Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

open borders
To be fair, one cannot elaborate on an ‘agenda’ that doesn’t exist.
Well, to be clear, one that is OBVIOUS, is they WANT open borders. They tend to be globalists, they want to dissolve the sovereignty of the US into a global system.

A person would be daft not to see that.

They want the US laws to be preempted by UN codes and laws.
No one advocates for ‘open borders’ – another rightwing lie, another rightwing fallacy.

When we have a border the is so massively, regular and constantly violated,

And you lefties fly into a rage when someone even suggests doing something about that,

your are advocating for an open border.

I do however, believe that you might have so little self awareness that you believe your insane claim.


Hmmm, so tell me how a massive border wall will prevent illegal or overstayed visa holders?

See I am against the wall idea and believe the solution is easier from enforcing existing laws, going after employers and drying up the money that help illegals.

You never stop illegal immigration but you can slow it to a trickle with a invisible wall that uses drones and doing what I just wrote...

1. The Wall is aimed at the approximately half of the illegals that just walk across the border. But you knew that.

2. We have been discussing HOW to address this problem for generations. ALL DISCUSSION is a delaying tactic. NO MORE TALK. DO IT ALL, DO IT NOW. Any position other than ACTION NOW, is supporting the status quo of an Open Border.

My last response for a long while:

The wall is a waste of American Tax Dollars because after Trump leaves office a Democrat will follow and defund it, so why waste the money?

The solution is simple and that is:

1. Go after employers that hire illegals by using laws that our nation already has and enforce them once and for all.

2. Get rid of the Anchor Baby Status which mean a Constitutional Amendment.

3. Close the Marriage Loophole.

4. Dry up all resources for overstayed visa holders and illegals.

5. Invisible Wall with using Drone technology and other tech that would make it more efficient to tract illegals.

6. Clean Mexico corrupt Government up and bring jobs back from China to Mexico at least so that illegals would stay there and not cross into this country.

7. Actually deal with the true issue that causes this mess and stop Russia, China, Iran and North Korea from funding Cartels and Gangs in the region that destabilize the region.

Now you will disagree with the wall and that a Democrat will win again but I live in the real world and know the Wall is pointless when the Cartel tunnel under it while our government ignores them.

So do something proactive and that will slow the illegal immigrantion once and for all!

Also deal with the slave trade that is still going on in the sex trafficking to sweat shops!

The Wall is just for show but will be pointless in the years to come!
Can you un-ring the bell?
I doubt it. The Regressive Left has a pretty tight grip on things.

The only hope at this point is a strong, moderate Third Party.

1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Elaborate on this "radical leftist agenda" you're speaking of.

Obviously you're not intellectually engaged. Fail

Denial and deflection. The question is a valid one, and one you can't possibly answer. All you've done in the OP is to echo the same meme spread on the Internet by the most ignorant of the human species.
Can you un-ring the bell?
I doubt it. The Regressive Left has a pretty tight grip on things.

The only hope at this point is a strong, moderate Third Party.

1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.
The Battle with Fakey was a nice one........But everyone already knows where Fakey sits..........

He's been called Fakey for years................He is a Dem mouth piece forever and everyone knows it.
I doubt it. The Regressive Left has a pretty tight grip on things.

The only hope at this point is a strong, moderate Third Party.

1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.
The Battle with Fakey was a nice one........But everyone already knows where Fakey sits..........

He's been called Fakey for years................He is a Dem mouth piece forever and everyone knows it.

It is pretty difficult to "battle" with that little mousy turd who runs away or repeats the same stupid thing over and over whenever he is confronted.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I am pro-worker and believe in borders. It is an mistake for the democrats to put illegals above the American citizen.

But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

Yes, but you are not forced to accept people for being normal ...

Well, according to them it is normal for men to think they are women. I don't really mention women thinking they are men too much because this strange phenomenon seems to be relatively rare among women.

I always love it when the leftists will post pictures of transsexuals who have obviously rich and have had ALL the cosmetic procedures and who are posing for professional pictures which are totally photoshopped and edited, and then they will say, would you like THIS one to be in this bathroom? WTF! Everyone knows that 99.9% of the trannies you see in fucking Walmart look like a very strange and creepy man wearing a damn dress and nothing more than that.
Can you un-ring the bell?
I doubt it. The Regressive Left has a pretty tight grip on things.

The only hope at this point is a strong, moderate Third Party.

1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.

1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about.

I'll do it for Republicans.

Abortion - radical right wants them eliminated, moderate right wants most abortions to be legal

Military - radical right wants to invade Iran and pursue the war on terror while the moderate right wants to only respond to attacks

Spending - radical right wants dramatic cuts, moderate right wants to keep growing government at the rate it's growing now

Immigration - radical right wants to deport illegals already here, moderate right wants to keep letting illegal aliens flow in, maybe just a little slower

If you follow politics at all, you can name moderate and radical right for each of those, but if you seriously need me to do it I will.

Now your turn. Name differences on the left between "moderates" and radical leftists and name a few of them on both sides.

Can't do it, can ya? Because there is no difference. You're all radical leftists. Moderate leftists just don't like admitting that
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Those demanding the Far left's agenda simply need to look at the current day models.........

IN EUROPE..............

Where places like Germany they pay almost 3 times the amount I pay for massive VAT taxes on every thing.

Or perhaps look at why the left was up in arms on the current tax cuts.......that didn't allow deductions for State Property taxes to be deducted.............

Who complained the most.......States with massive Property taxes like California and New York.......who are run by who.........They believe they have the right to take more of the people's money to decide who to give it to....Example.......California power bill. They pay $50 a month to pay for other people's power bill who can't afford it. But who caused that..........the same people who want to save the planet..........driving the costs up........and forcing people to pay twice what I pay............

And then they say..................we are for the poor........when their exact policies cause the problem to begin with. To solve the problem they take from others and give to those they have priced out of getting electricity.........So they screw the poor then come back to SAVE THE DAY...........mental midgets don't even know they have been screwed.........because they get Free Stuff. lol
It is a reasonable question.

You have taken a position that being Pro Jobs and Pro Borders, is like being an insane Nazi bent on War and possibly nuclear holocaust.

How are you supposed to be taken seriously again?

I am pro-worker and believe in borders. It is an mistake for the democrats to put illegals above the American citizen.

But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service
I doubt it. The Regressive Left has a pretty tight grip on things.

The only hope at this point is a strong, moderate Third Party.

1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.

1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about
You're right, they're both exactly the same. Not one difference.

It's you against the commie Hitlers.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...

Elaborate on this "radical leftist agenda" you're speaking of.

Obviously you're not intellectually engaged. Fail

Denial and deflection. The question is a valid one, and one you can't possibly answer. All you've done in the OP is to echo the same meme spread on the Internet by the most ignorant of the human species.

You're not very bright.

kaz: What's the difference between radical and moderate left?

Wry Catcher: Before you can answer that, you're going to have to explain what you mean by radical left and tell me how it's different than the rest of the left

That's my OP question you stupid fuck
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...
Birth control is desirable for a society
Responsible parenting, only having enough children that you can support
Single Women and families that have unwanted or unplanned children are not as economically productive and may need assistance in raising those children
I am pro-worker and believe in borders. It is an mistake for the democrats to put illegals above the American citizen.

But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
I am pro-worker and believe in borders. It is an mistake for the democrats to put illegals above the American citizen.

But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

There is a difference between "hating" something and "disagreeing" with it. Do you understand that?
I doubt it. The Regressive Left has a pretty tight grip on things.

The only hope at this point is a strong, moderate Third Party.

1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.
The Battle with Fakey was a nice one........But everyone already knows where Fakey sits..........

He's been called Fakey for years................He is a Dem mouth piece forever and everyone knows it.

You always know the fakes like Jake, g5000, moonglow and the other shallow leftist liars because rather than giving you examples when you call them a leftist Democrat, they get really angry and say no I'm not, no I'm not, no I'm not!
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...
Birth control is desirable for a society
Responsible parenting, only having enough children that you can support
Single Women and families that have unwanted or unplanned children are not as economically productive and may need assistance in raising those children

Well that would be only your opinions. A lot of other people would disagree. Maybe some people think that birth control is NOT desirable? Why do you have the government enforcing your belief system?
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
1) Give me some positions that moderate leftists disagree with the radical left on.

And for those answers to qualify, the moderate leftists have to SAY that to radical leftists. Silent disagreements are irrelevant. Go ahead.

2) Name a few Democrats who are moderate left and what they disagree with radical leftists on.

And don't say anything hand waiving like they are "pro-business." If that's the case, name the POLICIES that make them pro-business. Not just that they don't verbally hate them like the leftist ideologues do.

You can't do it. There is no radical and moderate left. Only radical left
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.

1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about
You're right, they're both exactly the same. Not one difference.

It's you against the commie Hitlers.

And the coward runs away ... again ...

You're on a political message board, ass wipe. That's why I asked you a political question.

You're spamming my thread since you're posting here and refusing to discuss the topic
Great, thanks.

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.

1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about
You're right, they're both exactly the same. Not one difference.

It's you against the commie Hitlers.

And the coward runs away ... again ...

You're on a political message board, ass wipe. That's why I asked you a political question.

You're spamming my thread since you're posting here and refusing to discuss the topic
I gave you a perfectly clear and very detailed answer.

And as I anticipated, it wasn't good enough.

This is why I don't bother. Believe whatever you want, you will anyway. I know how it goes here, on both sides:

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