Can Madona stop the war in Iran before it begins?

Actually, the leader of Mofaz is the ex-spy chief of Israel and against an attack.I'll take the BBC's version over your RW trash, dupe.
Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

I was thinking if she gave that performance she gave at halftime in Tehran, the Iranians would be begging for mercy.

Or begging for a Jackson style wardrobe malfunction. Who needs bombs when you got boobs.

Let her loose on IRAN! The nation will be in shock from her schlock.
Israel `bout to kick Iran's butt...
US fears Israeli attack on Iran at 'any moment'
11 May, 2012, The State of Israel may launch a military strike on the Islamic Republic of Iran any time now, reports Israeli television network Channel 10 News.
Channel 10, a decade-old broadcasting network with international distribution, reports that authorities in the United States are rushing this week to discuss an impending Israeli attack on Iran. The reports have developed in recent days following news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has formed an alliance with Shaul Mofaz, the leader of the nation’s largest opposition party. Speaking of the deal between the two, PM Netanyahu has said the newfangled alliance will stabilize the country’s government. Reporting from Jerusalem, the UK’s Independent adds that the relationship installs “a commanding mandate” for Netanhau, “should he choose to strike against Iran.” In the United States, many have feared that it would only be a matter of time before such a strike occurred. Only now, however, are top US officials reportedly trying to find a way to prevent an immediate attack.

Israel National News reports that the strike could be carried out at "any given moment.” Channel 10 adds in their report that undisclosed sources with ties to the US government say authorities in Washington, DC fear that the Netanyahu/Mofaz alliance brings together two influential party leaders that would both favor an attack on Iran. Speaking together on Tuesday this week, both men said they have much common ground between them when it comes to issues that include Iran. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is also reported to be in favor of a strike on Iran more likely sooner than later. With an attack seeming imminent, US officials are reportedly scurrying to strike a deal that will prevent a war from breaking out in the coming weeks.

Earlier this year, the plans for the US/Israeli joint missile exercise were pushed back, in turn causing much speculation over if and how both nations would cooperate with one another if an attack was waged on Iran.In February, Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess told reporters that, if a war erupted, it was most likely to be initiated by Israel. "Iran could also attempt to employ terrorist surrogates worldwide. However, the agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict," Burgess said.

Weeks earlier, it was reported at a US Defense Department briefing at the Pentagon outside of Washington, DC that authorities were readying the deployment of a massive US Navy “mother ship,” the USS Ponce, towards Iran’s Strait of Hormuz. When RT covered the news when it first developed, it was reported that the ship could be sent overseas as early as May 2012. Earlier this week, US Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that he rejects the notion of continuing US support to Israel through military aid, saying that doing so "will lead to war."

US fears Israeli attack on Iran at 'any moment' — RT

And obumble has to change his underwear because he doesn't want Israel's self defense to interfere with his campaign.

Why not? What impact would it have on whether or not the messiah is elected for a second term?

Easy answer.

He might have to stop campaigning and deal with the actual job of being president.

Actually, this and Pub speculators cause gas price spikes , and only Obama has organized the whole world against Iran, and you're a brainwashed idiot. Thank god adults are in charge, not chickenhawk Pub morons.:eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
The concert is in ISRAEL, chumps. Jeeesh! Absolutely wrong on EVERYTHING> Pub dupes! unbelievable...
WhoTF is? Ay caramba.

Obama cannot stop them; unlike many here I want no more "finger in every nation I don't like" warmongers like Bush II. Israel may know more than the US as to what Iran plans.
Obama is doing all the right things. Netanyahoo and Romney are chicken hawk morons.
Or at least delay it till after her concert. This is so crazy but its real and unreal at the same time. Some people have some weird priorities.

Madonna fan asks Israel to attack Iran after concerts - I4U News

That's the plea of one Israeli fan of Madonna who has set up a Facebook group calling for Israel to delay until after the diva performs there in May what some fear will be an attack on Iran. "Bibi! No war with Iran until after Madonna's performance

I was thinking if she gave that performance she gave at halftime in Tehran, the Iranians would be begging for mercy.

That performance was so lame. She may as well don a burka. She doesn't have the moves anymore and her voice was never her strongest asset. It seems so odd for her to perform there, almost a clash of cultures. Trashy meets the uptight religious zealots.
Iran upgradin' it's missiles, makin' Israel nervous...
Iran tests upgraded short-range ballistic missiles
Mon, Aug 06, 2012 - Iran claimed on Saturday it has successfully test-fired an upgraded version of a short-range ballistic missile with improved accuracy, increasing the Islamic Republic’s capability to strike both land and naval targets.
Iranian Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi said the solid-fueled Fateh-110 has a range of 300km. He said the weapon could strike with pin-point precision, making it the most accurate weapon of its kind in Iran’s arsenal. “By reaching this generation of the Fateh-110, a new capability has been added to our armed forces in striking sea and land targets,” state TV quoted Vahidi as saying. “Few countries in the world possess the technology to build such missiles.” Iran’s military leaders have said they believe future wars will be air and sea-based and Tehran has sought to upgrade its air defense systems and naval power in anticipation of such a possibility.

Iran has also been pushing to upgrade its missiles, which already can target Israel and US bases in the Middle East. The Pentagon released a report in June noting significant advances in Iranian missile technology, acknowledging that the Islamic Republic has improved the accuracy and firing capabilities of its missiles. The Fateh-110, or Conqueror, is a single-stage solid-propellant, surface-to-surface missile put into service in 2002. The earlier version of the domestically produced missile had a range of 200km. The weapon was developed by Iran’s Aerospace Industries Organization. Iran also has a variety of longer-ranged missiles, including a Shahab-3 variant with a range of 2,000km that can reach Israel and southern Europe. Many of its missiles could in theory carry a nuclear warhead.

Iran considers both the US and Israel as potential adversaries. Neither country has ruled out a military strike against Iran’s nuclear program, which they claim is aimed at developing nuclear weapons. Iran says its program is for peaceful purposes. The British Foreign Office said in a statement that it was concerned by the reports of the missile test. “This move calls into question again Iran’s stated commitment to a purely peaceful nuclear program,” the ministry said on Saturday. “We remain concerned that Iran continues to develop missile technology with the clear intention of extending the range and sophistication of its missiles.”

Israel is about 1,000km away from Iran’s western borders, while the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain, about 200km from Iranian shores in the Persian Gulf. Iran’s military leaders have threatened that Israel “would disappear from the Earth” if it attacked Iran. Military commanders have also warned that 35 US military bases in the Middle East are within Iran’s missile range and would be destroyed within seconds after any US attack on Iran. Iran launched an arms development program during its 1980 to 1988 war with Iraq to compensate for a US weapons embargo. Since 1992, Iran has produced its own tanks, armored personnel carriers, missiles, torpedoes and a fighter plane.

Iran tests upgraded short-range ballistic missiles - Taipei Times

See also:

Israel hardens missile shield amid Mideast arms race
Mon, Aug 06, 2012 - Israel is upgrading its Arrow II ballistic missile shield in a US-backed “race” against Iran, Syria and other regional enemies, a senior Israeli defense official said yesterday.
The new “Block 4” generation of guided interceptor rockets, radars and technologies for synchronizing Arrow with US systems was being installed in deployed Israeli batteries, a process that would take several weeks, the official said. “The accuracy and the reach will be greater,” the official said of Arrow, which has been operational since 2000 and is designed to blow up incoming missiles at altitudes high enough for non-conventional warheads to disintegrate safely. “It is part of the technological race in the region,” added the official, who declined to be named given the sensitivity of the issue. Long jittery about Iran’s disputed nuclear program, Israel has more recently worried the Syrian insurgency could loosen Damascus’s hold on its chemical weapons and Scud missiles.

Israel has threatened to attack preemptively in both countries, a prospect that could trigger wider war and clash with Washington’s efforts to resolve the crises diplomatically. The Pentagon and US firm Boeing Co are partners in Arrow, an investment that US President Brack Obama’s administration hopes will help stay the Israelis’ hand. US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said last week that Arrow, like a similar Israeli interceptor for short-range guerrilla rockets, Iron Dome, were “designed to prevent wars.” Iran, which denies seeking nuclear weapons, has vowed reprisals for any Israeli attack, and on Saturday unveiled a new missile. Syria, for its part, last month went public with its chemical arsenal, saying it was intended for last-resort use against “external aggression.”

Tehran also has Islamist guerrilla allies in Lebanon and Gaza who could shell Israel during any regional conflict. Their short-range rocket arsenals have been expanding and improving as well, the senior Israeli defense official said. Having helped underwrite Arrow, the US was free to draw on its technologies for their own uses, the official said. “The policy of the [Israeli] Ministry of Defense is to provide all data to the US, for the security of the US, including on targets, interceptors, radars and command and control,” the official said. With US Congress also lavishing cash on Iron Dome, some US lawmakers have called on Israel to share that system, too.

The Israeli official said that though Iron Dome was different to Arrow as it was developed entirely by Israel, the current policy was to provide the Americans data upon request while a more permanent arrangement is negotiated. In parallel to Arrow II, Israel is developing Arrow III, which is due to be operational in 2014 or 2015. Unlike previous generations of the interceptor, Arrow III will engage incoming missiles in space, using detachable warheads that, turning into “kamikaze” satellites, will seek out and slam into the target. Israel is also working on a more powerful rocket interceptor than Iron Dome, known as David’s Sling or Magic Wand, which is due out next year. Meshed together and with US counterparts, the three Israeli systems would form a multi-tier shield providing several opportunities to intercept incoming missiles.

Israel hardens missile shield amid Mideast arms race - Taipei Times
Madonna is typical hollywood. Stars really do believe then can control the rising and setting of the sun.

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