Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?

Where on earth have I ever bitched about gays being married? I support gay marriage. An individual should be able to marry anyone they want. You are just a loon is all.
Then it wasn’t forced on you against your will, was it?

What about your false accusations against me? Are you going to be a man and apologize for that. As a matter of fact, I have been known to fight quite viciously on this forum for gays right to marry one another. No government should be able to tell us who we can marry (as long as both parties are ADULTs and are both consenting to the arrangement). I also don't think government should force other people to pay for someone else's "recreational activities."
If birth control was super expensive, then I might agree to subsidizing it for poor people, but it is not super expensive. If you are going to have sex, then you need to be the one weighing the pros and cons of your activities. If you do not want to have a baby, then wrap it up! Take your own precautions. It is not up to everyone else to baby you and to take care of you!
There will be negotiating with the left.............They have proven that they have a goal and are hell bent to get there..................

That path is the European models....

No........there will not be moderation...........It's just the way it's gonna go down...........

Have a Nice day..............
But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

There is a difference between "hating" something and "disagreeing" with it. Do you understand that?

THey don't.

They hate everything that they disagree with, and can't imagine anyone different than that.

Because they lack any imagination.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.

Do you know the difference between capitalism and corporatism?

Corporatism is pretty much capitalism out of control. Big businesses use the government for their own advancement and seek full control over the market place through special favors.

Marxist Rhetoric. Corporatism is a form of socialism. It has nothing to do with capitalism. Either Government makes our choices (socialism, Marxism, leftism, authoritarianism, corporatism, ...) or we do (capitalism).

And capitalism doesn't go out of control, government does. That's what causes corporatism. Corporatism is GOVERNMENT regulation. Cut with the propaganda.

Jessica: Government is too strong, let's make it stronger!!!
Funny how it is the Republicans who are most corrupt

.....and,probably, most of these corrupt republicans ALSO call themselves "evangelicals".......Must be a quality seldom seen in that Bible they like to thump.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
The problem is the left wants to give their "victim" groups rights above and beyond those of average citizens
There are plenty of left-leaning moderates.

From one end, they're being drowned out by the narcissistic, hateful, dishonest Regressive Left.

From the other, the Talk Radio Right is trying to simplistically lump them in with the Regressive Left as radical commies.

Illustrating the first line of my sig, beautifully. Again.
It's impossible answer the OP's question if he can't or won't define this "radical left agenda".

Fair question.

1) The Democrat party platform
2) DNC talking points
3) The position every leftist on the board has every day in every discussion and for the same reason
4) Every position you have on the board every day in every discussion

There you go, four answers that are all exactly the same thing

Well...Kaz...that is both vague and amusing at the same time....

Let’s start with positions.

The Far left wants Open borders................

They want laws in place that make them citizens ............Blanket Amnesty..........

We want the border Secure...............

Middle Ground is a compromise between the 2............The SNAG...............we refuse any deals that do not secure the border first..............

The far left refuse any deals that don't leave it Open..........

So who here supports the middle Ground were both sides win and both sides the Founding Fathers Meant it to be.

More bullshit.

No one wants open borders. That is like claiming the right wants to kill brown children.

In fact...immigration is one of the rare points of fairly broad agreement. Most on both sides want increased security (personnel, electronics, etc)...most oppose that security in the form of a physical wall across the border. Most want a humane solution or DACA. Most want a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill to cover immigration as a whole, they disagree on the details but that is negotiable. It is the president who is putting a stopper in it by trying to stick his ideas of immigration reform in to another bill and refusing anything that doesn’t fund his pet wall.

Unfortunately that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, in a tweet or in your talking points.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?

Where on earth have I ever bitched about gays being married? I support gay marriage. An individual should be able to marry anyone they want. You are just a loon is all.
Then it wasn’t forced on you against your will, was it?

We aren't talking about gay marriage. We are talking about things we have to pay for via taxes which would include birth control. Should we start subsidizing cold medications too? What about people who suffer from allergies and are in and out of the hospital? That must get expensive. Should we subsidize those medications too?

Highly unlikely. They are too cowardly to confront the wackos who now control their party.
^ ironic
The only way you and that moronic mod could find that ironic is if you have ignored my posting history. And if you're referring to the loons who run for office on the right the GOP OFTEN demand they step down and refuse to fund them. Just like Todd Akin. And our party has many divisions within it unlike the lockstep lemming left
Highly unlikely. They are too cowardly to confront the wackos who now control their party.
^ ironic
The only way you and that moronic mod could find that ironic is if you have ignored my posting history. And if you're referring to the loons who run for office on the right the GOP OFTEN demand they step down and refuse to fund them. Just like Todd Akin. And our party has many divisions within it unlike the lockstep lemming left
Roy Moore and Donald Trump

Highly unlikely. They are too cowardly to confront the wackos who now control their party.
^ ironic
The only way you and that moronic mod could find that ironic is if you have ignored my posting history. And if you're referring to the loons who run for office on the right the GOP OFTEN demand they step down and refuse to fund them. Just like Todd Akin. And our party has many divisions within it unlike the lockstep lemming left
Roy Moore and Donald Trump

Roy Moore isn't a radical he's a creep.


You fail on both counts just like the left always does.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

No, the Left has crossed a bridge too far. They raised their successor generation to be a bunch of ignorant and functionally illiterate whinging Social Justice bullies. The Progs have taken over the party. The best that moderate leftists can do is to join up with the GOP and support more independent and libertarian leading candidates.
  • Thanks
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It's impossible answer the OP's question if he can't or won't define this "radical left agenda".

Fair question.

1) The Democrat party platform
2) DNC talking points
3) The position every leftist on the board has every day in every discussion and for the same reason
4) Every position you have on the board every day in every discussion

There you go, four answers that are all exactly the same thing

Well...Kaz...that is both vague and amusing at the same time....

Let’s start with positions.

The Far left wants Open borders................

They want laws in place that make them citizens ............Blanket Amnesty..........

We want the border Secure...............

Middle Ground is a compromise between the 2............The SNAG...............we refuse any deals that do not secure the border first..............

The far left refuse any deals that don't leave it Open..........

So who here supports the middle Ground were both sides win and both sides the Founding Fathers Meant it to be.

More bullshit.

No one wants open borders. That is like claiming the right wants to kill brown children.

In fact...immigration is one of the rare points of fairly broad agreement. Most on both sides want increased security (personnel, electronics, etc)...most oppose that security in the form of a physical wall across the border. Most want a humane solution or DACA. Most want a bipartisan comprehensive immigration bill to cover immigration as a whole, they disagree on the details but that is negotiable. It is the president who is putting a stopper in it by trying to stick his ideas of immigration reform in to another bill and refusing anything that doesn’t fund his pet wall.

Unfortunately that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, in a tweet or in your talking points.

Did you just say that no one wants open borders?

That's an absolute lie, there are plenty of American hating leftists who want to open the flood gates and bring in all the 3rd world folks. They want to destroy America, the West, and all things great...

7 reasons why we should have open borders
Highly unlikely. They are too cowardly to confront the wackos who now control their party.
^ ironic
The only way you and that moronic mod could find that ironic is if you have ignored my posting history. And if you're referring to the loons who run for office on the right the GOP OFTEN demand they step down and refuse to fund them. Just like Todd Akin. And our party has many divisions within it unlike the lockstep lemming left
Roy Moore and Donald Trump

Roy Moore isn't a radical he's a creep.


You fail on both counts just like the left always does.
Trump had the full backing of the RNC during the election, and still does. Roy Moore is a radical nutjob, who decent people thought was a monster even before it came out that he molested lots of children.
Highly unlikely. They are too cowardly to confront the wackos who now control their party.
^ ironic
The only way you and that moronic mod could find that ironic is if you have ignored my posting history. And if you're referring to the loons who run for office on the right the GOP OFTEN demand they step down and refuse to fund them. Just like Todd Akin. And our party has many divisions within it unlike the lockstep lemming left
Roy Moore and Donald Trump

Roy Moore isn't a radical he's a creep.


You fail on both counts just like the left always does.
Trump had the full backing of the RNC during the election, and still does. Roy Moore is a radical nutjob, who decent people thought was a monster even before it came out that he molested lots of children.
The RNC =/= the GOP.

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