Can anyone offer a logical criticism of Glenn Beck?

I see no lib as shown any beef with the actual content of Beck's show, only his exaggerations about news networks. Does anyone have anything to say that does not involve the news channels, but the actual things he says?

way to narrow the scope of your challenge, lil doggy.

Looks like you've learned a thing or two about rampant bravado on a forum which will show you how dumb cavalier assumptions are. see any good videos that make you cry about editing lately?




In other words Liberty, Shogun has nothing!

Yeah I've come to this conclusion as well.
I see no lib as shown any beef with the actual content of Beck's show, only his exaggerations about news networks. Does anyone have anything to say that does not involve the news channels, but the actual things he says?

"Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God. "

showing that he is too religious for me.
I don't believe god exists.
consequently, rights can NOT come from a nonexistant god.

our rights come from consensus.

'I am not saying that Barack Obama is a fascist. If I'm not mistaken, in the early days of Adolf Hitler, they were very happy to line up for help there as well. I mean, the companies were like, 'Hey, wait a minute. We can get, you know, we can get out of trouble here. They can help, et cetera, et cetera.'''

—Glenn Beck, comparing government bailouts of auto companies to actions of German companies during the rise of Hitler, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, April 1, 2009

''Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.''

—Glenn Beck, asking listeners to pray for Ailes and Murdoch because they protect Fox from ''the outside world,'' The Glenn Beck Program, May 27, 2010

''I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.''

—Glenn Beck, on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' Oct. 22, 2007

''This is what Hitler did with the SS. He had his own people. He had the brownshirts and then the SS. This is what Saddam Hussein — so — but you are comparing that. And I — I mean, I think America would have a really hard time getting their arms around that.''

—Glenn Beck, claiming Obama's 'civilian national security force' is the same as what Hitler and Saddam Hussein did, Glenn Beck, FOX News' Glenn Beck show, Aug. 27, 2009

''Finally -- well, he wasn't the president. He was the chancellor, Hitler, decided that it was the only empathetic thing to do, is to put this child down and put him out of his suffering. It was the beginning of the T4, which led to genocide everywhere. It was the beginning of it. Empathy leads you to very bad decisions many times.''

—Glenn Beck, on President Obama's statement that he would consider ''empathy'' in choosing a Supreme Court nominee, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, May 26,

''You have three people in the White House that are in love with eugenics or whatever it is you would call it today. ... Please dear God, read history. Please dear God read the truth of what these people have said in their own words, and ask yourself this one question: Do you trust these people enough to give them control over who lives and who dies? Because that's what health care is when you have no other choice but to go to the state.''

—Glenn Beck, comparing health care reform to Nazi eugenics

''You got to have an enemy to fight. And when you have an enemy to fight, then you can unite the entire world behind you, and you seize power. That was Hitler's plan. His enemy: the Jew. Al Gore's enemy, the U.N.'s enemy: global warming. Then you get the scientists — eugenics. You get the scientists — global warming. Then you have to discredit the scientists who say, 'That's not right.' And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did.''

—Glenn Beck, linking Al Gore's campaign against global warming to Hitler's campaign against the Jews, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' April 30, 2007

''I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?''

—Glenn Beck, responding to the question 'What would people do for $50 million?', 'The Glenn Beck Program,' May 17, 2005

''Advocating through art is known as propaganda. You should look up the name Goebbels. ''

—Glenn Beck, on the National Endowment for the Arts, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Nov. 3, 2009

''Some may believe we're on the road to the Hitler youth.''

—Glenn Beck, on teaching kids about climate change, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Feb. 5, 2009

''I went to the movie this weekend with a gun. And surprise, surprise, I didn't kill anybody!''

—Glenn Beck
(i guess michael moore wasn't at the same theatre)

glenn beck is a deranged lunatic

he uses misinformation, partial truths, fear and lies to promote HIS religion and HIS agenda, HIS religion....

he is a PROPAGANDist

like goebbels
I see no lib as shown any beef with the actual content of Beck's show, only his exaggerations about news networks. Does anyone have anything to say that does not involve the news channels, but the actual things he says?

"Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God. "

showing that he is too religious for me.
I don't believe god exists.
consequently, rights can NOT come from a nonexistant god.

our rights come from consensus.

'I am not saying that Barack Obama is a fascist. If I'm not mistaken, in the early days of Adolf Hitler, they were very happy to line up for help there as well. I mean, the companies were like, 'Hey, wait a minute. We can get, you know, we can get out of trouble here. They can help, et cetera, et cetera.'''

—Glenn Beck, comparing government bailouts of auto companies to actions of German companies during the rise of Hitler, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, April 1, 2009

''Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.''

—Glenn Beck, asking listeners to pray for Ailes and Murdoch because they protect Fox from ''the outside world,'' The Glenn Beck Program, May 27, 2010

''I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.''

—Glenn Beck, on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' Oct. 22, 2007

''This is what Hitler did with the SS. He had his own people. He had the brownshirts and then the SS. This is what Saddam Hussein — so — but you are comparing that. And I — I mean, I think America would have a really hard time getting their arms around that.''

—Glenn Beck, claiming Obama's 'civilian national security force' is the same as what Hitler and Saddam Hussein did, Glenn Beck, FOX News' Glenn Beck show, Aug. 27, 2009

''Finally -- well, he wasn't the president. He was the chancellor, Hitler, decided that it was the only empathetic thing to do, is to put this child down and put him out of his suffering. It was the beginning of the T4, which led to genocide everywhere. It was the beginning of it. Empathy leads you to very bad decisions many times.''

—Glenn Beck, on President Obama's statement that he would consider ''empathy'' in choosing a Supreme Court nominee, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, May 26,

''You have three people in the White House that are in love with eugenics or whatever it is you would call it today. ... Please dear God, read history. Please dear God read the truth of what these people have said in their own words, and ask yourself this one question: Do you trust these people enough to give them control over who lives and who dies? Because that's what health care is when you have no other choice but to go to the state.''

—Glenn Beck, comparing health care reform to Nazi eugenics

''You got to have an enemy to fight. And when you have an enemy to fight, then you can unite the entire world behind you, and you seize power. That was Hitler's plan. His enemy: the Jew. Al Gore's enemy, the U.N.'s enemy: global warming. Then you get the scientists — eugenics. You get the scientists — global warming. Then you have to discredit the scientists who say, 'That's not right.' And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did.''

—Glenn Beck, linking Al Gore's campaign against global warming to Hitler's campaign against the Jews, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' April 30, 2007

''I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?''

—Glenn Beck, responding to the question 'What would people do for $50 million?', 'The Glenn Beck Program,' May 17, 2005

''Advocating through art is known as propaganda. You should look up the name Goebbels. ''

—Glenn Beck, on the National Endowment for the Arts, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Nov. 3, 2009

''Some may believe we're on the road to the Hitler youth.''

—Glenn Beck, on teaching kids about climate change, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Feb. 5, 2009

''I went to the movie this weekend with a gun. And surprise, surprise, I didn't kill anybody!''

—Glenn Beck
(i guess michael moore wasn't at the same theatre)

glenn beck is a deranged lunatic

he uses misinformation, partial truths, fear and lies to promote HIS religion and HIS agenda, HIS religion....

he is a PROPAGANDist

like goebbels

So you don't like his opinions, no big deal. But where exactly did he lie or did he?
I see no lib as shown any beef with the actual content of Beck's show, only his exaggerations about news networks. Does anyone have anything to say that does not involve the news channels, but the actual things he says?

"Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God. "

showing that he is too religious for me.
I don't believe god exists.
consequently, rights can NOT come from a nonexistant god.

our rights come from consensus.
Thats a lot of work on your part Ill just go with they low hanging fruit.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
way to narrow the scope of your challenge, lil doggy.

Looks like you've learned a thing or two about rampant bravado on a forum which will show you how dumb cavalier assumptions are. see any good videos that make you cry about editing lately?




In other words Liberty, Shogun has nothing!

Yeah I've come to this conclusion as well.


after posting klan websites when pressed for a source you probably don't have room to talk.

I see no lib as shown any beef with the actual content of Beck's show, only his exaggerations about news networks. Does anyone have anything to say that does not involve the news channels, but the actual things he says?

"Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God. "

showing that he is too religious for me.
I don't believe god exists.
consequently, rights can NOT come from a nonexistant god.

our rights come from consensus.
Thats a lot of work on your part Ill just go with they low hanging fruit.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

1. the framers of those documents were merely paying lip-service to the hard core christians who DEMANDED that SOME reference to a creator (or god) be included.

2. the inclusion of the vague term "creator" PROVES ONLY that some whiny christians
HAD to have their way or they would NOT sign the documents (whiny little bitches)

3. "creator" means god to you. It means "parents" to others. It means nothing to me.

LOGICALLY speaking (this will be much too hard for you)
we can trace our "rights" to the beliefs, opinions and statements of REAL LIVE PEOPLE.

we CAN NOT trace them to god.

if you TRY to trace them to god then you will find that they actually precede the christian god and bible.....hammurabi, for example, or the greeks

you have the right to be as stupid and ill-informed as you want to be

youcan believe all the UNTRUE ILLOGICAL statements you want to

but our rights did NOT come from any god

they came from PEOPLE

first they came from people who THOUGHT about these things and discussed them

then they came from people who adopted them as being neat ideas

our initial rights and freedoms came (at that time) from relatively intelligent men of that day

they got them from the french enlightment period

and they got them from the greeks and hammurabi

How's this for some lonestar "logic":

Beck said of the video "Nobody seems willing to show that..."

After virtually everybody had already shown it.

But by lonestar's lofty logical standards of reasoning, Beck's statement isn't false. :rofl:

No because 1) he was expressing his opinion. 2) To prove he was lying you would have to prove he knew of other networks running of the video. 3) You have no understanding of the word "seems". In his opinion it appeared that no other network was showing the video. That isn't a lie, it's an opinion. But you retards don't know the difference between stating a fact and stating an opinion.

Wow, just wow. I've never seen such an amazing show of self-delusion ...

after posting klan websites when pressed for a source you probably don't have room to talk.


Wait, someone posted a Klan website as a source? :lol:

Ummm... no, just shogun showing us some stupidity.

If it is'nt a jihad site, its KKK..... go figure

Liberty posted a site from some Australian Nationalist website to validate his assertions about the koran.

much like every other piece of evidence that I've been beating you down with today I can POST A LINK if you want to see his post.

care to dare me, motherfucker?


after posting klan websites when pressed for a source you probably don't have room to talk.


Wait, someone posted a Klan website as a source? :lol:

Right after dismissing video evidence as a source simply because the recorded clip was aired on comedy central. As if that somehow invalidates Beck's comments.

tff! :lol:

Indeed. And, if you want to laugh your ass off go read that thread when Liberty insists that "he doesn't have to agree with what is on the site as long as the information is correct". Clearly, he forgot all about this Beck thread and the Daily Show video I skewered him with. But, with guys like that, standards tend to change accordingly.
Have a laugh.. especially when Liberty gets to the part where he claims to have blindly googled about the koran, REFUSED to cite his source after being called out for it, posted a source that is three shades of hilarious, and then went on to insist that sources don't mean anything outside of the information they offer... deliciously ironic given his take on The Daily Show clips of Beck in this thread. USMB Classic!
Have a laugh.. especially when Liberty gets to the part where he claims to have blindly googled about the koran, REFUSED to cite his source after being called out for it, posted a source that is three shades of hilarious, and then went on to insist that sources don't mean anything outside of the information they offer... deliciously ironic given his take on The Daily Show clips of Beck in this thread. USMB Classic!

I love how he says using the Aryan link is just "goofy". :rofl:
Awesome, can I play?

I will for the sake of simplicity use Wikopedia as a source where I feel one is needed

I see no lib as shown any beef with the actual content of Beck's show, only his exaggerations about news networks. Does anyone have anything to say that does not involve the news channels, but the actual things he says?

"Not a single time have we gotten a right from Congress or from the President. We get them from God. "

showing that he is too religious for me.
I don't believe god exists.
consequently, rights can NOT come from a nonexistant god.

our rights come from consensus.
Ahem, wrong. our very Declaration of Independence states that God has given us inaliable rights. You really think a piece of paper GAVE you anything? All that piece of paper does is guarantee that our government will always RECOGNIZE those rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You will of course note that it does not read endowed by this piece of paper, or endowed by this government.....
'I am not saying that Barack Obama is a fascist. If I'm not mistaken, in the early days of Adolf Hitler, they were very happy to line up for help there as well. I mean, the companies were like, 'Hey, wait a minute. We can get, you know, we can get out of trouble here. They can help, et cetera, et cetera.'''

—Glenn Beck, comparing government bailouts of auto companies to actions of German companies during the rise of Hitler, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, April 1, 2009

He is in fact correct. Hitler got the Germans to rally to his cause by offering them a way out of the massive recession that Germany was still mired in from WWI. Or do you suppose that on day one he just announced that he wanted to take over so he could kill the Jews? LOL. Notice Beck did not make any claims that Obama had future plans to follow Hitler
''Fall to your knees and thank God for Fox News. Pray for Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch. Pray for them. Pray for strength and spine, and pray that everybody involved has chicken salad for lunch so it doesn't clog anybody's arteries. Keep them going.''

—Glenn Beck, asking listeners to pray for Ailes and Murdoch because they protect Fox from ''the outside world,'' The Glenn Beck Program, May 27, 2010

What exactly is your beef with Beck asking anyone to pray for anyone?
''I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.''

—Glenn Beck, on why people who lost their homes in forest fires in California had it coming, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' Oct. 22, 2007
What? He said unfortunately they were losing their homes to a fire, he at no time said anyone had it coming that their homes were destroyed.
''This is what Hitler did with the SS. He had his own people. He had the brownshirts and then the SS. This is what Saddam Hussein — so — but you are comparing that. And I — I mean, I think America would have a really hard time getting their arms around that.''

—Glenn Beck, claiming Obama's 'civilian national security force' is the same as what Hitler and Saddam Hussein did, Glenn Beck, FOX News' Glenn Beck show, Aug. 27, 2009
Do you know what the civilian national security force actually is? Please read.

Text of H.R.675 as Introduced in House: To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide police officers,... OpenCongress
''Finally -- well, he wasn't the president. He was the chancellor, Hitler, decided that it was the only empathetic thing to do, is to put this child down and put him out of his suffering. It was the beginning of the T4, which led to genocide everywhere. It was the beginning of it. Empathy leads you to very bad decisions many times.''

—Glenn Beck, on President Obama's statement that he would consider ''empathy'' in choosing a Supreme Court nominee, Fox News' Glenn Beck show, May 26,

Beck again clearly did not say that Obama would head in that direction, he simply said that was Hilter's version of empathy.
''You have three people in the White House that are in love with eugenics or whatever it is you would call it today. ... Please dear God, read history. Please dear God read the truth of what these people have said in their own words, and ask yourself this one question: Do you trust these people enough to give them control over who lives and who dies? Because that's what health care is when you have no other choice but to go to the state.''

—Glenn Beck, comparing health care reform to Nazi eugenics

Actually, if you knew what euginics were at all, you would understand that the Nazis took it an amazing extreme but that eugenics simply means the selective breeding of people to breed the strongest population. It is a VALID argument that a government that decides who is and who isn't worthy of potentially life saving surgeries is in fact selectively breeding.

Eugenics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
''You got to have an enemy to fight. And when you have an enemy to fight, then you can unite the entire world behind you, and you seize power. That was Hitler's plan. His enemy: the Jew. Al Gore's enemy, the U.N.'s enemy: global warming. Then you get the scientists — eugenics. You get the scientists — global warming. Then you have to discredit the scientists who say, 'That's not right.' And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did.''

—Glenn Beck, linking Al Gore's campaign against global warming to Hitler's campaign against the Jews, 'The Glenn Beck Program,' April 30, 2007
Where or where did he make that claim? Oh , he made the claim that an enemy is an enemy? Yep, he sure did.
''I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. ... No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out. Is this wrong?''

—Glenn Beck, responding to the question 'What would people do for $50 million?', 'The Glenn Beck Program,' May 17, 2005

Yep, Beck is a crazy murderer, either that or he was joking around, just like any of us would in a crazy "what would you do for $50M" conversation
''Advocating through art is known as propaganda. You should look up the name Goebbels. ''

—Glenn Beck, on the National Endowment for the Arts, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Nov. 3, 2009

Do you know what J Goebbels did exactly for the NAZI party? Propoganda minister, that's right he controlled what the Germans watched, what they read, what they heard, and what art they seen, or didn't see. If there had been an internet in 1943 Goebells would have controlled the German's access of that to.
Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
''Some may believe we're on the road to the Hitler youth.''

—Glenn Beck, on teaching kids about climate change, Fox News's Glenn Beck show, Feb. 5, 2009
Do you know what Hitler's youth were?
Hitler Youth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh, they indoctrinated children to believe what the state wanted them to believe, do you argue that isn't happening here now?
''I went to the movie this weekend with a gun. And surprise, surprise, I didn't kill anybody!''

—Glenn Beck
(i guess michael moore wasn't at the same theatre)

I don't get why you are calling this a lie, are you
A) Denying that he went to a movie with a gun


B) Saying that he did in fact kill someone
glenn beck is a deranged lunatic

he uses misinformation, partial truths, fear and lies to promote HIS religion and HIS agenda, HIS religion....

he is a PROPAGANDist

like goebbels

Sir, I just destroyed everyone of your claims that Beck lied. I'm sorry that you're an idiot and don't even listen to enough of what Beck says to know that he tells his viewers " I expect you to educate yourselves so you can keep up." But that isn't his fault. It's your fault.

Oh, fair warning, now that I've found this thread, and you; I will be happy to fucking destroy you in any future debates as well.

Good evening
Last edited:

You have more patience than me.... bravo!

muahahahahaha. Think I got my point across? progressive idiots are easy to destroy because they don't even know how to debate, all they know how to do is puke up whatever msnbc scrolled across their screen.

And they claim to be so educated :lol::lol::lol:
ConHog: Mum, how do we know we were endowed by God with certain unalienable rights?

ConHog's Mum: Because it's written, that's why!


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