Call your Senators. KILL THIS FUCKING BILL

Too late. Aetna's pulling out. A few states have no insurer next year. Something has to happen and healthcare has become so fouled up by Obamacare that it is impossible to simply repeal it and walk away. Or so they say.

Blame it on the GOP propaganda machine, oh Aetna is pulling out again. If they keep the ACA, they will all go back in and will fight for territory.
Aetna was pulling out, like many other insurers have, because of the ACA, not based on any promises the GOP made.

the insurance companies are pulling out because of the poison pill marco rubio inserted with the omnibus spending bill. he quietly put it in that took away the payments due the insurance carriers for the sickest of the sick they were willing to take on. called 'high risk corridors'. tens of billions of dollars were promised. why do you think they were happy as pigs in shit to sign on when all this was being hashed out? they got stiffed & started losing their profits after mandated to spend 80-85% of premiums directly on healthcare. oh & say ba-bye to that little protection with this POS plan the house is trying to push.
Golly, you must be an insider!

no dippy, i read & do research & inform myself. unlike poorly educated mookies like yourself that your orange overlord loves.
Yes, media education at it's finest! And you're proud of it aren't you?
It's not impossible to just repeal it. The GOP just doesn't have the courage to do what needs to be done.

Kill obamacare in its entirety and address the problem areas with individual bills as needed.
lol address the problems with individual bills? Now that's funny. That atrocious bill BARELY passed the house and will likely die in the senate, and you somehow think republicans could actually solve any large scale problems with a series of other bills? Republicans have proven terrible at governing and solving any real systemic problems this country faces. All they can do as far as legislation goes is simply saying "no" to anything they don't like.
The loud town halls the last few months had their effect, Republicans know the final score.

The Soros-paid shitheads disrupting townhalls have hardened the GOP to CRUSHING you.....the Reps know those dirtbags are bused in and don't vote in their districts. Keep it's working....for us. :lol:
"Soros-paid"...code for Jewish Overlords.....or Ivanka and Jared's BFF.
It does not solve the mess Obama created. All it does is transfer ownership to them.

Beyond stupid. KILL IT
Too late. Aetna's pulling out. A few states have no insurer next year. Something has to happen and healthcare has become so fouled up by Obamacare that it is impossible to simply repeal it and walk away. Or so they say.

Blame it on the GOP propaganda machine, oh Aetna is pulling out again. If they keep the ACA, they will all go back in and will fight for territory.
Really? That is why they pulled out, because they anticipated the ACA would be repealed? You have a link to that?
They pulled out because they are losing money.
They pulled out because they are losing money
Well, their profits for fiscal year 2016 were 300 million more
then 2015...16.8B compared to 16.5B,

Fiscal year profits for 2012 were 9.92B
for 2013, it jumped to 12.05B..3 billion more
for 2014, it jumped to 15.09B..another 3 billion more
for 2015, it jumped to 16.5B...only a billion and a half,
2016, profits only grew by 300 million

So, I'm assuming, reporting fiscal years
are for the previous year, and since 2016
only grew by 300m, 2017 figures will drop
lower then that case, yes they're losing money
but, in all actuality, they're just greedy bastards!

The problem isn't with health care, its with insurance providers!
It does not solve the mess Obama created. All it does is transfer ownership to them.

Beyond stupid. KILL IT
Too late. Aetna's pulling out. A few states have no insurer next year. Something has to happen and healthcare has become so fouled up by Obamacare that it is impossible to simply repeal it and walk away. Or so they say.

Blame it on the GOP propaganda machine, oh Aetna is pulling out again. If they keep the ACA, they will all go back in and will fight for territory.
Really? That is why they pulled out, because they anticipated the ACA would be repealed? You have a link to that?
yes, that's what has been happening...the 65 repeals by the republican congress, the Candidate Trump and all R's in their elections touting repeal repeal repeal....their unwillingness in congress by R's to fix the problems they have, the uncertainty even more with Trumps election, touting and and tweeting about stopping the subsidies, has caused GREAT UNCERTAINTY on whether the insurance companies should even try to stay in the marketplace, not wanting to get caught with their pants down...
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)
no ones nothing has been cut you liar. And hillary will win by a landslide.
Sigh....go read the fox news article snowflake. Medicaid DOES get cut in the house bill that was just passed. To many hits to the head for you...
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)
no ones nothing has been cut you liar. And hillary will win by a landslide.
Sigh....go read the fox news article snowflake. Medicaid DOES get cut in the house bill that was just passed. To many hits to the head for you... are so cool! Another idiot that believes everything the media prints.
It was FUCKING AMERICAN'S especially poor red state republicans you NEED to win elections...

You just figuring this out? why didn't you pass that along to Hillary? :lol:
GOP is going to realize it in 2018 since they are cutting people's medicaid. :)
no ones nothing has been cut you liar. And hillary will win by a landslide.
Sigh....go read the fox news article snowflake. Medicaid DOES get cut in the house bill that was just passed. To many hits to the head for you... are so cool! Another idiot that believes everything the media prints.
I believe what the bill SAYS dip stick.
Just give us all single-payer and stop all the nonsense!

Patience grasshopper, it appears you're going to get exactly what you want and when it does arrive, you'll have earned it.

"All hope abandon, ye who enter here" -- Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
I can't wait for the long lines & service refusals!


I already have Medicare - and I never experience any "long lines & service refusals"...
Trumpcare is going to kill a lot of people!

It's not impossible to just repeal it. The GOP just doesn't have the courage to do what needs to be done.

Kill obamacare in its entirety and address the problem areas with individual bills as needed.

obummercare was built like an onion. It can't be repealed in one go. It can only be undone one layer at a time.
It does not solve the mess Obama created. All it does is transfer ownership to them.

Beyond stupid. KILL IT
Too late. Aetna's pulling out. A few states have no insurer next year. Something has to happen and healthcare has become so fouled up by Obamacare that it is impossible to simply repeal it and walk away. Or so they say.

Best thing that can happen to our healthcare right now is Republicans walking away from this fix-nothing bullshit. It's impossible for the market to function when nothing can be planned for next year.



Obama has killed people so it's ok if Trump does.

It does not solve the mess Obama created. All it does is transfer ownership to them.

Beyond stupid. KILL IT
Too late. Aetna's pulling out. A few states have no insurer next year. Something has to happen and healthcare has become so fouled up by Obamacare that it is impossible to simply repeal it and walk away. Or so they say.

Blame it on the GOP propaganda machine, oh Aetna is pulling out again. If they keep the ACA, they will all go back in and will fight for territory.
Aetna was pulling out, like many other insurers have, because of the ACA, not based on any promises the GOP made.

Bullshit, total lack of any market certainty is a major factor.

The defections are continuing, with insurers citing financial issues and uncertainty in Washington D.C. Humana (HUM)has already announced it is completely exiting the individual market in 2018. Last month, Aetna and Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield said they would stop selling individual policies in Iowa in 2018.

More insurers are expected to announce whether they will remain on the Obamacare exchanges in coming months. They want greater assurance that the Trump administration and Congress will continue paying the cost-sharing subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket costs for low-income enrollees. And they are warily watching happens with GOP lawmakers' efforts to repeal the health reform law.

Aetna pulls out of Virginia's individual market, citing big Obamacare losses

Put yourself in the shoes of insurance company and try to even IMAGINE trying to plan for next year when you have absolutely no idea what Republicans will do.

And by the that last part is EXACTLY what Republican bill is gutting.

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