Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

Ignorance is your core competency, Joe

Nope, I just treat a joke like a joke. Libertarians are a joke.

View attachment 195503
View attachment 195504

Gotcha, not wanting government to solve our problems for us, what a total joke. Serious people like you want us all to be forced to serve government at the point of a gun. Which of course is why you don't want us to have guns too
Gotcha, not wanting government to solve our problems for us, what a total joke. Serious people like you want us all to be forced to serve government at the point of a gun. Which of course is why you don't want us to have guns too

No, I don't want you to have guns because I'm sick and fucking tired of watching children being wheeled out of schools in body bags.

Also, um,guy, the government is us. Even the worst governments in history have existed because they reflected the national mood. Yes, afterwards, those same people try to divert the blame like children who ate too much candy. The reality is, though, the Good Germans never show up.
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

For people that have suffered from Hillary Derangement Syndrome for 20+ years y'all sure love to point your boney finger at others.

Just accept what is about to happen in November. The American people are going to reject orange turd and his following of animals. Buck up Cubby.
Gotcha, not wanting government to solve our problems for us, what a total joke. Serious people like you want us all to be forced to serve government at the point of a gun. Which of course is why you don't want us to have guns too

No, I don't want you to have guns because I'm sick and fucking tired of watching children being wheeled out of schools in body bags.

Also, um,guy, the government is us. Even the worst governments in history have existed because they reflected the national mood. Yes, afterwards, those same people try to divert the blame like children who ate too much candy. The reality is, though, the Good Germans never show up.

You have no plan to take guns from criminals, only from honest citizens. More kids are taken out in body bags because of your policies.

Joe, let's use the tort system to shut down gun manufacturers.

That while you fight to keep us from having a southern border so they can flow in freely and you have no plan at all for the 350 million guns already here
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

For people that have suffered from Hillary Derangement Syndrome

Newton: I have nothing, I'm going to repeat what you said back to you.

Don't worry about it though, guy. Democrats taking from others is what you do

for 20+ years y'all sure love to point your boney finger at others.

OMG, what an ignoramous. A ... wait for it ... Democrat ... is talking about blame as if you're against it? That's hilarious

Just accept what is about to happen in November. The American people are going to reject orange turd and his following of animals. Buck up Cubby.

I remember your last blue wave prediction. Do you?

{the screen goes to wavy lines and we appear in the past, one and a half years ago ...}

You have no plan to take guns from criminals, only from honest citizens. More kids are taken out in body bags because of your policies.

Um,no, more kids are being taken out because crazy people have a Constitutional "Right" to own a gun. Or did you miss the last two mass shootings happened in states that the NRA owns?

oe, let's use the tort system to shut down gun manufacturers.

Works for me. I'd be happier if we just made the act more responsibly, but shutting them down totally works.

hat while you fight to keep us from having a southern border so they can flow in freely

Uh, guy, the problem on the Southern Border is that guns are flowing in from our side to theirs, not the other way around.

and you have no plan at all for the 350 million guns already here

Sure I have a plan.

Guns should be licensed and insured. Any unlicensed gun will be confiscated. Then we start scrutinizing the licenses. Got fired for punching your boss? No gun for you. Got a teen who gets into fights? No gun for you, either.
hat while you fight to keep us from having a southern border so they can flow in freely

Uh, guy, the problem on the Southern Border is that guns are flowing in from our side to theirs, not the other way around

This is how stupid you are, Joe. They aren't flowing in now because guns are legal here. What happens when we make them illegal to manufacture here and we still have no southern border? My God, you're an idiot. That's why drugs flow into the US now.

And yes, your plan was to use the tort system to shut down gun manufacturers. That like all your other plans only removes guns from honest citizens. Here's the scoop, Holmes. It isn't honest citizens who are shooting up schools ...
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

The radical Left will continue to become more and more radical.

The sobering reality is, they will win the White House again. Americans have a need to switch parties every other President it seems, if nothing else for the illusion of choice.

However, as American politics continue to drift Leftward into Stalinism, the choice has been made for them.
This is how stupid you are, Joe. They aren't flowing in now because guns are legal here. What happens when we make them illegal to manufacture here and we still have no southern border? My God, you're an idiot. That's why drugs flow into the US now.

Drugs flow into the US because people want to take them. Guns would be a little tougher, they actually have to be manufactured. But thanks for playing.

And yes, your plan was to use the tort system to shut down gun manufacturers. That like all your other plans only removes guns from honest citizens. Here's the scoop, Holmes. It isn't honest citizens who are shooting up schools ...

Really? Because it seems to me none of these guys are in the Criminal Justice System. Most of them are kids.. they take the gunfrom their "honest citizen" parents, and shoot up their classmates.
This is how stupid you are, Joe. They aren't flowing in now because guns are legal here. What happens when we make them illegal to manufacture here and we still have no southern border? My God, you're an idiot. That's why drugs flow into the US now.

Drugs flow into the US because people want to take them. Guns would be a little tougher, they actually have to be manufactured. But thanks for playing.

And yes, your plan was to use the tort system to shut down gun manufacturers. That like all your other plans only removes guns from honest citizens. Here's the scoop, Holmes. It isn't honest citizens who are shooting up schools ...

Really? Because it seems to me none of these guys are in the Criminal Justice System. Most of them are kids.. they take the gunfrom their "honest citizen" parents, and shoot up their classmates.

You didn't know feriners had figgered out how to make guns? Seriously, Joe? Wow, you're really stupid
You didn't know feriners had figgered out how to make guns? Seriously, Joe? Wow, you're really stupid

Again, buddy, the problem isn't foreigners making guns, it's our own gun industry marketing guns to every Libertarian Loser with a tiny dick trying to compensate for his shortcomings. That's why we have mass shootings.
You didn't know feriners had figgered out how to make guns? Seriously, Joe? Wow, you're really stupid

Again, buddy, the problem isn't foreigners making guns, it's our own gun industry marketing guns to every Libertarian Loser with a tiny dick trying to compensate for his shortcomings. That's why we have mass shootings.

You think Libertarians are doing the shootings? Wow, good response to my insinuation that you're stupid. No one would think you're stupid now ...
You think Libertarians are doing the shootings? Wow, good response to my insinuation that you're stupid. No one would think you're stupid now ..

I'll admit, it is hard to keep you crazies straight without a scorecard, but maybe you should read the ramblings of some of these nuts... they'd be kindred spirits.

Oh, still waiting for you to give an example of a radical left position.
You think Libertarians are doing the shootings? Wow, good response to my insinuation that you're stupid. No one would think you're stupid now ..

I'll admit, it is hard to keep you crazies straight without a scorecard, but maybe you should read the ramblings of some of these nuts... they'd be kindred spirits.

Oh, still waiting for you to give an example of a radical left position.

I'm not doing that in a thread where that's my OP question to you.

kaz: How are moderate and radical leftists different?

JoeBitch: kaz, how are moderate and radical leftists different?

If you answer the OP question, I'll discuss is. I'm not answering my OP question while you refuse to answer the OP question in the thread you're posting in
If you answer the OP question, I'll discuss is. I'm not answering my OP question while you refuse to answer the OP question in the thread you're posting in

I did answer your question. There is no "radical left". Most of what they propose would win if we had actual democracy.

The fact you can't point out that ONE POLICY POSITION that is radical is telling.
If you answer the OP question, I'll discuss is. I'm not answering my OP question while you refuse to answer the OP question in the thread you're posting in

I did answer your question. There is no "radical left". Most of what they propose would win if we had actual democracy.

The fact you can't point out that ONE POLICY POSITION that is radical is telling.

You actually never said "there is no radical left." I agree that answers the question. You're delusional, but it does answer the question.

Radical left positions, just a few

1) Disarming honest citizens and leaving us defenseless to government and criminals

2) Not having a southern border to a third world country

3) Building a monstrous $4T federal government and yet still being in continual desperate panic that we aren't spending enough

4) Enabling illegal aliens to vote, get drivers licenses, flooding medical care centers, go on welfare, get a free education, ...

5) Engaging in continual military aggression across the globe while attacking Republicans who do what you do

6) Fighting any and all domestic energy production while whining our oil money is going to bad governments

7) Driving the financial system into distress with regulations then blaming the victim while you take it over completely

8) Pushing for single payer medical care

9) Continually overriding State rights

You're moon bats and an abomination to liberty.

As for that "it's telling" I refused to address you parroting my OP question back to me before you answered it, that's just the moron that you are. Go back to your $20K a year professional resume writing job, Holmes
Go back to your $20K a year professional resume writing job, Holmes

Right, make a lot more than that... You should look up what it costs to get a resume written..

I'm not even in the upper range of costs... and do very well.

But since you actually almost tried to list examples,let's look at that. Sadly, most of your examples don't even point out a difference between left and right, much less moderate and radical. It's just what the Libertarian Fringe thinks is wrong, that we aren't trusting free market fairy dust to solve our problems.

1) Disarming honest citizens and leaving us defenseless to government and criminals

Again,the "honest citizens" are the ones who are responsible for most of the gun deaths. Most gun deaths aren't the government or criminals, it's suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

2) Not having a southern border to a third world country

Except nobody has really proposed that either. It's kind of funny to see a "libertarian" be all for the concept of a border and draconian immigration laws.

Most people who are here without documents didn't sneak across that Southern border where all the scary brown people who make you piss yourself at night live. Most of them- get this - came here on legit visas and stayed.

Um, yeah,so the Radical Left supports the same fix to the problem proposed by George W.Bush and John McCain. You know, people they thought would make good presidents before the crazies took over the party.

3) Building a monstrous $4T federal government and yet still being in continual desperate panic that we aren't spending enough

Neither side really proposes any meaningful cuts, so that's a non-starter. Most of that $4T is middle class entitlements and defense. No one is proposing cutting those.

4) Enabling illegal aliens to vote, get drivers licenses, flooding medical care centers, go on welfare, get a free education, ...

Except illegals can't get most welfare, and um, yeah, we do want their kids who are going to be citizens to be educated so they can support themselves. I mean, what a radical idea. I think I also want them to be qualified to drive a car before they drive one...

5) Engaging in continual military aggression across the globe while attacking Republicans who do what you do

So you listed a point where there wasn't even a difference between left and right, much less moderate and radicals.

6) Fighting any and all domestic energy production while whining our oil money is going to bad governments

Um... yeah. Because that doesn't address the ultimate problems. The problem that needs to be fixed is reducing carbons and pollutants, not where we get those from. But then you have those SCARY LIBERAL IDEAS, like Science.

7) Driving the financial system into distress with regulations then blaming the victim while you take it over completely

Last time I checked, the banksters were doing fine.

8) Pushing for single payer medical care

You mean like the rest of the industrialized world has, including countries run by conservative parties? Single Payer systems that cost less, and have better results than we do?

9) Continually overriding State rights

Have you met state government? Right now, in my home state, we've had a four year fiscal crisis because our whiny billionaire governor can't work with the Democrat legislature.This week, I'm in Wisconsin, where their Koch-Brothers tool governor has made a mess of the state's finances.
Go back to your $20K a year professional resume writing job, Holmes

Right, make a lot more than that... You should look up what it costs to get a resume written..

I'm not even in the upper range of costs... and do very well

Further proof you don't know anything about business. You don't charge a "cost," you charge a "price." Your costs are things you pay for. Prices are what you charge for your services. You don't know how to capitalize. You don't know how to read the 2nd amendment where you think the explanation is the right. Yeah, you write resumes ...

And the question isn't how much you can charge for one resume, the question is getting enough resume jobs to make a living. It's incredibly difficult. If you actually did this, you'd be able to speak to how you do it, and you can't.
You seem to have an awful obsession with one percenters. The ones who pay the overwhelming amount of taxes and enable your contribution free lifestyle.

I work 80 hours a week, buddy. This is the first day I've had off six months...

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, but they aren't doing 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth

Again, proof you know shit about business. You think the smart people aren't the ones who matter, it's the ones who do the most physical labor? Wow, Comrade. But you're not radical left, there's no such thing, ... LOL
[Quite the contrary, if the wealth was fairly distributed, we probably wouldn't need social programs. We spend far more on pointless wars, pork barrel and other spending the One percent largely benefit from

Wealth isn't "distributed," comrade. It's earned

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