Can a Catholic not like his communist Pope?

I am not a JW or a JEW, I am a non denominational Christian. I do agree with the Jews on this issue, though. If my stupidity about idols parallels theirs, I'm in good company. They started it all and Jesus was one of them. Your interpretation of the Second Commandment is as weak as your faith!
if its a perfect sacrifice (it was) there is no need to re-sacrifice. Just as Passover was to point to Christ on the cross in the future, the communion points back to His accomplishment on the cross in the past.

I don't know about all non-Catholic churches, but Catholics have no belief in "re-sacrifice" (if there is even such a word, the impossibility still remains). It's like re-eating. How can one eat what one has already swallowed? So instead of following non-Catholics in their re-sacrifice (whatever that is), Catholics re-present and remember what is ongoing--Christ's sacrifice that is present for all people and all ages. We are re-minded (you might say) that the one perfect sacrifice continues throughout all time, and continually claim and revere him as our perfect sacrifice.
It's an ongoing fact that much of what Protestants "protest" is what they erroneously believe the Catholic Church teaches and practices. They protest phantoms of their imagination.

SAYS YOU. The Catechism says different. It's all right there for everyone to read. The sacraments for example- the verse used to justify them are taken out of context- totally. Same with Purgatory. No purgatory in the Bible.
if its a perfect sacrifice (it was) there is no need to re-sacrifice. Just as Passover was to point to Christ on the cross in the future, the communion points back to His accomplishment on the cross in the past.

I don't know about all non-Catholic churches, but Catholics have no belief in "re-sacrifice" (if there is even such a word, the impossibility still remains). It's like re-eating. How can one eat what one has already swallowed? So instead of following non-Catholics in their re-sacrifice (whatever that is), Catholics re-present and remember what is ongoing--Christ's sacrifice that is present for all people and all ages. We are re-minded (you might say) that the one perfect sacrifice continues throughout all time, and continually claim and revere him as our perfect sacrifice.
It's an ongoing fact that much of what Protestants "protest" is what they erroneously believe the Catholic Church teaches and practices. They protest phantoms of their imagination.

SAYS YOU. The Catechism says different. It's all right there for everyone to read. The sacraments for example- the verse used to justify them are taken out of context- totally. Same with Purgatory. No purgatory in the Bible.

Show me where the CCC says that Jesus is sacrificed anew over and over.
Show me where the CCC says that Jesus is sacrificed anew over and over.

:smile: This, of course, is impossible. Jesus sacrificed anew over and over again is a Protestant statement, a teaching that comes only from some of them. Catholics hold a different belief. Catholics believe Christ sacrificed his life once and rose again. But then, you know that. I'm still trying to enlighten Kevin of this reality.
if its a perfect sacrifice (it was) there is no need to re-sacrifice. Just as Passover was to point to Christ on the cross in the future, the communion points back to His accomplishment on the cross in the past.

I don't know about all non-Catholic churches, but Catholics have no belief in "re-sacrifice" (if there is even such a word, the impossibility still remains). It's like re-eating. How can one eat what one has already swallowed? So instead of following non-Catholics in their re-sacrifice (whatever that is), Catholics re-present and remember what is ongoing--Christ's sacrifice that is present for all people and all ages. We are re-minded (you might say) that the one perfect sacrifice continues throughout all time, and continually claim and revere him as our perfect sacrifice.
It's an ongoing fact that much of what Protestants "protest" is what they erroneously believe the Catholic Church teaches and practices. They protest phantoms of their imagination.

SAYS YOU. The Catechism says different. It's all right there for everyone to read. The sacraments for example- the verse used to justify them are taken out of context- totally. Same with Purgatory. No purgatory in the Bible.

Show me where the CCC says that Jesus is sacrificed anew over and over.

thats the entire point of the Eucharist.

Catechism and the Mass
Show me where the CCC says that Jesus is sacrificed anew over and over.

:smile: This, of course, is impossible. Jesus sacrificed anew over and over again is a Protestant statement, a teaching that comes only from some of them. Catholics hold a different belief. Catholics believe Christ sacrificed his life once and rose again. But then, you know that. I'm still trying to enlighten Kevin of this reality.

Catechism and the Mass
thats the entire point of the Eucharist.

No, "re-sacrificing Christ" (no such thing) is not the entire point of the Eucharist.

It is a Protestant teaching, not Catholic, and, in my opinion, a rather twisted one at that. Your Protestant teachings can do much better.

Try reading a Catholic site instead of a Protestant site. I can find an Internet site that states 2+2=5, but it still doesn't make it correct. Linking to Protestant teachings merely tells us about Protestant teachings, not Catholic teachings.

Next time try a Catholic link with Catholic commentary, not a Protestant link with Protestant commentary.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

This is a perfect example of a right winger who's so brainwashed that even if their own fucking Pope comes out and tells them they are wrong, they'll still argue.

Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.

Try reading a Catholic site instead of a Protestant site. I can find an Internet site that states 2+2=5, but it still doesn't make it correct. Linking to Protestant teachings merely tells us about Protestant teachings, not Catholic teachings.

Next time try a Catholic link with Catholic commentary, not a Protestant link with Protestant commentary.

its also a bloodless sacrifice; no such thing in Scripture.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

If you are a Catholic, you should be ashamed of yourself for the utter ignorance and stupidity you displayed in your rant. And you should apologize to your pope for ranting like this just because he has the courage to right a lot of wrongs within his own church. if you are not a Catholic, why the hell do you even care?


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

If you are a Catholic, you should be ashamed of yourself for the utter ignorance and stupidity you displayed in your rant. And you should apologize to your pope for ranting like this just because he has the courage to right a lot of wrongs within his own church. if you are not a Catholic, why the hell do you even care?

For years religious people have been bashing gays and us liberals knew the way they were acting couldn't possibly be what Jesus or god would want or what he would do. Now we finally have a pope who gets it and it is blowing social conservatives minds. I love it!

They can't stand it that the pope refuses to worship unregulated capitalism. That means it turns out us economic liberals were right all along too!

And it blows me away even more when they are so set in their ways and beliefs that not even their own pope can talk sense to them.
Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.

Your posts reveal a severely jaundiced eye toward all people of religious faith, as well as a total lack of scholarship in the very subject you so readily comment upon. As one who critiques religion without ever having studied it, seemingly, you're like a guy commenting on calculus who's never taken a math class. For such people, any concept of god cannot drill any deeper than a concept of the Tooth Fairy. That's why all internet discussions about religion are identical. They typically occur between a simplistic fundamentalist and a simplistic anti-religious illiterate on the subject.

I've seen nothing in your posts to belie a total fealty and synchronized lock step with the petty Hitchens-esque agenda-driven mimicry of talking points copied and pasted from the storehouse of atheistic antagonism. While we agree that Pope Francis is doing an admirable job, it seems the only reason he meets your approval is for the controversy he's stirred up, most of which is a result of his statements being exaggerated or taken out of context by headline writers who like to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Despite the fact that wars are fought over resources, strategic territory and political power, you're one of those atheist clones who blame all historical wars squarely on religion. The thousands of historical laws which could get people executed or enslaved for poaching a rabbit, stealing a loaf of bread, adultery, treason, failure to pay taxes, etc., were probably 99.5% issued by the temporal powers of kings, dukes and barons and the like (and not the Church). Yes, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church served as a sort of temporal power meting out laws of crime and punishment outside of the Vatican, but that period was far and away the exception of the rule. If a clergy member disagreed with Henry VIII, his head would be cut off. But, if you listen to the chirpings of unrefined atheistic historians, including those creative writers who rewrote for the script of Cosmos, it was invariably the Church which put people to the rack.

Despite the fact that the Church commissioned much of the work of early scientists, and that Classical knowledge was preserved in the abbey system, and that the Church invented the modern university, and that many of today's leading educational and medical research institutions are private institutions belonging to a church, and despite the fact that every branch of science has one or more religious freaks among its pioneers, within the camp of antagonistic atheists no such fact of history is allowed to enter.

Churches are made up of people. People are strange. Go down to the DMV and look around. Those are the people who are striving to exemplify the world's religions, or not. They are no more qualified to do so that the average person in qualified to understand quantum mechanics or to play in the NBA. Gore Vidal said that art is not a democracy. You're either born an artist or you are not. Similarly, you are either born with a capacity to grasp sacred esoteric knowledge, or you aren't and you can strive follow the example of a religious figure like Jesus, or you can be an atheist, or finally you can be a petty atheist on fire with an anti-religion agenda.

"In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful."
-Leo Tolstoy


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

If you are a Catholic, you should be ashamed of yourself for the utter ignorance and stupidity you displayed in your rant. And you should apologize to your pope for ranting like this just because he has the courage to right a lot of wrongs within his own church. if you are not a Catholic, why the hell do you even care?
Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.

Your posts reveal a severely jaundiced eye toward all people of religious faith, as well as a total lack of scholarship in the very subject you so readily comment upon. As one who critiques religion without ever having studied it, seemingly, you're like a guy commenting on calculus who's never taken a math class. For such people, any concept of god cannot drill any deeper than a concept of the Tooth Fairy. That's why all internet discussions about religion are identical. They typically occur between a simplistic fundamentalist and a simplistic anti-religious illiterate on the subject.

I've seen nothing in your posts to belie a total fealty and synchronized lock step with the petty Hitchens-esque agenda-driven mimicry of talking points copied and pasted from the storehouse of atheistic antagonism. While we agree that Pope Francis is doing an admirable job, it seems the only reason he meets your approval is for the controversy he's stirred up, most of which is a result of his statements being exaggerated or taken out of context by headline writers who like to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Despite the fact that wars are fought over resources, strategic territory and political power, you're one of those atheist clones who blame all historical wars squarely on religion. The thousands of historical laws which could get people executed or enslaved for poaching a rabbit, stealing a loaf of bread, adultery, treason, failure to pay taxes, etc., were probably 99.5% issued by the temporal powers of kings, dukes and barons and the like (and not the Church). Yes, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church served as a sort of temporal power meting out laws of crime and punishment outside of the Vatican, but that period was far and away the exception of the rule. If a clergy member disagreed with Henry VIII, his head would be cut off. But, if you listen to the chirpings of unrefined atheistic historians, including those creative writers who rewrote for the script of Cosmos, it was invariably the Church which put people to the rack.

Despite the fact that the Church commissioned much of the work of early scientists, and that Classical knowledge was preserved in the abbey system, and that the Church invented the modern university, and that many of today's leading educational and medical research institutions are private institutions belonging to a church, and despite the fact that every branch of science has one or more religious freaks among its pioneers, within the camp of antagonistic atheists no such fact of history is allowed to enter.

Churches are made up of people. People are strange. Go down to the DMV and look around. Those are the people who are striving to exemplify the world's religions, or not. They are no more qualified to do so that the average person in qualified to understand quantum mechanics or to play in the NBA. Gore Vidal said that art is not a democracy. You're either born an artist or you are not. Similarly, you are either born with a capacity to grasp sacred esoteric knowledge, or you aren't and you can strive follow the example of a religious figure like Jesus, or you can be an atheist, or finally you can be a petty atheist on fire with an anti-religion agenda.

"In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful."
-Leo Tolstoy

Before I continue to read you drivel, I want to say how ignorant and arrogant you theists are to assume we haven't studied religion enough to comment on it. We have studied it for sure and we have deemed it a lie.

There isn't anything you can show me that will convince me that God/Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish. That is the initial test for Christians. If you are gullible enough to swallow that then you can be a member.

Oh, and Zeus was the son of god long before Jesus. And the ancient Greek gods knocked up mortal women long before Mary.
Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.

Your posts reveal a severely jaundiced eye toward all people of religious faith, as well as a total lack of scholarship in the very subject you so readily comment upon. As one who critiques religion without ever having studied it, seemingly, you're like a guy commenting on calculus who's never taken a math class. For such people, any concept of god cannot drill any deeper than a concept of the Tooth Fairy. That's why all internet discussions about religion are identical. They typically occur between a simplistic fundamentalist and a simplistic anti-religious illiterate on the subject.

I've seen nothing in your posts to belie a total fealty and synchronized lock step with the petty Hitchens-esque agenda-driven mimicry of talking points copied and pasted from the storehouse of atheistic antagonism. While we agree that Pope Francis is doing an admirable job, it seems the only reason he meets your approval is for the controversy he's stirred up, most of which is a result of his statements being exaggerated or taken out of context by headline writers who like to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Despite the fact that wars are fought over resources, strategic territory and political power, you're one of those atheist clones who blame all historical wars squarely on religion. The thousands of historical laws which could get people executed or enslaved for poaching a rabbit, stealing a loaf of bread, adultery, treason, failure to pay taxes, etc., were probably 99.5% issued by the temporal powers of kings, dukes and barons and the like (and not the Church). Yes, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church served as a sort of temporal power meting out laws of crime and punishment outside of the Vatican, but that period was far and away the exception of the rule. If a clergy member disagreed with Henry VIII, his head would be cut off. But, if you listen to the chirpings of unrefined atheistic historians, including those creative writers who rewrote for the script of Cosmos, it was invariably the Church which put people to the rack.

Despite the fact that the Church commissioned much of the work of early scientists, and that Classical knowledge was preserved in the abbey system, and that the Church invented the modern university, and that many of today's leading educational and medical research institutions are private institutions belonging to a church, and despite the fact that every branch of science has one or more religious freaks among its pioneers, within the camp of antagonistic atheists no such fact of history is allowed to enter.

Churches are made up of people. People are strange. Go down to the DMV and look around. Those are the people who are striving to exemplify the world's religions, or not. They are no more qualified to do so that the average person in qualified to understand quantum mechanics or to play in the NBA. Gore Vidal said that art is not a democracy. You're either born an artist or you are not. Similarly, you are either born with a capacity to grasp sacred esoteric knowledge, or you aren't and you can strive follow the example of a religious figure like Jesus, or you can be an atheist, or finally you can be a petty atheist on fire with an anti-religion agenda.

"In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful."
-Leo Tolstoy

Now it is you who exposes your ignorance of history. Back then, the Kings, Dukes and Barons were also the Priests/Church/God. There was no separation of church and state back then. Another reason why I believe all organized religions are made up. In the beginning we said, "there must be a god" and then somewhere along the way liars said god talked to them and they started the Jewish/Muslim/Christian churches.

I watched a documentary on the Greek Gods. They explained how easy it was to get those stupid Greeks to buy into this new religion. In the Ancient Greeks stories, you had to be someone great like Hercules to become a god. In the new religion, everyone becomes a god when they die. You go to heaven, live in paradise for eternity, want for nothing. Basically you think when you die you become a god. Sorry, you don't.

And what do you think your "agenda" is? I'm being honest. I think belief in god is a bad thing. In 1000 years humans will look back at how superstitious we were, just like we do when we study the ancient Greeks.

Your religion may not be as bad as Islam, but it's still a lie and still bad. We can do better.
Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.

Your posts reveal a severely jaundiced eye toward all people of religious faith, as well as a total lack of scholarship in the very subject you so readily comment upon. As one who critiques religion without ever having studied it, seemingly, you're like a guy commenting on calculus who's never taken a math class. For such people, any concept of god cannot drill any deeper than a concept of the Tooth Fairy. That's why all internet discussions about religion are identical. They typically occur between a simplistic fundamentalist and a simplistic anti-religious illiterate on the subject.

I've seen nothing in your posts to belie a total fealty and synchronized lock step with the petty Hitchens-esque agenda-driven mimicry of talking points copied and pasted from the storehouse of atheistic antagonism. While we agree that Pope Francis is doing an admirable job, it seems the only reason he meets your approval is for the controversy he's stirred up, most of which is a result of his statements being exaggerated or taken out of context by headline writers who like to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Despite the fact that wars are fought over resources, strategic territory and political power, you're one of those atheist clones who blame all historical wars squarely on religion. The thousands of historical laws which could get people executed or enslaved for poaching a rabbit, stealing a loaf of bread, adultery, treason, failure to pay taxes, etc., were probably 99.5% issued by the temporal powers of kings, dukes and barons and the like (and not the Church). Yes, after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Church served as a sort of temporal power meting out laws of crime and punishment outside of the Vatican, but that period was far and away the exception of the rule. If a clergy member disagreed with Henry VIII, his head would be cut off. But, if you listen to the chirpings of unrefined atheistic historians, including those creative writers who rewrote for the script of Cosmos, it was invariably the Church which put people to the rack.

Despite the fact that the Church commissioned much of the work of early scientists, and that Classical knowledge was preserved in the abbey system, and that the Church invented the modern university, and that many of today's leading educational and medical research institutions are private institutions belonging to a church, and despite the fact that every branch of science has one or more religious freaks among its pioneers, within the camp of antagonistic atheists no such fact of history is allowed to enter.

Churches are made up of people. People are strange. Go down to the DMV and look around. Those are the people who are striving to exemplify the world's religions, or not. They are no more qualified to do so that the average person in qualified to understand quantum mechanics or to play in the NBA. Gore Vidal said that art is not a democracy. You're either born an artist or you are not. Similarly, you are either born with a capacity to grasp sacred esoteric knowledge, or you aren't and you can strive follow the example of a religious figure like Jesus, or you can be an atheist, or finally you can be a petty atheist on fire with an anti-religion agenda.

"In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful."
-Leo Tolstoy

Before I continue to read you drivel, I want to say how ignorant and arrogant you theists are to assume we haven't studied religion enough to comment on it. We have studied it for sure and we have deemed it a lie.

There isn't anything you can show me that will convince me that God/Jesus fed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 3 fish. That is the initial test for Christians. If you are gullible enough to swallow that then you can be a member.

Oh, and Zeus was the son of god long before Jesus. And the ancient Greek gods knocked up mortal women long before Mary.
Jesus was a former Starfleet officer who flagrantly violated the Prime Directive and went back to a time when superstition was unrivaled by science to set himself up as a god among men to gratify his imbalanced ego. He performed various feats with 24th century technology such as using a synthesizer to produce bread loaves and fish to feed 5000 people. He only needed a prototype which was provided by a Jewish boy's lunch.


Oh yeah!

Now that you have an explanation you can accept, we can move on to other things.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

This is a perfect example of a right winger who's so brainwashed that even if their own fucking Pope comes out and tells them they are wrong, they'll still argue.

Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.
Why does every fool that hath said in his heart there is no God end up being a Leftist, not only on religious matters, but in promoting failed economic systems like communism. It's like you people got a cult all your own in which religiously held beliefs hold sway against the facts. Stop using your supersitions to oppress and impoverish people, please, and allow people to live their own lives unfettered by your religious laws.


Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
St. James 4:4


Because I'm more than a little frustrated with my Pope. Already infamous for his many comments demonizing capitalism, he now proceeds to attack free speech and throw his weight behind the global warming cult.

WTF, your holiness?

Capitalism is the greatest engine to human freedom and prosperity in the history of mankind, global warming is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme with aims on global government, and when Islam kills people for insulting their pedophile prophet, the proper response is not to tell Christians to work harder not to offend Muslims.

Now the Bible passage I posted is a very appropriate rebuke of Pope Francis. Christians are not called to be friends with the world, to promote worldly values, and to mimic the demonic bigotry of worldly political correctness. Trying to win popularity among reprobate humanity by necessity requires abandoning Christ and our obligation to be the Light of Christ to the nations. Jesus calls us to be light in darkness, not to join the darkness. Jesus warned us that if our salt loses its saltiness, it becomes worthless, something to be thrown out as refuse. But most of all, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. We do not promote earthly kingdoms or international agendas, we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God.

But to put things in perspective, Catholics pray for the Pope, that he may benefit from a special grace, a pouring of the Holy Spirit to guide him. Historically, some Popes have demonstrated through their actions a deep, pious faith that indicates they operate through the Holy Spirit, but others have been corrupt, or sometimes outright evil. There's no need to post a list of bad Popes throughout the history of the Church. I consider myself blessed that I've been a contemporary to one Pope who was truly God's servant, the late Pope John Paul II, and even if he's the last righteous Pope I see in my lifetime, I would not consider myself robbed. Still it's disappointing to know that we have a corrupt Pope in office. I had such high hopes for him.

This is a perfect example of a right winger who's so brainwashed that even if their own fucking Pope comes out and tells them they are wrong, they'll still argue.

Your Catholic religion indeed has had some very evil and corrupt popes in the past. This is not one of them.

Your entire post only re confirms for me just how rotten religious people are.
Why does every fool that hath said in his heart there is no God end up being a Leftist, not only on religious matters, but in promoting failed economic systems like communism. It's like you people got a cult all your own in which religiously held beliefs hold sway against the facts. Stop using your supersitions to oppress and impoverish people, please, and allow people to live their own lives unfettered by your religious laws.

Because we aren't so brainwashed that we worship the rich and capitalism.

Why does the Pope agree with us?

We've been telling you guys for years that Jesus was a liberal. Feed the poor? Heal the sick? Not if he doesn't have insurance.

Your economic system has failed too. Often in fact. It only succeeds because it is heavily regulated by We the People. At least it was until our government was taken over by the rich. That started under Reagan. So don't be so cocky and sure your ISM is going to be around for another 100 years. Blink of an eye in human history. But you guys are sooo sure of yourselves. Much like the Romans were.

You know what? It was a lot easier 10 or 20 years ago to worship capitalism and demonize socialism and communism. Not so easy today when young people see your capitalistic society is rigged and corrupted.

Ever run into right wing conservative atheists? They do exist. Ayn Rand being the one we all know. But also realize that no conservatives will admit they don't believe in god because belief in JESUS is required. So perhaps you don't know any conservative atheists because they are too afraid to admit it to you.

In fact the GOP used you religious fools to win elections and invade Iraq.

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