Call your Senators. KILL THIS FUCKING BILL

Blame it on the GOP propaganda machine, oh Aetna is pulling out again. If they keep the ACA, they will all go back in and will fight for territory.
Aetna was pulling out, like many other insurers have, because of the ACA, not based on any promises the GOP made.

the insurance companies are pulling out because of the poison pill marco rubio inserted with the omnibus spending bill. he gquietly put it in that took away the payments due the insurance carriers for the sickest of the sick they were willing to take on. called 'high risk corridors'. tens of billions of dollars were promised. why do you think they were happy as pigs in shit to sign on when all this was being hashed out? they got stiffed & started losing their profits after mandated to spend 80-85% of premiums directly on healthcare. oh & say ba-bye to that little protection with this POS plan the house is trying to push.
Golly, you must be an insider!

no dippy, i read & do research & inform myself. unlike poorly educated mookies like yourself that your orange overlord loves.
Yes, media education at it's finest! And you're proud of it aren't you?

i'm proud of being capable of learning. i said i read. what's your excuse dippy? laziness? illiteracy? fox viewer? alex jones fan?

insurers sue for government payments promiced ACA - Google Search

edumacate yourself.
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)
no ones nothing has been cut you liar. And hillary will win by a landslide.
Sigh....go read the fox news article snowflake. Medicaid DOES get cut in the house bill that was just passed. To many hits to the head for you...

$ 880 billion cut. that's a whole lot of seniors in nursing homes.
I never saw a post that said "call your senators etc" when Obamacare was unveiled. Were democrats so infatuated with Soroto Hussein and "Hope and Change" or were they too ignorant or was the democrat propaganda machine working overtime? Now they use the "F" word for extra emphasis when they claim they hate the original law and now hate the replacement. Nothing the democrats say or do makes sense these days.
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)

Nothing against someone who has to resort to Medicaid or is poor, but they don't seem to want to vote.

trump supporters are gonna get hit real hard with those cuts. problem was they were too stupid to realize they were being lied to.
Just give us all single-payer and stop all the nonsense!

Patience grasshopper, it appears you're going to get exactly what you want and when it does arrive, you'll have earned it.

"All hope abandon, ye who enter here" -- Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
I can't wait for the long lines & service refusals!


I already have Medicare - and I never experience any "long lines & service refusals"...

I do too and get any test the doctor orders without a hassle and never experienced long lines or services refused. No one I know on Medicare ever has.
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)

Nothing against someone who has to resort to Medicaid or is poor, but they don't seem to want to vote.
I guess. We voted early as did my parents.
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)
no ones nothing has been cut you liar. And hillary will win by a landslide.
Sigh....go read the fox news article snowflake. Medicaid DOES get cut in the house bill that was just passed. To many hits to the head for you...

$ 880 billion cut. that's a whole lot of seniors in nursing homes.
I'll never understand why people like to spread "facts" they know absolutely NOTHING about.
Aetna was pulling out, like many other insurers have, because of the ACA, not based on any promises the GOP made.

the insurance companies are pulling out because of the poison pill marco rubio inserted with the omnibus spending bill. he gquietly put it in that took away the payments due the insurance carriers for the sickest of the sick they were willing to take on. called 'high risk corridors'. tens of billions of dollars were promised. why do you think they were happy as pigs in shit to sign on when all this was being hashed out? they got stiffed & started losing their profits after mandated to spend 80-85% of premiums directly on healthcare. oh & say ba-bye to that little protection with this POS plan the house is trying to push.
Golly, you must be an insider!

no dippy, i read & do research & inform myself. unlike poorly educated mookies like yourself that your orange overlord loves.
Yes, media education at it's finest! And you're proud of it aren't you?

i'm proud of being capable of learning. i said i read. what's your excuse dippy? laziness? illiteracy? fox viewer? alex jones fan?

insurers sue for government payments promiced ACA - Google Search

edumacate yourself.
Are you proud of being media fed?
You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)
no ones nothing has been cut you liar. And hillary will win by a landslide.
Sigh....go read the fox news article snowflake. Medicaid DOES get cut in the house bill that was just passed. To many hits to the head for you...

$ 880 billion cut. that's a whole lot of seniors in nursing homes.
I'll never understand why people like to spread "facts" they know absolutely NOTHING about.

i'll never understand how trolls like you think they are relevant.
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)

Nothing against someone who has to resort to Medicaid or is poor, but they don't seem to want to vote.
I guess. We voted early as did my parents.

I voted by mail. I worked with a lot of people in the 100% of poverty level during open enrollment complaining about Trump getting elected and when I ask if they voted, they said no because they thought Hillary had in the bag. Just maybe next election they won't listen to the polls and go vote. I sure hope so.
the insurance companies are pulling out because of the poison pill marco rubio inserted with the omnibus spending bill. he gquietly put it in that took away the payments due the insurance carriers for the sickest of the sick they were willing to take on. called 'high risk corridors'. tens of billions of dollars were promised. why do you think they were happy as pigs in shit to sign on when all this was being hashed out? they got stiffed & started losing their profits after mandated to spend 80-85% of premiums directly on healthcare. oh & say ba-bye to that little protection with this POS plan the house is trying to push.
Golly, you must be an insider!

no dippy, i read & do research & inform myself. unlike poorly educated mookies like yourself that your orange overlord loves.
Yes, media education at it's finest! And you're proud of it aren't you?

i'm proud of being capable of learning. i said i read. what's your excuse dippy? laziness? illiteracy? fox viewer? alex jones fan?

insurers sue for government payments promiced ACA - Google Search

edumacate yourself.
Are you proud of being media fed?

you have no clue wtf you are talking about dippity do duh.

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