Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

The left used to be more or less synonymous with liberal. Those days are long gone as identity politic has now reduced the left to little more than a jack booted system of enforced double standards, the authoritarian nature of such rendering the left anything but liberal.

Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Add to that the fact that they will defend the very least liberal behaviors on the planet as long as the identity of those engaging in the behavior are of a certain type, and the very notion of what is liberal has been perverted beyond recognition.
It's impossible answer the OP's question if he can't or won't define this "radical left agenda".

Fair question.

1) The Democrat party platform
2) DNC talking points
3) The position every leftist on the board has every day in every discussion and for the same reason
4) Every position you have on the board every day in every discussion

There you go, four answers that are all exactly the same thing

Well...Kaz...that is both vague and amusing at the same time....

Let’s start with positions

Let's. Give me some positions where there are differences. The question I keep asking leftists. How are moderates different from non-moderates? The only difference I see is moderates like the word moderate
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
That's no more valid than having a left winger speak for conservatism.
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
It's impossible answer the OP's question if he can't or won't define this "radical left agenda".

Fair question.

1) The Democrat party platform
2) DNC talking points
3) The position every leftist on the board has every day in every discussion and for the same reason
4) Every position you have on the board every day in every discussion

There you go, four answers that are all exactly the same thing

Well...Kaz...that is both vague and amusing at the same time....

Let’s start with positions.

The Far left wants Open borders................

They want laws in place that make them citizens ............Blanket Amnesty..........

We want the border Secure...............

Middle Ground is a compromise between the 2............The SNAG...............we refuse any deals that do not secure the border first..............

The far left refuse any deals that don't leave it Open..........

So who here supports the middle Ground were both sides win and both sides the Founding Fathers Meant it to be.

More bullshit.

No one wants open borders. That is like claiming the right wants to kill brown children.

In fact...immigration is one of the rare points of fairly broad agreement. Most on both sides want increased security (personnel, electronics, etc)...most oppose that security in the form of a physical wall across the border. Most want a humane solution or DACA. Most want a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill to cover immigration as a whole, they disagree on the details but that is negotiable. It is the president who is putting a stopper in it by trying to stick his ideas of immigration reform in to another bill and refusing anything that doesn’t fund his pet wall.

Unfortunately that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, in a tweet or in your talking points.
Let them Prove it........................negotiate the border or there is no deal........You know that..........

The far left fights tooth and nail over the point of ignoring the laws of this country.........They don't negotiate shit...............why the hell should we til they bend a little...........Negotiating with those is like negotiating with Jung the little fat man.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
It’s called control. They are obsessed with it!
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Right winger is a sexual deviant, but a different kind. I have him on ignore for repeatedly making specific sexual references I don't care to repeat about my daughter. He should have been permanently banned. She wasn't a minor, but she was pretty close.

Do you notice how macho leftists always go after women with sexual references to other posters? I have Franco on ignore for saying he had sex with my mother and sister

You LIE and I dare you to provide a link
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
That was saved by trump
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
That was saved by trump
Whatever, it was moderate.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
That's no more valid than having a left winger speak for conservatism.

So do you disagree with that observation?

I can't even find their principles or values listed anywhere. Gender doesn't exist but apparently men are evil. The incoherence screams to our faces we are not dealing with an ideology.

These regressives are talkboxes that just use whatever words work in order to reach their goals. There is no substance behind the words. It's all the same post-modern bullshit.
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
That's no more valid than having a left winger speak for conservatism.

So do you disagree with that observation?

I can't even find their principles or values listed anywhere. Gender doesn't exist but apparently men are evil.

These regressives are talkboxes that just use whatever words to have more power. There is no substance behind the words. It's all the same post-modern bullshit.
Well, as I've said, they're not liberals. They're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
That was saved by trump
Whatever, it was moderate.
By whose standards?
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
That was saved by trump
Whatever, it was moderate.
By whose standards?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
It's impossible answer the OP's question if he can't or won't define this "radical left agenda".

Fair question.

1) The Democrat party platform
2) DNC talking points
3) The position every leftist on the board has every day in every discussion and for the same reason
4) Every position you have on the board every day in every discussion

There you go, four answers that are all exactly the same thing

Well...Kaz...that is both vague and amusing at the same time....

Let’s start with positions.

The Far left wants Open borders................

They want laws in place that make them citizens ............Blanket Amnesty..........

We want the border Secure...............

Middle Ground is a compromise between the 2............The SNAG...............we refuse any deals that do not secure the border first..............

The far left refuse any deals that don't leave it Open..........

So who here supports the middle Ground were both sides win and both sides the Founding Fathers Meant it to be.

More bullshit.

No one wants open borders. That is like claiming the right wants to kill brown children.

In fact...immigration is one of the rare points of fairly broad agreement. Most on both sides want increased security (personnel, electronics, etc)...most oppose that security in the form of a physical wall across the border. Most want a humane solution or DACA. Most want a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill to cover immigration as a whole, they disagree on the details but that is negotiable. It is the president who is putting a stopper in it by trying to stick his ideas of immigration reform in to another bill and refusing anything that doesn’t fund his pet wall.

Unfortunately that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, in a tweet or in your talking points.
Let them Prove it........................negotiate the border or there is no deal........You know that..........

The far left fights tooth and nail over the point of ignoring the laws of this country.........They don't negotiate shit...............why the hell should we til they bend a little...........Negotiating with those is like negotiating with Jung the little fat man.
Sanctuary cities? He can’t avoid it
Or not. The moderates have no say. If you think I’m wrong name a moderate position from the left leaders?
Hard to find any, since the Democratic Party is now under the control of the Regressive Left.

One obvious answer, however, is the ACA. A massive handout to insurance companies and the retention of market competition when they could have gone after Single Payer. It doesn't get much more moderate than that.
That was saved by trump
Whatever, it was moderate.
By whose standards?
Mine. If you think it was not, or that it was close to Single Payer, there's simply nothing I can say.
Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Liberalism is an ideology.

These people worship free shit and power at the expense of anything else. That's not an ideology, but greed and extreme egoism.
That's no more valid than having a left winger speak for conservatism.

So do you disagree with that observation?

I can't even find their principles or values listed anywhere. Gender doesn't exist but apparently men are evil.

These regressives are talkboxes that just use whatever words to have more power. There is no substance behind the words. It's all the same post-modern bullshit.
Well, as I've said, they're not liberals. They're illiberal leftist authoritarians.
And control the party like we said

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