California reparations task force says black people should be given PRIORITY in renting and buying


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Because they are more important than everyone else.

  • The group formally approved its final recommendations to the California Legislature last weekend - some of which have been seen as controversial
  • The task force approved its final recommendations last week for reparations payments of a minimum of $360,000 for black Californians

California's reparations task force has said that black people should be given priority in the renting and buying market - and demanded that a state agency should have the veto power over real estate decisions to 'lessen racial segregation.'

The task force was created to study the economic effects of slavery and discrimination in the state back in September 2020, making California the first state to embark on studying the possibility of reparations for black Americans — even though slavery was banned in California even before it joined the union.

That is actually a GREAT idea.

All the blacks still pissing and moaning about slavery and oppressive shit that never actually happened to them, that believe they're owed some shit, GO TO COMMIEFORNIA. Get free shit.
Piss on the blacks but they could take a look at their ancestor's practice of genocide on CA Native Americans.
That is actually a GREAT idea.

All the blacks still pissing and moaning about slavery and oppressive shit that never actually happened to them, that believe they're owed some shit, GO TO COMMIEFORNIA. Get free shit.

And once all the properties are given to blacks on gov programs and generous bank loans who can't afford them and default on paying their taxes, and Ca has little incoming tax revenue yet even more pouring out, the state will collapse! :happy-1:
Because they are more important than everyone else.

  • The group formally approved its final recommendations to the California Legislature last weekend - some of which have been seen as controversial
  • The task force approved its final recommendations last week for reparations payments of a minimum of $360,000 for black Californians


They're already being given priority for transplant organs.

They are more important than white people.

How is that not racist?

It is racist in my book.

Yep. My friend who got booted back behind the blacks on the kidney transplant list feels the same way. Now her only hope is finding a private donor. I'd give one of mine but we're not compatible. I wish I could. I'd do it with a big "Fuck you, you racist motherfuckers".

Cali has been bleeding population since Gavin took office, this is a desperate effort to try and get people to move into the state and regain a Comgresional seat

the state won’t actually do this
Cali has been bleeding population since Gavin took office, this is a desperate effort to try and get people to move into the state and regain a Comgresional seat

the state won’t actually do this
I heard that of the qualifications, beyond just being of african heritage, a person apparently has to be able to provide some documentation that an ancestor was a slave here in the US.

How many people do you think actually have documents from their parents, not to mention a document from anyone who they were related to that was even born before 1920? Never mind any sort of document that would indicate slavery in a person's ancestry, how many blacks don't know their father's fuckin first name?

The commies in CA knew damn well that any black people who held on to documents from that long ago are most likely extremely rare, already wealthy from generations ago and successful families that were not corrupted by the democrook party. They probably wouldn't take the money out of pride, not even just because they don't need it.

I heard that of the qualifications, beyond just being of african heritage, a person apparently has to be able to provide some documentation that an ancestor was a slave here in the US.

How many people do you think actually have documents from their parents, not to mention a document from anyone who they were related to that was even born before 1920? Never mind any sort of document that would indicate slavery in a person's ancestry, how many blacks don't know their father's fuckin first name?

The commies in CA knew damn well that any black people who held on to documents from that long ago are most likely extremely rare, already wealthy from generations ago and successful families that were not corrupted by the democrook party. They probably wouldn't take the money out of pride, not even just because they don't need it.


Oh, but look at all the fun rioting that's going to happen when Lootie the hood rat gets passed over for what he thinks is his share of the goods.

As if they need any excuses to go on more "shopping sprees".

Of course they do. Not all but most blacks have been trained to be a piece of shit. They get told they are mistreated, hated, stepped on, nothing is their fault, they can go out a steal and how racism is destroying them.

They are being taught to expect they deserve everything and to be treated special. And most blacks are unintelligent, selfish, ambitionless savages. So of course they are going to make demands and the more you give them the more they will demand. They work harder at not having to work or be smart than they would at actually working hard and learning.

Some we as a society are saying and blacks are saying "blacks are equal and should be treated fair". Then those same people say "blacks deserve special treatment and attention".

Fuck nwords. Uncle Sam should buy them all a plane ticket to Africa. Then they get to be free of racism and slavery, and America suddenly stops being racist. Everyone wins.
Because they are more important than everyone else.

  • The group formally approved its final recommendations to the California Legislature last weekend - some of which have been seen as controversial
  • The task force approved its final recommendations last week for reparations payments of a minimum of $360,000 for black Californians

That'd be racial discrimination and it's illegal

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