California: Progressive Paradise

Liberals are so loving and caring, they want to kick you ass if you don't agree. You blokes don't get it. You are scary controlling assholes. Liberals want to dictate EVERYTHING and anything . And that counters everything about liberalism. And youse lousy guys don't get it.
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I read like books like the "Grapes of wrath" specifically referred to desperate jobless Americans doing itinerant work because they had starving children. For almost sixty years, I never saw encampments of desperate Americans living in camps until now. Like something out of a Steinbeck novel. We have huge camps of jobless hopeless Americans but we have to worry, instead, about Mexicans illegals, and the welfare of their kids...This is sad.
My Ma and her parents owned as gas station and store in the 1950's. I was told there were still folks living in tents and holes in the ground. In the 1960's when I was a kid visiting relatives in rural NE Oklahoma they lived in raised shacks with one light bulb. The recovery never hit that area until the 1980's when Wal Mart and Tyson's were growing.
Liberals are so loving and caring, they want to kick you ass if you don't agree. You blokes don't get it. You are scary controlling assholes. Liberals want to dictate EVERYTHING and anything . And that counters everything about liberalism. And youse guys don't get it.
Well, you make liberals sound like women..
I read like books like the "Grapes of wrath" specifically referred to desperate jobless Americans doing itinerant work because they had starving children. For almost sixty years, I never saw encampments of desperate Americans living in camps until now. Like something out of a Steinbeck novel. We have huge camps of jobless hopeless Americans but we have to worry, instead, about Mexicans illegals, and the welfare of their kids...This is sad.
My Ma and her parents owned as gas station and store in the 1950's. I was told there were still folks living in tents and holes in the ground. In the 1960's when I was a kid visiting relatives in rural NE Oklahoma they lived in raised shacks with one light bulb. The recovery never hit that area until the 1980's when Wal Mart and Tyson's were growing.
I am here to tell ya, plenty of Americans are living in a Steinbeck era NOW. All over the country. I have seen entire industries go from lower middle class Americans to just hiring Mexicans immigrants (we can't question that because it pissess off the people of liberal persuasion) and entire industries have been have been taken over by illegals since illegal aliens aren't college educated, it elevates their lies above regular lies. I see camps of homeless American otherwise, that would have had jobs otherwise. Mexicans work hard? There is working smart ,and there is working hard. Mexicans work dumb hard.
I have lived in the lower end of the economic spectrum. Not everybody is a programing genius. Why is California acting like it is? My brother that lived San Francisco for 40 years lost his job and home. He was a blue collar guy . But it's a sanctuary to illegal aliens, though, yeah for that. Got to hand to California, if you are going to alienate people, you do it jolly well.
They’re always looking to create some sort of ‘paradise,’ those wacky totalitarians, aren’t they?
Remember that great ‘Workers Paradise’ behind the Iron Curtain???
Now….the American version……California.

1.Did Longfellow live in California????
Maybe not….but he sure knew about it:

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

2.“Everyone thinks California is our most progressive state. And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. And it is standing up to President Donald Trump on everything from immigration to the environment.

And yet the Golden State is also number one in poverty and inequality in America.

3.If racism is more than just saying nasty things — if it is, as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

4.Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A,…

5….workers in California earn 11 percent more than their counterparts nationally. But that amount is not enough to make up for mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average.

6.Environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California’s housing. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for longer delays and higher costs of new housing. “The core legal structure of CEQA,” notes housing attorney Jennifer Hernandez, “protects the existing characteristics of those neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.”

7. Consider:

· In the name of helping the poor and protecting the environment, California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price;

· Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws progressives had agreed to;

8. Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states. Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards… When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

9. A decade-long reform effort in Washington, D.C. showed that student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing underperforming teachers.
But California has rejected similar reforms. Progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers.” Number One in Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

How about changing the name of the state from California, to ‘Hypocricia’?

Or, should the name be reserved for the entire Democrat Party????

Hi Super Woman. Where do you get your copy and paste BS from?
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.


"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.

Which of these famous people was never married to his cousin?
Should have and could have doesn't help your case. Majority of Americans voted against trump I care less for Clinton and I would never vote for her....ig Elmo ran vs trump he could've won...he is an international embarrassment....and stop dissing California...most American born people that I come across here are mostly from different states....specifically west LA my wife who was born here in the 60s is unique cause there is hardly anyone that was born here around her age, most migrated feom other states to make their lives dont put that bullshit ....if it wasn't for California Trump wouldve won the popular vote. California is packed with Americans from mostly fly over states, they ran away from desperation and regressiveness to better their lives.
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.


"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.

Which of these famous people was never married to his cousin?
Are there lot of Mexicans here? of course? Are there lot of illegals? Heck ya a ton....and guess what most are hard working people. I swear to you and you can come down and see it with your own eyes.....most of the homeless, baggers with signs in west of LA and most parts of LA are american born and mostly whites....lot of them with addiction problem and if you asked them most aren't from California....most Latinos are busy working 1 and 2 jobs to take care of their families.
Liberals are so loving and caring, they want to kick you ass if you don't agree. You blokes don't get it. You are scary controlling assholes. Liberals want to dictate EVERYTHING and anything . And that counters everything about liberalism. And youse guys don't get it.
Well, you make liberals sound like women..

LOL! What you doing up so early Moon Shine?
California wants to help illegal immigrants. Well, who IS California? The rich Elitists? The wealthy? The 5th estate poor? The only ones that want to help illegals are those that exploit them. But We, the bourgeoise? We want these assholes to immigrate legally. And we don't care about their bowl movements or their kids, in that order.

California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.


"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.

Which of these famous people was never married to his cousin?
Are there lot of Mexicans here? of course? Are there lot of illegals? Heck ya a ton....and guess what most are hard working people. I swear to you and you can come down and see it with your own eyes.....most of the homeless, baggers with signs in west of LA and most parts of LA are american born and mostly whites....lot of them with addiction problem and if you asked them most aren't from California....most Latinos are busy working 1 and 2 jobs to take care of their families.

"Are there lot of Mexicans here? of course? Are there lot of illegals? Heck ya a ton....and guess what most are hard working people. "

If the (bogus) figure cited ...."11 million illegal aliens live in the country"....which neither changes nor is questioned, is accepted….

"... no number has been given greater certitude and less investigation than that. Not even the number of planets in our solar system has enjoyed such constancy and acceptance.

….that is about 0.03 % of the population…..committing crime WAY out of proportion:

Per the US Sentencing Commission [ Topic]

Non-Citizens Federal Crimes:

22% of Murders

18% of Fraud

33% of Money Laundering

29% of Drug Trafficking

72% of Drug Possession

And these are only federal statistics.

Wanna see the figures from California, or New York????
They’re always looking to create some sort of ‘paradise,’ those wacky totalitarians, aren’t they?
Remember that great ‘Workers Paradise’ behind the Iron Curtain???
Now….the American version……California.

1.Did Longfellow live in California????
Maybe not….but he sure knew about it:

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

2.“Everyone thinks California is our most progressive state. And why not? It imposes the highest tax on the richest one percent. It is aggressively implementing Obamacare. And it is standing up to President Donald Trump on everything from immigration to the environment.

And yet the Golden State is also number one in poverty and inequality in America.

3.If racism is more than just saying nasty things — if it is, as scholars like James Baldwin, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander and countless others have described, embedded into socioeconomic structures — then California isn’t just the least progressive state. It’s also the most racist.

4.Homeless encampments of hundreds of people have cropped up around the state in the last two years. Occasionally, they are ravaged by hepatitis A,…

5….workers in California earn 11 percent more than their counterparts nationally. But that amount is not enough to make up for mortgage payments and rents that are 44 percent and 37 percent higher (respectively) than the national average.

6.Environmentalism is used to justify de facto racial segregation in California’s housing. Environmental lawsuits are a major reason for longer delays and higher costs of new housing. “The core legal structure of CEQA,” notes housing attorney Jennifer Hernandez, “protects the existing characteristics of those neighborhoods and thus perpetuates land use practices founded in race and class discrimination.”

7. Consider:

· In the name of helping the poor and protecting the environment, California has placed myriad restrictions and fees on building new housing units, driving up their price;

· Progressive local governments like San Francisco and Santa Monica block even those housing projects that comply with zoning laws progressives had agreed to;

8. Progressive leaders who daily denounce Republicans as racist have blithely presided over a significant decline in the academic performance of black and Latino eighth graders relative to their counterparts in other states. Today, less than 40 percent of non-white and non-Asian students meet state educational standards… When the cost of living is taken into account, California spends less on K-12 education than all but four other states.

9. A decade-long reform effort in Washington, D.C. showed that student performance can be improved significantly by rewarding teachers for performance and replacing underperforming teachers.
But California has rejected similar reforms. Progressives won’t even allow delaying teacher tenure from two to three years to ensure high-quality teachers.” Number One in Poverty, California Isn't Our Most Progressive State -- It's Our Most Racist One

How about changing the name of the state from California, to ‘Hypocricia’?

Or, should the name be reserved for the entire Democrat Party????

Hi Super Woman. Where do you get your copy and paste BS from?

Let's review:

Everything I post is 100% true, accurate, and correct.

You've inadvertently proven that by being unable to refute any of same.

Funny, how you're too stupid to realize you put your foot in your mouth.
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.


"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.

Which of these famous people was never married to his cousin?
Should have and could have doesn't help your case. Majority of Americans voted against trump I care less for Clinton and I would never vote for her....ig Elmo ran vs trump he could've won...he is an international embarrassment....and stop dissing California...most American born people that I come across here are mostly from different states....specifically west LA my wife who was born here in the 60s is unique cause there is hardly anyone that was born here around her age, most migrated feom other st"ates to make their lives dont put that bullshit ....if it wasn't for California Trump wouldve won the popular vote. California is packed with Americans from mostly fly over states, they ran away from desperation and regressiveness to better their lives.

".if it wasn't for California Trump wouldve won the popular vote."

Exactly....and it was the illegal aliens who followed Obama's instructions, and voted, who made the difference.
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.


"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.

Which of these famous people was never married to his cousin?
Should have and could have doesn't help your case. Majority of Americans voted against trump I care less for Clinton and I would never vote for her....ig Elmo ran vs trump he could've won...he is an international embarrassment....and stop dissing California...most American born people that I come across here are mostly from different states....specifically west LA my wife who was born here in the 60s is unique cause there is hardly anyone that was born here around her age, most migrated feom other states to make their lives dont put that bullshit ....if it wasn't for California Trump wouldve won the popular vote. California is packed with Americans from mostly fly over states, they ran away from desperation and regressiveness to better their lives.
California is packed with Americans from mostly fly over states, they ran away from desperation and regressiveness to better their lives.
you are right,this has been happening....and all those same people moving in have brought their desperation and bullshit with them and turned California into the kind of State they were running from....

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