Can anyone please explain what the heck Juneteenth holiday is for?

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Republicans authored an amendment making slavery a constitutionally protected activity. The Republican party is the party of the Corwin Amendment that would have made slavery constitutional.

A Republican president, with the support of the Republican Party, ended reconstruction. The Republican Party is the party of the 1877 Compromise that ended reconstruction and paved the way for Jim Crow.

Once blacks got a foothold in the Republican party and gained some semblance of political equality, white Republicans took steps to purge blacks from leadership positions. The Republican Party is the party of the Lily White movement, a group of Republicans that worked to purge blacks from the party.

Republicans consistently broke promises or ignored issues that affected black people. When blacks got Civil Rights, the Republican Party did not believe that was civil or right and decided that extremism in defense of liberty was no vice. In 1964 the Republican Party turned its back on blacks after nearly 100 years of black support.

Today’s Republican Party is controlled by a racist Anti-Black base.

Todays Republican party honors and defends the memory of the confederacy that fought to keep slavery.
Enter LBJ's democrats

who bought and sold you along with the entire back community

Are you putting them on the same playing field. Blacks already have Martin Luther King Day. He wasn't God. Yet, notice how Blacks today are no longer following a thing King taught. BLM and other teach to judge whites by the color of their skins. So, why have that as a holiday anymore? This Juneteen is a waste of time as it was for something that happened in Texas. So, Texas can take the day off if they want to. Joey Biden just put that in to buy votes. Pathetic.
Last I checked there are more whites off on MLK Day than there are black folks. It never ceases to amaze me when I hear racist try yo reduce Dr King to one line.
Nah, it's a national thing. You don't have to like it or ceebrate it. According to your racist logic, July 4th is not a national holiday, it's only a day for the 13 original colonies.
The entire country is for the entire country called The United States of America. Congress passed the law making the 4th of July a national holiday June 28th, 1970 for all states. No state voted against it. Not true for the bill for Junteenth. Red states did vote against it. So, let Texas, if they want it, have it. We don't need another one to make blacks feel good about themselves. We could give them 365 days of holidays and they still would not feel good. We could give them all reparations and they still would not feel good. Most blacks do feel good about themselves because they have made themselves a life worth living and don't need pandering from white people.
The entire country is for the entire country called The United States of America. Congress passed the law making the 4th of July a national holiday June 28th, 1970 for all states. No state voted against it. Not true for the bill for Junteenth. Red states did vote against it. So, let Texas, if they want it, have it. We don't need another one to make blacks feel good about themselves. We could give them 365 days of holidays and they still would not feel good. We could give them all reparations and they still would not feel good. Most blacks do feel good about themselves because they have made themselves a life worth living and don't need pandering from white people.
The entire country in 1783 was 13 colonies. They were the only ones freed from British rule. So July 4th is for whites who lived in the 13 original colonies according to you.
More you're living it because you sold out to him IM2


Yeah we coud have went with Goldwater who opposed the civil rights act. I guess blacks wanting civil rights and equal opportunity is selling out to dipshits like you.
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