California officially says they will not allow the sale or registration of ICE passenger vehicles no later than 2035

Automakers see the writing on the wall
They are moving away from ICE Bigly

There is no future
I'm am not disagreeing with you.

GM was bailed out by the government, b/c they are a failure.

All of these companies, are now, essentially run by a cartel, it is not a free market anymore.

No one dare to oppose the cartel, it is against the law, when the system is rigged.
Auto makers see the cash in the bank from the federal government. There is no fucking writing on the goddamn wall.
No, they see the writing that these criminal global technocrats that have rigged the entire system, have written on the wall. . .


. . in blood of taxpayers no less. . .

If we manage to get sane leadership this nonsense will be eliminated.
but, that is the problem.

Controlled opposition.

How many times have we disagreed on things? The folks that are in control are experts at putting out lies, disinformation, and misinformation. Most folks have no clue what is really going on, and would not know, "sane leadership," if it arose anyway.

California has suffered with severe air pollution for decades


Have you ever been to California?

I've lived here my entire life.

I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley - yes, a Valley kid who LOVED Valley girls.

As a young child, there were days where my lungs would hurt and the air was cloudy. The smog of the 1950's and 60's

But that was long ago. Catalytic Converters and unleaded gas ended the smog days.

They need strict vehicle controls

Our rulers want populace control. Public transportation where the peasants movements can be tracked and controlled.

North Korea is where California is headed. California is where the rest of the USA is headed.
The power Grid in Cali cannot keep up with demand now, what happens when 6 to 10 million EV are plugged in to it?

AND all the solar systems are exasperating the issues with the grid, not offloading anything, because solar is a farce. Power generated from rooftop solar doesn't power the house it's on, instead it's dumped out on the overloaded grid while the house draws from the grid. It's insanely stupid and designed to protect the monopolies by the power companies - SCE and PG&E
Yeah well... because the high-speed rail thing has been going so good for them...

California absolutely lacks the infrastructure for this...

It went great for Grey Davis and Jerry Brown. They skimmed millions.
But as posters on this board have said, don't believe them.

DUMB: California, the Brownout State, Will Mandate Electric Cars by 2035

Do they have a plan to vastly increase the available power in the State? Do they have a proven technology that can charge a battery as fast as you fill a gas tank? If not will every public parking spot have a charger? Or will cars only be ownable by those lucky to own a house, or rent at an apartment complex with included charging spaces?

Me thinks that would be a violation of the interstate commerce clause. But since when do the commies ever concern themselves with the Constitution.

Me thinks that would be a violation of the interstate commerce clause. But since when do the commies ever concern themselves with the Constitution.


They won't allow them to be sold or registered, guess out of state registrations will go up exponentially.
They won't allow them to be sold or registered, guess out of state registrations will go up exponentially.

Seems to me out of State registrations of ICE vehicles would not be accepted.

The power Grid in Cali cannot keep up with demand now, what happens when 6 to 10 million EV are plugged in to it?

We just found out. The grid operator in California told people not to plug in their EVs over the Labor Day weekend. They were also told to keep their thermostats above 78 degrees. It's going to be 111 in Sacramento today.


By 2035 nobody will want ICE anyway
You dumbass liberals are going to force people to buy electric vehicles even though the California power grid can't even come CLOSE to supplying the electricity to charge all of those cars! This hasn't even started yet and already officials in California are asking people not to charge their cars this week because there is the threat of rolling brown outs! Who's going to want internal combustion engines? Everyone that can't drive because they can't charge their EV's...THAT'S WHO!
Seems to me out of State registrations of ICE vehicles would not be accepted.


They can't ban people from driving into the State, and while having your car registered out of State if you live in the State is a no no, it's seen all the time in NY.

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