Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

You seem to have an awful obsession with one percenters. The ones who pay the overwhelming amount of taxes and enable your contribution free lifestyle.

I work 80 hours a week, buddy. This is the first day I've had off six months...

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, but they aren't doing 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth.

And your answer for them? Hate... that's pretty interesting. So tell again, why the fuck should they pay taxes to carry your ass when this is the response?

Quite the contrary, if the wealth was fairly distributed, we probably wouldn't need social programs. We spend far more on pointless wars, pork barrel and other spending the One percent largely benefit from.

The recession was caused by the stupidity of the central bank mostly. Capitalism made US rich far before that and the recession is just an irrelevant talking point that you pull out of your ass to deny the extreme success of capitalism. Even during the depression America was rich as hell...

You obviously don't know people who grew up during the Depression, or you wouldn't say shit like that.

No, guy, the recession was caused because the rich got too greedy, again, and they knew the government would bail them out.
You seem to have an awful obsession with one percenters. The ones who pay the overwhelming amount of taxes and enable your contribution free lifestyle.

I work 80 hours a week, buddy. This is the first day I've had off six months...

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, but they aren't doing 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth.

And your answer for them? Hate... that's pretty interesting. So tell again, why the fuck should they pay taxes to carry your ass when this is the response?

Quite the contrary, if the wealth was fairly distributed, we probably wouldn't need social programs. We spend far more on pointless wars, pork barrel and other spending the One percent largely benefit from.

The recession was caused by the stupidity of the central bank mostly. Capitalism made US rich far before that and the recession is just an irrelevant talking point that you pull out of your ass to deny the extreme success of capitalism. Even during the depression America was rich as hell...

You obviously don't know people who grew up during the Depression, or you wouldn't say shit like that.

No, guy, the recession was caused because the rich got too greedy, again, and they knew the government would bail them out.

Watching TV on a couch is not work...

The one percent have more wealth not only because they work more, but because they are more intelligent and work more efficiently. Especially, they invest and don't spend like drunken sailors. The poor have student debt, no assets, all spent on parties and thrills... This is about what? 50% of the population these days... although many have a plan to escape the democrat plantation. If you want to be wealthy stop with the gender studies degrees already.

Then there are some like the Clinton's who just loot Americans for the money... you have no problem with those guys of course, because they also loot money so that your ass could be carried.

You haven't visited enough 3rd world shitholes or the soviet union to say that Americans had it bad during the depression. Capitalism is why America and the West became successful.
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Well it’s not in mine. So what now?
Well, this is why I have long since given up giving examples to people on on both ends of the spectrum, whose minds won't be changed, regardless of how many examples I provide.

I gave that one against my better judgement.

Now, we just continue to see things very differently.
Well your examples don’t adhere to your talking point. Single payer was their next step. As Bernie. It was their next step had they won. In fact they haven’t won anything since
I realize that the current meme, and the point of this thread, is that you're either with Trump or you're a commie Nazi Hitler fascist Marxist.

No doubt that keeps the troops all riled up 'n stuff, and it makes great radio and internet reading material, but I'm afraid it just isn't true.
Gee, I read the OP about libs not trump. So unclear how you get that from the OP?
First, because I know the routine. I've seen it a zillion times. I've listened to Hannity and Levin and the rest. If you don't bend over for Trump, you're a pinko commie Marxist.

Second, Kaz proved it right on this thread. You can refer to the following posts as proof that his point is that there is ZERO difference between moderates on the Left and the far Left wing:
  • 71
  • 72
  • 76
  • 82
  • 88
  • 91
  • 101
His intent all along was to say there is no difference. Because, from his ideological vacuum, he SEES no difference.

Crap, I gave examples of my point again. I know they won't be "good enough". I really should know better.
I believe what he said was the moderates accept the progressives by agreeing to everything out of their mouths. No tax cut votes. No moderation there bubba. I agree
The one percent have more wealth not only because they work more, but because they are more intelligent and work more efficiently. Especially, they invest and don't spend like drunken sailors. The poor have student debt, no assets, all spent on parties and thrills... This is about what? 50% of the population these days... although many have a plan to escape the democrat plantation. If you want to be wealthy stop with the gender studies degrees already.

Have you met Business Administration majors? They are duller than rocks, most of them.

The One Percent have more because they stole it from the 99% who did the actual work. Period.

Then there are some like the Clinton's who just loot Americans for the money... you have no problem with those guys of course, because they also loot money so that your ass could be carried.

Meh, the Clintons shook down other rich people who wanted to get something... can't get worked up over that.

You haven't visited enough 3rd world shitholes or the soviet union to say that Americans had it bad during the depression. Capitalism is why America and the West became successful.

Um, no, America became successful AFTER the Great Depression because of Unions, fair wage laws and other things that gave us a middle class. Again, I'm sure you didn't cover this in Home School...
Those who actually follow liberal ideology are now despised by the left. True liberals would be considered moderates in today's world.
As I always say, the Regressives are not liberals. Yes, there are certainly areas of agreement between the two, but these people are a distortion, a perversion, of liberalism.

Look at how they have completely detached themselves from the most liberal value of all, freedom of expression. They've perverted it to mean "I have the right to exercise my Freedom of Speech to shut down yours".

That's at the very core of their thinking, and that ain't liberal.

Add to that the fact that they will defend the very least liberal behaviors on the planet as long as the identity of those engaging in the behavior are of a certain type, and the very notion of what is liberal has been perverted beyond recognition.

And anyone else shocked that you have to bring Islam into a thread that has nothing to do with it? (we shouldn't be - you do it every time and don't PRETEND that you aren't by not being explicit). Typical of dogmatic regressives who simply can't see beyond their obessive hates. Not much difference in the left and right versions. God help this country - you all are turning it into an idiocracy where he with the most compelling and shallow talking points wins, and liberal values and freedoms and tolerances are thrown to the winds.

You deserve Trump.
Yes, you are a repulsive piece of human excrement serving the Islamist agenda of extinguishing liberalism forever

Thanks for recognizing yourself in my words.
The one percent have more wealth not only because they work more, but because they are more intelligent and work more efficiently. Especially, they invest and don't spend like drunken sailors. The poor have student debt, no assets, all spent on parties and thrills... This is about what? 50% of the population these days... although many have a plan to escape the democrat plantation. If you want to be wealthy stop with the gender studies degrees already.

Have you met Business Administration majors? They are duller than rocks, most of them.

The One Percent have more because they stole it from the 99% who did the actual work. Period.

Then there are some like the Clinton's who just loot Americans for the money... you have no problem with those guys of course, because they also loot money so that your ass could be carried.

Meh, the Clintons shook down other rich people who wanted to get something... can't get worked up over that.

You haven't visited enough 3rd world shitholes or the soviet union to say that Americans had it bad during the depression. Capitalism is why America and the West became successful.

Um, no, America became successful AFTER the Great Depression because of Unions, fair wage laws and other things that gave us a middle class. Again, I'm sure you didn't cover this in Home School...

So you must have some evidence that the one percent stole the money? I think it's time to present that evidence and have their asses hauled in jail.

Some cases come to mind... the Clinton emails... Other than that I see plenty of honest business owners in the one percent.

I also see plenty of people in the bottom percentiles that have very low IQ, only surf on their couches, feeding of the money of other people. These are not thieves, they are heroes apparently. They are poor because the one percent stole their work, obviously.
Other than that I see plenty of honest business owners in the one percent.

Really? Like the Pharma Bro? or the guy who took a 9 figure retirement package from Cigna after refusing to pay for life saving treatments?

I also see plenty of people in the bottom percentiles that have very low IQ, only surf on their couches, feeding of the money of other people. These are not thieves, they are heroes apparently. They are poor because the one percent stole their work obviously.

Most of them have jobs working for rich corporations like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell them how to apply for government benefits.
Yes, you are a repulsive piece of human excrement serving the Islamist agenda of extinguishing liberalism forever

Thanks for recognizing yourself in my words.

Guy, there's no Muslim hiding in your closet waiting to get you when you go to sleep tonight.

It seems to me that if we are invading their countries, we're the ones at fault, not them for having the traditions they've had for hundreds of years. .
Other than that I see plenty of honest business owners in the one percent.

Really? Like the Pharma Bro? or the guy who took a 9 figure retirement package from Cigna after refusing to pay for life saving treatments?

I also see plenty of people in the bottom percentiles that have very low IQ, only surf on their couches, feeding of the money of other people. These are not thieves, they are heroes apparently. They are poor because the one percent stole their work obviously.

Most of them have jobs working for rich corporations like WalMart and McDonalds, who tell them how to apply for government benefits.

Rich corporations? I think I am starting to understand your vocabulary, rich = evil.

You must hate yourself and America very much then. Because globally, you still are in the top 1%, even if you can't get up and out of the couch. Indeed YOU are taking from the tax payer and not contributing, but that's not how all 1 percenters act.

Just FYI, normally they are called big corporations, but then again BIG women are for sure the sexiest in your ideology and you need that evil vibe there. Nonetheless lack of such basic vocabulary might explain your misfortune.
Rich corporations? I think I am starting to understand your vocabulary, rich = evil.

You must hate yourself and America very much then. Because globally, you still are in the top 1%, even if you can't get up and out of the couch. Indeed YOU are taking from the tax payer and not contributing, but that's not how all 1 percenters act.

Just FYI, normally they are called big corporations, but then again BIG women are for sure the sexiest in your ideology and you need that evil vibe there. Nonetheless lack of such basic vocabulary might explain your misfortune.

Guy, I probably made more last year than you did.

I'm not talking about "Globally", Im talking about the US, where we simply are too rich to have children go to bed hungry at night and still be able to call ourselves a good people.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

What "radical" positions are you talking about? I mean other than impeaching Trump,which some REpublicans would probably be good with.

Ah, so you're saying there are no radical leftists, only moderate leftists?
oppose gay government marriage. Though that's misleading, I oppose straight government marriage too. Government should treat all of it's citizens the same

Except that it's established by law that straights can marry and has been for centuries... So your whacky Libertarian spittle doesn't really work here.

The self professed professional writer still doesn't understand capitalization. What a moron

LGBT have all the rights everyone else does. Jessica wants them to have extra rights

Well,no, they really don't. You can still get fired in 28 states for being LGBT.

OK, name one. Name one LGBT who was fired for being LGBT

Both examples of socialism, not capitalism. Socialism is government deciding. That isn't capitalism in any form.

Yawn, if we had "real" capitalism, where the government didn't step in and clean up the One Percents fuckups, we'd have gone the way of Russian and China in the 1930's

Just more of your idiotic Marxist rhetoric
Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

Here's the problem with that, Kaz.

Nobody on your side, except the nutty Libertarian Fringe, is arguing that government should be getting out of the women's health/family planning business. They are arguing that those monies should go to organizations that aren't PP for the exact same purpose. Not because they could do a better job than PP, PP has been in the family planning business before most of the technologies even existed.

Nope, they are arguing PP shouldn't get that money because we don't like other activities PP engages in that are entirely funded by a capitalist model. If PP just did abortions, they'd been in the black, all the time. It's the other stuff that costs money because there's no profit in providing it to poor people.

This isn't "Charity", it's policy. Is it better to address the problem when it can be handled inexpensively, or wait until costs a lot more money.

Reading your broken English is just too painful. Learn how to write the English language, such as how to capitalize, and get back to me.

I did get out of your post that I want to pay for my own charity. You agree, you want me to pay for yours too. That isn't what I had in mind though, greedy slog
Ah, so you're saying there are no radical leftists, only moderate leftists?

I'm asking you for a clear definition of what you consider to be a radical leftist position.

That should have been really pretty clear from my question.

Reading your broken English is just too painful. Learn how to write the English language, such as how to capitalize, and get back to me.

Guy, are you saying you have poor reading comprehension skills, or that you really don't have the balls to answer the question. NOBODY is arguing the government should get out of the Women's Health Business. Not the right. Not the left. They are just arguing over whether or not PP is the best partner for it.

See... Simplified it for your very limited mind,dummy. Next time, I'll draw pictures.

I did get out of your post that I want to pay for my own charity. You agree, you want me to pay for yours too. That isn't what I had in mind though, greedy slog

Wow, okay, So I guess you do have poor reading comprehension skills. This isn't charity, it's policy.

It will be a wonderful day when the schools have all the money they need,and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber.
The self professed professional writer still doesn't understand capitalization. What a moron

Hey, guy, I can understand why you "Libertarians" are embarrassed by the Libertarian Party. It's whole goal in 2016 was to get enough votes to qualify for those sweet Federal matching funds the two major parties stopped using years ago because they came with too many strings. You have to wonder how much weed Gary "don't bogart that joint" Johnson was smoking when he came up with that one.

OK, name one. Name one LGBT who was fired for being LGBT

My friend in 2000, who was fired two weeks after she came to the Holiday party with her partner, (who wore a man's suit so nobody missed the point.)

Just more of your idiotic Marxist rhetoric

Meh, not really. You see, I have no problem with Capitalism, as long as workers are paid a living wage and consumer have sufficient protections. That's hardly "Marxist".

But as Herbert Hoover observed, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists, they are too damned greedy."
Ah, so you're saying there are no radical leftists, only moderate leftists?

I'm asking you for a clear definition of what you consider to be a radical leftist position

That's the OP question, you fucking retard. I said there is NO difference between a "radical" leftists, a "moderate" leftist, or any other leftist. You all have the same position on every issue and justify them with the same talking points.

kaz: What's the difference between a moderate leftist and a radical leftist? You look the same to me.

Joe: I'm asking you for a clear definition of what you consider to be a radical leftist position

And here's another reading lesson for you, professional resume writer

The Rules of Capitalization | Scribendi
The self professed professional writer still doesn't understand capitalization. What a moron

Hey, guy, I can understand why you "Libertarians" are embarrassed by the Libertarian Party. It's whole goal in 2016 was to get enough votes to qualify for those sweet Federal matching funds the two major parties stopped using years ago because they came with too many strings. You have to wonder how much weed Gary "don't bogart that joint" Johnson was smoking when he came up with that one.

OK, name one. Name one LGBT who was fired for being LGBT

My friend in 2000, who was fired two weeks after she came to the Holiday party with her partner, (who wore a man's suit so nobody missed the point.)

Just more of your idiotic Marxist rhetoric

Meh, not really. You see, I have no problem with Capitalism, as long as workers are paid a living wage and consumer have sufficient protections. That's hardly "Marxist".

But as Herbert Hoover observed, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists, they are too damned greedy."

I'm not "embarrassed" by the Libertarian Party. I just don't agree with them on too many issues to be one. That's not why you join a political party? Agreeing with their positions?

Thanks for that JoeTheIdiot insight though.

The Libertarians doesn't own the concept of libertarian and only a small percentage of libertarians are Libertarian. Your understanding of the world is so bigoted and limited.

Here's a link to help you understand what I just said since the professional resume writer doesn't know how to capitalize.

The Rules of Capitalization | Scribendi

This is all over your head since you're determined to prove my OP point that another leftist can't actually name any issue that leftists disagree on
That's the OP question, you fucking retard. I said there is NO difference between a "radical" leftists, a "moderate" leftist, or any other leftist. You all have the same position on every issue and justify them with the same talking points.

But you have yet to point out a position that is truly "Radical". That's my point. I'm sorry you don't get it, but throwing an adjective on something doesn't make it so.

So one more time, what position that the Democratic Party is advocating today is truly Radical?

The Libertarians doesn't own the concept of libertarian and only a small percentage of libertarians are Libertarian. Your understanding of the world is so bigoted and limited.

Here's a link to help you understand what I just said since the professional resume writer doesn't know how to capitalize.

Capitalizing "Libertarian" is just fine,thanks. It's not like you guys have a cogent political philosophy.

A Libertarian is a slug who likes civilization,he just doesn't like the things that cause civilization - law, taxes, infrastructure and a social safety net.

You sit there fat and happy eating food that got there because we have sensible agricultural policy, in a home that is kept warm and safe by government services, and then you'll sit and whine like a little bitch about taxes and regulations.

And if you want to know why sensible people left the GOP it's this. In 1980, we used to laugh at the Libertarians as Right Wing Hippies. Now they've pretty much hijacked the GOP with their crazy.
Ignorance is your core competency, Joe

Nope, I just treat a joke like a joke. Libertarians are a joke.




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