Calling all 2nd Amendment advocates

This is what gun owners get for being too passive in the political arena. They only act after bad legislation is introduced. Ultimately, unless the American patriots stand up, they will be defeated. Liberalism must be confronted, exposed, and the traitors in our midst be removed from any and all positions of power and authority.
Those vile scum seemingly have nothing better to do.
MAGA, bitch.
Trump is trying but you democrats keep getting is his way.
Get used to disappointment.
Sorry, all that will happen is you vermin will trigger a war. I'm ready for it because I no longer care about trying to peacefully stop you lying filth.
We are more than ready for a war with you disgusting filth.
you guys talk about each the same way.....sure your not in the same party?.....
Y'all might want to take a look at this>>>

christ no good at all. any time it takes that many pages to describe a law it is a bad idea. Then lets og to now you have to be twenty one. You just wiped out my whole childhood. I started hunting at eight. well at least I am not particularly afraid of it passing.
It has to pass the senate then signed by POTUS if it passes there- if it does it will be fought out in court- then, it has to be enforced. How many Sheriffs will take that on?

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