California wants to end income tax for teachers. I can't believe my eyes

Slander? Lies? Sorry pal, but your profession has a track record of failure. Teachers could not survive in the real world. If it weren't for the government (and taxpayers who actually WORK for a living), you would be on welfare.

The only failure is your ability to recognize the real world over some deep-seated psychological trauma that caused you to be so ignorant.

I feel sorry for you. I really do!

Nice try, but more people agree with my assessment than with yours.

Oh really? Show us the statistics to back that up.

Show statistics to an idiot? That would be a stupid thing to do.

Well, your 181 IQ tells you to say that?

No, just common sense (something you wouldn't understand).
If paying teachers less will improve education, shouldn't we pay our troops less to improve defense?

Paying them less or more won't affect the quality of the work they do unless control of education is removed from government hands. Management is the problem, and government management is always incompetent.
Higher pay for teachers bring better teachers and schools and citizens, dingbat dupe....

The Strange thing about Progressives. We spend more on health care than other nations, have superior care and that is a bad thing.

We spend more on education than other nations, get terrible results and Progressives say we need to spend MORE.


AP June 25, 2013, 11:55 AM
U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
WASHINGTON The United States spends more than other developed nations on its students' education each year, with parents and private foundations picking up more of the costs, an international survey released Tuesday found.

Despite the spending, U.S. students still trail their rivals on international tests.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — which groups the world's most developed countries — writes in its annual report that brand-new and experienced teachers alike in the United States out-earn most of their counterparts around the globe. But U.S. salaries have not risen at the same pace as other nations.

The findings, part of a 440-page tome of statistics, put the United States' spending on its young people in context.

The United States spent more than $11,000 per elementary student in 2010 and more than $12,000 per high school student. When researchers factored in the cost for programs after high school education such as college or vocational training, the United States spent $15,171 on each young person in the system — more than any other nation covered in the report.

U.S. education spending tops global list, study shows
Yes our health care IS a ridiculously expensive GOP non-system with the worst outcomes in the West. But GREAT if you're rich and get cancer.

Yes we spend a shytteload on education, but our schools are just fine except in GOP discrimination induced war zones. Ed. doesn't work in war zones- BREAKING for bigots/dupes...too bad most people out here in GOP country think education is for silly Dems..
Not one poster has put ANY resp ion divinity on kids to take ownership of their education. Inner city schools don't thrive in many cases due to a culture of no responsibility beginning at home. Completing assignments and apathetic work habits have not green mentioned. Until that geyts fixed you can cut salaries or increase them it won't matter one iota. Want to fix education? Fix the broken down families first.

Public school teachers are another special identity group being victimized.......

Poor little darlings......
I find it odd that I am not allowed to make judgements about you, yet you feel free to slander my profession at will with your lies and misconceptions.
Slander? Lies? Sorry pal, but your profession has a track record of failure. Teachers could not survive in the real world. If it weren't for the government (and taxpayers who actually WORK for a living), you would be on welfare.

The only failure is your ability to recognize the real world over some deep-seated psychological trauma that caused you to be so ignorant.

I feel sorry for you. I really do!

Nice try, but more people agree with my assessment than with yours.

So? That just means all of you are wrong.
I'm sure they mean state income tax not federal. It sounds like a good idea to give any hard working state or local employee a tax break but wouldn't you think they would start with Police Officers? Ca. is second in the Nation with Police Officer line of duty deaths (10 in 2016). How many teachers were killed in the line of duty?

No, the teachers unions are a HUGE cash cow for the Democratic party, hence they get special favors and treatment. The poor and middle class get to pay for it.

You education bashers are all alike. You know that the unions do not get tax dollars, but you all act like they do. Do they give campaign contributions to the Democrats? Of course they do! The reason for that is simple. Conservatives usually cover their ears with their hands and scream "Lalalalalalalalala" every time the subject is brought up. When conservatives stop trying to throw the baby out with the bath water, maybe some unions will slip a little money their way. Until then, libs will get all of the union money like they do from most unions.

Do you really wish to discuss lying lowlife scum teachers in my liberal state and how their union fucks over taxpayers every chance they get? And don't give me that shit about how 'its for the kids' what a pant load.

I never said it was "for the kids" now did I?
lol, like the Republicans don't get even more money from anti-union interests.

Why do you deflect, are you ashamed of how Dem's and the teachers unions rip off the poor and middle class tax payers?

Why are you too retarded to know what is or isn't a deflection?

Lets get back to Dem politicians ripping off taxpayers to bribe teachers unions. Did you know that Dem politicians guaranteed the teachers union pension fund would make at least 8% a year in the stock market, and that if it didn't taxpayers would gift them the money to make sure they go at least a 8% return? Guaranteed stock market profits, paid for by poor and middle class taxpayers. Sounds criminal doesn't it.

Maybe in your state you need to elect some conservatives to see that the funds are maintained and you won't need those guarantees.

The teachers union in Oregon owns the state and its politicians. Teachers line their pockets screwing over taxpayers every chance they get. Every time voters increase school funding the teachers union rushes in and gobbles up all the money, leaving little for the kids, books, school buildings, etc. Teachers in my area are blatant liars, they openly despise taxpayers.

How about you explain that statement further? The only funds that a union gets are from teacher union dues. Are you sure you don't want to retract that uninformed exaggeration?
I find it odd that I am not allowed to make judgements about you, yet you feel free to slander my profession at will with your lies and misconceptions.
Slander? Lies? Sorry pal, but your profession has a track record of failure. Teachers could not survive in the real world. If it weren't for the government (and taxpayers who actually WORK for a living), you would be on welfare.

The only failure is your ability to recognize the real world over some deep-seated psychological trauma that caused you to be so ignorant.

I feel sorry for you. I really do!

Nice try, but more people agree with my assessment than with yours.

So? That just means all of you are wrong.

Ok, little buddy. Sorry, I didn't mean to traumatize you. :itsok:
Sounds like some of you should give up your earning potential and go into the most troubled schools and teach. I could never deal with today's parents, much less their spawn. Not for the pittance they get. One can do a ton better in the private sector with one tenth the training.
Yes we spend a shytteload on education, but our schools are just fine except in GOP discrimination induced war zones.

Who runs Detroit schools or say Washington, DC?

Yes it would be hilarious to see most all of these posters put into a classroom of kids who have excess baggage, anger issues,and dislike learning and despise authority. Then tell these teachers how god awful they are while they wsalk out crying and babbling how they can't do the job.
Yes it would be hilarious to see most all of these posters put into a classroom of kids who have excess baggage, anger issues,and dislike learning and despise authority. Then tell these teachers how god awful they are while they wsalk out crying and babbling how they can't do the job.

And how about you?

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