Call and Complain to AOL About Them Catering to the Radical Left

They bought the HuffPoop. They are the radical Left. Complain all you want, but did that matter at NPR & PBS? They receive Millions & Millions of complaints of Bias, yet they're still just as biased as ever. And they're Taxpayer-funded for God's sake. AOL is shite. Don't give them your business. And that's all you can do.

yet they were adsvertising on Rush's how "left leaning" can they be?

They pulled their advertising becuase they found what Rush said as being "over the line".

Thats the way business works.,

It was a convenient escape route for them. They just bought the HuffPoop. And that should tell everyone the direction they're going. It is what it is.
I'm cancelling my long-time subscription. I've been meaning to do that anyway, but I'll tell them it's bwecause of what they did to free speech.

Thanks for the number. I'll call them right away and subscribe. :clap2:
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That wasn't my complaint.

My complaint was that they are now aligning themselves with the radical left.

Because of that I don't want to be their customer anymore.

They hate the free market

How in the world do you come up with something so ignorant? How is withdrawing our support because of a company's actions, being against the free market?

Do you know anything about anything you say?

Do you?

You just complained that AOL is against free speech....because they are withdrawing support in a free market? AOL didn't say they wanted Rush's show yanked entirely. They are just withdrawing support. I don't see any infringement on free speech here.
And we don't have to pay money to AOL.
let me tell you somnething...

I dont like that Fluke situation...primarily becuase she presented herself, and the democrats presented her as a typical college student...never mentioning she was a devout progressive activist....that was disingenuous..and a waste of tax payer money. The time could have been used by listening to a true "typical" college student..


If I advertised on Rush's show (not that I ever would), I would have pulled my sponsorship immediately.

Yes, he has the right to free speech.....but it doesnt mean I have to support him doing it.
That wasn't my complaint.

My complaint was that they are now aligning themselves with the radical left.

Because of that I don't want to be their customer anymore.

How in the world do you come up with something so ignorant? How is withdrawing our support because of a company's actions, being against the free market?

Do you know anything about anything you say?

Do you?

You just complained that AOL is against free speech....because they are withdrawing support in a free market? AOL didn't say they wanted Rush's show yanked entirely. They are just withdrawing support. I don't see any infringement on free speech here.


PredFed indicated that the actions of AOL were somehow stifling free speech. I don't see it.
I seriously didn't know that. I don't listen to radio with any commercials... I don't think I know anyone who is still on AOL...
If they are an organization that caters to the left wing, then it should only be the left wing that gives them money.

Yeah....I see your point. It is "catering to the Left Wing" to have a problem with calling women "sluts" and "prostitutes". DAMN those Left Wing standards!

trouble is you don't have problems with it when it's your side doing it you big dumb assed hypocrite.
If they are an organization that caters to the left wing, then it should only be the left wing that gives them money.

Yeah....I see your point. It is "catering to the Left Wing" to have a problem with calling women "sluts" and "prostitutes". DAMN those Left Wing standards!
Perhaps the free market doesn't appeal to the poster; AOL made a business decision.
I was just reading Carbonite is taking a pretty big hit today...

tsk tsk

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