Can ANYONE refute the claims of "Corporate Ties"?

deniers don't believe in being good stewards of this planet. Their sky pixie tells them that everything is here for their personal enjoyment &/or pillage in the here & now. Posterity can just deal w/ the slag heap that they inherit :thup:
You are a lieing piece of shit!

Gawd you alarmists are nothing more than useful idiots spouting shit lies... But then again this is what i have come to expect from your ilk.

Billy.....gotta laugh at them like I do. They despise me because all I do in here is laugh, make them look silly and do it with a minimum of posts. They are angry all the time if you haven't noticed.......and its because despite all of their "consensus" stuff, green energy is still a goof!!! All we have to do is show up in here and remind everybody. LOL.......Im in for a cup of coffee or perhaps two per day............otherwise Im watching hockey, NASCAR or hanging with the kids or on a weapons site or a car site ( non-ghey car site!!! :2up:)

Remember......these people are all oddballs and social losers and they know it.:coffee:
Half of the northern hemisphere is unseasonably cold, half is unseasonably hot. You've been told this repeatedly. You've seen the graphics. You've seen the temperatures (high today in Vancouver was 50, in Juneau it got to 41, Gates of the Arctic National Preserve (67.8N) was 30). Are you incapable of understanding this or is it that you don't want to?

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight it's only climate when it's colder, or warmer

Frank, do you understand what I said? Do you understand what a polar vortex looks like on a global basis? Looking only at the northeastern US and attempting to conclude what global climate is doing is like looking in your wallet to take the measure of the world's economy.
Frank, do you understand what I said? Do you understand what a polar vortex looks like on a global basis? Looking only at the northeastern US and attempting to conclude what global climate is doing is like looking in your wallet to take the measure of the world's economy.

Another Crick post, another "This is what global warming REALLY means" scenario
Frank, do you realize how long it's been since you actually answered a question I've put to you?
the hypocrisy of Crick and the other warmists here is astounding.

I can only hope that their oblivious lack of understanding of the double standards involved is due to poor critical thinking skills rather than some other more sinister motive.
What double standard would that be Ian? Do YOU have some evidence that Mann or Hansen has ever withheld a conflict of interest from a publisher? Hid one from their readers?

On the other hand, do you have any evidence refuting the charges again Soon? Do you have some reason to believe he did not repeatedly lie about his conflicts of interest with Southern and the Koch brothers?
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What double standard would that be Ian? Do YOU have some evidence that Mann or Hansen has ever withheld a conflict of interest from a publisher? Hid one from their readers?

On the other hand, do you have any evidence refuting the charges again Soon? Do you have some reason to believe he did not repeatedly lie about his conflicts of interest with Southern and the Koch brothers?
Joe Romm takes 500 milllion dollars and Soon was paid 1.25 million where Harvard took over 70% of the funding.. But Romm just took the funds...Romm testifies in front of congress and fails to inform them of his ties to advocacy groups .... Soon makes his employer fully aware and hides nothing from the journal because Harvard was the one paid who in turn paid soon, Romm is ok because he fits cricks agenda and what Crick wants to see..

The liberal stupidity is dripping with hypocrisy..
Frank, do you realize how long it's been since you actually answered a question I've put to you?

Your questions are just an attempt on your part to deflect from the obvious: not only do you have no science, but the planet itself is mocking your idiotic "theory"
Dr Paul Driessen has this one nailed right on the head...

Moreover, ClimateGate, IPCC revelations and other investigations have revealed extensive and troubling incidents of manipulated data, faulty models, wild exaggerations, and completely baseless claims about hottest years, disappearing glaciers, coastal flooding and other “crises.” And those claims severely impact our energy costs, jobs, living standards, economic growth and freedoms.

We need to end the double standard – and investigate the alarmist researchers and institutions.

Or better yet, let us instead have that all-out, open, robust debate that climate realists have long sought – and alarmists have refused to join. Equal government and other money for all research. All cards and evidence on the table. No more hiding data and codes. Answer all questions, no matter how tough or inconvenient. And let honest science decide what our energy and economic futures will be."

Climatic Jihad?
This is the current alarmist playbook, in use by the liberal left and alarmists, who want socialist, command and control government....
So borrowing from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton mentor Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, they have gone on the attack: Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. A good tactic is one your people enjoy. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions. They’ve also borrowed from the Islamic State playbook: Silence your enemies.

My response to these people is.. Go Fuck yourself... This is precisley the reason for the second amendment.. To protect my rights and freedoms from those who want to take them.

Billy is now so pants-pissing hysterical, any rational person would conclude that he's probably part of a fraud ring even bigger than the one currently known about. Why else would he be so terrified of exposure?

'Fess up, deniers. Which of you have your own hands in the cookie jar?

And Billy, don't make threats about shooting people. It just makes you look even dumber, not to mention it confirms your criminal inclination.
To be clear on Pielke’s point, Romm is paid to run the political attack blog “Climate Progress” by the Center for American Progress, a progressive (liberal) political action group in Washington, DC. according to his bio there. According the the lastest IRS form 990 on file (required for tax exempt 501c3 organizations) Romm’s outfit collected over 39 million dollars in revenue in 2012. See form 990 here: CAP_300126510_2012_09818b30.

Nothing to see here move along.... freaking liberal retards... Soon's alleged income was over ten years and Romm's 39 million was just ONE YEAR!

"John Podesta is the chairman at the Center for American Progress.

The CAP calls itself non partisan but that’s damn hard to believe. John Podesta was Chief of Staff during the Clinton administration.

John and his flashy brother Tony Podesta are cofounders of the Podesta lobbying group. We’re talking big money here and deep Washington tentacles.

John Podesta was brought in by Barack Obama to further Obama’s climate initiatives. Perhaps those two charming people discuss their strategy while flying in the world’s largest private jet to a golf game or fund raiser. Maybe, once the jet lands they can further discuss it traveling in Obama’s man of prestige 40 vehicle motorcade.

In any case, I think what you’re seeing here is Chicago style take no prisoners politics. Obama brought the corrupt Chicago political machine to Washington. They don’t care how many lives they ruin."

This assessment is spot on and shows the amount of incest that is "valued" by socialists and alarmists in the Obama admin and his EPA... The Podesta Group is funded b y George Soros and his Open Socialist Society.
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Billy, this is the Environment folder, not your "I hate Obama" folder. So stop spamming. We get it already. You're an openly corrupt fraud, raging because your payola might get cut.
What double standard would that be Ian? Do YOU have some evidence that Mann or Hansen has ever withheld a conflict of interest from a publisher? Hid one from their readers?

On the other hand, do you have any evidence refuting the charges again Soon? Do you have some reason to believe he did not repeatedly lie about his conflicts of interest with Southern and the Koch brothers?
Joe Romm takes 500 milllion dollars and Soon was paid 1.25 million where Harvard took over 70% of the funding.. But Romm just took the funds...Romm testifies in front of congress and fails to inform them of his ties to advocacy groups .... Soon makes his employer fully aware and hides nothing from the journal because Harvard was the one paid who in turn paid soon, Romm is ok because he fits cricks agenda and what Crick wants to see..

The liberal stupidity is dripping with hypocrisy..

Soon LIED about his conflict of interest. He could have made all the money on Earth. It wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't LIED about it.

You all keep trying to throw the conversation aside and ignore this one crucial point. None of the people you keep trying to drag through the mud to distract us from Soon LIED about conflicts of interest. Soon DID.
Soon LIED about his conflict of interest. He could have made all the money on Earth. It wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't LIED about it.

You all keep trying to throw the conversation aside and ignore this one crucial point. None of the people you keep trying to drag through the mud to distract us from Soon LIED about conflicts of interest. Soon DID.

Only in your mind...Harvard was fully aware where the funding was coming from and yet HARVARD still paid Soon from it.... Its funny how someone who takes 39 million dollars from advocacy groups is OK bur someone who is paid by Harvard is not simply because the science disproves your Meme...

You lying bastards need a real gut check..
"John Podesta is the chairman at the Center for American Progress.

The CAP calls itself non partisan but that’s damn hard to believe. John Podesta was Chief of Staff during the Clinton administration.

John and his flashy brother Tony Podesta are cofounders of the Podesta lobbying group. We’re talking big money here and deep Washington tentacles.

John Podesta was brought in by Barack Obama to further Obama’s climate initiatives. Perhaps those two charming people discuss their strategy while flying in the world’s largest private jet to a golf game or fund raiser. Maybe, once the jet lands they can further discuss it traveling in Obama’s man of prestige 40 vehicle motorcade.

In any case, I think what you’re seeing here is Chicago style take no prisoners politics. Obama brought the corrupt Chicago political machine to Washington. They don’t care how many lives they ruin."

This assessment is spot on and shows the amount of incest that is "valued" by socialists and alarmists in the Obama admin and his EPA... The Podesta Group is funded b y George Soros and his Open Socialist Society.

There's big money in the AGWCult
Soon LIED about his conflict of interest. He could have made all the money on Earth. It wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't LIED about it.

You all keep trying to throw the conversation aside and ignore this one crucial point. None of the people you keep trying to drag through the mud to distract us from Soon LIED about conflicts of interest. Soon DID.

Only in your mind...Harvard was fully aware where the funding was coming from and yet HARVARD still paid Soon from it.... Its funny how someone who takes 39 million dollars from advocacy groups is OK bur someone who is paid by Harvard is not simply because the science disproves your Meme...

You lying bastards need a real gut check..

Hey Dipshit,

The issue has never been Soon's employers. The lies he told were to journals who published his "work".
Coldest MONTH of February in 80 years in NY. Not a day, not a one off, a whole cold MONTH

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