Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

Nothing is wrong with it. It just shows how hypocritical the tea baggers are who use it.

So you object to people, that have been forced to pay into Medicare, from using it?

You're missing the whole point of government dependency. See, if you have to rely on government - because, for example, they've outlawed your freedom to take of yourself, well, then you're supposed to just keep your mouth shut and do as your told. Duh.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
It is abundantly clear that you are a deeply flawed human being. No form of government can be trusted and must be watched and if necessary, pulled back from abuse. The fact that you are actually in a headlong rush to return to the kind of servitude we escaped 236 years ago should frighten you, but you buy into the progressive propaganda that government can take care of you.

I seriously think you've been debating an adolescent. He reasons and talks like a child...
I doubt he has a mortgage or insurance or even a car..He might be old enough to have his drivers license..
Lol it's so much easier to dismiss those who disagree with you by demonizing them isn't it?
You say this in a thread that you started, in which you started out demonizing people you disagree with and then continue on throughout the entire thread.

Perhaps you should actually read the hatred you post before clicking the "Post Reply" button.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
It is abundantly clear that you are a deeply flawed human being. No form of government can be trusted and must be watched and if necessary, pulled back from abuse. The fact that you are actually in a headlong rush to return to the kind of servitude we escaped 236 years ago should frighten you, but you buy into the progressive propaganda that government can take care of you.

I seriously think you've been debating an adolescent. He reasons and talks like a child...
I doubt he has a mortgage or insurance or even a car..He might be old enough to have his drivers license..
Lol it's so much easier to dismiss those who disagree with you by demonizing them isn't it?
You say this in a thread that you started, in which you started out demonizing people you disagree with and then continue on throughout the entire thread.

Perhaps you should actually read the hatred you post before clicking the "Post Reply" button.
Yeah all right. You have a point I'll admit.
When I turned 65 two years ago and became eligible for Medicare I was able to afford preventive health care for the first time in my life. I no longer had to wait to get sick to see a doctor. As a consequence, my physical and mental health is better today than it has been in the last twenty five years, at least.
I think your mental health is still pretty messed up. Just saying
My state borders Canada. We don't have Canadians coming down here for health care.

In fact all the Canadians I know who live down here, they're married to Americans, keep their citizenship just for that health care. They get duel citizenship for their kids just for that health care.

I've talked to countless Canadians, they would NEVER change to our health care system and don't understand why we tolerate the system we have.
Hey Billy000, I see you liked THIS anecdotal evidence. Maybe because this time it seems to support your POV?
Strange, I've never received a bill from an insurance company for any medical treatment. I have received overblown medical bills from medical providers only to later find those over-inflated bills were settled at a very much reduced rate by my insurance carrier. I actually find insurance premiums to be quite a bargain considering that the bills cumulating from a single heart attack can easily wipe out five years of paid in insurance premiums. Before Obamacare, insurance companies ranked 80th in profit margins among American industries.

Do you know what a "profit margin" is?

Profit margin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One more question: why do you suppose 30% of all the commercials and billboards we're inundated with, and advertising online, is that from insurance companies? It's representative of the share of the US economy they control, about 30% and rising. It's largely a criminal enterprise, but they have the money to buy off all the people they need to buy off. Last time I heard, when gas was $5.65 a gallon in Northern California, insurance companies were making a 6% return on every dollar invested, while oil companies were making a 1% return on every dollar invested.

And one last question, why the hell should an insurance company be any part of the human equation in things like the heart attack you mentioned in your post? Do you want some flunky actuary determining whether you might live or die, or do you want doctors making those decisions?
Strange, I've never received a bill from an insurance company for any medical treatment. I have received overblown medical bills from medical providers only to later find those over-inflated bills were settled at a very much reduced rate by my insurance carrier. I actually find insurance premiums to be quite a bargain considering that the bills cumulating from a single heart attack can easily wipe out five years of paid in insurance premiums. Before Obamacare, insurance companies ranked 80th in profit margins among American industries.

Do you know what a "profit margin" is?

Profit margin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One more question: why do you suppose 30% of all the commercials and billboards we're inundated with, and advertising online, is that from insurance companies? It's representative of the share of the US economy they control, about 30% and rising. It's largely a criminal enterprise, but they have the money to buy off all the people they need to buy off. Last time I heard, when gas was $5.65 a gallon in Northern California, insurance companies were making a 6% return on every dollar invested, while oil companies were making a 1% return on every dollar invested.

Humana Inc. Profit= 2.98%. Return on Equity = 13.21%
ExxonMobil, Inc. Profit = 7.74% Return on Equity = 18.72%
Apple, Inc. Profit = 21.67% Return on Equity = 29.98%

And one last question, why the hell should an insurance company be any part of the human equation in things like the heart attack you mentioned in your post? Do you want some flunky actuary determining whether you might live or die, or do you want doctors making those decisions?

Why would an organization designed to protect borders, insure national security, fight our wars, police our society, have anything to do with paying for your hemorrhoid operation?
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.
Were you raised by communists like Obama was? It's laughable to know you think government is incapable of corruption. The last Six years should be proof enough.
Why would an organization designed to protect borders, insure national security, fight our wars, police our society, have anything to do with paying for your hemorrhoid operation?

You know about all those things do you? I'll tell you why the US government should pay for a hemorrhoid (why in the fuck do they spell that word that way) operation if I ever need one. Because I spent two years as a combat soldier in Vietnam where I was wounded five times, including two gunshot wounds to my legs that necessitate me walking with canes now, an artificial patella, a missing toe, an elbow brace, retained shrapnel in all four limbs, and a lifetime of migraine headaches from two serious concussions suffered in helicopter crashes. Are those good enough reasons the government is obligated to pony up for my healthcare?

The democrats don't think so. They've been trying to kill us off for years. They just murdered 40 Vietnam vets in Phoenix, didn't they? Fucking assholes. Why did they make us stop shooting those Marxist bastards when we came home? All that said, maybe we aren't too far apart on some issues where privatization is a good idea. But who would ever sell someone like me health insurance? Only uncle. Fortunately I live so far out in the sticks, that the VA allows me to use our little county hospital where healthcare is always world class. I'd rather use any civilian healthcare professional that the idiots at the VA. So add me to your P&L ledger up there. I'm what it costs when our nation decides to engage in international trysts with violence. I have to depend on Uncle. I have no choice.
Why would an organization designed to protect borders, insure national security, fight our wars, police our society, have anything to do with paying for your hemorrhoid operation?

You know about all those things do you? I'll tell you why the US government should pay for a hemorrhoid (why in the fuck do they spell that word that way) operation if I ever need one. Because I spent two years as a combat soldier in Vietnam where I was wounded five times, including two gunshot wounds to my legs that necessitate me walking with canes now, an artificial patella, a missing toe, an elbow brace, retained shrapnel in all four limbs, and a lifetime of migraine headaches from two serious concussions suffered in helicopter crashes. Are those good enough reasons the government is obligated to pony up for my healthcare

Yeah, those are good reasons for YOU and that's because society made a deal with YOU. You entered the military and you risked your life for your country and in return your country made promises to you, one of which includes veterans medical benefits for service related injuries. That's the deal and I have no problem with honoring it. I'll go even further, in a world of finite resources, honoring promises made takes priority over other spending categories.

But you know that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Joe Blow who hasn't made a bargain with his country. Government exists for a reason, to provide collective security and collective administration, activities which benefit us all. When the nation is safe, then we're all safe, one person doesn't benefit more than another person. When we have a justice system that works, then we all benefit even if we don't have to ever go to court because society is now more orderly. But when government pays for a cyst to be removed from your back, only you benefit and the rest of us have to foot the bill. That's not the proper role of government, to make one citizen better off and other citizens worse off.
Why would an organization designed to protect borders, insure national security, fight our wars, police our society, have anything to do with paying for your hemorrhoid operation?

You know about all those things do you? I'll tell you why the US government should pay for a hemorrhoid (why in the fuck do they spell that word that way) operation if I ever need one. Because I spent two years as a combat soldier in Vietnam where I was wounded five times, including two gunshot wounds to my legs that necessitate me walking with canes now, an artificial patella, a missing toe, an elbow brace, retained shrapnel in all four limbs, and a lifetime of migraine headaches from two serious concussions suffered in helicopter crashes. Are those good enough reasons the government is obligated to pony up for my healthcare?

The democrats don't think so. They've been trying to kill us off for years. They just murdered 40 Vietnam vets in Phoenix, didn't they? Fucking assholes. Why did they make us stop shooting those Marxist bastards when we came home? All that said, maybe we aren't too far apart on some issues where privatization is a good idea. But who would ever sell someone like me health insurance? Only uncle. Fortunately I live so far out in the sticks, that the VA allows me to use our little county hospital where healthcare is always world class. I'd rather use any civilian healthcare professional that the idiots at the VA. So add me to your P&L ledger up there. I'm what it costs when our nation decides to engage in international trysts with violence. I have to depend on Uncle. I have no choice.

Servicemen earned their taxpayer funded healthcare. That's part of the deal when you agree to serve your country. The question is, why should the taxpayers pay for the haemorrhoid operation for some union asshole in Detroit?
Strange, I've never received a bill from an insurance company for any medical treatment. I have received overblown medical bills from medical providers only to later find those over-inflated bills were settled at a very much reduced rate by my insurance carrier. I actually find insurance premiums to be quite a bargain considering that the bills cumulating from a single heart attack can easily wipe out five years of paid in insurance premiums. Before Obamacare, insurance companies ranked 80th in profit margins among American industries.

Do you know what a "profit margin" is?

Profit margin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One more question: why do you suppose 30% of all the commercials and billboards we're inundated with, and advertising online, is that from insurance companies? It's representative of the share of the US economy they control, about 30% and rising. It's largely a criminal enterprise, but they have the money to buy off all the people they need to buy off. Last time I heard, when gas was $5.65 a gallon in Northern California, insurance companies were making a 6% return on every dollar invested, while oil companies were making a 1% return on every dollar invested.

And one last question, why the hell should an insurance company be any part of the human equation in things like the heart attack you mentioned in your post? Do you want some flunky actuary determining whether you might live or die, or do you want doctors making those decisions?

Yes, I do know what a profit margin is. I own a corporation myself. I have never in my life (71 years old) had any insurance company actuary make any medical decision whatsoever concerning any medical condition I have been diagnosed as having. Such decisions have always been between my doctor and myself and have included two triple heart bypass operations and the placement of one stint. My first triple bypass operation cost in excess of $100K.. My second around $50K. Your argument falls on sand. There is absolutely no way my insurance premiums will ever amount to coming anywhere close to what the insurance companies have paid out on my own medical care.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.
So, how do they save money? Answer that question first.
Smaller work force....and less money for the employees. More money for the stockholder and then the CEO's stock benefits rise.
The money goes one direction. To the CEO's and the stock holder.
You get cheaper goods that are junk and less pay for the employee.
Get it! But you will through out the talking points from faux news and such.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do. CEO's , before ronnie boy, were never compensated with stock options.
Now they are and it has changed the entire make up of the corporate world.
Look it up and try to look at it in and objective way, if that is to much to ask. I say again. Forget about it.


Seems you refuse to see others plight!

Strange, I've never received a bill from an insurance company for any medical treatment. I have received overblown medical bills from medical providers only to later find those over-inflated bills were settled at a very much reduced rate by my insurance carrier. I actually find insurance premiums to be quite a bargain considering that the bills cumulating from a single heart attack can easily wipe out five years of paid in insurance premiums. Before Obamacare, insurance companies ranked 80th in profit margins among American industries.

Do you know what a "profit margin" is?

Profit margin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One more question: why do you suppose 30% of all the commercials and billboards we're inundated with, and advertising online, is that from insurance companies? It's representative of the share of the US economy they control, about 30% and rising. It's largely a criminal enterprise, but they have the money to buy off all the people they need to buy off. Last time I heard, when gas was $5.65 a gallon in Northern California, insurance companies were making a 6% return on every dollar invested, while oil companies were making a 1% return on every dollar invested.

And one last question, why the hell should an insurance company be any part of the human equation in things like the heart attack you mentioned in your post? Do you want some flunky actuary determining whether you might live or die, or do you want doctors making those decisions?

Yes, I do know what a profit margin is. I own a corporation myself. I have never in my life (71 years old) had any insurance company actuary make any medical decision whatsoever concerning any medical condition I have been diagnosed as having. Such decisions have always been between my doctor and myself and have included two triple heart bypass operations and the placement of one stint. My first triple bypass operation cost in excess of $100K.. My second around $50K. Your argument falls on sand. There is absolutely no way my insurance premiums will ever amount to coming anywhere close to what the insurance companies have paid out on my own medical care.
Sure!!! As long as citizen united is in place it will be cold day in hell.

No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....

Government is completely out of control.

Americans fought and died to end the tyrannical rule of King George...we now live under a government far more tyrannical and yet, many Americans are fine with it.

It is said that Americans on average commit three felonies every day...unknowingly. felonies a day&tag=viglink20513-20

No..after the collapse, partitioning and during the reconstruction we'll form a republic again and this time we'll use the constitution as a model and rein in the politicians so they never take control again.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
It is abundantly clear that you are a deeply flawed human being. No form of government can be trusted and must be watched and if necessary, pulled back from abuse. The fact that you are actually in a headlong rush to return to the kind of servitude we escaped 236 years ago should frighten you, but you buy into the progressive propaganda that government can take care of you.

I seriously think you've been debating an adolescent. He reasons and talks like a child...
I doubt he has a mortgage or insurance or even a car..He might be old enough to have his drivers license..
Lol it's so much easier to dismiss those who disagree with you by demonizing them isn't it?

Clearly...since you do it all the time.
...our healthcare system?

Already there is a big money in healthcare. If corporations run our healthcare system, they can charge whatever they want. Seriously what good is having state of the art healthcare if poor people can't afford the most basic of cancer treatment?

Why would it not be better to create a system that insures proper treatment for everyone? Sure it wouldn't be perfect, but if you take away profit as an incentive you are less likely to have corruption. Let's stop wasting billions a year on useless defense expenses and focus that money on socialized medicine.

Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

Of course they can NOT.

They support fascism/socialism just like you do.

Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

Oh right, so you think the way to make the stock price go up is to make products consumers don't want and to piss them off at every opportunity.

I'll bet you wonder why liberals are never given credit for having the ability to commit logic.

So, how do they save money? Answer that question first.
Smaller work force....and less money for the employees. More money for the stockholder and then the CEO's stock benefits rise.
The money goes one direction. To the CEO's and the stock holder.
You get cheaper goods that are junk and less pay for the employee.
Get it! But you will through out the talking points from faux news and such.

That's really the only way you can think of to save money? I'll bet you think you're qualified to be a CEO.

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