California wants to end income tax for teachers. I can't believe my eyes

Just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to organized crime between Dem's and the teachers unions. I'd note some of the shit that goes on in Oregon but your heads would explode.

yes... everyone should be uneducated, ignorant and sub literate like you. :cuckoo:

that isn't socialism... its capitalism.... it encourages people to take a job for which high skills are necessary, but for which they are underpaid.

or are tax breaks only good when they're given to people who don't need them?

rightwingnuts are so dense.
Teachers unions don't need tax breaks....
Thank you! On behalf of teachers everywhere, let me be the first to say that you are obviously on the cutting edge of a room temperature IQ!
And It's still 50 points higher than yours.

Your IQ is room temp. Mine happens to have been tested at 136. If you have an IQ of 186, why aren't you out curing cancer or working on your second billion instead of posting on a message board?

Have a nice day!
Mine is 181 and you have no idea what I do or have done. But since you asked, I'm posting on a message board because I'm semi retired. I work a little just to have a routine. Why are you here? Unemployed?

Not unemployed. I just come here to educate the dullards who think they know about teachers and public schools but haven't darkened a classroom door since they were either kicked out or they dropped out of their respective middle schools. You could be my star pupil if you would forget all of the bullshit that people have been telling you for years and just listen to the real expert on the topic.

If you have an IQ of 181, I guess we need to reevaluate the testing because no one as thick-headed as you seem to be could ever score above -1 standard deviations.
If you're a teacher, that explains your moronic comments. And I hate to tell you this but you couldn't educate a toddler. Teachers live in a fantasy world and they're too stupid to see that their students are smarter than they are. When my daughter was in middle school she was constantly having to correct spelling mistakes made by her English teacher. You people are truly idiots. No offense. :lol:

SJ, a little off topic but----> reason it is so important to return education to the states is........if we do, then liberalism will lose its hold in much of the school system.


Because states that concentrate on reading, writing, and math instead of political indoctrination, will have their students running the businesses, corporations, and the country.

Teaching children and then young adults how to be socialists is actually teaching them how to live off the state largesse, not how to innovate.

How do we know this?

Who/whom/which type of governed countries are/have been stealing technology from which/what type of other governed countries for forever? We have seen that socialist countries can concentrate for years on innovation we free countries ignored, (think Sputnik) and as soon as we turn our attention towards it, we quickly surpass them.

Do we all remember when UC Berkeley was a hotbed of innovation? I do, and has it kept its status in academia? And if not, why not-)

So you see, we must take a page from the left and look long, very long term. Remove the power of education from Washington, and let the young people learn how to build a better mousetrap instead of how to be PC. Do that, and the left will continue to die!

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meh - I would call this a good start

we do not value educators enough in this country

having said this, I would want to trade this for eliminating the ridiculous tenure system - make it easier to fire the bad ones, and throw in stronger provisions to eliminate teachers pushing ANY political agenda
meh - I would call this a good start

we do not value educators enough in this country

having said this, I would want to trade this for eliminating the ridiculous tenure system - make it easier to fire the bad ones, and throw in stronger provisions to eliminate teachers pushing ANY political agenda
Clean up the teacher mess first, then give rewards.....
No surprise there. Liberals have always had that double standard. Everyone should pay except them. And teachers are some of the dumbest bastards on the planet. If anything their taxes should be raised and their pay should be cut (deeply).

The anti-education and anti-intellectualism from the conservatives here is just another reflection of just how far gone these conservative nutjobs have become.

You love that talking point, but where do you see that?
I think that violates the 14th Amendment.

What about states that exempt the military from income taxes?
They do? Most people in the military don't earn enough to pay income taxes.

Not true. I paid Federal Tax on my income while in the military. Some special pay was exempt. Most states I lived in did not charge state income tax.

Maybe you should have volunteered to serve and you would know better.
I think that violates the 14th Amendment.

What about states that exempt the military from income taxes?
They do? Most people in the military don't earn enough to pay income taxes.

Where did you get that silly idea?
From the fact that many of the enlisted men are on welfare.

1 to 2% of active military quality for TANF.
Perhaps as her parent, you shouldn't have enrolled her in a private school where her English teacher probably had a degree in social work, if they even graduated from high school.

Oh, and BTW, I know some of my students are smarter than me, They just haven't had the education yet to reach their full potential. Hopefully every teacher they get after me will not be as smart as they are, but will contribute to their education in the same way I am doing.

My students are ignorant because they have not been taught. That is apparently your problem also. However, they know they don't know. You don't know and could give a shit that you are spreading lies. You must be a closet liberal if all you can do is lie.

It appears that you can't pass muster to be a teacher for a private school. Not surprising. The school of education is the least difficult to enter and graduate from in any university or college in the country.

My daughter attended a private school here in Tallahassee. She was accepted at a number of universities and received a scholarship as well. The school, along with most other private schools I know of in our area, has a record of every graduate being accepted into college.

In states where I have taught, all you have to do to recruit a new teacher is go to a private school and sift through all of the teachers are completely unqualified to teach in public schools and the others will line up to take the jobs. The pay and benefits in private schools sucks because you do not have to hardly meet any qualifications other than be able to fog a mirror when you exhale! I have seen private schools where I wouldn't send a dog.

I attended a public high school, received a Navy ROTC 4-year scholarship, and attended a major university. I did not graduate with an education degree, nor did any of my colleagues anywhere I have worked. You keep buying into the old wive's tales about teachers because you refuse to learn. I am glad your daughter apparently did not inherit that trait.

My daughter attended public schools, earned a 4-year Army ROTC scholarship, attended a major university completing a degree in Biology, and now serves as a transportation platoon leader in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment..

Schools are just your scapegoat. That is truly sad.
Perhaps as her parent, you shouldn't have enrolled her in a private school where her English teacher probably had a degree in social work, if they even graduated from high school.
It was a public school. And don't pretend to have any insight into my life or the situation to which I'm referencing.

Oh, and BTW, I know some of my students are smarter than me
I'm sure they are.

My students are ignorant because they have not been taught.
It's more likely your students have to teach you.

I find it odd that I am not allowed to make judgements about you, yet you feel free to slander my profession at will with your lies and misconceptions. You are simply an asshole that clings to some bitter memories of being bested by someone in education, so you lash out at every opportunity.

You are very immature and quite pathetic..
meh - I would call this a good start

we do not value educators enough in this country

having said this, I would want to trade this for eliminating the ridiculous tenure system - make it easier to fire the bad ones, and throw in stronger provisions to eliminate teachers pushing ANY political agenda

Tenure is the scapegoat for everyone that doesn't know how tenure really works.
Hey, let California or any other state do whatever the hell they want. Just keep it out of the federal government.

Who do you think California is going to look at to bail them our of their unfunded liability quagmire? They expect the citizens of the other 49 states to pay their retirees.

California has been liberal a very long time, and it seems to work for them. The reality is the citizens of Cali are net federal tax payers, not receivers. Your profile says you live in Florida. Well guess what, you Floridians aren't pulling your weight. You lazy bastards are collecting $5 for every $1 you pay in federal taxes. You must have a great view from your glass house. BTW- I live in Colorado and we are net tax payers. Research before posting.

Now that MI is run by GOP they want rid of the state income tax, which means cuts in everything and increase taxes in gas and probably raise the sales tax which will hurt the poorer and the aged. I hate the GOP. When Trump and his GOP are done, we will have double the income inequality.
We hate you fascist democrats too...
Because of FAKE news, dupe...
Now that MI is run by GOP they want rid of the state income tax, which means cuts in everything and increase taxes in gas and probably raise the sales tax which will hurt the poorer and the aged. I hate the GOP. When Trump and his GOP are done, we will have double the income inequality.
We hate you fascist democrats too...
Because of FAKE news, dupe...
Yes, because of your fake news.....
Now that MI is run by GOP they want rid of the state income tax, which means cuts in everything and increase taxes in gas and probably raise the sales tax which will hurt the poorer and the aged. I hate the GOP. When Trump and his GOP are done, we will have double the income inequality.
We hate you fascist democrats too...
Because of FAKE news, dupe...
Yes, because of your fake news.....
WE don't HAVE any! Poor America...

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