Can Atheists be Moral?

These stories were written by Jews for Jews who understood the torah was instruction ,not history. The problems arose whenever their superstitious, irrational, and violent enemies tried to usurp authority over those writings without having the slightest clue about figurative language or that the subjects were hidden and not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.
Ohhh so I cannot find Jewish folks who believe in the God of the Bible..


You're just being an apologist because you found a few things in the Bible and youre incapable of reconciling them.

#1. Allegories that convey common sense wisdom.

#2. Direct commandments to worship a God.

#3. Ridiculous contradictions.

And in order for you to reconcile all of that, you use a presupposed apologetic that it all falls under #1, which it doesnt and thats established based on the History and testimony.
I'm sure you can find many Jews who believe in God. They just won't ever believe that he became a human being or is edible.

I think your argument should be with people who profess to believe such nonsense.
They're no less ridiculous than folks who believe in a metaphorical edible.

They, too, believe in something not empirically proven or even evident.

You cannot use the same terrible reasoning and mock one and not the other because that's hypocritical, and lacks something like a spine.

Hey man. I do mock the literal the symbolic and your dismissal of it all as nonsense. There was nothing mysterious or ridiculous about Jesus speaking in figurative terms and clearly identifying bread as a metaphor for teaching. He was speaking in code like all oppressed people, criminals and ordinary people do when they want to communicate in secret.

The preexisting metaphor for the word of God, bread from heaven, became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for teaching from God.

The body of any persons teaching is easily proven to exist, even easy to consume and digest even if a symbolic or literal eating of the teacher ritual is ridiculous and accomplishes nothing..

If you adopt the body of any persons teaching then that body is in you and with you.

The words of the law are figurative, the subjects hidden, and not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. In kosher law, the flesh of one creature or another whether clean or unclean is a metaphor for teaching. This is the subject of kosher law. This reveals the wisdom of God. This is the Body of Christ.

Jesus taught and demonstrated by example the only right way to understand and fulfill the laws demands that removes the burden of the law, death, (the curse for failing to heed the instruction), reveals the wisdom of God, and fulfills the promise of eternal life for anyone who accepts that teaching and acts on it.

This is my flesh.

Now its in you, like a flame in the brush of a deadwood forest on a windy day, and you can't do a damn thing about it.
Man, your psychobabble is not really any more coherent than a literalist. At the end of the day, the same idea applies: God is not proven. YHWH is not proven.

Nor is zeus, or Jesus at all. I dont really care what you think about the aim of a fairy tale.
If you perceive God as a fairytale then everything you see will skew to that result.

At the heart of the debate is whether spirit created the material world. You will never be able to objectively analyze the evidence if you start with the premise that it is a fairytale.

There are plenty of good reasons to examine the evidence at our disposal and none of them are fairytales.
there is no physical connection from one generation to the next.
What is a fertilised egg, a concept?

that is the physical properties for succeeding generations, the actual link (evolution) is a metaphysical transfer as they are two distinct beings ... pertaining to designed alterations / changes over time, the spiritual content.
Cannot comprehend.
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.

* does that help
nice girls "break us in" not "break us down"!

How many of you are there?
Danny needs a sex robot. Lets go halves

lol.. nah, Its much more fascinating watching this strange creature preen while trying to attract a mate in the wild. With any luck his intricate gyrations, arrogant gestures, and discordant clucking will draw a smitten female of the same species out of the bush. The cameras are ready to roll.

And then, well, you know, people will pay us to see that!
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.

* does that help
Communicate between generations? Communicate what? The generations have physically communicated through DNA. One way.

edit...No it does not help.
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there is no physical connection from one generation to the next.
What is a fertilised egg, a concept?

that is the physical properties for succeeding generations, the actual link (evolution) is a metaphysical transfer as they are two distinct beings ... pertaining to designed alterations / changes over time, the spiritual content.
Cannot comprehend.
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.

* does that help
i love getting physical and making a good connection with girl friends.
Concerning the fairy tale, it is Boehme's 'birthing the son' as a Gnostic scenario that compares with the Triplicity of Flux, where it is shown that Einstein's relativity in the 4th dimension is a symbol; a symbol for a fiction. (Deleuze, Bergsonism) In the Gnostic 'disfiguration,' of Bergsonian triplicity, a tyrannical deity is the creator of an imprisoned, hierarchical actuality, the enslaving moral master, the monstrous lobster enforcing entity. That is why one should pay attention to a double articulation whenever these tales are invoked.

'From Augustine to Hugh of St. Victor and beyond, a sacrament was defined in part by its (likeness [italics]) to what it represents (e.g., the water of Baptism washers the body like the Spirit cleans the soul). This emphasis emphasis on similitude fits easily into cognitive and coalitional defaults, making it easier to remember and transmit ritual practices across generations.'
(Shults, op cit)

' "Be like Him," the Serpent whispered in Eve's ear.'
(Safir, Melancholies of Knowledge)
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.
No it isn't. It's called,"radio".
it's doubtful you are able to understand either ... keep trying, someday you will have a breakthrough.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.
No it isn't. It's called,"radio".
it's doubtful you are able to understand either ... keep trying, someday you will have a breakthrough.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.

Thereis nothing to understand.

you tend to stutter when you have nothing to say ...
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.
No it isn't. It's called,"radio".
it's doubtful you are able to understand either ... keep trying, someday you will have a breakthrough.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.

Thereis nothing to understand.

you tend to stutter when you have nothing to say ...
That doesn't make was a typical...and what I said is clear:

Your metaphysical horseshit is useless garbage. It explains nothing and yields no useful predictions. It has no bearing or effect on any of our knowledge. It is a useless veneer of useless nonsense you toss all over things only AFTER we have explained them by scientific means. What a luxury that must be... You don't have to understand, explain, discover, or predict anything....then you get to pay yourself on the back anyway...
we are able to communicate while not being physically attached ... that is through the metaphysical.
No it isn't. It's called,"radio".
it's doubtful you are able to understand either ... keep trying, someday you will have a breakthrough.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.
Thereis nothing to understand. You also cannot explain pass ofd a bunch of meaningless, useless tripe as wisdom.nothing but verbal masturbation on your part.thats why you can't explain anything or provide any useful predictions. Your metaphysical nonsense is as useless as tits on a boar.

Thereis nothing to understand.

you tend to stutter when you have nothing to say ...
That doesn't make was a typical...and what I said is clear:

Your metaphysical horseshit is useless garbage. It explains nothing and yields no useful predictions. It has no bearing or effect on any of our knowledge. It is a useless veneer of useless nonsense you toss all over things only AFTER we have explained them by scientific means. What a luxury that must be... You don't have to understand, explain, discover, or predict anything....then you get to pay yourself on the back anyway...
I disagree, physiology is an example where the metaphysical created a physical substance to support an individual spirit that when removed its physiology disappears and is a substance not native to planet Earth but to the universe.

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