Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
That was saved by trump
Whatever, it was moderate.
By whose standards?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Well, this is why I have long since given up giving examples to people on on both ends of the spectrum, whose minds won't be changed, regardless of how many examples I provide.

I gave that one against my better judgement.

Now, we just continue to see things very differently.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
That's no more valid than having a left winger speak for conservatism.

So do you disagree with that observation?

I can't even find their principles or values listed anywhere. Gender doesn't exist but apparently men are evil. The incoherence screams to our faces we are not dealing with an ideology.

These regressives are talkboxes that just use whatever words work in order to reach their goals. There is no substance behind the words. It's all the same post-modern bullshit.
:clap2:Outstanding :clap2:
That was saved by trump
Whatever, it was moderate.
By whose standards?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Well, this is why I have long since given up giving examples to people on on both ends of the spectrum, whose minds won't be changed, regardless of how many examples I provide.

I gave that one against my better judgement.

Now, we just continue to see things very differently.
Well your examples don’t adhere to your talking point. Single payer was their next step. Ask Bernie. It was their next step had they won. In fact they haven’t won anything since
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It's impossible answer the OP's question if he can't or won't define this "radical left agenda".

Fair question.

1) The Democrat party platform
2) DNC talking points
3) The position every leftist on the board has every day in every discussion and for the same reason
4) Every position you have on the board every day in every discussion

There you go, four answers that are all exactly the same thing

Well...Kaz...that is both vague and amusing at the same time....

Let’s start with positions.

The Far left wants Open borders................

They want laws in place that make them citizens ............Blanket Amnesty..........

We want the border Secure...............

Middle Ground is a compromise between the 2............The SNAG...............we refuse any deals that do not secure the border first..............

The far left refuse any deals that don't leave it Open..........

So who here supports the middle Ground were both sides win and both sides the Founding Fathers Meant it to be.

More bullshit.

No one wants open borders. That is like claiming the right wants to kill brown children.

In fact...immigration is one of the rare points of fairly broad agreement. Most on both sides want increased security (personnel, electronics, etc)...most oppose that security in the form of a physical wall across the border. Most want a humane solution or DACA. Most want a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill to cover immigration as a whole, they disagree on the details but that is negotiable. It is the president who is putting a stopper in it by trying to stick his ideas of immigration reform in to another bill and refusing anything that doesn’t fund his pet wall.

Unfortunately that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, in a tweet or in your talking points.
Let them Prove it........................negotiate the border or there is no deal........You know that..........

The far left fights tooth and nail over the point of ignoring the laws of this country.........They don't negotiate shit...............why the hell should we til they bend a little...........Negotiating with those is like negotiating with Jung the little fat man.
Sanctuary cities? He can’t avoid it
They just spin away from that subject or play the moral superior card.
Whatever, it was moderate.
By whose standards?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Well, this is why I have long since given up giving examples to people on on both ends of the spectrum, whose minds won't be changed, regardless of how many examples I provide.

I gave that one against my better judgement.

Now, we just continue to see things very differently.
Well your examples don’t adhere to your talking point. Single payer was their next step. As Bernie. It was their next step had they won. In fact they haven’t won anything since
I realize that the current meme, and the point of this thread, is that you're either with Trump or you're a commie Nazi Hitler fascist Marxist.

No doubt that keeps the troops all riled up 'n stuff, and it makes great radio and internet reading material, but I'm afraid it just isn't true.
By whose standards?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Well, this is why I have long since given up giving examples to people on on both ends of the spectrum, whose minds won't be changed, regardless of how many examples I provide.

I gave that one against my better judgement.

Now, we just continue to see things very differently.
Well your examples don’t adhere to your talking point. Single payer was their next step. As Bernie. It was their next step had they won. In fact they haven’t won anything since
I realize that the current meme, and the point of this thread, is that you're either with Trump or you're a commie Nazi Hitler fascist Marxist.

No doubt that keeps the troops all riled up 'n stuff, and it makes great radio and internet reading material, but I'm afraid it just isn't true.
Gee, I read the OP about libs not trump. So unclear how you get that from the OP?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Well, this is why I have long since given up giving examples to people on on both ends of the spectrum, whose minds won't be changed, regardless of how many examples I provide.

I gave that one against my better judgement.

Now, we just continue to see things very differently.
Well your examples don’t adhere to your talking point. Single payer was their next step. As Bernie. It was their next step had they won. In fact they haven’t won anything since
I realize that the current meme, and the point of this thread, is that you're either with Trump or you're a commie Nazi Hitler fascist Marxist.

No doubt that keeps the troops all riled up 'n stuff, and it makes great radio and internet reading material, but I'm afraid it just isn't true.
Gee, I read the OP about libs not trump. So unclear how you get that from the OP?
First, because I know the routine. I've seen it a zillion times. I've listened to Hannity and Levin and the rest. If you don't bend over for Trump, you're a pinko commie Marxist.

Second, Kaz proved it right on this thread. You can refer to the following posts as proof that his point is that there is ZERO difference between moderates on the Left and the far Left wing:
  • 71
  • 72
  • 76
  • 82
  • 88
  • 91
  • 101
His intent all along was to say there is no difference. Because, from his ideological vacuum, he SEES no difference.

Crap, I gave examples of my point again. I know they won't be "good enough". I really should know better.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

What "radical" positions are you talking about? I mean other than impeaching Trump,which some REpublicans would probably be good with.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

What "radical" positions are you talking about? I mean other than impeaching Trump,which some REpublicans would probably be good with.
It is too early to impeach Trump

Let’s wait for the Mueller report and then let the chips fall where they may
The left used to be more or less synonymous with liberal. Those days are long gone as identity politic has now reduced the left to little more than a jack booted system of enforced double standards, the authoritarian nature of such rendering the left anything but liberal.

Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.

Yawn... "The Left doesn't piss itself when it sees a Hijab like I do... Clearly they are radicals".
The left used to be more or less synonymous with liberal. Those days are long gone as identity politic has now reduced the left to little more than a jack booted system of enforced double standards, the authoritarian nature of such rendering the left anything but liberal.

Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.

Yawn... "The Left doesn't piss itself when it sees a Hijab like I do... Clearly they are radicals".

Ah, a other islam apologist arrives... how original. I could not have anticipated it. Yawn indeed.
oppose gay government marriage. Though that's misleading, I oppose straight government marriage too. Government should treat all of it's citizens the same

Except that it's established by law that straights can marry and has been for centuries... So your whacky Libertarian spittle doesn't really work here.

LGBT have all the rights everyone else does. Jessica wants them to have extra rights

Well,no, they really don't. You can still get fired in 28 states for being LGBT.

Both examples of socialism, not capitalism. Socialism is government deciding. That isn't capitalism in any form.

Yawn, if we had "real" capitalism, where the government didn't step in and clean up the One Percents fuckups, we'd have gone the way of Russian and China in the 1930's
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.

Stormy Mac, the thing is, you guys got your "moderate" candidate who checked with a focus group before she opened her mouth.

And she lost because no one believed she was the least bit sincere.

But to you, Moderate means hating on the Muslims and that college kids have to listen to Nazis that even Fox News won't give air time to.
oppose gay government marriage. Though that's misleading, I oppose straight government marriage too. Government should treat all of it's citizens the same

Except that it's established by law that straights can marry and has been for centuries... So your whacky Libertarian spittle doesn't really work here.

LGBT have all the rights everyone else does. Jessica wants them to have extra rights

Well,no, they really don't. You can still get fired in 28 states for being LGBT.

Both examples of socialism, not capitalism. Socialism is government deciding. That isn't capitalism in any form.

Yawn, if we had "real" capitalism, where the government didn't step in and clean up the One Percents fuckups, we'd have gone the way of Russian and China in the 1930's

We actually had as real capitalism as it gets.

As result, we became one of the richest nation's very quickly. So rich that we could even afford the fuck up that's called socialism in many instances. All resulting from an extreme form of democracy where losers like yourself could gang up and vote the productivity and hard work of others for themselves, while contributing jack shit.

However, those days are quickly coming to an end. Darwin always has the last say in the long run... The culling of the cucks will be the reality soon enough.
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Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

Here's the problem with that, Kaz.

Nobody on your side, except the nutty Libertarian Fringe, is arguing that government should be getting out of the women's health/family planning business. They are arguing that those monies should go to organizations that aren't PP for the exact same purpose. Not because they could do a better job than PP, PP has been in the family planning business before most of the technologies even existed.

Nope, they are arguing PP shouldn't get that money because we don't like other activities PP engages in that are entirely funded by a capitalist model. If PP just did abortions, they'd been in the black, all the time. It's the other stuff that costs money because there's no profit in providing it to poor people.

This isn't "Charity", it's policy. Is it better to address the problem when it can be handled inexpensively, or wait until costs a lot more money.
Before I rip into him, I'm going to give Bruce his props for actually bringing substance to this thread.

My last response for a long while:

The wall is a waste of American Tax Dollars because after Trump leaves office a Democrat will follow and defund it, so why waste the money?

The solution is simple and that is:

1. Go after employers that hire illegals by using laws that our nation already has and enforce them once and for all.

All this I agree with.. then you lose me.

2. Get rid of the Anchor Baby Status which mean a Constitutional Amendment.

Um, no. the 14th Amendment is just fine as it is.

3. Close the Marriage Loophole.

There is no marriage loophole. You obviously don't know how hard it actually is to get a marriage visa. I know a gal from the Philippines had to wait three years before she could marry her husband. Another fellow I know was married to an American and they still deported him.

4. Dry up all resources for overstayed visa holders and illegals.

Except that there arent that many programs you can access if you are an undocumented immigrant... or even a documented one.

5. Invisible Wall with using Drone technology and other tech that would make it more efficient to tract illegals.

6. Clean Mexico corrupt Government up and bring jobs back from China to Mexico at least so that illegals would stay there and not cross into this country.

Except that it's still cheaper to make things in China. The main source of "illegals" were not industrial workers- manufacturing jobs are vanishing all around the world due to automation and process improvement. The biggest cause of the flood of illegals that happened in the 1990's (it's tapered off since then) was when cheap American yellow corn forced mexican farmers of white corn out of their own market thanks to NAFTA.

7. Actually deal with the true issue that causes this mess and stop Russia, China, Iran and North Korea from funding Cartels and Gangs in the region that destabilize the region.

Actually, the main funders of these cartels are the yuppies who smoke weed and shoot heroin...

So do something proactive and that will slow the illegal immigrantion once and for all!

Also deal with the slave trade that is still going on in the sex trafficking to sweat shops!

Sex trafficking happens because we have dumb prostitution laws, and most prostitutes are Americans who made bad life choices.
We actually had as real capitalism as it gets.

As result, we became one of the richest nation's very quickly. So rich that we could even afford the fuck up that's called socialism in many instances. All resulting from an extreme form of democracy where losers like yourself could gang up and vote the productivity and hard work of others for themselves, while contributing jack shit.

I think you are a little confused with your "Home Skule" History. We had Capitalism in a raw form, and it lead to the Crash of 1929, which not only brought down our economy, but much of the rest of the world. Then FDR proposed a lot of sensible laws that have caused us to grow to the world's richest nation. (Two world wars where the rest of the world beat itself senseless also helped.)

owever, those days are quickly coming to an end. Darwin always has the last say in the long run... The culling of the cucks will be the reality soon enough.

GUy, here's the thing... your racist anger won' t keep the One Percenters like Trump from screwing you.

Recessions aren't a bug of Republican Governance, they're a design feature.
We actually had as real capitalism as it gets.

As result, we became one of the richest nation's very quickly. So rich that we could even afford the fuck up that's called socialism in many instances. All resulting from an extreme form of democracy where losers like yourself could gang up and vote the productivity and hard work of others for themselves, while contributing jack shit.

I think you are a little confused with your "Home Skule" History. We had Capitalism in a raw form, and it lead to the Crash of 1929, which not only brought down our economy, but much of the rest of the world. Then FDR proposed a lot of sensible laws that have caused us to grow to the world's richest nation. (Two world wars where the rest of the world beat itself senseless also helped.)

owever, those days are quickly coming to an end. Darwin always has the last say in the long run... The culling of the cucks will be the reality soon enough.

GUy, here's the thing... your racist anger won' t keep the One Percenters like Trump from screwing you.

Recessions aren't a bug of Republican Governance, they're a design feature.

You seem to have an awful obsession with one percenters. The ones who pay the overwhelming amount of taxes and enable your contribution free lifestyle.

And your answer for them? Hate... that's pretty interesting. So tell again, why the fuck should they pay taxes to carry your ass when this is the response?

The recession was caused by the stupidity of the central bank mostly. Capitalism made US rich far before that and the recession is just an irrelevant talking point that you pull out of your ass to deny the extreme success of capitalism. Even during the depression America was rich as hell...
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Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Add to that the fact that they will defend the very least liberal behaviors on the planet as long as the identity of those engaging in the behavior are of a certain type, and the very notion of what is liberal has been perverted beyond recognition.

And anyone else shocked that you have to bring Islam into a thread that has nothing to do with it? (we shouldn't be - you do it every time and don't PRETEND that you aren't by not being explicit). Typical of dogmatic regressives who simply can't see beyond their obessive hates. Not much difference in the left and right versions. God help this country - you all are turning it into an idiocracy where he with the most compelling and shallow talking points wins, and liberal values and freedoms and tolerances are thrown to the winds.

You deserve Trump.

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