Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?
I was so confused by this question because my college didn't have a safe space for me and I'd eaten a cannabis edible way more potent than the packaging indicated; so I stumbled into the women's locker room where I asked a man identifying as a woman, exposing himself to the 5th grade girls' swim team using the gym that day to see what he thought.

Clearly distracted by something else...he said I should go ask the undocumented Hispanic workers cleaning the Dean's office & see what they thought. But they were so busy filling out forms to get health insurance for themselves and their huge extended families on the Public's dime that they could only stop just long enough to direct me, in very broken English, to ask a barista-guru working at Starbucks.

On the way to Starbucks, tiptoeing over a sea of discarded syringes and human excrement, I passed a gay pride parade where a leather-clad gay man was sucking down on a dildo worn by a leather-clad lesbian in front of the 3rd grade class watching from the sidelines, brought there by their teacher just after their mandatory no-opt-out lesson on "important gays in history".

I finally made it to Starbucks where I was nearly assaulted by a homeless person sleeping on the table near the service counter for waking him up at noon with my noisy coffee-ordering.

The barista-guru alas was out that day because he felt offended the day before because someone ordered their coffee "black" and he felt it was a racial slur. So he was in a meeting with his attorney from the ACLU preparing to serve the hater-customer with a civil lawsuit for racial slurs. Near the cream dispensers in the Starbucks was a poster of "Lactatia" the 9 year old cross-dressing boy holding a balloon that said "eat dick". I thought, "well yeah, that sums up my inquest for today!"

(edit): Though I objected to the counter people about the poster of the boy being sexually exploited by adults, his lesbian married mom and dad coincidentally sitting nearby told me I was imagining things and maybe I should have my head examined before they sued me also.

Not having a mind of my own, and nobody to turn to (edit): and being too fearful to decide on my own, I need my spoon-fed opinions. I just don't know how to answer your question. Maybe tomorrow I can find someone to tell me how to answer you. But I'll need to check my statement first with my attorney to see if anything I have to say might be prohibited speech...
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Further proof you don't know anything about business. You don't charge a "cost," you charge a "price." Your costs are things you pay for. Prices are what you charge for your services. You don't know how to capitalize. You don't know how to read the 2nd amendment where you think the explanation is the right. Yeah, you write resumes

Guy, you use your terms... I use mine. Mine get people hired. People who talk about the Second Amendment a lot really tend to have a hard time getting hired, so I don't put that on their resumes. Most companies have security doors and armed guards because we have a misinterpretation of the Second Amendment.

And the question isn't how much you can charge for one resume, the question is getting enough resume jobs to make a living. It's incredibly difficult. If you actually did this, you'd be able to speak to how you do it, and you can

We've never discussed my marketing strategies... But I have no problem getting plenty of customers.

Again, proof you know shit about business. You think the smart people aren't the ones who matter, it's the ones who do the most physical labor? Wow, Comrade. But you're not radical left, there's no such thing, ... LOL

"My Manager is sure a smart guy", said no one, ever.

"My manager is a fucking idiot..." says just about everyone.. and they are usually right.

Hey, dummy, you know why Dilbert is such a popular comic strip. We've all worked in that office. We've all had our own version of the Pointy-haired boss.
Further proof you don't know anything about business. You don't charge a "cost," you charge a "price." Your costs are things you pay for. Prices are what you charge for your services. You don't know how to capitalize. You don't know how to read the 2nd amendment where you think the explanation is the right. Yeah, you write resumes

Guy, you use your terms... I use mine

They aren't my terms.

What is the difference between cost and price?

That's the definition of the words. You don't even know basic business terminology, and you write resumes 80 hours a week!!!

What a dufus!
They aren't my terms.

What is the difference between cost and price?

That's the definition of the words. You don't even know basic business terminology, and you write resumes 80 hours a week!!!

What a dufus!

Again, my stalker, people have no problem getting interviews with the resumes I write... I probably don't use the term "price" very often. "Costs" comes up a lot.

They aren't my terms.

What is the difference between cost and price?

That's the definition of the words. You don't even know basic business terminology, and you write resumes 80 hours a week!!!

What a dufus!

Again, my stalker, people have no problem getting interviews with the resumes I write... I probably don't use the term "price" very often. "Costs" comes up a lot.

It's not about frequency. They mean different things in business. You used the wrong word. You don't charge a cost, you charge a price. That is unambiguous.

No one is paying you squat to write resumes when they get them back with proof that you don't know business terms and how to use them correctly
It's not about frequency. They mean different things in business. You used the wrong word. You don't charge a cost, you charge a price. That is unambiguous.

No one is paying you squat to write resumes when they get them back with proof that you don't know business terms and how to use them correctly

Sure guy, I know it burns you that I make money doing something I enjoy why you spend every day with wage slaves who hate you.
It's not about frequency. They mean different things in business. You used the wrong word. You don't charge a cost, you charge a price. That is unambiguous.

No one is paying you squat to write resumes when they get them back with proof that you don't know business terms and how to use them correctly

Sure guy, I know it burns you that I make money doing something I enjoy why you spend every day with wage slaves who hate you.

It's obviously a lie. You don't know business terms, you don't know how to capitalize, you don't know how to read a simple sentence like the second amendment and you don't even understand the business you're talking about and how hard it is to maintain a stream of customers
It's obviously a lie. You don't know business terms, you don't know how to capitalize, you don't know how to read a simple sentence like the second amendment and you don't even understand the business you're talking about and how hard it is to maintain a stream of customers

Yet somehow I manage, just fine. This weekend is the first time off I've had in a year.
It's obviously a lie. You don't know business terms, you don't know how to capitalize, you don't know how to read a simple sentence like the second amendment and you don't even understand the business you're talking about and how hard it is to maintain a stream of customers

Yet somehow I manage, just fine. This weekend is the first time off I've had in a year.

You can be anything you want on the internet. You can even not know how to read or write the English language and you can not know basic business terms and you can be a wealthy resume writer.

We both know you're not. I know too much about what you claim to do and be and you obviously don't know enough
You can be anything you want on the internet. You can even not know how to read or write the English language and you can not know basic business terms and you can be a wealthy resume writer.

We both know you're not. I know too much about what you claim to do and be and you obviously don't know enough

never said I was "Wealthy". Probably make more than you do, but hardly wealthy.

I know exactly what I've done, I really don't have to prove anything to a little creep stalker who got his ass whipped in too many arguments.

Now go back to the Libertarian Kiddie Table, the grownups are talking.
Probably make more than you do

It's funny how leftists always say this on the internet. Yes, I want libertarians because I'm poor an don't want government handouts while you're highly paid and want to pay more. But don't. And you keep chastising me for being consumed with money while you criticize me for not wanting more government handouts because I'm poor.

That's actually your argument, you're an idiot
It's funny how leftists always say this on the internet. Yes, I want libertarians because I'm poor an don't want government handouts while you're highly paid and want to pay more. But don't. And you keep chastising me for being consumed with money while you criticize me for not wanting more government handouts because I'm poor.

Guy, you're a Libertarian because you think Civilization come from free market pixie dust.

Nope. It comes from Government doing its job and doing it well.

Now run along and play, the adults are talking.

It's funny how leftists always say this on the internet. Yes, I want libertarians because I'm poor an don't want government handouts while you're highly paid and want to pay more. But don't. And you keep chastising me for being consumed with money while you criticize me for not wanting more government handouts because I'm poor.

Guy, you're a Libertarian because you think Civilization come from free market pixie dust.

Nope. It comes from Government doing its job and doing it well.

Now run along and play, the adults are talking.


Interesting. Where did government come from? Aliens?
Interesting. Where did government come from? Aliens?

God, dude do you need to hug your Ayn Rand doll for security?


Your jokes/insults/whatever you want to call them make no logical sense. I'm not asking for anything. Why would I need a hug? You want lots and lots of government programs, you seem to be the one who needs the hug

Joe: I want mo government, mo government, mo government

kaz: We have too much now

Joe: Oh, you need a hug for security!

No, it makes no sense
[Quite the contrary, if the wealth was fairly distributed, we probably wouldn't need social programs. We spend far more on pointless wars, pork barrel and other spending the One percent largely benefit from

Wealth isn't "distributed," comrade. It's earned

Wealth is created by those who work
Most ends up in the hands of those who do not
Your jokes/insults/whatever you want to call them make no logical sense. I'm not asking for anything. Why would I need a hug? You want lots and lots of government programs, you seem to be the one who needs the hug

Joe: I want mo government, mo government, mo government

kaz: We have too much now

Joe: Oh, you need a hug for security!

No, it makes no sense

There,there, little Libertarian Child. Go and pout in the corner while the grown ups talk.

here's a cookie.


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