Can Democrats solve the problems they complain about most by adding more illegal aliens to our population?

Thread is based on a bogus premise. No one... no one... is trying to increase the number of illegal aliens
It's what they're told, so it's what they believe. Nothing you can do. I just pat him on the head and let him go.
You have no other've lost all your shit. You have nothing logical and or reasonable to offer...You, like Slade3200 and all the other bleeding heart suckers have FEELZ and that's it.
FEELZ and logic. We have those. Much better than the Hate and outbursts that you have.
It isn't about solving anything or improving anything. It's all about getting future votes from them, nothing else.
Everything seems to be about votes and power to YOU people.

It's the lens through which YOU see everything
Sell us on another logical reason...why do Democraps believe American taxpayers deserve to be burdened by Mexico's filth?
Don't blame us your right wing warfare-State policies don't work and only create more refugees.
The rise in liberal extremism hurts everyone. There's nothing logical or beneficial to any of it.

Ok so you don't want women to have access to reliable and affordable contraception.

You don't want women to have access to a safe abortion.

You don't want to pay anything in public assistance, even food.

You don't want to provide any assistance to help women find a job.

You don't want to provide any assistance for a woman to get any training or education to be able to find a job.

And you don't want women to have child care so they can go to a job to feed that child she has.

So you want to add more women and children to being homeless in our nation.

Don't complain about homelessness and crime. You caused it.
More of the same from the Left...they can't and won't get out of their own way....they are their own worse enemy.
"We demand more help for women....BUT....we demand more help for Mexico's filth."
FEELZ and logic. We have those. Much better than the Hate and outbursts that you have.
Well then...give it to us straight...Tell us, how are illegals helping you solve the problems Democrats bitch about most?
Well then...give it to us straight...Tell us, how are illegals helping you solve the problems Democrats bitch about most?
I don’t look for legals or illegals to help me with anything. What are you wanting help with?
I don’t look for legals or illegals to help me with anything. What are you wanting help with?
That’s cute…you’re trying real hard.
I guess I thought you had some FEELZ about blacks or something…tell us, how are illegals helping blacks succeed?
That’s cute…you’re trying real hard.
I guess I thought you had some FEELZ about blacks or something…tell us, how are illegals helping blacks succeed?
I don’t know… Why would Blacks need illegals to help them succeed?
I don’t know… Why would Blacks need illegals to help them succeed?
Don’t you people often tell us that blacks can’t or don’t control their own destiny? Don’t you tell us they need to be led around by the nose?
Don’t you people often tell us that blacks can’t or don’t control their own destiny? Don’t you tell us they need to be led around by the nose?
No way, I don't know who you've been hanging with but I'm of the opinion that everybody is in control of their own destiny... Maybe you need a new crew to hang with.
The GOP record in the 21st century and the past 100 years has been abhorrently terrible. Massive failure, with failed results, underperformance compared to dem presidents, recessions, market crashes, low growth, mega deficits, and failed wars that we never needed.

Just compare the economic numbers of Dem presidents vs GOP presidents. The facts and numbers say it all.

Instead of trying to do better, get better, make America better, and pivot to succesful winning policy, republicans would rather try and lie and spin these abhorent results. Republicans focus on making excuses and manipulating their gullible instead of improving their failed policy decissions. Because of this the GOP continues to fail and hurt America.

A perfect example of this is a recent thread where some total idiot elektra tried to claim that Bush's failed Iraq War was somehow Obama's fault even though Bush started the war himself and subsequently mismanaged it into total chaos and devastation??? This is the detached reality that Republicans live in. They blame everyone and everything for their failure.

The GOP will contionue to fail miserably until they are held accountable for their failure AND therefore change their failed ways. I don't see this happening any time soon, as Republicans can't even admit the simplest facts and realities.

Please just stop it....NOBODY sane takes you Mexicrats can't get out of your own way...EVERYTHING you bitch about is self perpetuated, manifested and fostered by you filthy are your own worse enemy.
Please just stop it....NOBODY sane takes you Mexicrats can't get out of your own way...EVERYTHING you bitch about is self perpetuated, manifested and fostered by you filthy are your own worse enemy.
Look at the differences between your argument and the post you were responding to. His presented an on topic, substantive, detailed argument supported by examples. Yours didn’t address one of the points made and was simple fully of empty insults. Sorry BL but that was pathetic. You lose
Look at the differences between your argument and the post you were responding to. His presented an on topic, substantive, detailed argument supported by examples. Yours didn’t address one of the points made and was simple fully of empty insults. Sorry BL but that was pathetic. You lose
Nah, the poster simply typed a bunch of bullshit that gets you all giddy. Like always, I was short, concise and accurate.
You Democrats, your policies and ideologies create all the problems you bitch about. ALL OF THEM!
Again, you can’t get out of your own way.
Nah, the poster simply typed a bunch of bullshit that gets you all giddy. Like always, I was short, concise and accurate.
You Democrats, your policies and ideologies create all the problems you bitch about. ALL OF THEM!
Again, you can’t get out of your own way.
Surprise surprise, you just double down on your stupid. Take that game to Vegas and let it ride buddy.
Surprise surprise, you just double down on your stupid. Take that game to Vegas and let it ride buddy.
I make too much sense don’t I?
It gets scary when you start to realize how right I am and how blind and foolish you are doesn’t it?
I’d cut and run from this exchange if I were you.
I make too much sense don’t I?
It gets scary when you start to realize how right I am and how blind and foolish you are doesn’t it?
I’d cut and run from this exchange if I were you.
You don't make substantive points. petty insults don't mean a thing... Maybe to you in your pea brain but not in the real world. You just got toasted in debate by the other poster. I was simply pointing that out. Maybe next time you will do better.
You don't make substantive points. petty insults don't mean a thing... Maybe to you in your pea brain but not in the real world. You just got toasted in debate by the other poster. I was simply pointing that out. Maybe next time you will do better.
Lets cut to the chase…list the three problems in America that you Mexicrats bitch about most and I’ll draw you a straight line to Mexicrat policies and ideaologies that manifest and foster said problems.
(this is where you pretend you didn’t see this post)
Lets cut to the chase…list the three problems in America that you Mexicrats bitch about most and I’ll draw you a straight line to Mexicrat policies and ideaologies that manifest and foster said problems.
(this is where you pretend you didn’t see this post)
I’m in line for a Covid test and then playing 18 so I don’t have time or the attention span to engage in that right but happy to do it later. Problem with the fight you want to pick is that I am not a fan of government programs and blame them for many issues. I can definitely find a few that they serve to protect us from though . Just not right now

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