California: Progressive Paradise

Your claim I lied about my career has no basis in fact, and you've offered zero evidence to make that claim.
Sure I can. Would you like me to provide the posts? You later claimed you "wrote grants" for a living. Last time I checked, law enforcement doesn't write grants. :laugh:

"Last you checked"? Another damn lie. Once again you have no clue and choose to lie.

For the Reader, one example of a grant that police agencies do submit grant proposals:

Federal Register :: Grants To Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders

For those who were ignorant, and are not willfully so, check out the Federal Register. you will learn that P@triot is ignorant and a damn liar.
Clearly Google is not your friend. :lmao:

You have no idea what you just posted. You did a Google search and then copied & pasted the first link that popped up. :laugh:

That federal register did not prove that law enforcement officers write grants - at all.
And....did any law enforcement officer write that? Nope! :lmao:

Yep, I did. Grants to Encourage Arrests, who do you think would apply for this, if not LE?

Maybe I should scan the plaque given to me when I was promoted and left the management of the Domestic Violence Unit.

How about if I do this, and you promise to leave this message board forever and ply your lies somewhere else?
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike

Cool, from your link:

"California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and approved by Golden State voters in 2012."

Wow, 132 people out of 39 million + and it'll go higher when the Raiders move to Las Vegas.

If I sold my home, and another home I own in CA. and took my profits and extended family to another state we could live in Mansions. The downside is we would need to live in another state.
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike

Cool, from your link:

"California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and approved by Golden State voters in 2012."

Wow, 132 people out of 39 million + and it'll go higher when the Raiders move to Las Vegas.

If I sold my home, and another home I own in CA. and took my profits and extended family to another state we could live in Mansions. The downside is we would need to live in another state.

Then maybe you'd like a different link.
Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike

Cool, from your link:

"California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and approved by Golden State voters in 2012."

Wow, 132 people out of 39 million + and it'll go higher when the Raiders move to Las Vegas.

If I sold my home, and another home I own in CA. and took my profits and extended family to another state we could live in Mansions. The downside is we would need to live in another state.

Then maybe you'd like a different link.
Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went

From your link: "About 5 million Californians left between 2004 and 2013. Roughly 3.9 million people came here from other states during that period, for a net population loss of more than 1 million people."

Lots of people walked away from homes underwater during the recession (2007 -2009), I bought a home in late '09 which one of my sons and his wife live which sold for $291,000 and is worth today (per Zillow) at nearly $600,000. (see the homes in 92518 for their Zillow estimates today).
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike

Cool, from your link:

"California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and approved by Golden State voters in 2012."

Wow, 132 people out of 39 million + and it'll go higher when the Raiders move to Las Vegas.

If I sold my home, and another home I own in CA. and took my profits and extended family to another state we could live in Mansions. The downside is we would need to live in another state.

Why are you verifying my post....????

You know that everything I post is 100% accurate, true, and correct.
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.
California = the land of fruits and nuts. .... :cool:
Technology? Education ? Innovation ? AI? Entertainment ? Sports ? Best economy?
I think if California didnt exist the rest of the US without blue states/areas eould be be comparable to Liberia.

"Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?"
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
We are also biggest economy
Have the highest salaries
Highest number of millionaires and billionaires
Highest number of production
Highest number in GDP growth
Highest number of Olympic athletes
Highest number of immigrants from other states
We are simply the best, ear your heart out...without California you would starve and still have an old land line.


"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Looking for the biggest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the world? Look no further than Fiesta Broadway in Los Angeles, where hundreds of thousands of people come out for food, music and crafts in a celebration of Hispanic heritage.

Which of these famous people was never married to his cousin?
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike

Cool, from your link:

"California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and approved by Golden State voters in 2012."

Wow, 132 people out of 39 million + and it'll go higher when the Raiders move to Las Vegas.

If I sold my home, and another home I own in CA. and took my profits and extended family to another state we could live in Mansions. The downside is we would need to live in another state.

Why are you verifying my post....????

You know that everything I post is 100% accurate, true, and correct.

Not even in your mind, of course you can't even be honest to yourself.
California wants to help illegal immigrants. Well, who IS California? The rich Elitists? The wealthy? The 5th estate poor? The only ones that want to help illegals are those that exploit them. But We, the bourgeoise? We want these assholes to immigrate legally. And we don't care about their bowl movements or their kids, in that order.
"Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike
Prop. 30 raised the state’s top income tax rate by more than 29%, increasing it three percentage points from 10.3% to 13.3%, which is now the highest state income tax rate in the nation. Prop. 30 also hiked the tax rate on income between $300,000 and $500,000 by two percentage points (a 21.5% rate increase), and raised the rate on income between $500,000 and $1,000,000 by three percentage points (a more than 32% rate hike).

This isn’t surprising for those who are familiar with other attempts to soak the rich with punitive state income tax hikes on high earners. Take what happened in Maryland after Martin O’Malley, the former Democratic presidential candidate and governor, imposed a millionaires tax hike a decade ago. "
Millionaires Flee California After Tax Hike

Cool, from your link:

"California lost an estimated 138 high-income individuals following passage of the Proposition 30 income tax increase championed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) and approved by Golden State voters in 2012."

Wow, 132 people out of 39 million + and it'll go higher when the Raiders move to Las Vegas.

If I sold my home, and another home I own in CA. and took my profits and extended family to another state we could live in Mansions. The downside is we would need to live in another state.

Then maybe you'd like a different link.
Roughly 5 million people left California in the last decade. See where they went

From your link: "About 5 million Californians left between 2004 and 2013. Roughly 3.9 million people came here from other states during that period, for a net population loss of more than 1 million people."

Lots of people walked away from homes underwater during the recession (2007 -2009), I bought a home in late '09 which one of my sons and his wife live which sold for $291,000 and is worth today (per Zillow) at nearly $600,000. (see the homes in 92518 for their Zillow estimates today).

Also from the link:
Based on tax returns, the IRS migration data is considered the gold standard for measuring population shifts, though it lags two to three years behind the current date. The latest, separate estimates from the state Department of Finance showed net domestic migration losses slowing, but not ending, in 2014.

Despite the loss of residents to other states, California continued to grow during the last decade because of natural increase - more births than deaths - and foreign migration.

Granted, the real estate prices are ridiculous. Where there is a problem is the "foreign migration" (and we all know what that means) is not able to afford these prices. We know there has been drought for at least the last ten years, we know there is an electricity problem, which people have already experienced this weekend. Just with those difficulties alone, I have no idea why the idiots running the state feel a need to be a sanctuary state. Wanting to let in more and more that can't afford to live here, and probably can't even afford to pay the electricity bill or water bill.

California wants to help illegal immigrants. Well, who IS California? The rich Elitists? The wealthy? The 5th estate poor? The only ones that want to help illegals are those that exploit them. But We, the bourgeoise? We want these assholes to immigrate legally. And we don't care about their bowl movements or their kids, in that order.

Is that like the Super Bowl, or is this a soccer thingy?
California wants to help illegal immigrants. Well, who IS California? The rich Elitists? The wealthy? The 5th estate poor? The only ones that want to help illegals are those that exploit them. But We, the bourgeoise? We want these assholes to immigrate legally. And we don't care about their bowl movements or their kids, in that order.

Is that like the Super Bowl, or is this a soccer thingy?
Illegal aliens are not your father's Oldsmobile.
California wants to help illegal immigrants. Well, who IS California? The rich Elitists? The wealthy? The 5th estate poor? The only ones that want to help illegals are those that exploit them. But We, the bourgeoise? We want these assholes to immigrate legally. And we don't care about their bowl movements or their kids, in that order.

Is that like the Super Bowl, or is this a soccer thingy?
Illegal aliens are not your father's Oldsmobile.

Although they don't mind stealing your fathers Oldsmobile.
California wants to help illegal immigrants. Well, who IS California? The rich Elitists? The wealthy? The 5th estate poor? The only ones that want to help illegals are those that exploit them. But We, the bourgeoise? We want these assholes to immigrate legally. And we don't care about their bowl movements or their kids, in that order.

Is that like the Super Bowl, or is this a soccer thingy?
Illegal aliens are not your father's Oldsmobile.

I bet you could get a job teaching physics at Stanford with that thesis,
I read like books like the "Grapes of wrath" specifically referred to desperate jobless Americans doing itinerant work because they had starving children. For almost sixty years, I never saw encampments of desperate Americans living in camps until now. Like something out of a Steinbeck novel. We have huge camps of jobless hopeless Americans but we have to worry, instead, about Mexicans illegals, and the welfare of their kids...This is sad.

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