Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

Exactly as I said, you can't name moderate versus radical left ideas and you can't identify radical and moderate left politicians. If you could, you'd be happy to do that.

There is left. Every one of you has the same position on every issue and for the same reasons.

Here's what a moderate leftist is.

Psst, kaz, I don't agree with the left on wanting to ban guns. Don't tell them I said that ...
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.

1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about
You're right, they're both exactly the same. Not one difference.

It's you against the commie Hitlers.

And the coward runs away ... again ...

You're on a political message board, ass wipe. That's why I asked you a political question.

You're spamming my thread since you're posting here and refusing to discuss the topic
I gave you a perfectly clear and very detailed answer.

And as I anticipated, it wasn't good enough.

This is why I don't bother. Believe whatever you want, you will anyway. I know how it goes here, on both sides:

You haven't named a single issue that separates moderate from radical leftists and you haven't named a single politician who is moderate versus radical left.

In what possible way is that answering the question?

You're by definition spamming the thread since I'm pressing you to discuss the topic of the thread and you refuse. You're a coward. Own it
I did this long ago, and you'll see it in the link at the end of the second line of my sig. Nice and clear.

As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational.

1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about
You're right, they're both exactly the same. Not one difference.

It's you against the commie Hitlers.

And the coward runs away ... again ...

You're on a political message board, ass wipe. That's why I asked you a political question.

You're spamming my thread since you're posting here and refusing to discuss the topic
I gave you a perfectly clear and very detailed answer.

And as I anticipated, it wasn't good enough.

This is why I don't bother. Believe whatever you want, you will anyway. I know how it goes here, on both sides:

You haven't named a single issue that separates moderate from radical leftists and you haven't named a single politician who is moderate versus radical left.

In what possible way is that answering the question?

You're by definition spamming the thread since I'm pressing you to discuss the topic of the thread and you refuse. You're a coward. Own it
I own it. I'm a commie Hitler coward.

You're just too smart for me.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...
Birth control is desirable for a society
Responsible parenting, only having enough children that you can support
Single Women and families that have unwanted or unplanned children are not as economically productive and may need assistance in raising those children

Well that would be only your opinions. A lot of other people would disagree. Maybe some people think that birth control is NOT desirable? Why do you have the government enforcing your belief system?

Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun
But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others
I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...
Birth control is desirable for a society
Responsible parenting, only having enough children that you can support
Single Women and families that have unwanted or unplanned children are not as economically productive and may need assistance in raising those children

Well that would be only your opinions. A lot of other people would disagree. Maybe some people think that birth control is NOT desirable? Why do you have the government enforcing your belief system?

Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

At the point of a gun? How over dramatic

What about you paying for wars you don’t support?
What about paying for roads you don’t use?

Is that at the point of a gun?
But they do, and the Left is enraged the Trump has dared dissent on that.

Do you think that the Left will be more reasonable with the next Republican President?

Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
The terms "hate" and "racism" have been successfully diluted down to mean "disagree with".

I'm not kidding. I think we need new words. The old words mean pretty much nothing at this point.
1) Your link doesn't answer the question in any way. Fascism isn't extreme right, it's just left. Fascism is socialism. Where do you get the stupid idea that socialism is right? It's left.

Where I thought you were going, which I would have agreed with, is that Republicans are the same as Democrats. Which is true and why I left the Republican party almost three decades ago.

2) "As simple as I sure it makes things, looking at the world through binary thought processes just isn't rational." This is a classic example of the logical fallacy begging the question. It's also a strawman since I never argued that right = left. I argued that "moderate" left = radical left, and I only said that in this country.

So again, just name a few examples of what separates moderate left from radical left in this country and name a few moderate versus radical leftists to demonstrate that.

Simple question, easy to answer if you know what you're talking about
You're right, they're both exactly the same. Not one difference.

It's you against the commie Hitlers.

And the coward runs away ... again ...

You're on a political message board, ass wipe. That's why I asked you a political question.

You're spamming my thread since you're posting here and refusing to discuss the topic
I gave you a perfectly clear and very detailed answer.

And as I anticipated, it wasn't good enough.

This is why I don't bother. Believe whatever you want, you will anyway. I know how it goes here, on both sides:

You haven't named a single issue that separates moderate from radical leftists and you haven't named a single politician who is moderate versus radical left.

In what possible way is that answering the question?

You're by definition spamming the thread since I'm pressing you to discuss the topic of the thread and you refuse. You're a coward. Own it
I own it. I'm a commie Hitler coward.

You're just too smart for me.

You're a useless piece of shit. We all wander off topic in threads. However, you are refusing to discuss my OP post when specifically asked about it
I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...
Birth control is desirable for a society
Responsible parenting, only having enough children that you can support
Single Women and families that have unwanted or unplanned children are not as economically productive and may need assistance in raising those children

Well that would be only your opinions. A lot of other people would disagree. Maybe some people think that birth control is NOT desirable? Why do you have the government enforcing your belief system?

Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun
Charity was never prescribed in the Constitution......................

In regards to birth control I should not be required to buy others condoms when they want to Fuck.................That is their responsibility................those forcing me to pay for these programs via taxation to pay for others is BS.............then they have the Nerve to say...............LOOK IT'S FREE...............No it isn't........people were taxed to pay for it you freaking moron........

A far leftist trait...............completely against the Constitution of this country.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
/——-/ I’m Tea Party and believe in equal rights for all and special rights for none.

Exactly, you're a misogynist who wants to deny women the right to birth control because you don't want to pay for it.

You know who would pay for it if slutty women don't want to pay for their own birth control? The guys who want to nail them. Not sure why I have to pay for birth control in sex I'm not involved in ...
Birth control is desirable for a society
Responsible parenting, only having enough children that you can support
Single Women and families that have unwanted or unplanned children are not as economically productive and may need assistance in raising those children

Well that would be only your opinions. A lot of other people would disagree. Maybe some people think that birth control is NOT desirable? Why do you have the government enforcing your belief system?
The government is acting in the best interest of society. Nobody supports everything that the government pays for
Some don’t want to pay for starving families
Some don’t want to pay for medical treatmentof the sick
Some don’t want to pay for a senseless war
Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?
Hopefully, the left needs to defend the American worker and human rights of the American citizen as it use to do.

What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

These communities are a small number in this country. Yet they YELL LOUDER than all the REST demanding their RIGHTS....................we don't hate them..................We are just SICK of them SHOUTING TO THE MOUNTAINS on how that we have abused them...................Not the case........

We just ask them to shut the hell we can take off the ear muffs of their constant shouting.......This is the propaganda of the left's FORCED ACCEPTANCE of something that we will NEVER AGREE WITH.............We are under no obligation to accept what they do as Moral..........We are not the ones marching on the streets screaming BLOODY MURDER about it.

It is the LEFT that does that..........

Kinda like this.........They are shouting in Protest on how they don't have right's and we are sitting on the corner doing ...........DAMN I wish they'd just shut the hell up............We aren't out there protesting against them.

When you see masses protesting out there against them please let me know...............
What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?
What does that even mean? You are free to fire your employer any time you want and get a better one. That is the only true way to protect employees. As for human rights? You're just drowning in propaganda and you're completely ignorant of the rest of the world.

And government everywhere is the threat to human rights, they are the solution nowhere. You protect human rights by limiting government

They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

These communities are a small number in this country. Yet they YELL LOUDER than all the REST demanding their RIGHTS....................we don't hate them..................We are just SICK of them SHOUTING TO THE MOUNTAINS on how that we have abused them...................Not the case........

We just ask them to shut the hell we can take off the ear muffs of their constant shouting.......This is the propaganda of the left's FORCED ACCEPTANCE of something that we will NEVER AGREE WITH.............We are under no obligation to accept what they do as Moral..........We are not the ones marching on the streets screaming BLOODY MURDER about it.

It is the LEFT that does that..........

Kinda like this.........They are shouting in Protest on how they don't have right's and we are sitting on the corner doing ...........DAMN I wish they'd just shut the hell up............We aren't out there protesting against them.

When you see masses protesting out there against them please let me know...............

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper

Homosexuals are societies sheep. Small in number whose rights have been trampled on for generations. They tried hiding in the shadows and not letting others know of their sexuality. It didn’t work

Shouting that they are gay and demand the same rights as anyone else is their only recourse
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

I believe in human rights for all humans, period. This is a moderate position, LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes. I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.
It’s about making lbgt more important than women. Who ever denied them life? Name someone. See your position is radical. Another made up disaster by leftists
They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?

Where on earth have I ever bitched about gays being married? I support gay marriage. An individual should be able to marry anyone they want. You are just a loon is all.
LBGT people are American citizens and such defense shouldn't be considered far left at all as they're people for Christ sakes

For Christ sakes what? Can you give me a subject what you are talking about? Who is somehow harming the LBGT community?

I have quite a few moderate to right wing positions that I believe in. I just think that we should have an safetynet, help the poor and treat people with respect. Is that ok?

Sure, if you want to pay for it. I will contribute too if you come up with an effective program. If you mean rob the rich and enslave the poor as Democrats advocate, I'm out

I believe in the death penalty, I believe in an large amount of capitalism and aint afraid to have a large military for starters.

I am against metoo and blacklivesmatters.

So why are you consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome then?

1. LBGT people deserve legal protection just like anyone else. They shouldn't be made to feel that they aint welcome within our society either. Freedom is about accepting that not everyone is going to live the way you do. One example is the hatred for trangender people as I believe it is unfounded and needs to stop, while another is the bans on gay adoption of children...Why exactly should anyone be excluded that is a citizen of our country? Some people will even argue that these people shouldn't get medical attention for Pete sakes. It is about human rights and being an society that accepts people as people.

2. We're all better off for having SSI for the old, an educated population(85% of the population get tax payer education) and exist to healthcare for most of our society through medicaid and medicare. Something like 80% of all old people use these programs for nursing home care, etc.A lot of these people would be the poor that are in the gutter if not for these programs as in india and some of the poorer parts of the world. Our economy is far larger for it and our standards of living are higher than most of the world that doesn't have it. I am arguing that it is worth it for me and you to have it.

3. Because of his attacks on human rights as explained in 1. and his disrespect for the poor in my second argument.
Legal protection from what?
You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?

Where on earth have I ever bitched about gays being married? I support gay marriage. An individual should be able to marry anyone they want. You are just a loon is all.
Then it wasn’t forced on you against your will, was it?
Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?

Where on earth have I ever bitched about gays being married? I support gay marriage. An individual should be able to marry anyone they want. You are just a loon is all.
Then it wasn’t forced on you against your will, was it?

We aren't talking about gay marriage. We are talking about things we have to pay for via taxes which would include birth control. Should we start subsidizing cold medications too? What about people who suffer from allergies and are in and out of the hospital? That must get expensive. Should we subsidize those medications too?
They want "forced equality". You will be FORCED to accept me and my weird quirks or else! Lol.

You are not forced to do anything. You are free to hate anyone you please

But you can’t get the government to enforce your hatred. If you own a business, you cannot refuse service

Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

These communities are a small number in this country. Yet they YELL LOUDER than all the REST demanding their RIGHTS....................we don't hate them..................We are just SICK of them SHOUTING TO THE MOUNTAINS on how that we have abused them...................Not the case........

We just ask them to shut the hell we can take off the ear muffs of their constant shouting.......This is the propaganda of the left's FORCED ACCEPTANCE of something that we will NEVER AGREE WITH.............We are under no obligation to accept what they do as Moral..........We are not the ones marching on the streets screaming BLOODY MURDER about it.

It is the LEFT that does that..........

Kinda like this.........They are shouting in Protest on how they don't have right's and we are sitting on the corner doing ...........DAMN I wish they'd just shut the hell up............We aren't out there protesting against them.

When you see masses protesting out there against them please let me know...............

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for supper

Homosexuals are societies sheep. Small in number whose rights have been trampled on for generations. They tried hiding in the shadows and not letting others know of their sexuality. It didn’t work

Shouting that they are gay and demand the same rights as anyone else is their only recourse
That is cultural battle and Moral battle in this country..............Their rights don't nullify my beliefs nor do mine nullify their beliefs.....................

Your policy is to shout down our voices when we say we don't agree then go off the reservation with we are Homophobes and the like.................

We are under No obligation to agree with you.........and you the same with us................Proposition 8 was in Liberal California and the people voted to not agree...then the courts found that this is against the Constitution........shot it down.......................and so it goes on...............

Where does this the future................down the path of Europe where one country says that Muslims can Marry a 10 year old or have sex with the same because their Religion allows it......Or is the next battle one who believes in the right to 10 wives...............because it is acceptable where they came from.

Where does this lead.............and when does it end.

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