Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

Wealth is created by those who work
Most ends up in the hands of those who do not

Agreed. We need to limit the welfare class.

Okay, let's look at that.


But, But, But, Mitt Romney said that half the country is on welfare...


You see,the funny thing is, the biggest "Welfare" group are retired American workers, not people getting food stamps or some other poverty program because the One percent cheats them at every turn.
Your jokes/insults/whatever you want to call them make no logical sense. I'm not asking for anything. Why would I need a hug? You want lots and lots of government programs, you seem to be the one who needs the hug

Joe: I want mo government, mo government, mo government

kaz: We have too much now

Joe: Oh, you need a hug for security!

No, it makes no sense

There,there, little Libertarian Child. Go and pout in the corner while the grown ups talk.

here's a cookie.


Ouch, and the bullet hits the bone! Joe loses it in a fit of anger and starts throwing chairs and screaming at his computer! Wow, that was cool. Do it again ...
Ouch, and the bullet hits the bone! Joe loses it in a fit of anger and starts throwing chairs and screaming at his computer! Wow, that was cool. Do it again ...

There, there, little boy, we are going to just have to give you a time out.

View attachment 195737

I'm curious why you're so intently fascinated by how I feel all the time. Why do you care?

JoeBeotch: C'mon kaz, how do you feel now? How did you feel when you woke up? What about an hour ago? Is your mood getting better or worse? Gimme something kaz, I gotta know. Can you keep an hourly log and post it? Can you just start all your posts telling me how you feel? I wanna know, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!

And again, I don't give a shit how you feel. Which is why your bizarre obsession with my feelings makes even less sense to me
Who do I hate? How am I trying to get the government to "enforce" any hatred? Please explain your ridiculous comments. Thanks.
You hate gays. You think same sex relationships are “yucky”
As a result, you seek to prevent gays from serving in the military. You don’t want the government granting the same recognition that your relationships receive

It is YOU forcing your views on others

I hate gays? No, I do not. I have no reason to hate them. I don't care about same sex relationships at all. I have never done anything to prevent gays from doing anything at all. You, on the other hand, are all about forcing me to do things against my will.

Why do you think I hate gays?

Then why are you bitching if they get married ?
What is against your will?

Where on earth have I ever bitched about gays being married? I support gay marriage. An individual should be able to marry anyone they want. You are just a loon is all.
Then it wasn’t forced on you against your will, was it?

Yes. You are trying to force me to have the same views as you by accusing me of "hatred" if I disagree with you. Well too bad. I disagree with you on just about EVERY issue.
Ouch, and the bullet hits the bone! Joe loses it in a fit of anger and starts throwing chairs and screaming at his computer! Wow, that was cool. Do it again ...

There, there, little boy, we are going to just have to give you a time out.

View attachment 195737

I'm curious why you're so intently fascinated by how I feel all the time. Why do you care?

JoeBeotch: C'mon kaz, how do you feel now? How did you feel when you woke up? What about an hour ago? Is your mood getting better or worse? Gimme something kaz, I gotta know. Can you keep an hourly log and post it? Can you just start all your posts telling me how you feel? I wanna know, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!

And again, I don't give a shit how you feel. Which is why your bizarre obsession with my feelings makes even less sense to me

I think Joe is gay and is turned on by the "rough conservative" personas here. He always follows the more conservative guys around and tries to get their attention. :D Joe just wants to be man handled a bit. Lol.
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I think Joe is gay and is turned on by the "rough conservative" personas here. He always follows the more conservative guys around and tries to get their attention. :D Joe just wants to be man handled a bit. Lol.

Actually, it's the right wing that can't stop thinking about the gay sex...

They describe it in very graphic terms, all the time.

But it's fun to mock the Right Wing nuts, and their perpetual anger.

Wealth is created by those who work
Most ends up in the hands of those who do not

Agreed. We need to limit the welfare class.

Okay, let's look at that.


But, But, But, Mitt Romney said that half the country is on welfare...


You see,the funny thing is, the biggest "Welfare" group are retired American workers, not people getting food stamps or some other poverty program because the One percent cheats them at every turn.
This is exactly why you should be for small government. A big government with the power to enact corporate welfare attracts big corporate money to stay in power. It's a vicious cycle. I'm sure you think that big corporations are only concerned with making money and maximizing profit, right? Cause they pretty much do. Then ask yourself why they spend so much on politics. You know what isn't the answer? Asking the government to please police itself into not taking big corporate money. If government didn't have the power to stack the deck in any corporations' favor then corporations wouldn't have a need to spend on politics.
This is exactly why you should be for small government. A big government with the power to enact corporate welfare attracts big corporate money to stay in power. It's a vicious cycle. I'm sure you think that big corporations are only concerned with making money and maximizing profit, right? Cause they pretty much do. Then ask yourself why they spend so much on politics. You know what isn't the answer? Asking the government to please police itself into not taking big corporate money. If government didn't have the power to stack the deck in any corporations' favor then corporations wouldn't have a need to spend on politics.

Uh, not really.

You see, we had a pretty sensible campaign finance reform law in McCain-Feingold. Then the Citizen United decision decided that wealth transfers were "Speech".

I don't have a problem with subsidies per se. Quite the contrary, the Germans and Japanese beat the pants off of us because they subsidize their industries to make them more competitive on the international market. That's what you do if you are smart.
This is exactly why you should be for small government. A big government with the power to enact corporate welfare attracts big corporate money to stay in power. It's a vicious cycle. I'm sure you think that big corporations are only concerned with making money and maximizing profit, right? Cause they pretty much do. Then ask yourself why they spend so much on politics. You know what isn't the answer? Asking the government to please police itself into not taking big corporate money. If government didn't have the power to stack the deck in any corporations' favor then corporations wouldn't have a need to spend on politics.

Uh, not really.

You see, we had a pretty sensible campaign finance reform law in McCain-Feingold. Then the Citizen United decision decided that wealth transfers were "Speech".

I don't have a problem with subsidies per se. Quite the contrary, the Germans and Japanese beat the pants off of us because they subsidize their industries to make them more competitive on the international market. That's what you do if you are smart.

What McCain-Feingold Meant to Do But Didn't
The primary objective of McCain-Feingold was the restore public trust in the political system by banning donations to political parties from wealthy individuals and corporations.

But the legislation allowed people and corporations to give their money elsewhere, to independent and third-party groups.

Some critics claim McCain-Feingold made matters worse by shifting campaign cash from the political parties to outside, third-party groups, which are more extreme and narrowly focused.

Writing in The Washington Post in 2014, Robert K. Kelner, chairman of the election law practice at Covington & Burling LLP, and Raymond La Raja, an associate professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst:

"McCain-Feingold tilted influence in our political system toward the ideological extremes. For centuries, political parties played a moderating role: Because they comprise a broad coalition of interests, parties had to mediate among competing constituencies, looking for middle-ground positions that would draw maximum support. Traditionally, they used their preponderance of resources to impose discipline on extremists who threatened party comity.

But McCain-Feingold pushed soft money away from parties and toward interest groups, many of which prefer to focus on highly contentious issues (abortion, gun control, environmentalism). These are not necessarily the issues of greatest concern to most Americans, especially during difficult economic times. With the parties in retreat, is it any surprise that our national political debate has taken on a more extreme tone or that fewer moderates are elected?"

Did McCain-Feingold Make American Politics Worse?
There's no such thing as a "moderate leftist." The biggest problem i see with regard to the left of political spectrum is that they've abandoned the idea of being liberal entirely. The word "liberal" is derived from "liberty" at a time when they actually represented liberty. The liberty to live how you want, fuck who you want, do what you want, no matter the color of your skin or where you come from, and the government shouldn't be telling you otherwise considering the founding documents of the nation and all, and they were totally right. Civil rights movements led to the law reflecting those ideals and a lot of progress was made in the last 50 years from that standpoint. When you win on that front so handily, it's like... where do you go now?

Equal rights have been achieved, but... not equal outcomes. The true liberals no longer really have much to fight for since the goal was attained: equal opportunity under the law. The real causes left to fight for were those of gay rights and reproductive rights, both of which were won by liberals as well. The ones who aren't truly liberal remain: the ones who either became or were always interested in equal outcomes. Those who wear the term "liberal" are largely anything but nowadays.

For them (leftists), it's all about righting the wrongs. Equal rights, equal opportunity under the law isn't enough. The wrongs of the past must be righted. For a nation who's government held the gun to minorities' heads for so long, the gun now must be held onto theirs, and they must be made to feel what it's like. That "can't we all just get along" stuff we spoke about? Fuck that. You will now do what we want you to do or else you get the gun pointed at your head, and there's no bigger gun than a big powerful government.
Uh, not really.

You see, we had a pretty sensible campaign finance reform law in McCain-Feingold. Then the Citizen United decision decided that wealth transfers were "Speech".

I don't have a problem with subsidies per se. Quite the contrary, the Germans and Japanese beat the pants off of us because they subsidize their industries to make them more competitive on the international market. That's what you do if you are smart.
You're big government, through and through. You're fine with the government saying about much campaigns can be financed. You're fine with the government subsidizing various industries. What's the problem with corporate welfare then?

Oh, right. Big government is only a good thing when your guy is in charge. Then it's cool. Got it.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Joe Lieberman was the last Moderate Democrat and they kicked him to the curb
The only way 3rd party candidates will be ever win even a presidential primary is by nominating viable candidates. We need SANE 3rd party ideals. The "green party"???? Those people are totally NUTS, and their ideas are WAY out there. Gary Johnson came so CLOSE, but he blew it in the end by not doing his homework and making himself look like a dumbass on the world stage.
I think Joe is gay and is turned on by the "rough conservative" personas here. He always follows the more conservative guys around and tries to get their attention. :D Joe just wants to be man handled a bit. Lol.

Actually, it's the right wing that can't stop thinking about the gay sex...

They describe it in very graphic terms, all the time.

But it's fun to mock the Right Wing nuts, and their perpetual anger.

View attachment 195740

Sure, that's it gay boy
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Joe Lieberman was the last Moderate Democrat and they kicked him to the curb
And he was pretty left. I voted for him in Connecticut in his last run. The Republican was a whack job and there was no Libertarian. The dem was a Marxist of course. So I voted for Joe who ran as an independent

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