Can a Biden "Supporter" Just Answer This?

Maybe Biden supporters can answer this question too:

So when Joe Biden refers to Mitt Romney as "that Mormon" Does that mean it's okay for president Trump to refer to ilhan Omar as "That Muslim"? Or would that not be "presidential"?

Not a fair question -
President Trump does not suffer from alzhemeirs and/or dementia.
lol. Yet Pelosi wants to do article 25..or is it an amendment....of getting rid of Trump because she claims he is mentally not capable of being potus. Or did you forget that part? AND...the one with brain mush is the Dem choice to run our country. So yes. Its a very fair question.


Actually the 25th amendment is for Biden.
Nope. Its for Trump. She has stated it numerous times. "Trump is not capable,mentally".

As much as I understand the idea that you dont jail the political opposition, I really cant see how Hillary, Obama and Biden arent jailed for these crimes. It would be a crime for them to continue walking the streets and allow this coup against the people to continue

Yep....and it just encourages the next democrat to do even more.....

Sometimes one has to get justice by going around the established legal system.
really. So you would "go around the system"? Maybe change the constitution to suit your purposes?

That would be using the legal system.
You'd think a blob supporter could just directly ask a question they want answered....
Summarize what the video said...what do you want to know...that you can't figure out how to ask on your own?
Summarize a 57 second video?
Then again, Biden is just the puppet. Harris is the one that will be POTUS. And people will vote for that. :cuckoo:

Actually, I don't think either Biden or Harris will be running the show, it'll be Pelosi and Schumer IMHO. IF the Dems can take the Senate then this country is going to take a very hard turn to the left; even though I don't think they would have enough support to pack the SCOTUS, they probably would abolish the filibuster altogether and do whatever they want. I do believe that even if the Dems do take the Senate it won't be by more than one seat, like 51-49 or 50-50 with the VeeP (Harris) casting the deciding vote in their favor. So all it takes is 1 or 2 Dems senators to say I don't support that (packing), so I'm hoping that it comes to pass than at least a couple of Dems will stand up and say NO.

Wishful thinking? Yeah, maybe. We're talking big changes here in our federal gov't, and nobody is talking about it. IMHO, we do not need Biden in the WH and a Dem Congress including the Senate.
I would honestly like to see a real response. I dont expect one, but I'm hoping.

BTW, I love Liz Wheeler!

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As much as you post about Biden Obama and Hillary, why don't you tell us. After all, you know so much more than anybody.
He is not saying he knows everything He is just saying ones that still go to bat for these criminals know nothing.

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