.

Fortunately Gov. Brown was able to convince the voters to change the rules on budgets, taxes and he (Brown) is fiscally responsible.

Something the Republicans today and in the past never understood. Of course they claim to be fiscally conservative, which seems to be saving money by not fixing a leaky roof or changing the oil in a car.
davis did himself in, he was out of touch with the populace handled the enron thing clumsily and pissed many off including democrats when he tried to give illegals drivers licenses......

Davis was recalled in a Special Election, one which a minority of voters voted. It was fueled by the contract given to Correctional Officers and the media's expose of the retirement benefits provided to the and other public employees.

It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall, and was an example of much to do about nothing. In fact Arnold S. who replaced him did nothing of substance and left in disgrace.

Today Brown is leading what has become a second successful term as Governor by making tough choices using common sense & being fiscally RESPONSIBLE. The first Governor since his last term as Governor to govern by doing the right things, not putting his finger in the wind to see what was popular with the people.
It had zero to do with Enron, as I recall
not what i read in a story about his had a lot to do with public sentiment,so did his signing the illegal drivers license measure...

He had nothing to do with Enron, See:

Regulation - Deregulating The Power Industry | Blackout | FRONTLINE | PBS

"The debate over California's electricity deregulation is similar. Proponents such as Enron CEO Jeff Skilling and Chairman Ken Lay say that California's "deregulation" has merely substituted one set of regulations for another, and that these have actually made it harder for energy companies to do business in the state. They point to the natural gas market as an example of successful deregulation. David Freeman, energy adviser to California Governor Gray Davis, says that is just sour grapes. He says the regulated market is reliable, provides cheap energy, and is humane. He says that faith in the market is blind, and cites the current energy debacle as proof that deregulation doesn't work."

Remember the brown outs, manufactured by the energy industry?
The federal Government was asked to step in and stop the "churning" of Duke energy and sell straight from the source. The feds, under Bush, declined to help or even look at the problem.
Being a resident of California through some really bad governors, Pete wilson, Ronnie the faggot Ray Goon, Dukemajian, and arnie, I can tell you it isn't demos who have screwed the people of this state.

Get real lib Democrats control California and in particular fruitcake nutter liberal type democrats. What's funny is that east coast Democrats think California liberals are insane. If California liberals tried to pull the crap they get away with in California on east coast Democrats the east coast Democrats would drag them into an alley and beat them senseless.
Get real lib Democrats control California and in particular fruitcake nutter liberal type democrats. What's funny is that east coast Democrats think California liberals are insane. If California liberals tried to pull the crap they get away with in California on east coast Democrats the east coast Democrats would drag them into an alley and beat them senseless.[/QUOTE]
I would say to you bring it on! Now the east coast has very little to offer a human being other than misery and deprivation. That is why the east coast people are jealous of us in the West.

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