Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?
What's a moderate leftist?
Someone who wants to deny healthcare to millions of Americans?
Someone who wants to end school lunches for poor children?
Someone who is against education?
Someone who thinks needy billionaires need more tax cuts?
Someone who doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work?

Not sure what a "moderate" Republicans is since those are beliefs EVERY Republican has.

Marxist rhetoric
This whole thread is an example of of what is wrong with this country. Both sides blatantly lie about the other, demonize and misrepresent each other, can’t possibly conceive of any merit in meeting part way. This is why we are fucked as a country, and why we elected a pompous, self aggrandizing lying demagogue as president. We have closed ourselves into little safe space bubbles where we are nurtured on disinformation, believe lies about the other and proclaim ourselves patriots.

We deserve Trump, because we can no longer recognize ethics, decency, integrity, humility or balance as standards to be admired. We are fucked as a country.
Hope not,(the f---ked part) the op asked if moderate left of center people could change the direction of the Democrat party that question is quickly followed by the right of center people replying that they know exactly what left leaners think, doesn't leave any room for discussion.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?

Tone down the hate, it isn't pretty

Seriously? A Trumpbot asking someone to 'tone down the hate'? Ya gotta be joking!
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?

Tone down the hate, it isn't pretty

Seriously? A Trumpbot asking someone to 'tone down the hate'? Ya gotta be joking!

I'm not a Trump supporter. You're going down swinging. It's all you idiots have, one set of talking points. The current ones are anti-Trump, so everyone you don't like is a Trump supporter. You're not very smart. Tone down the hate, you're out of control
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?

Tone down the hate, it isn't pretty

Seriously? A Trumpbot asking someone to 'tone down the hate'? Ya gotta be joking!

I'm not a Trump supporter. You're going down swinging. It's all you idiots have, one set of talking points. The current ones are anti-Trump, so everyone you don't like is a Trump supporter. You're not very smart. Tone down the hate, you're out of control

Wow, you have a low threshold if you think that was hateful!

Did you complain when Trump mocked a disabled reporter?

Do you complain when Trump destroys illegal immigrant families?

Do you complain when Trump insults women?

Did you complain when Trump refused to condemn Nazis killing that protester in Charlottesville?

Somehow you seem to have an extremely high threshold for hate when it comes from Trump or his supporters, but if anyone says anything against Trump then you're all "tone down the hate"!

Trump is a pathological liar and an extreme narcissist. I call that mentally deranged. If you can't handle that, then get off the message board!
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?
I was so confused by this question because my college didn't have a safe space for me and I'd eaten a cannabis edible way more potent than the packaging indicated; so I stumbled into the women's locker room where I asked a man identifying as a woman, exposing himself to the 5th grade girls' swim team using the gym that day to see what he thought.

Clearly distracted by something else...he said I should go ask the undocumented Hispanic workers cleaning the Dean's office & see what they thought. But they were so busy filling out forms to get health insurance for themselves and their huge extended families on the Public's dime that they could only stop just long enough to direct me, in very broken English, to ask a barista-guru working at Starbucks.

On the way to Starbucks, tiptoeing over a sea of discarded syringes and human excrement, I passed a gay pride parade where a leather-clad gay man was sucking down on a dildo worn by a leather-clad lesbian in front of the 3rd grade class watching from the sidelines, brought there by their teacher just after their mandatory no-opt-out lesson on "important gays in history".

I finally made it to Starbucks where I was nearly assaulted by a homeless person sleeping on the table near the service counter for waking him up at noon with my noisy coffee-ordering.

The barista-guru alas was out that day because he felt offended the day before because someone ordered their coffee "black" and he felt it was a racial slur. So he was in a meeting with his attorney from the ACLU preparing to serve the hater-customer with a civil lawsuit for racial slurs. Near the cream dispensers in the Starbucks was a poster of "Lactatia" the 9 year old cross-dressing boy holding a balloon that said "eat dick". I thought, "well yeah, that sums up my inquest for today!"

(edit): Though I objected to the counter people about the poster of the boy being sexually exploited by adults, his lesbian married mom and dad coincidentally sitting nearby told me I was imagining things and maybe I should have my head examined before they sued me also.

Not having a mind of my own, and nobody to turn to (edit): and being too fearful to decide on my own, I need my spoon-fed opinions. I just don't know how to answer your question. Maybe tomorrow I can find someone to tell me how to answer you. But I'll need to check my statement first with my attorney to see if anything I have to say might be prohibited speech...

Sounds like a typical day in Silhouettes life......
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?

Tone down the hate, it isn't pretty

Seriously? A Trumpbot asking someone to 'tone down the hate'? Ya gotta be joking!

I'm not a Trump supporter. You're going down swinging. It's all you idiots have, one set of talking points. The current ones are anti-Trump, so everyone you don't like is a Trump supporter. You're not very smart. Tone down the hate, you're out of control

Wow, you have a low threshold if you think that was hateful!

Did you complain when Trump mocked a disabled reporter?

Do you complain when Trump destroys illegal immigrant families?

Do you complain when Trump insults women?

Did you complain when Trump refused to condemn Nazis killing that protester in Charlottesville?

Somehow you seem to have an extremely high threshold for hate when it comes from Trump or his supporters, but if anyone says anything against Trump then you're all "tone down the hate"!

Trump is a pathological liar and an extreme narcissist. I call that mentally deranged. If you can't handle that, then get off the message board!

Wow, I didn't say any of that stuff. You're just in a blind rage of hatred. It's ridiculous. Democrats are playing you like a violin. Stop taking their crap so seriously. You're going to have a coronary
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?

Tone down the hate, it isn't pretty

Seriously? A Trumpbot asking someone to 'tone down the hate'? Ya gotta be joking!

I'm not a Trump supporter. You're going down swinging. It's all you idiots have, one set of talking points. The current ones are anti-Trump, so everyone you don't like is a Trump supporter. You're not very smart. Tone down the hate, you're out of control

Wow, you have a low threshold if you think that was hateful!

Did you complain when Trump mocked a disabled reporter?

Do you complain when Trump destroys illegal immigrant families?

Do you complain when Trump insults women?

Did you complain when Trump refused to condemn Nazis killing that protester in Charlottesville?

Somehow you seem to have an extremely high threshold for hate when it comes from Trump or his supporters, but if anyone says anything against Trump then you're all "tone down the hate"!

Trump is a pathological liar and an extreme narcissist. I call that mentally deranged. If you can't handle that, then get off the message board!

You know, Richie, this is how Democrats control you. They build you into a vitriolic fervor that anything is better than trump including terrorists and even M-13.

Then they tell you that everyone needs to blindly follow the Democrat party, Trump must be stopped! And then, everyone who doesn't support Democrats is supporting Trump because we aren't blindly following you to stop him.

Basically, Democrats have installed a nose ring and totally own your pathetic ass. You should be angry at them for pulling that con on you. And you should be even angrier at yourself for being such a stupid douche and falling for it
You know, Richie, this is how Democrats control you. They build you into a vitriolic fervor that anything is better than trump including terrorists and even M-13.

Then they tell you that everyone needs to blindly follow the Democrat party, Trump must be stopped! And then, everyone who doesn't support Democrats is supporting Trump because we aren't blindly following you to stop him.

Basically, Democrats have installed a nose ring and totally own your pathetic ass. You should be angry at them for pulling that con on you. And you should be even angrier at yourself for being such a stupid douche and falling for it

Says the guy who votes for the Dope Smoker who wanted to get 5% of the vote so he could take advantage of "Welfare for Politicians".
You know, Richie, this is how Democrats control you. They build you into a vitriolic fervor that anything is better than trump including terrorists and even M-13.

Then they tell you that everyone needs to blindly follow the Democrat party, Trump must be stopped! And then, everyone who doesn't support Democrats is supporting Trump because we aren't blindly following you to stop him.

Basically, Democrats have installed a nose ring and totally own your pathetic ass. You should be angry at them for pulling that con on you. And you should be even angrier at yourself for being such a stupid douche and falling for it

Says the guy who votes for the Dope Smoker who wanted to get 5% of the vote so he could take advantage of "Welfare for Politicians".

Yes, he as sad. And everyone he was running against was worse
Yes, he as sad. And everyone he was running against was worse

Yeah, I mean, I know an uppity woman who actually had the skills to run the country? We can't have that. Put that bitch in her place!
If you are referring to Hillary, it has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with the fact she is a lying warmongering CRIMINAL!!!
If you are referring to Hillary, it has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with the fact she is a lying warmongering CRIMINAL!!!

sure it is...

Hey, um where were you guys on the right on "Warmongering" when Bush was starting a war that killed a million people over weapons that didn't exist?
With Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders...but I was one of a very few.

Sadly, most Americans fall for the ruling class's bull shit about war, every time. Just like you accept as gospel anything stated on CNN or MSLSD.
With Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders...but I was one of a very few.

Sadly, most Americans fall for the ruling class's bull shit about war, every time. Just like you accept as gospel anything stated on CNN or MSLSD.

Okay, whatever guy, but you missed the point entirely...

My guess, you weren't out there protesting the Iraq War until it became fashionable to do so.
You liked her because she was a Marxist. You didn't give a shit about skills or anything else

Hillary was a "Marxist"? Really? You mean a Marxist who was favored by Wall Street because they all know what a shyster Trump is.

Okay... nice to have your own reality when you are a libertarian child.

You liked her because she was a Marxist. You didn't give a shit about skills or anything else

Hillary was a "Marxist"? Really? You mean a Marxist who was favored by Wall Street because they all know what a shyster Trump is.

Okay... nice to have your own reality when you are a libertarian child.

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It's funny how little you understand of the rhetoric you are repeating.

Yes, Hillary was owned by Wall Street. Wall Street bribes politicians to make laws in their favor.

That is what socialism is all about. Government picking market winners and losers.

Obamacare did teach Wall Street corporations thought that you don't want leftists to actually win

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