California: Progressive Paradise

“Cali is #1 in poverty “ =. Russian fake news .

1. The article was from Forbes, you moron.

2. "Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?

That's the LATimes....

And again....Me: never wrong........You: a Liberals, hence, never right.

Sure when you create a stat heavy on cost of living . Cali is expensive because of its success .

You mislead to imply everyone is poor . fake news .

Yeah, sure don't see any implication "everyone" in California is poor. Aside from that, the state name is California, no one that lives here refers to it as "Cali"...dumbass.
I live here and refer to it as 'Cali'.
Me too. Some schmuck had a cow when I said Cali..then he said I should refer to it by its real name since I don't live there. Um. Yes. I do. Fucktard.
Anywho...north eastern Cali is great. This whole town is conservative. I like it, what with all the trees, mountains, streams, etc...but I LOATHE the summers. HOT. And I can't walk at night. BEARS and PUMAS.

Yup, may have made a mistake. Ten years ago, no one referred to California as Cali. So now we have proof that at least 2 people call it Cali, which is pale in comparison to the number of people that call it a shithole.

Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.

There are few enclaves in CA where Trump is supported; the once Republican areas in the Central Valley have turned purple, and Almond Farmers are suffering under the idiot in the White House & his foolish trade war with China.

Our ports support trade with Asia and Free Trade is just one more victim of the clown you support; longshoremen, truck drivers, small business owners as well as others who import to China are pissed off by his policies and antics.

BTW, Trump is no conservative, nor is McConnell and other members of the Republican Caucus. Middle America is awakened and see's the chaos in DC, and guess who will suffer come November. The usual means employed by the R's to win the hearts and minds of the voters will be their only argument, but gays, minorities, and Reagan Republicans have matured, and get it, they are in it for themselves and not We the People.

Someday you too may see the light.
They’re always looking to create some sort of ‘paradise,’ those wacky totalitarians, aren’t they?
Remember that great ‘Workers Paradise’ behind the Iron Curtain???
Now….the American version……California.

1.Did Longfellow live in California????
Maybe not….but he sure knew about it:

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

2.“Everyone thinks California is our most progressive state. And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. And it is standing up to President Donald Trump on everything from immigration to the environment.

And yet the Golden State is also number one in poverty and inequality in America.

3.If racism is more than just saying nasty things — if it is, as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

4.Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A,…

5….workers in California earn 11 percent more than their counterparts nationally. But that amount is not enough to make up for mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average.

6.Environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California’s housing. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for longer delays and higher costs of new housing. “The core legal structure of CEQA,” notes housing attorney Jennifer Hernandez, “protects the existing characteristics of those neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.”

7. Consider:

· In the name of helping the poor and protecting the environment, California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price;

· Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws progressives had agreed to;

8. Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states. Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards… When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

9. A decade-long reform effort in Washington, D.C. showed that student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing underperforming teachers.
But California has rejected similar reforms. Progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers.” Number One in Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

How about changing the name of the state from California, to ‘Hypocricia’?

Or, should the name be reserved for the entire Democrat Party????
California is packed with morons. Bunch of pussies. Everyone in California should be wearing the dem pussy hat. They whimped out on universal healthcare and now are fighting paying their fair share of Federal income taxes.
Kansas couldn't do it either; and they had access to the Wizard of Oz.

Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.

There are few enclaves in CA where Trump is supported; the once Republican areas in the Central Valley have turned purple, and Almond Farmers are suffering under the idiot in the White House & his foolish trade war with China.

Our ports support trade with Asia and Free Trade is just one more victim of the clown you support; longshoremen, truck drivers, small business owners as well as others who import to China are pissed off by his policies and antics.

BTW, Trump is no conservative, nor is McConnell and other members of the Republican Caucus. Middle America is awakened and see's the chaos in DC, and guess who will suffer come November. The usual means employed by the R's to win the hearts and minds of the voters will be their only argument, but gays, minorities, and Reagan Republicans have matured, and get it, they are in it for themselves and not We the People.

Someday you too may see the light.
How do you people come up with this crazy shit?
20% in Mexifornia live like filthy thirdworlders do...this stat does not include the 5-10 million illegal aliens living in people put the number closer to 30%.
It’s extremely common to find 8-12 people packed in 900 sqft homes near downtown LA...these disgusting human beings live in absolute filth...the smell throughout these wetback infested shitholes is unbelievable as they raise goats and chickens on tiny lots and they’re too lazy and too disgusting to clean the shit up...Law enforcement / code enforcement have been told to ignore the code violations as they know if these subhuman lowlifes can’t have mini farms in downtown they won’t be able to eat. It’s mindblowing to watch our twisted politicians write law after law to manifest, encourage and foster more and more of this crazy shit.
The good people of California swear we’re in some sort of Twilight Zone.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
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Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.

There are few enclaves in CA where Trump is supported; the once Republican areas in the Central Valley have turned purple, and Almond Farmers are suffering under the idiot in the White House & his foolish trade war with China.

Our ports support trade with Asia and Free Trade is just one more victim of the clown you support; longshoremen, truck drivers, small business owners as well as others who import to China are pissed off by his policies and antics.

BTW, Trump is no conservative, nor is McConnell and other members of the Republican Caucus. Middle America is awakened and see's the chaos in DC, and guess who will suffer come November. The usual means employed by the R's to win the hearts and minds of the voters will be their only argument, but gays, minorities, and Reagan Republicans have matured, and get it, they are in it for themselves and not We the People.

Someday you too may see the light.

California is a bug in search of a windshield.

I do so appreciate you remaining in California.....except those times when the wind blows west to east.....

Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.

There are few enclaves in CA where Trump is supported; the once Republican areas in the Central Valley have turned purple, and Almond Farmers are suffering under the idiot in the White House & his foolish trade war with China.

Our ports support trade with Asia and Free Trade is just one more victim of the clown you support; longshoremen, truck drivers, small business owners as well as others who import to China are pissed off by his policies and antics.

BTW, Trump is no conservative, nor is McConnell and other members of the Republican Caucus. Middle America is awakened and see's the chaos in DC, and guess who will suffer come November. The usual means employed by the R's to win the hearts and minds of the voters will be their only argument, but gays, minorities, and Reagan Republicans have matured, and get it, they are in it for themselves and not We the People.

Someday you too may see the light.
How do you people come up with this crazy shit?
20% in Mexifornia live like filthy thirdworlders do...this stat does not include the 5-10 million illegal aliens living in people put the number closer to 30%.
It’s extremely common to find 8-12 people packed in 900 sqft homes near downtown LA...these disgusting human beings live in absolute filth...the smell throughout these wetback infested shitholes is unbelievable as they raise goats and chickens on tiny lots and they’re too lazy and too disgusting to clean the shit up...Law enforcement / code enforcement have been told to ignore the code violations as they know if these subhuman lowlifes can’t have mini farms in downtown they won’t be able to eat. It’s mindblowing to watch our twisted politicians write law after law to manifest, encourage and foster more and more of this crazy shit.
The good people of California swear we’re in some sort of Twilight Zone.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
means, nothing; you have a "technicality on your side".
For informational purposes:

1."It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

2. Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

3. California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

4. Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.
Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter after which fruit?

5.Trump, 32.8%, 3,916,209 votes by Californians.
California Election Results 2016: President Live Map by County, Real-Time Voting Updates
Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.
State of California Debt Clock
Simply increasing the minimum wage will produce more tax revenue.
So how does increasing the minimum wage help the poor when you increase their taxes?
Higher paid Labor, pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.
Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.
State of California Debt Clock
Simply increasing the minimum wage will produce more tax revenue.
So how does increasing the minimum wage help the poor when you increase their taxes?
Higher paid Labor, pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.
I understand that. However, isn't the point of raising the minimum wage to help the poor? Raising their taxes is going to take away that help.
Bad luck with this ^^^; the golden state has finally been put on a course of social liberality and fiscal responsibility thanks to Gov. Brown and his leadership.
State of California Debt Clock
Simply increasing the minimum wage will produce more tax revenue.
So how does increasing the minimum wage help the poor when you increase their taxes?
Higher paid Labor, pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.
I understand that. However, isn't the point of raising the minimum wage to help the poor? Raising their taxes is going to take away that help.
The poor get to pay their share.
Simply increasing the minimum wage will produce more tax revenue.
So how does increasing the minimum wage help the poor when you increase their taxes?
Higher paid Labor, pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.
I understand that. However, isn't the point of raising the minimum wage to help the poor? Raising their taxes is going to take away that help.
The poor get to pay their share.
And admittedly, they're not really being helped that much by raising minimum wage. They're basically being used as a tax conduit. However, I do agree with you that the poor should pay something.
Simply increasing the minimum wage will produce more tax revenue.
So how does increasing the minimum wage help the poor when you increase their taxes?
Higher paid Labor, pay more in Taxes and create more in Demand.
I understand that. However, isn't the point of raising the minimum wage to help the poor? Raising their taxes is going to take away that help.
The poor get to pay their share.
And admittedly, they're not really being helped that much by raising minimum wage. They're basically being used as a tax conduit. However, I do agree with you that the poor should pay something.
Astronomy already, pioneered the way; we simply need a better "taxation orbit"; the law of large numbers can be our "propulsion".

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