Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

Umm, variolation is no longer practiced. And for good reason.

Variolation is always practiced, and for very good reasons, such as there is no alternative with a new epidemic, when you can't wait 6 years for a reasonable, safe, and effective vaccine.

Face it, these mRNA vaccines are hubris, were some are so arrogant as to claim we know all about how the immune system works, when in reality we actually know very little.
It is easy to do variolation as I claimed, and people have done it for thousands of years successfully.
You just ask for groups of young/healthy volunteers, deliberately infect them, and quarantine them for 14 days.
Then you move to the next group.

Immunization is essentially the same thing only without the need for any quarantine, but we can't do that without a GOOD vaccine, and we don't have that.
Manufacturing a synthetic spike protein can't be called a vaccine, and it is not going to work.
The body does not know how to store immunity information against just a spike protein, so it does not last.
It is transient.
Okay. So now you need tens of millions (hundreds of millions?) of people to volunteer to be injected with a virus.

Sounds dumb. Like, really dumb.

First do no harm. Right?
That's utter nonsense. People catch the flu again even after natural immunity from catching it previously. Lifetime immunity varies from one disease to another.

That shows you don't know much about it.
First of all, there is not one illness called flu.
There are hundreds of different illnesses we collectively call flu.
Second is that we DO obviously have immunity to flu.
When you do not have any immunity to flu, then you have massive death rates, like the North American, South American, and Polynesian natives who were exposed to it for the first time.
For anyone that only has a 3 day event for flu, then obviously they are already immune.
If they were not immune, they would be sick for weeks as the body does trial and error immunity methods.

Lifetime immunity is usually around 30 years, and does vary, but is always longer and better than vaccine immunity, and infinitely better than fake mRNA vaccine immunity.
Variolation is always practiced, and for very good reasons, such as there is no alternative with a new epidemic, when you can't wait 6 years for a reasonable, safe, and effective vaccine.

Face it, these mRNA vaccines are hubris, were some are so arrogant as to claim we know all about how the immune system works, when in reality we actually know very little.
Imbecile, variolation is centuries old and was replaced with vaccination. It's even illegal in some parts of the world. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

You're truly a fucking idiot. No, moron, all people are not always re-infected 100% of the time.


Sorry, but that is just really, really stupid.
Of course all people always have to be re-infected if exposed.
Each individual cell does not contain the mechanism to build antibodies.
So first the central immune system as to even discover there is an infection before it even can begin to build antibodies.
And it not only takes time to build antibodies, but they have to circulate in order to find the infection, and then slowly attack it.
Takes several days.
There is no way to speed it up or avoid it.
That would require magic.
The immune system would have to be able to predict when and where the infection was going to enter its first cell, and have antibodies waiting for it.
That is impossible.
Never happened.
There are always going to be re-infections.
There is never going to be a way to prevent that.
That shows you don't know much about it.
First of all, there is not one illness called flu.
There are hundreds of different illnesses we collectively call flu.
Second is that we DO obviously have immunity to flu.
When you do not have any immunity to flu, then you have massive death rates, like the North American, South American, and Polynesian natives who were exposed to it for the first time.
For anyone that only has a 3 day event for flu, then obviously they are already immune.
If they were not immune, they would be sick for weeks as the body does trial and error immunity methods.

Lifetime immunity is usually around 30 years, and does vary, but is always longer and better than vaccine immunity, and infinitely better than fake mRNA vaccine immunity.
The flu is a virus belonging to one of four groups of influenza viruses; not all affecting humans. Then there are subtypes among those 4 groups. And people can contract the same strain more than once. Why do you think they give out annual vaccinations?
Sorry, but that is just really, really stupid.
Of course all people always have to be re-infected if exposed.
Each individual cell does not contain the mechanism to build antibodies.
So first the central immune system as to even discover there is an infection before it even can begin to build antibodies.
And it not only takes time to build antibodies, but they have to circulate in order to find the infection, and then slowly attack it.
Takes several days.
There is no way to speed it up or avoid it.
That would require magic.
The immune system would have to be able to predict when and where the infection was going to enter its first cell, and have antibodies waiting for it.
That is impossible.
Never happened.
There are always going to be re-infections.
There is never going to be a way to prevent that.
"Of course all people always have to be re-infected if exposed."

That's not what you said. What you actually said was, "all people get re-infected 100% of the time."
Okay. So now you need tens of millions (hundreds of millions?) of people to volunteer to be injected with a virus.

Sounds dumb. Like, really dumb.

First do no harm. Right?

About 274 million in the US.

And they are more than willing.
You see them at Sturgis, Daytona, etc.
That is because their odds of harm are tiny.
Those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die from covid than those over 70, who are about the only ones dying.

And if you wanted to do NO harm at all, then you could not vaccinate.
Vaccinations do a little harm to everyone, and kill some.
This is a question of doing the least harm, and variolation is the only way to do that with a new epidemic.
We killed over half a million by "flattening the curve" who did not need to die, if we has done variolation right away.
Imbecile, variolation is centuries old and was replaced with vaccination. It's even illegal in some parts of the world. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Variolation is the only modern method for any new epidemic.
Variolation is never illegal and never can be.
About 274 million in the US.

And they are more than willing.
You see them at Sturgis, Daytona, etc.
That is because their odds of harm are tiny.
Those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die from covid than those over 70, who are about the only ones dying.

And if you wanted to do NO harm at all, then you could not vaccinate.
Vaccinations do a little harm to everyone, and kill some.
This is a question of doing the least harm, and variolation is the only way to do that with a new epidemic.
We killed over half a million by "flattening the curve" who did not need to die, if we has done variolation right away.
Vaccines do less harm than injecting people with COVID. That makes it unethical.

You would kill untold thousands even if you magically chose only the “healthy”. That’s if you could even get to enough of the “healthy”. I mean, you can’t do people who are older than, what, 60? Half the country is overweight. I’m young and healthy. If you said you want to inject me with COVID, I’d say you’re nuts. Youre not going to have enough of the population made immune if you’re just relying on the Sturgis and Daytona crowd.
Variolation is the only modern method for any new epidemic.
Variolation is never illegal and never can be.
As I said, it is illegal in some parts of the world. And no, it's not the only method for any new epidemic. For example, it was not used to fight covid-19.

Vaccination became widely accepted and gradually replaced the practice of variolation. At some point in the 1800s, the virus used to make the smallpox vaccine changed from cowpox to vaccinia virus.
The flu is a virus belonging to one of four groups of influenza viruses; not all affecting humans. Then there are subtypes among those 4 groups. And people can contract the same strain more than once. Why do you think they give out annual vaccinations?

They do annual vaccinations because they are greedy and people are easily frightened.
All people can always get re-infected by anything, regardless of vaccinated of not.
The point of immunity, from recovery or vaccination, is just to reduce symptoms and recovery time.
Immunity can NEVER prevent infection.
It is silly for anyone to ever claim any immunity could ever prevent any infection.
That would be like claiming that the invention of an anti-snake venom serum prevented snakes from biting you.

Learn this at least.
Immunity is just how to help your body cure infection after you have become infected.
In no way does it or could it at all prevent infection.
"Of course all people always have to be re-infected if exposed."

That's not what you said. What you actually said was, "all people get re-infected 100% of the time."

Which is true, if exposed.
And we can assume with something we kept around for years by "flattening the curve", that most people have been re-exposed to covid, several times.
Vaccines do less harm than injecting people with COVID. That makes it unethical.

You would kill untold thousands even if you magically chose only the “healthy”. That’s if you could even get to enough of the “healthy”. I mean, you can’t do people who are older than, what, 60? Half the country is overweight. I’m young and healthy. If you said you want to inject me with COVID, I’d say you’re nuts. Youre not going to have enough of the population made immune if you’re just relying on the Sturgis and Daytona crowd.

Good vaccines that have been designed correctly and fully tested for years, do less harm.
Plus waiting for these fake vaccines means "flattening the curve" for over a year.
That not only did the harm of killing another half million for no reason, but ensured variants.
In fact, we may have made covid endemic to humans now that we accelerated its evolution so much.
The harm waiting for these mRNA fake vaccines caused is incalculable.

It is easy to calculate the death toll from variolation.
Fauci estimated 2.4 million herd immunity deaths from his high lethality rate, where he ignored the many asymptomatic and the vast age differential.
But in general, those under 40 have 400 times less odds of death than those over 70, that Fauci based his estimate on.
So divide his 2.4 million by 400, and you only end up with 6.000 dead.
That is WAY fewer than the 660,000 we actually killed.
So clearly variolation does by far the least harm.

You are propagandized.
Normal people would welcome variolation, knowing they were saving lives and how little risk there was.
I am over 70, and I would gladly volunteer.
Almost every one under 40 would, as there is almost 0 risk involved.
Everyone who is vaccinated knows they are also taking a risk of death from the vaccine.
But these fake vaccines are a risk for nothing.
They don't do any good, and may do lots of unknown harm.
They could easily cause autoimmune responses, like attacking our own spike proteins.
(Spike proteins are how our own exosomes attach and enter cells, through ACE2 receptor sites.)
As I said, it is illegal in some parts of the world. And no, it's not the only method for any new epidemic. For example, it was not used to fight covid-19.

Vaccination became widely accepted and gradually replaced the practice of variolation. At some point in the 1800s, the virus used to make the smallpox vaccine changed from cowpox to vaccinia virus.

Historically smallpox was defeated by variolation.
Vaccination is just a slight optimization to variolation, where you pick the least lethal strain, and then try to make it even less lethal.
But all vaccinations are really just a form of variolation.

You can't say that variolation is better for covid-19 than variolation, because variolation we could have been done with it last March, and in a month ended it, saving over half a million lives.
The calculated death toll from variolation last March is only 6,000.
Even if it were 60,000, that would be 10 times better than the 660,000 we did kill.
Good vaccines that have been designed correctly and fully tested for years, do less harm.
Plus waiting for these fake vaccines means "flattening the curve" for over a year.
That not only did the harm of killing another half million for no reason, but ensured variants.
In fact, we may have made covid endemic to humans now that we accelerated its evolution so much.
The harm waiting for these mRNA fake vaccines caused is incalculable.

It is easy to calculate the death toll from variolation.
Fauci estimated 2.4 million herd immunity deaths from his high lethality rate, where he ignored the many asymptomatic and the vast age differential.
But in general, those under 40 have 400 times less odds of death than those over 70, that Fauci based his estimate on.
So divide his 2.4 million by 400, and you only end up with 6.000 dead.
That is WAY fewer than the 660,000 we actually killed.
So clearly variolation does by far the least harm.

You are propagandized.
Normal people would welcome variolation, knowing they were saving lives and how little risk there was.
I am over 70, and I would gladly volunteer.
Almost every one under 40 would, as there is almost 0 risk involved.
Everyone who is vaccinated knows they are also taking a risk of death from the vaccine.
But these fake vaccines are a risk for nothing.
They don't do any good, and may do lots of unknown harm.
They could easily cause autoimmune responses, like attacking our own spike proteins.
(Spike proteins are how our own exosomes attach and enter cells, through ACE2 receptor sites.)
There's so much bad math here and terrible assumptions it's hard to know where to begin.

For starters, to get to any semblance of herd immunity, you're going to have to inject a lot of people who are older than 40. You're also going to have to inject millions of children.

If you think hundred million people are going to sign up for that, you're crazy. If you think that parents are going to volunteer their children en masse, you should be committed.

The vaccines have a low risk of complications. FAR lower than getting COVID. That's why it's ethical to give a vaccine. The risk is smaller than the benefit. There is no benefit to me getting COVID. There is risk. Therefore, it's unethical.
Historically smallpox was defeated by variolation.
Vaccination is just a slight optimization to variolation, where you pick the least lethal strain, and then try to make it even less lethal.
But all vaccinations are really just a form of variolation.

You can't say that variolation is better for covid-19 than variolation, because variolation we could have been done with it last March, and in a month ended it, saving over half a million lives.
The calculated death toll from variolation last March is only 6,000.
Even if it were 60,000, that would be 10 times better than the 660,000 we did kill.
Variolation is not vaccination. :cuckoo:

Vaccination replaced variolation wherever it was used. Even outlawed in some parts of the world. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
There's so much bad math here and terrible assumptions it's hard to know where to begin.

For starters, to get to any semblance of herd immunity, you're going to have to inject a lot of people who are older than 40. You're also going to have to inject millions of children.

If you think hundred million people are going to sign up for that, you're crazy. If you think that parents are going to volunteer their children en masse, you should be committed.

The vaccines have a low risk of complications. FAR lower than getting COVID. That's why it's ethical to give a vaccine. The risk is smaller than the benefit. There is no benefit to me getting COVID. There is risk. Therefore, it's unethical.

You do not have to deliberately infect anyone who is already immune, and that include the half the population who are already proven asymptomatic with inherent immunity, those under 18, those with recovery immunity, etc.

Again, children have inherent immunity or at least a very high resistance.
No children have to be infected.

Everyone will sign up because they will then not lose their business, jobs, homes, etc.

The vaccines are vastly worse than variolation risks.
The extra half million alone who have already died waiting for the vaccines, proves that.

The vaccines likely will not work. You can't just inject spike proteins and expect that to work. It is not lasting. A year from now, no mRNA immunity will exist most likely.

And the mRNA risks are also far higher for future autoimmune responses.
You have not addressed what happens if the mRNA immunity causes our own exosome spike proteins to be attacked by our own immune system.
Remember that covid itself killed no one, and it is only the deadly over response from the immune system that is killing anyone.
Look up "cytokine storm".
Hyping up an already deadly immune response, is highly dangerous and unethical.
Variolation is not vaccination. :cuckoo:

Vaccination replaced variolation wherever it was used. Even outlawed in some parts of the world. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Vaccination is a type of variolation.
Variolation is where you familiarize your immune system by deliberate injection of a weakened sample of disease.
Optimally you would do something to reduce risk, like use the pus from a person recovering.
By using samples from a person who was recovering from previous variolation, you make it even safer.
Vaccination is an attempt to do variolation in the safest way possible, with a virus killed in a factory.
But with a new epidemic, you do not have that luxury, and we would have saved a years worth of dead, to have done variolation on the least susceptible, in the very first month of the epidemic.
Once we knew there as an age variance, and those under 40 are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70, there no longer was any reason to hesitate.

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