Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

Oh right, so you think the way to make the stock price go up is to make products consumers don't want and to piss them off at every opportunity.

I'll bet you wonder why liberals are never given credit for having the ability to commit logic.
Boilermaker is a total ignoramus. He thinks stocks make money. Such people are a waste of time.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

Oh right, so you think the way to make the stock price go up is to make products consumers don't want and to piss them off at every opportunity.

I'll bet you wonder why liberals are never given credit for having the ability to commit logic.
Boilermaker is a total ignoramus. He thinks stocks make money. Such people are a waste of time.
And what does that make you?
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
You're joking right? You want me to give you examples of a business going under?

I guess that person doesn't remember having to bail out businesses after 9-11 and the recession that followed with countless factories closing and businesses failing.

I guess that person doesn't remember the bush boy crashing the economy in 2008. We bailed out the car industry, wall street and the banks. I saw whole shopping malls boarded up and abandoned. I saw whole housing developments abandoned. I went to Las Vegas in January and February 2009 and the strip was empty. I could drive down the strip and not be stopped except for lights. There was no traffic. Casinos were advertising free accommodations just to get people in their establishments.

I guess that person doesn't remember the first bush's presidency. I saw whole shopping malls boarded up and abandoned. It devastated the east.

I guess that person doesn't remember the reagan years. After his tax cuts there were no jobs. After he got rid of a lot of tariffs manufacturing went to Japan and millions of Americans lost their jobs. Countless businesses failed. In 1987 the stock market crashed and countless businesses failed. Then there's the S&L mess that caused more businesses to fail. The steel industry was nearly destroyed in the reagan years. Not much is left of it today.

It's amazing what conservatives can remember when they have a selective memory
I guess you don't understand the difference between an industry and a business.
When 2 of the big three auto companies were in trouble, the third was doing just the industry was surviving.

When the banks suffered, many banks were not the industry was surviving.

You should know basic economic terminology before making an ass of yourself.

Although, I admit I realize....your post was nothing more than an opportunity for you to bash politicians you did not care for.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
LOL, got you, Republicans are telling me to be a libertarian. What a moron.

And You think CEOs can make money not caring about their customers and I am the one who knows nothing about economics? Actually, finance (a field of economics) is my business and you are a buffoon. Pretty much overs this exchange...
Here's a few reasons

The government spent over $1 Billion to develop the only website on the planet that can't tell you when someone bought your product

The government runs public housing, the Post Office and the DMV
Okay so your basic, simple minded point is that sometimes gov fails. Well I can give you countless examples of private industry failing. Does that mean we should abolish capitalism? No of course not.
Give me an example of private industry failing. You said "countless"....give me one.
You're joking right? You want me to give you examples of a business going under?

I guess that person doesn't remember having to bail out businesses after 9-11 and the recession that followed with countless factories closing and businesses failing.

I guess that person doesn't remember the bush boy crashing the economy in 2008. We bailed out the car industry, wall street and the banks. I saw whole shopping malls boarded up and abandoned. I saw whole housing developments abandoned. I went to Las Vegas in January and February 2009 and the strip was empty. I could drive down the strip and not be stopped except for lights. There was no traffic. Casinos were advertising free accommodations just to get people in their establishments.

I guess that person doesn't remember the first bush's presidency. I saw whole shopping malls boarded up and abandoned. It devastated the east.

I guess that person doesn't remember the reagan years. After his tax cuts there were no jobs. After he got rid of a lot of tariffs manufacturing went to Japan and millions of Americans lost their jobs. Countless businesses failed. In 1987 the stock market crashed and countless businesses failed. Then there's the S&L mess that caused more businesses to fail. The steel industry was nearly destroyed in the reagan years. Not much is left of it today.

It's amazing what conservatives can remember when they have a selective memory
I guess you don't understand the difference between an industry and a business.
When 2 of the big three auto companies were in trouble, the third was doing just the industry was surviving.

When the banks suffered, many banks were not the industry was surviving.

You should know basic economic terminology before making an ass of yourself.

Although, I admit I realize....your post was nothing more than an opportunity for you to bash politicians you did not care for.
No but Dana told me in another thread that (s)he had to take several econ courses for a degree. What those were, what was taught and how well it was learned is not supplied.
It is obvious that Dana has no knowledge of economics, government or politics. Everything takes place on an emotional level. (S)he doesnt believe corporations have rights under the Constitution, despite 100 years of jurisprudence that says exactly that. (S)he thinks after the Reagan tax cuts there were no jobs, when the truth was Reagan created more jobs in his first 3 years than under 5 years of Obama. There is no arguing with someone whose version of reality is shaped by a self righteous ignorance.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.
Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run...our healthcare system

Government already sucks at protecting our personal health and financial information. How many millions of illegal criminals are using stolen SS# to file fraudulent for tax returns to get fraudulent tax refunds in our name. Someone I know recently applied for a government backed loan and the government told her some freak in another country used her SS# to obtain student loans. That's government incompetence for you, and you want government to run the health insurance industry? I don't think so.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.
"Pwned" by who exactly? I've countered every point that was more than 2-3 sentences
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.

He thinks liberal lawyers are Gods, he worships them. They know everything about everything. If they said shit was chocolate, he would not only eat it, but it would actually taste like chocolate to him.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.
"Pwned" by who exactly? I've countered every point that was more than 2-3 sentences

You've responded by, I love lawyers, I love lawyers, I love lawyers, they know everything. That isn't a "counter" it's just an articulation of your status as a Marxist sheep.
The question in the OP is phrased like a Progressive would. It's not that Government or business are the only choices, it should be the individual vs. the government. Should individual make their choices or should a Progressive government make it for them?
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Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.
"Pwned" by who exactly? I've countered every point that was more than 2-3 sentences
ROFLMFAO!!!! You are simply delusional.
Do you even know how to read!? I am serious. Of course stocks are up, CEO's get compensated by how much money the stock earns. That gives them only one person to satisfy....and its not a customer.....its the stock holder. How thick are you.

This is why Democrats really need to leave economics to grown ups. Yes, it is the job of CEOs to satisfy their bosses, the owners of the company, the shareholders. They work for them.

Now here's the key question, Skippy, who do the CEOs have to satisfy to make money for the shareholders? LOL, you thought you found a conflict, you found complete synergy. You grasp capitalism not at all. Capitalism is everyone wins because everyone's interests are aligned. Marxism is where politicians win.

And why again is it exactly you object to the term "Marxist," Comrade?
You people know nothing about economics. You just listen to what republicans tell you. You people believe in trickle down economics which is one of the biggest political lies of all time.
I dont know who "you people" is. I guess its people who are well informed. That would cut you out. You dont have a fucking clue and get pwned so bad in your own threads you bail.
"Pwned" by who exactly? I've countered every point that was more than 2-3 sentences
ROFLMFAO!!!! You are simply delusional.
Where's your argument exactly?
Not to bag on the OP, but a conservative would argue that the govt should not perform any function that the private sector can provide. So, it's an oxymoron to begin with.
Seems you refuse to see others plight!

Strange, I've never received a bill from an insurance company for any medical treatment. I have received overblown medical bills from medical providers only to later find those over-inflated bills were settled at a very much reduced rate by my insurance carrier. I actually find insurance premiums to be quite a bargain considering that the bills cumulating from a single heart attack can easily wipe out five years of paid in insurance premiums. Before Obamacare, insurance companies ranked 80th in profit margins among American industries.

Do you know what a "profit margin" is?

Profit margin - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

One more question: why do you suppose 30% of all the commercials and billboards we're inundated with, and advertising online, is that from insurance companies? It's representative of the share of the US economy they control, about 30% and rising. It's largely a criminal enterprise, but they have the money to buy off all the people they need to buy off. Last time I heard, when gas was $5.65 a gallon in Northern California, insurance companies were making a 6% return on every dollar invested, while oil companies were making a 1% return on every dollar invested.

And one last question, why the hell should an insurance company be any part of the human equation in things like the heart attack you mentioned in your post? Do you want some flunky actuary determining whether you might live or die, or do you want doctors making those decisions?

Yes, I do know what a profit margin is. I own a corporation myself. I have never in my life (71 years old) had any insurance company actuary make any medical decision whatsoever concerning any medical condition I have been diagnosed as having. Such decisions have always been between my doctor and myself and have included two triple heart bypass operations and the placement of one stint. My first triple bypass operation cost in excess of $100K.. My second around $50K. Your argument falls on sand. There is absolutely no way my insurance premiums will ever amount to coming anywhere close to what the insurance companies have paid out on my own medical care.

What plight? Medical bills? The high cost of medical care? Of course I see other people's plight. I've had my own. That is why I have carried major medical insurance since I was eighteen years of age and earning minimum wage. I didn't want to owe my soul to some doctor or hospital. Major medical insurance is a bargain and worth every penny. Just one night at an emergency room with a night's stay in the hospital can easily cost $10K. I don't have that kind of money. I'd much rather pay insurance premiums.
Where's your argument exactly?

You mean he needs to come up with one like your stellar argument that we can trust lawyers, really, we can?

My favorite was your point that companies can make money ignoring their customers.

You do worship politicians. Wow, I cannot think of anyone less worthy of being worshiped.

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