Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

Fallacy: Straw Man

any libs who don't use fallacies like to say anything?

I'm a lib that had you running for the hills after posting video evidence of his outright lies. Care to cry about the accusation of video editing or would you rather forget how you were schooled earlier today?

I rendered your so called evidence null and void. Said evidence was edited and taken out of context by a self proclaimed "fake news" and "innacurate" program on a comedy channel. Enough said. You have no argument.

Side note: Beck is on. I'll check this thread later.

Fallacy: Straw Man

any libs who don't use fallacies like to say anything?

I'm a lib that had you running for the hills after posting video evidence of his outright lies. Care to cry about the accusation of video editing or would you rather forget how you were schooled earlier today?

I rendered your so called evidence null and void. Said evidence was edited and taken out of context by a self proclaimed "fake news" and "innacurate" program on a comedy channel. Enough said. You have no argument.

Side note: Beck is on. I'll check this thread later.

Beck's words - unedited: "that video, your hard pressed to see it here in America from media outlets besides FOX...nobody seems willing to show that. leading the question...'why?'"

...ok? what is the problem? I don't understand what you are getting at.
I'm a lib that had you running for the hills after posting video evidence of his outright lies. Care to cry about the accusation of video editing or would you rather forget how you were schooled earlier today?

I rendered your so called evidence null and void. Said evidence was edited and taken out of context by a self proclaimed "fake news" and "innacurate" program on a comedy channel. Enough said. You have no argument.

Side note: Beck is on. I'll check this thread later.


no, you really didn't. In fact, you responded with some of the lamest shit I've read on here today after not having enough connecting neurons to realize that neither quote was doctored or edited in any way other than being shown back to back.

enjoy knowing that you have sand in your face, kid. Video evidence trumps your cock-gobbling shill routine all day long.

you are the one trying to prove something to me. so YOU find the unedited CONTEXTUAL clip and we will see if it was doctored or not. The idea that you expect me to roll over and say "HOLY SHIT! I AM SO WRONG!!!" based on a self proclaimed FAKE and INNACURATE show on a comedy channel is down right laughable.
I'm a lib that had you running for the hills after posting video evidence of his outright lies. Care to cry about the accusation of video editing or would you rather forget how you were schooled earlier today?

I rendered your so called evidence null and void. Said evidence was edited and taken out of context by a self proclaimed "fake news" and "innacurate" program on a comedy channel. Enough said. You have no argument.

Side note: Beck is on. I'll check this thread later.

Beck's words - unedited: "that video, your hard pressed to see it here in America from media outlets besides FOX...nobody seems willing to show that. leading the question...'why?'"

...ok? what is the problem? I don't understand what you are getting at.

Dante is a dumbass and the proof is here for everyone to see.

You quoted Beck accurately. But that's not what Jon Stewart reported Beck as saying and of which has been repeated on this board by a few liberal idiots. The charge against Beck is that he lied. But there is no lie. "Hard pressed" does not mean impossible, it means "great difficulty at best, "seems" means to appear in one's own mind or opinion.

It seems like you liberal idiots just like arguing in circles, because none of you have proven that Beck lied. The only thing this shows is that Beck was mistaken and that's only depending on timing. When his show was taped (I'm assuming it was taped and not live) there may very well have been no other news outlet in America showing the video.

When asked to give examples of Beck lying, this usally pops up and then what Beck said about the view ladies approaching him when in fact it was he that approached them. That was a whopper of a lie. The people that don' tlike Beck are a bucnh of bgioted partisan hacks that are in lock step with Obama and his socialist agenda.

What he and his ilk fail to realize that it was capitalism that built this nation and capitalism made it great. But Obama doesn't seem to like America the way she is and seeks to change it, to make it more like Europe. He apologizes for what the US has done in the world without recognizing our great accomplishments and our generosity.

Disregarding the contributions Americans have given the world from the first oil wells, televisions, rockets, digital computers to optic fibers and lasers. Not to mention heart lung machines, human genome project and genetic engineering.

Obama doesn't love this country the way it is, he wishes it chagne it into something that we and our forefathers wouldn't recognize.
I rendered your so called evidence null and void. Said evidence was edited and taken out of context by a self proclaimed "fake news" and "innacurate" program on a comedy channel. Enough said. You have no argument.

Side note: Beck is on. I'll check this thread later.


no, you really didn't. In fact, you responded with some of the lamest shit I've read on here today after not having enough connecting neurons to realize that neither quote was doctored or edited in any way other than being shown back to back.

enjoy knowing that you have sand in your face, kid. Video evidence trumps your cock-gobbling shill routine all day long.

you are the one trying to prove something to me. so YOU find the unedited CONTEXTUAL clip and we will see if it was doctored or not. The idea that you expect me to roll over and say "HOLY SHIT! I AM SO WRONG!!!" based on a self proclaimed FAKE and INNACURATE show on a comedy channel is down right laughable.

I've already proven to you that Beck is a fucking retard by way of video evidence. If you choose not to acknowledge it then so be it. However, the onus of proof falls on your lap since bullshit assumptions about what you THINK he meant means two things: jack and shit. Face it. You asked a question about glenn beck and you were answered with evidence.

but, I have to say, the whole "b-b-b-but there are two clips and I don't understand the magic of videos" routine has been three shades of hilarious.


You do realize that an intelligent person uses logic and reason to try to break an argument, and that personal attacks are a fallacy and discredits the one using it right? What makes you think that a satire show on a comedy channel deserves more credit than intellectual and analytical thought?

wut, glenn beck is NOT satire?

Personally, I don't consider it to be. Sure, beck is sarcastic sometimes but I don't see the harm in that or his overall show.

No harm...?

on a daily basis this deranged lunatic, using bad logic, misinformation, partial truths and diagrams only a lunatic on acid could follow
"explains" to his moronic followers that ALL liberals are
1. NATIONAL SOCIALISTS just like hitler and the nazis
2. the ENEMIES of GOD
3. the ENEMIES of freedom
4. the ENEMIES of America

and he implores them to RISE UP and DO SOMETHING about the LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE problem

obviously they pose to threat of harm to YOU...

I, however, remain quite concerned
This has been interesting....and rather stupid. Why anyone would take what is shown on comedy central as the truth when they come right out and say it's not! Lol!
One thing i'd like to know is, for about 2 years?? Glenn has had a red phone sitting there WAITING to ring. Glenn gave out the phone number to the white house, senators, etc and asked them to "Please let me know where I'm wrong". He is ALWAYS saying he hopes he's wrong....but not once has that phone rang, and it won't because then the white house would have to prove where he's wrong....and they can't!
This has been interesting....and rather stupid. Why anyone would take what is shown on comedy central as the truth when they come right out and say it's not! Lol!
One thing i'd like to know is, for about 2 years?? Glenn has had a red phone sitting there WAITING to ring. Glenn gave out the phone number to the white house, senators, etc and asked them to "Please let me know where I'm wrong". He is ALWAYS saying he hopes he's wrong....but not once has that phone rang, and it won't because then the white house would have to prove where he's wrong....and they can't!

this is bad news, for obama.

only possible solution to avoid impeachment: appoint a red phone beck czar.
Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

More than likely, I could, but then I would have to watch him for a given period of time and quite frankly, I'd rather eat cow manure than watch any "Squawking Head" of either persuasion. So, if you don't mind, I'll pass on the challenge. :lol:

The great thing about a thread like this is that it's another one that exposes partisan hacks (in this case those on the "right").

Anyone willing to defend the integrity of Glenn Beck's program exposes themselves as a partisan sheep and a fraud, plain and simple. Just like anyone that would do the same for Keith Olberman (another show I don't watch but don't have to to know he's full of shit).

This board has many right-leaning posters who are not frauds. Notice how none of them were willing to jump into the fray here.

So to the frauds, thanks for so graciously putting your fraudulence on display. :thup:
Has anyone brought up that he was promoting the book of a pro-Nazi anti-semite on his show the other day and claiming her book as a model for real Americans to follow?
Anyone willing to defend the integrity of Glenn Beck's program
Here are dozens of full Beck shows pick any show or all of them and bring your proof that beck Islam lying or misrepresenting the facts. take the

Mr. Fitnah = Partisan sheep

Duly noted.

Thanks! :thup:

You have failed the
Here are dozens of full Beck shows pick any show or all of them and bring your proof that beck Islam lying or misrepresenting the facts. take the

Mr. Fitnah = Partisan sheep

Duly noted.

Thanks! :thup:

You have failed the

If passing it means being a brainwashed dipshit like you, then I'll take an extra helping of fail thank you very much. :thup:
Has anyone brought up that he was promoting the book of a pro-Nazi anti-semite on his show the other day and claiming her book as a model for real Americans to follow?

No one has been able to prove that, provide context or evidence of promoting the books despite the standing request.

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