California Noticed That The Second Amendment Provides No Right To Ammunition

Ammo Licenses are coming. The 'good ole days' of criminals walking in and buying all the ammo they desire, will become a thing of the past. Sorry, but it is where we're headed as a Society.

How'd that work out with drugs and booze?

Criminals won't be legally allowed to purchase ammunition. Just as they're not currently allowed to purchase firearms. Sorry, but that is the way it's gonna be eventually. We are headed that way.

So...criminals and mass shooters can't get guns..............realllllly?

Criminals are not legally allowed to purchase firearms. But do they still get em? Sure they do. But we still have laws designed to try and prevent it. The ammo law will be the same thing. It'll be intended to be a deterrence. But yes, some criminals will still get ammunition.
This is pathetic. How is ammunition any less "arms" than the gun from which it's fired?
This is pathetic. How is ammunition any less "arms" than the gun from which it's fired?

I think background checks on ammo purchasers is gonna happen. I don't necessarily support it, but i think it is inevitable. But the rest of the proposals mentioned by the OP are absurd. I can't support them.
Let us say you get background checks for ammo purchases the point of which I'm guessing would be to somehow stop mass shootings if that is the goal simple question. If the possible mass shooter has no criminal record or any record of mental instability how will a background check for the the purchase of ammo be any more effective in stopping them than the background check for the purchase of a gun.
Gun registration is totally constitutional . In the flip side , you couldn't ban ammunition . That would violate the 2nd .

Looks like the left is learning from the right and their bogus laws designed to eliminate abortion in Texas .

They're not proposing banning ammunition. They're proposing requiring background checks to purchase it. And i think that is where we're headed.
If you pass a background check for a firearm it stands to reason you would pass a background check for the ammo. DUH!
To those who said the U.S. should just "dump" or get rid of California.

The U.S. economy would collapse. California may be the only state that could survive on it's own.

You would all starve with out food.

Another left wing load of crap.

When there is a need, people will find a way.

There is plenty of land that could be put into use that isn't currently there.

While we are at it, let's dump New England too.
Let's do to the Second Amendment what Conservatives are doing to Roe v. Wade through the backdoor.

You are trying.

Roe is slowly dying...but not without a fight.

I suspect you'd find that 2nd will be the same way.
"Cigarettes don't cause cancer, smoking causes cancer!"

Oh silly billy, guns aren't responsible for gun violence! Even if you somehow got rid of all the guns, people would still die of natural causes, so why bother?!

Girl Pants Productions brings you a terrifically funny satire, completely dismantling the pro-gun argument.

This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People

How do the NRA gun nutters respond to this?

Only the leftwing gun-control kooks bothered to watch your video, so you won't get any response from freedom loving Americans.

I never waste my time watching leftwing propaganda.
"Cigarettes don't cause cancer, smoking causes cancer!"

Oh silly billy, guns aren't responsible for gun violence! Even if you somehow got rid of all the guns, people would still die of natural causes, so why bother?!

Girl Pants Productions brings you a terrifically funny satire, completely dismantling the pro-gun argument.

This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People

How do the NRA gun nutters respond to this?

Only the leftwing gun-control kooks bothered to watch your video, so you won't get any response from freedom loving Americans.

I never waste my time watching leftwing propaganda.

Thanks for responding to say you're not responding.
"Cigarettes don't cause cancer, smoking causes cancer!"

Oh silly billy, guns aren't responsible for gun violence! Even if you somehow got rid of all the guns, people would still die of natural causes, so why bother?!

Girl Pants Productions brings you a terrifically funny satire, completely dismantling the pro-gun argument.

This Is How The Pro-Gun Crowd Sounds To ... Well, Normal People

How do the NRA gun nutters respond to this?

Voter fraud is only fraud when it helps Republicans

Voter fraud is voter fraud, period.

Voter fraud is only fraud when it helps Republicans

Voter fraud is voter fraud, period.

You may want to click the needle on your sarcasm detector, I think it's stuck
The far left wants abortion....wants no compromise.

The far right wants total gun access....wants no compromise.

I love listening to the two of them squeal at each other about how wrong they are on each issue.

When, in many ways, it's really the same issue.

Perceived rights.

The difference being is one is guaranteed in the Constitution, the other is not.

So is it really the same issue?


First, gun rights are only guaranteed at the federal level in the constitution. In theory, there is nothing that prevents states from taking all guns away (except, of course, that they all pretty much have the 2nd written in their respective constitutions....which...why would they need if it the far left supremacy argument really were valid).

Second, it is about percieved rights. And right now, under our constitutional system we somehow believe we've made one a right (when really it isn't).

You don't understand the Constitution do you?

The provision of the Constitution that ensures this is called the Supremacy Clause. Look that up. The states cannot act contrary to the Constitution. They can make laws about topics on which the document is silent, but if a state law and federal law are in conflict, the federal law wins. Also, the 14th Amendment incorporates the protections of the Bill of Rights to the states. States must adhere to the requirements of the Second Amendment as interpreted by the Supreme Court.

Before we get into it, let me say that I am not a gun control advocate.

Having said that.....

I think it is you that misunderstands the Constitution.

The constitution was written for the federal government and is a limit on their powers.

The supremacy clause only gives them supremacy over those things within their scope to administer. It has nothing to do with things they are forbidden to touch.

If that were not the case, then why did states write the right to bear arms into their individual constitutions ? The answer is that because they understood that.

It is analogous to the freedom of religion. The federal government is forbid to pass laws respecting religion. States were not constrained and several had state sponsored religions well into the 1820's...and they only went away because states wrote them out. They were never challenged in court. One member of the SCOTUS recently stated that such would still be the case today (of course, he'd be in the minority).

The 14th amendment and the doctrine of selective incorporation is clearly the thing used today by the NRA. It is also what allows the far left and far right to push their agenda from the federal level. I always laugh at my NRA friends who hide behind this argument.

Selective incorporation is an invention of the FDR court.

It applies...but as I said...."in theory".

So, I think I understand better than you.

No you don't.

The Supremacy Clause is the provision in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution that establishes the United States Constitution, federal statutes, and treaties as "the supreme law of the land." It provides that these are the highest form of law in the United States legal system, and mandates that all state judges must follow federal law when a conflict arises between federal law and either a state constitution or state law of any state.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.

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