Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

A little uppity aren't we.

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.

Theodore Roosevelt
And it seems you and your kind think corporate america has this deep concern for you.It seems you want to give them all the freedoms they desire. Good luck to you.Skippy!!!
A little uppity aren't we.

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.

Theodore Roosevelt
And it seems you and your kind think corporate america has this deep concern for you.It seems you want to give them all the freedoms they desire. Good luck to you.Skippy!!!

LOL, that's why you're a fool to worship lying politicians. I don't have to trust businesses. In my system, I can walk across the street to their competitor. They don't serve me, I fire them. You on the other hand have to trust politicians very, very much since they are deciding unilaterally what you get and what you pay for it. If they suck, and they do, there is no walking across the street to their competitor, they shut them down. Your politicians have guns. My corporations have to earn my business.

That's why you are just a fool. All you have to do to realize your Gods are failing you is open your eyes and see what is in front of you.
You know who / what runs with 100% efficiency? Nothing and no one

Wow, that's an insight, beautiful. then you're right, let's let government run the economy. No one will be perfect, so let's go with the worst solution. You actually are a rocket scientist in real life, aren't you?
You know who / what runs with 100% efficiency? Nothing and no one

Wow, that's an insight, beautiful. then you're right, let's let government run the economy. No one will be perfect, so let's go with the worst solution. You actually are a rocket scientist in real life, aren't you?

The worst solution? How can they be worst than everyone else who has the same problems? Because your bias says so?
You know who / what runs with 100% efficiency? Nothing and no one

Wow, that's an insight, beautiful. then you're right, let's let government run the economy. No one will be perfect, so let's go with the worst solution. You actually are a rocket scientist in real life, aren't you?

The worst solution? How can they be worst than everyone else who has the same problems? Because your bias says so?

Because in real life, anyone who put out a web-site like the government did on on Obamacare.......would have gone out of business.

Not good ol' Uncle Sammy.
You know who / what runs with 100% efficiency? Nothing and no one

Wow, that's an insight, beautiful. then you're right, let's let government run the economy. No one will be perfect, so let's go with the worst solution. You actually are a rocket scientist in real life, aren't you?

The worst solution? How can they be worst than everyone else who has the same problems? Because your bias says so?

I'm biased to think I can make my own choices, you aren't biased in wanting government to make both of ours for us and use guns to eliminate any other option. Gotcha. And you didn't answer my question. Be honest, you are actually a rocket scientist, aren't you? The intelligence just oozes.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.
So, how do they save money? Answer that question first.
Smaller work force....and less money for the employees. More money for the stockholder and then the CEO's stock benefits rise.
The money goes one direction. To the CEO's and the stock holder.
You get cheaper goods that are junk and less pay for the employee.
Get it! But you will through out the talking points from faux news and such.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do. CEO's , before ronnie boy, were never compensated with stock options.
Now they are and it has changed the entire make up of the corporate world.
Look it up and try to look at it in and objective way, if that is to much to ask. I say again. Forget about it.


This is a clear example of someone who follows a talking point script rather than do any critical thinking or apply any actual knowledge to a problem.

If you think that the ONLY way a company can increase revenue is through employee cuts in wages, you simply do not understand the modern day business model.
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You know who / what runs with 100% efficiency? Nothing and no one

Wow, that's an insight, beautiful. then you're right, let's let government run the economy. No one will be perfect, so let's go with the worst solution. You actually are a rocket scientist in real life, aren't you?

The worst solution? How can they be worst than everyone else who has the same problems? Because your bias says so?

So, let's imagine two scenarios

Scenario 1. We give the government $1T and tell them to implement a program which provides EVERYONE with affordable healthcare insurance. This system is to include all infrastructure required to make sure people can sign up, all infrastructure required to maintain the program etc etc.

Scenario 2. We offer all insurance companies $1B to build the same system.

Who would build the better system, and why?

There's the answer to the OP.
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You know who / what runs with 100% efficiency? Nothing and no one

Wow, that's an insight, beautiful. then you're right, let's let government run the economy. No one will be perfect, so let's go with the worst solution. You actually are a rocket scientist in real life, aren't you?

The worst solution? How can they be worst than everyone else who has the same problems? Because your bias says so?
History bears out the fact that government is usually (Please note the word usually as I have doubts about your comprehension ability) the worst solution to any problem. Government SHOULD always be the very last resort to any problem.

Never the first.
A little uppity aren't we.

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.

Theodore Roosevelt
And it seems you and your kind think corporate america has this deep concern for you.It seems you want to give them all the freedoms they desire. Good luck to you.Skippy!!!

LOL, that's why you're a fool to worship lying politicians. I don't have to trust businesses. In my system, I can walk across the street to their competitor. They don't serve me, I fire them. You on the other hand have to trust politicians very, very much since they are deciding unilaterally what you get and what you pay for it. If they suck, and they do, there is no walking across the street to their competitor, they shut them down. Your politicians have guns. My corporations have to earn my business.

That's why you are just a fool. All you have to do to realize your Gods are failing you is open your eyes and see what is in front of you.
It's amazing that people fail to grasp this. If you dont like the job your doctor is doing, go see another one. If you dont like your internet provider, get another one. If you hate your cell phone, buy another one.
But you dont like your VA? You dont like your Post Office? You dont like your licensing bureau? Tough shit, eat it, asshole.
It's amazing that people fail to grasp the concept.
If , like some advocate, giving corporations control without checks and balances , with someone that can make them tow the line, what they will do.

A little uppity aren't we.

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.

Theodore Roosevelt
And it seems you and your kind think corporate america has this deep concern for you.It seems you want to give them all the freedoms they desire. Good luck to you.Skippy!!!

LOL, that's why you're a fool to worship lying politicians. I don't have to trust businesses. In my system, I can walk across the street to their competitor. They don't serve me, I fire them. You on the other hand have to trust politicians very, very much since they are deciding unilaterally what you get and what you pay for it. If they suck, and they do, there is no walking across the street to their competitor, they shut them down. Your politicians have guns. My corporations have to earn my business.

That's why you are just a fool. All you have to do to realize your Gods are failing you is open your eyes and see what is in front of you.
It's amazing that people fail to grasp this. If you dont like the job your doctor is doing, go see another one. If you dont like your internet provider, get another one. If you hate your cell phone, buy another one.
But you dont like your VA? You dont like your Post Office? You dont like your licensing bureau? Tough shit, eat it, asshole.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is a clear example of someone who follows a talking point script rather than do any critical thinking or apply any actual knowledge to a problem.

If you think that the ONLY way a company can increase revenue is through employee cuts in wages, you simply do not understand the modern day business model.

Business are there to maximize profit. Profit is revenue less cost. The idea we can just slash wages and not affect our revenue is ridiculous. My staff are great. They serve my customers. That maximizes profit. Slashing their wages would make them quit or at least unhappy and affect their job performance and reduce my profit, not increase it. Wages should be set to make employees satisfied, but not overpay them. Boilermaker is a Marxist drone, he grasps nothing.

If a company can slash wages and not affect revenue ,they absolutely should do that because they are overpaying
It's amazing that people fail to grasp the concept.
If , like some advocate, giving corporations control without checks and balances , with someone that can make them tow the line, what they will do.

A little uppity aren't we.

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.

Theodore Roosevelt
And it seems you and your kind think corporate america has this deep concern for you.It seems you want to give them all the freedoms they desire. Good luck to you.Skippy!!!

LOL, that's why you're a fool to worship lying politicians. I don't have to trust businesses. In my system, I can walk across the street to their competitor. They don't serve me, I fire them. You on the other hand have to trust politicians very, very much since they are deciding unilaterally what you get and what you pay for it. If they suck, and they do, there is no walking across the street to their competitor, they shut them down. Your politicians have guns. My corporations have to earn my business.

That's why you are just a fool. All you have to do to realize your Gods are failing you is open your eyes and see what is in front of you.
It's amazing that people fail to grasp this. If you dont like the job your doctor is doing, go see another one. If you dont like your internet provider, get another one. If you hate your cell phone, buy another one.
But you dont like your VA? You dont like your Post Office? You dont like your licensing bureau? Tough shit, eat it, asshole.

Who's said anything about no government oversight? Obviously the government has a role in oversight of medical care.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is a clear example of someone who follows a talking point script rather than do any critical thinking or apply any actual knowledge to a problem.

If you think that the ONLY way a company can increase revenue is through employee cuts in wages, you simply do not understand the modern day business model.

Business are there to maximize profit. Profit is revenue less cost. The idea we can just slash wages and not affect our revenue is ridiculous. My staff are great. They serve my customers. That maximizes profit. Slashing their wages would make them quit or at least unhappy and affect their job performance and reduce my profit, not increase it. Wages should be set to make employees satisfied, but not overpay them. Boilermaker is a Marxist drone, he grasps nothing.

If a company can slash wages and not affect revenue ,they absolutely should do that because they are overpaying

Wal Mart learned this lesson the hard way.

They moved a bunch of employees to part time from full time thinking that would save them money, but what it did was drive customers away because shelves were empty, aisles were dirty, and registers were unmanned.

Took Wal Mart about a year to realize that they would make MORE money by restaffing those people at full time.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is a clear example of someone who follows a talking point script rather than do any critical thinking or apply any actual knowledge to a problem.

If you think that the ONLY way a company can increase revenue is through employee cuts in wages, you simply do not understand the modern day business model.

Business are there to maximize profit. Profit is revenue less cost. The idea we can just slash wages and not affect our revenue is ridiculous. My staff are great. They serve my customers. That maximizes profit. Slashing their wages would make them quit or at least unhappy and affect their job performance and reduce my profit, not increase it. Wages should be set to make employees satisfied, but not overpay them. Boilermaker is a Marxist drone, he grasps nothing.

If a company can slash wages and not affect revenue ,they absolutely should do that because they are overpaying
If what he said were true, every company would slash everyone's wages to min wage. That includes highly trained programmers, welders, and sales people.

I guess we're dealing with people who never made themselves valuable to an employer, who always tried to get by doing the minimum, who goofed off every chance they got and when they got fired or disciplined it was because the company was out to screw them.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is a clear example of someone who follows a talking point script rather than do any critical thinking or apply any actual knowledge to a problem.

If you think that the ONLY way a company can increase revenue is through employee cuts in wages, you simply do not understand the modern day business model.

Business are there to maximize profit. Profit is revenue less cost. The idea we can just slash wages and not affect our revenue is ridiculous. My staff are great. They serve my customers. That maximizes profit. Slashing their wages would make them quit or at least unhappy and affect their job performance and reduce my profit, not increase it. Wages should be set to make employees satisfied, but not overpay them. Boilermaker is a Marxist drone, he grasps nothing.

If a company can slash wages and not affect revenue ,they absolutely should do that because they are overpaying
A well run company will have already calculated the value of labor for a specific job prior to opening the job to fulfillment.

It is far more desirable and effective for the company to invest in product updates, marketing and expansion over wage cuts. Not that wage cuts are ever off the table, but usually, upgrades in production efficiency or automation is more effective than a wage cut over the long term. Then, simple attrition of labor can cover the costs of the upgrade and bring a better bottom line.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.
"Pwned" by who exactly? I've countered every point that was more than 2-3 sentences
That's an outright lie.

I gave you very solid arguments to your premise early on in this thread....and the only responses you would offer were

1) That's not true
2) That's not applicable
3) That's apples to oranges

But you never backed up your refutes.

So now you are not only closed minded....but you are a liar as well
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is a clear example of someone who follows a talking point script rather than do any critical thinking or apply any actual knowledge to a problem.

If you think that the ONLY way a company can increase revenue is through employee cuts in wages, you simply do not understand the modern day business model.

Business are there to maximize profit. Profit is revenue less cost. The idea we can just slash wages and not affect our revenue is ridiculous. My staff are great. They serve my customers. That maximizes profit. Slashing their wages would make them quit or at least unhappy and affect their job performance and reduce my profit, not increase it. Wages should be set to make employees satisfied, but not overpay them. Boilermaker is a Marxist drone, he grasps nothing.

If a company can slash wages and not affect revenue ,they absolutely should do that because they are overpaying
A well run company will have already calculated the value of labor for a specific job prior to opening the job to fulfillment.

It is far more desirable and effective for the company to invest in product updates, marketing and expansion over wage cuts. Not that wage cuts are ever off the table, but usually, upgrades in production efficiency or automation is more effective than a wage cut over the long term. Then, simple attrition of labor can cover the costs of the upgrade and bring a better bottom line.
Growing the top line is almost always preferable to growing the bottom line just by cost cutting. Of course for the last 6 years cost cutting has been the only way companies have grown profits. That cycle is about maxed out. There is little top line growth out there.
It's amazing that people fail to grasp the concept.
If , like some advocate, giving corporations control without checks and balances , with someone that can make them tow the line, what they will do.

That's what I find so frustrating about ACA.

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