Can an unWoke, self funded, normal, traditional, heterosexual caucasian relate to and vote for the Democrat Party?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
On what basis can they relate? With social engineering being paramount and real politics taking a backseat, how do the aforementioned connect with Democrat ideals?
On what basis can they relate? With social engineering being paramount and real politics taking a backseat, how do the aforementioned connect with Democrat ideals?

On what basis can they relate? With social engineering being paramount and real politics taking a backseat, how do the aforementioned connect with Democrat ideals?
As the current so-called "Democrat Party," is going down the road to Marxism, the answer is a resounding NO!
How anyone can support the duopoly is perplexing.
That is the real question there…

You have the OP chastising the men on the left on why they would vote for the Democratic Party while never reflecting on how the Republican Party isn’t the savior either and both political parties are pathetic as can be.

It is sad we as a nation do not have a third or fourth political party worth voting for!
That is the real question there…

You have the OP chastising the men on the left on why they would vote for the Democratic Party while never reflecting on how the Republican Party isn’t the savior either and both political parties are pathetic as can be.

It is sad we as a nation do not have a third or fourth political party worth voting for!

If only votes really mattered.
Our country is now as corrupt as any 4th world nation. It's just covered up better (for now) You can put lipstick on a's still a pig.

The RNC and DNC will never allow We The People any real power. That's for them and them alone. Just how our system works (or doesn't work) now.
Billionaires, mega millionaires, the politically powerful and celebrities can all get "Justice". The rest of us have to face judges and Juries.

So no, no soup for you if you aren't devoted to one of the two (which are actually one and the same) political powerhouses.
If only votes really mattered.
Our country is now as corrupt as any 4th world nation. It's just covered up better (for now) You can put lipstick on a's still a pig.

The RNC and DNC will never allow We The People any real power. That's for them and them alone. Just how our system works (or doesn't work) now.
Billionaires, mega millionaires, the politically powerful and celebrities can all get "Justice". The rest of us have to face judges and Juries.

So no, no soup for you if you aren't devoted to one of the two (which are actually one and the same) political powerhouses.
That is the problem and we live with the illusion that the two mega political parties are for us, but they are for the one percent only…
That is the problem and we live with the illusion that the two mega political parties are for us, but they are for the one percent only…

It's rare that someone really understands this.
They throw out a "Trump" and conservatives flock to a life long New York Democrat as if he's Jesus
Democrats thought Obama was Jesus.

BOTH are clever decoys working for the system as you pointed out.

That's the way they keep the fools loyal to one of the two parties indefinitely. It's a game and most Cunservatives and dimocrats are clueless and faithfully play right into it time and time again.
We have to start somewhere:

It could be said that the dictatorship of the duopoly has to stop somewhere, some time.
Every two years, the Constitution provides the means to throw out this scourge.

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