Can anyone help me find lesser known Bible translations?

Lesser known to who?

Most of the better known translations are available for free online. If you want paper copies of them I would suggest contacting a publisher or perusing bookstores.

If I asked you who was on the translation committee of the NIV or NASB, would you know? Sometimes people who take years of Greek have to translate the Septuagint into their own translation. These individuals are very smart but they sometimes get invited to translate the Greek into translations like the ESV or other versions. There is only one Amplified Bible that is accurate to the Greek according to my Church and they sell it at cost.

Why is this important? When I started to do evangelism, all I wanted was to give people free information and to see them go to heaven. Instead, all I got was resistance and interference and I came along arrogant false teachers who say the opposite of the Bible is true. I'm trying to teach accurately what the Bible says and there are other people committed to teaching error. They're so arrogant that none of the translations matter and they know better than two dozen or more translations.

I have over 70 feet of academic Christian reference books, took Bible in a Bible Institute, learned from two dozen or more from the best teachers on the radio and people still won't listen.

Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Even the Jews who saw the miracles in the Old Testament didn't enter into the promised land because of unbelief.
What's the OT?

OT would likely be an abbreviation for the Old Testament.
Does anyone know of any lesser known Bible translations or Bible translators where I could buy their translations?

About 12 years ago, a Bible college had used books with translations of the Bible by different translators. For some reason I didn't see the need then but I wish I had bought them. The Bible college has closed their bookstore and everyone buys their textbooks online.

I'm not talking about Bibles I could find in the CBD catalog, in Wallmart or Sam's Club.

I thought I would ask the Christians here and all the other Bible experts here to see what they know and if they can answer this.

Why don't you ask our Creator questions instead of man?

He knows much more than man does about the prophecies.


I started preaching the gospel by faith and I was listening to four different pastors on the radio and they happened to teach verse by verse on different things in the Bible and God had their days arranged that I would literally get a message on what to teach the next day because the people I was witnessing to brought up the same subjects at the same time. The Christians in the days and before the Westminster Confession of Faith experienced the same thing:

Article X says,"The Supreme Judge, by which all controversies of religion are to be determined, and all decrees of councils, opinions of ancient writers, doctrines of men, and private spirits, are to be examined, and in whose sentence we are to rest, can be no other but the Holy Spirit speaking in the Scripture.1"

-Westminster Confession of Faith

I believe article X because I believe that we are to test all things by scripture (Acts 17:11) and that the Holy Spirit comes alive like they say and that the Holy Spirit speaks in and through the scriptures.


Liars ( sinners ) cannot determine the difference between the lies that Rome added to their new testament and the true written knowledge that came out of the mind of God through His chosen saints.

Christianity is a false religion that God had His prophet Daniel write about. Saint John wrote about this false religion in Revelation so if you're trying to teach me something, you're surely not getting it from our Creator.
Liars ( sinners ) cannot determine the difference between the lies that Rome added to their new testament and the true written knowledge that came out of the mind of God through His chosen saints.

Christianity is a false religion that God had His prophet Daniel write about. Saint John wrote about this false religion in Revelation so if you're trying to teach me something, you're surely not getting it from our Creator.


God entrusted His words to His saints which wrote down the New Testament. Those words went off into four geographic areas of the world in which no one person or group had control over. There is no tampering because the manuscript families don't show any tampering.

If I asked you who was on the translation committee of the NIV or NASB, would you know? Sometimes people who take years of Greek have to translate the Septuagint into their own translation. These individuals are very smart but they sometimes get invited to translate the Greek into translations like the ESV or other versions. There is only one Amplified Bible that is accurate to the Greek according to my Church and they sell it at cost.

Why is this important? When I started to do evangelism, all I wanted was to give people free information and to see them go to heaven. Instead, all I got was resistance and interference and I came along arrogant false teachers who say the opposite of the Bible is true. I'm trying to teach accurately what the Bible says and there are other people committed to teaching error. They're so arrogant that none of the translations matter and they know better than two dozen or more translations.

I have over 70 feet of academic Christian reference books, took Bible in a Bible Institute, learned from two dozen or more from the best teachers on the radio and people still won't listen.

Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Even the Jews who saw the miracles in the Old Testament didn't enter into the promised land because of unbelief.
What's the OT?

OT would likely be an abbreviation for the Old Testament.

What's the Old Testament?
Let me tell you what I am getting at.

Old Testament is a christian term. As a jew I find it derogatory.

It implies that the Torah is obsolete and is replaced by the christian bible.

Whereas christians believe that, jews don't.

The five books of Moses is called the Torah.

The five books of Moses with prophets and scriptures is called is the Tanach.
Let me tell you what I am getting at.

Old Testament is a christian term. As a jew I find it derogatory.

It implies that the Torah is obsolete and is replaced by the christian bible.

Whereas christians believe that, jews don't.

The five books of Moses is called the Torah.

The five books of Moses with prophets and scriptures is called is the Tanach.

I'm sorry, Mike. You know I call it the Torah and then I also call it the Old Testament for those who don't even know that IS The Torah although it has the WRONG TITLE ON THE BOOK!!!

You are correct. It is the Torah and the Tanach. I'm sorry for the utter disrespect those who first published it had for the Jews! Consider the timing, Mike. You had an anti semite - Martin Luther nailing the 98 thesis to the anti semite church doors as a message to the then anti semite pope - which led to the Protestant reformation ( which obviously made the same stupid decision ) and then the common man had the Torah & New Testament but instead of correcting the mistake of the Roman Catholic Church they did the same thing! I have no idea why. It is insulting.

Mike, I was discussing the Torah with some christians one day and said well as I was studying the Torah and such and such .....they said, that is really amazing that you have studied the Torah.. I said so have you. You are reading the wrong Title. That IS The Torah! Hello?

I have to apologize to you publicly. I read this thread and saw what you were getting at straight away but I didn't say anything. I should have. Now I am. I'm sorry. Please forgive me for not speaking up sooner. - Jeri
In the future I will only refer to it as the Torah and the Tanach. If Christians don't know what that is they are about to find out. Ignorance is not bliss. It is downright hurtful. - Jeri
If I asked you who was on the translation committee of the NIV or NASB, would you know? Sometimes people who take years of Greek have to translate the Septuagint into their own translation. These individuals are very smart but they sometimes get invited to translate the Greek into translations like the ESV or other versions. There is only one Amplified Bible that is accurate to the Greek according to my Church and they sell it at cost.

Why is this important? When I started to do evangelism, all I wanted was to give people free information and to see them go to heaven. Instead, all I got was resistance and interference and I came along arrogant false teachers who say the opposite of the Bible is true. I'm trying to teach accurately what the Bible says and there are other people committed to teaching error. They're so arrogant that none of the translations matter and they know better than two dozen or more translations.

I have over 70 feet of academic Christian reference books, took Bible in a Bible Institute, learned from two dozen or more from the best teachers on the radio and people still won't listen.

Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Even the Jews who saw the miracles in the Old Testament didn't enter into the promised land because of unbelief.
What's the OT?

OT would likely be an abbreviation for the Old Testament.

There is no such thing as an Old Testament. That is the Torah and the Tanach. The real titles were lost in translation thanks to some anti semites. I may not have your education, Chuck, but I know a lie when I see one. That book belongs to the Jews. Mike has every right to be absolutely livid!! I have apologised to him on your behalf and for my not having spoken up earlier. - Jeri
You are correct. It is the Torah and the Tanach. I'm sorry for the utter disrespect those who first published it had for the Jews! Consider the timing, Mike. You had an anti semite - Martin Luther nailing the 98 thesis to the anti semite church doors as a message to the then anti semite pope - which led to the Protestant reformation ( which obviously made the same stupid decision ) and then the common man had the Torah & New Testament but instead of correcting the mistake of the Roman Catholic Church they did the same thing! I have no idea why. It is insulting.


Some of us think that Martin Luther's problem of being an "anti semite" was theological and not racism because a Christian teacher for the Christian Research Institute though that.

Let me tell you what I am getting at.

Old Testament is a christian term. As a jew I find it derogatory.

It implies that the Torah is obsolete and is replaced by the christian bible.

Whereas christians believe that, jews don't.

The five books of Moses is called the Torah.

The five books of Moses with prophets and scriptures is called is the Tanach.

It is not a derogatory term.
The Torah is not obsolete or else Christians wouldn't have it in their Bible.
Without the rest of the Old Testament, the Torah is incomplete.

You read into the term. Don't read into it.

I'm a Christian who believes in standing with the nation of Israel and Jewish people.
I'd rather be friends than enemies.
What's the OT?

OT would likely be an abbreviation for the Old Testament.

There is no such thing as an Old Testament. That is the Torah and the Tanach. The real titles were lost in translation thanks to some anti semites. I may not have your education, Chuck, but I know a lie when I see one. That book belongs to the Jews. Mike has every right to be absolutely livid!! I have apologised to him on your behalf and for my not having spoken up earlier. - Jeri

Please don't apologize for me.

There is such a thing as the Old Testament.
Let me tell you what I am getting at.

Old Testament is a christian term. As a jew I find it derogatory.

It implies that the Torah is obsolete and is replaced by the christian bible.

Whereas christians believe that, jews don't.

The five books of Moses is called the Torah.

The five books of Moses with prophets and scriptures is called is the Tanach.

It is not a derogatory term.
The Torah is not obsolete or else Christians wouldn't have it in their Bible.
Without the rest of the Old Testament, the Torah is incomplete.

You read into the term. Don't read into it.

I'm a Christian who believes in standing with the nation of Israel and Jewish people.
I'd rather be friends than enemies.

The Torah is complete.

However, no problem.
I'll just refer to the Christian bible as the incorrect Christian bible in my discussions with you.

Don't read anything into that of course.:eusa_whistle:
You are correct. It is the Torah and the Tanach. I'm sorry for the utter disrespect those who first published it had for the Jews! Consider the timing, Mike. You had an anti semite - Martin Luther nailing the 98 thesis to the anti semite church doors as a message to the then anti semite pope - which led to the Protestant reformation ( which obviously made the same stupid decision ) and then the common man had the Torah & New Testament but instead of correcting the mistake of the Roman Catholic Church they did the same thing! I have no idea why. It is insulting.


Some of us think that Martin Luther's problem of being an "anti semite" was theological and not racism because a Christian teacher for the Christian Research Institute though that.


I erased what I wrote as you have already read my response, Chuck. If I am right then I believe the Lord will show it to you himself.

- Jeri
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OT would likely be an abbreviation for the Old Testament.

There is no such thing as an Old Testament. That is the Torah and the Tanach. The real titles were lost in translation thanks to some anti semites. I may not have your education, Chuck, but I know a lie when I see one. That book belongs to the Jews. Mike has every right to be absolutely livid!! I have apologised to him on your behalf and for my not having spoken up earlier. - Jeri

Please don't apologize for me.

There is such a thing as the Old Testament.

Then I will not apologise for you and you can bear the consequences of offending a Jew and refusing to apologise to him. As for me, my apology stands and for the record - there is no such thing as the Old Testament.

The correct name for the first half of the bible is the Torah which you will note I did refer to it as such when this conversation began??? I said I think it is best to study the Torah with the Hebrew words. What did you think I was talking about, Chuck?

Why didn't you correct me back there if you thought I was calling it by the wrong name? You see, in your heart you know that the book is not called the Old Testament. You know this yet your pride will not permit you to admit you are wrong and this Jewish man is right. He is!

Here is a good saying and I try to keep it in mind, Chuck. When something is a lie? Even if the whole world agrees it is the truth it is still a lie. And when something is the truth? It is still the truth even if no one in the world agrees that it is the truth. We must stand with the truth ALL the time. Not just when it is convenient. Truth is truth. If we cannot stand for Truth now how will we stand for it in the day we must die for it?

- Jeri
The Torah is complete.

However, no problem.

Jeremiah 31:31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

Jeremiah 31:32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord:

Jeremiah 31:33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

According to your prophet, it isn't or won't be complete.

Deuteronomy 18:18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.

Deuteronomy 18:19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

There is no indication that revelation stopped.

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