Call and Complain to AOL About Them Catering to the Radical Left

After you call AOL, call Fox and complain to Roger Ailes that he caters to the GOP. I don't have the phone number cuz' I could care less. If you don't like AOL don't log on.
I'm cancelling my long-time subscription. I've been meaning to do that anyway, but I'll tell them it's bwecause of what they did to free speech.

How can pulling financial support via promotional ads on a radio show be suppressing free speech?

In a sense, AOL was practicing their free speech if one looks at this realistically.
I joined in the late 1980s. My whole family had accounts, aol chat, aol messaging, and their FaceBook and MySpace pages were all listed with aol. They are grown and on their own and that is why I've been thinking about ending it. You should read the posts you respond to, and try engaging your brain for something other than simple-minded gotchas. You won't look so stupid that way.

You're welcome.

You are still a subscriber to AOL, and you claim I look stupid?:cuckoo:

What are you 10 years old?

Why do you care how old I am? Are you a Catholic Priest or something???
Who the feck PAYS for AOL anymore????? Are you stuck in the 90's or something? Do you still use dial up, too?

I joined in the late 1980s. My whole family had accounts, aol chat, aol messaging, and their FaceBook and MySpace pages were all listed with aol. They are grown and on their own and that is why I've been thinking about ending it. You should read the posts you respond to, and try engaging your brain for something other than simple-minded gotchas. You won't look so stupid that way.

You're welcome.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Way ahead of you pal. I was on computers and on aol probably before you were born.
If a business wants to cater to the radical left...or the radical right....or anyone for that matter....what business is it of ours to cry "foul"?

Jeez...hate to break this to you folks......politics is not our lives.....
I joined in the late 1980s. My whole family had accounts, aol chat, aol messaging, and their FaceBook and MySpace pages were all listed with aol. They are grown and on their own and that is why I've been thinking about ending it. You should read the posts you respond to, and try engaging your brain for something other than simple-minded gotchas. You won't look so stupid that way.

You're welcome.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Way ahead of you pal. I was on computers and on aol probably before you were born.

perhaps...but you are also likely the only paying customer of AOL...

So I guess tenure has its perks?
You poor, poor things. You've fallen and you can't get up.

They hate the free market

How in the world do you come up with something so ignorant? How is withdrawing our support because of a company's actions, being against the free market?

Do you know anything about anything you say?

Do you?

You just complained that AOL is against free speech....because they are withdrawing support in a free market? AOL didn't say they wanted Rush's show yanked entirely. They are just withdrawing support. I don't see any infringement on free speech here.
If a business wants to cater to the radical left...or the radical right....or anyone for that matter....what business is it of ours to cry "foul"?

Jeez...hate to break this to you folks......politics is not our lives.....

Right on the money. It would be one thing if they wanted to protest Wal Mart for selling too many goods from China. That has an effect on our economy and ultimately society as a whole.

No, no no....they only care when a guy--a guy they SWEAR they don't listen to--goes overboard, calls a woman he doesn't know a "slut". It's an interesting dynamic. They apparently agree that this woman--a woman whom the posters here have never met, never will meet, and likely would not even know if they were in the same room with her--is a "slut" as well based on the guy they SWEAR they never listen to.

The advertisers pulling their advertising dollars away from the guy they don't listen to has zero impact on their lives yet they go to war for that but when jobs are shipped to China by somecompanies; no problemo.

The only thing worse than partisan hackery is knee jerk partisan hackery
"Good morning, can you please connect me to America On Lyne?"
let me tell you somnething...

I dont like that Fluke situation...primarily becuase she presented herself, and the democrats presented her as a typical college student...never mentioning she was a devout progressive activist....that was disingenuous..and a waste of tax payer money. The time could have been used by listening to a true "typical" college student..


If I advertised on Rush's show (not that I ever would), I would have pulled my sponsorship immediately.

Yes, he has the right to free speech.....but it doesnt mean I have to support him doing it.
Do you have to call from a rotary dial phone?

Funny story there....Was out antiquing a few years back and my daughter saw one of those in the store. Asked me how it worked. It about floored me.
They bought the HuffPoop. They are the radical Left. Complain all you want, but did that matter at NPR & PBS? They receive Millions & Millions of complaints of Bias, yet they're still just as biased as ever. And they're Taxpayer-funded for God's sake. AOL is shite. Don't give them your business. And that's all you can do.
I joined in the late 1980s. My whole family had accounts, aol chat, aol messaging, and their FaceBook and MySpace pages were all listed with aol. They are grown and on their own and that is why I've been thinking about ending it. You should read the posts you respond to, and try engaging your brain for something other than simple-minded gotchas. You won't look so stupid that way.

You're welcome.

Welcome to the 21st century.

Way ahead of you pal. I was on computers and on aol probably before you were born.

If that's the case then it seems even more odd that you would be still stuck with AOL.
They bought the HuffPoop. They are the radical Left. Complain all you want, but did that matter at NPR & PBS? They receive Millions & Millions of complaints of Bias, yet they're still just as biased as ever. And they're Taxpayer-funded for God's sake. AOL is shite. Don't give them your business. And that's all you can do.

yet they were adsvertising on Rush's how "left leaning" can they be?

They pulled their advertising becuase they found what Rush said as being "over the line".

Thats the way business works.,

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