Can "Moderate" leftists un-ring the bell?

For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

There are no moderate leftists on this board.
Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

Here's the problem with that, Kaz.

Nobody on your side, except the nutty Libertarian Fringe, is arguing that government should be getting out of the women's health/family planning business. They are arguing that those monies should go to organizations that aren't PP for the exact same purpose. Not because they could do a better job than PP, PP has been in the family planning business before most of the technologies even existed.

Nope, they are arguing PP shouldn't get that money because we don't like other activities PP engages in that are entirely funded by a capitalist model. If PP just did abortions, they'd been in the black, all the time. It's the other stuff that costs money because there's no profit in providing it to poor people.

This isn't "Charity", it's policy. Is it better to address the problem when it can be handled inexpensively, or wait until costs a lot more money.
it's charity. too bad for you. and on one is asking the money to go to other organizations for women's health. post a link if you believe that.
Before I rip into him, I'm going to give Bruce his props for actually bringing substance to this thread.

My last response for a long while:

The wall is a waste of American Tax Dollars because after Trump leaves office a Democrat will follow and defund it, so why waste the money?

The solution is simple and that is:

1. Go after employers that hire illegals by using laws that our nation already has and enforce them once and for all.

All this I agree with.. then you lose me.

2. Get rid of the Anchor Baby Status which mean a Constitutional Amendment.

Um, no. the 14th Amendment is just fine as it is.

3. Close the Marriage Loophole.

There is no marriage loophole. You obviously don't know how hard it actually is to get a marriage visa. I know a gal from the Philippines had to wait three years before she could marry her husband. Another fellow I know was married to an American and they still deported him.

4. Dry up all resources for overstayed visa holders and illegals.

Except that there arent that many programs you can access if you are an undocumented immigrant... or even a documented one.

5. Invisible Wall with using Drone technology and other tech that would make it more efficient to tract illegals.

6. Clean Mexico corrupt Government up and bring jobs back from China to Mexico at least so that illegals would stay there and not cross into this country.

Except that it's still cheaper to make things in China. The main source of "illegals" were not industrial workers- manufacturing jobs are vanishing all around the world due to automation and process improvement. The biggest cause of the flood of illegals that happened in the 1990's (it's tapered off since then) was when cheap American yellow corn forced mexican farmers of white corn out of their own market thanks to NAFTA.

7. Actually deal with the true issue that causes this mess and stop Russia, China, Iran and North Korea from funding Cartels and Gangs in the region that destabilize the region.

Actually, the main funders of these cartels are the yuppies who smoke weed and shoot heroin...

So do something proactive and that will slow the illegal immigrantion once and for all!

Also deal with the slave trade that is still going on in the sex trafficking to sweat shops!

Sex trafficking happens because we have dumb prostitution laws, and most prostitutes are Americans who made bad life choices.

'undocumented' is not an immigrant, it is an illegal alien and should be deported.
Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

Here's the problem with that, Kaz.

Nobody on your side, except the nutty Libertarian Fringe, is arguing that government should be getting out of the women's health/family planning business. They are arguing that those monies should go to organizations that aren't PP for the exact same purpose. Not because they could do a better job than PP, PP has been in the family planning business before most of the technologies even existed.

Nope, they are arguing PP shouldn't get that money because we don't like other activities PP engages in that are entirely funded by a capitalist model. If PP just did abortions, they'd been in the black, all the time. It's the other stuff that costs money because there's no profit in providing it to poor people.

This isn't "Charity", it's policy. Is it better to address the problem when it can be handled inexpensively, or wait until costs a lot more money.
it's charity. too bad for you. and on one is asking the money to go to other organizations for women's health. post a link if you believe that.

I would think that if PP was as good as they claim they are, and if a lot of American citizens feel they are a necessary service, then they would have plenty of voluntary charitable donations for their cause.

Personally, if I had to choose, I would rather my tax dollars fund a place like St. Jude's Children's Hospital than Planned Parenthood.
You seem to have an awful obsession with one percenters. The ones who pay the overwhelming amount of taxes and enable your contribution free lifestyle.

I work 80 hours a week, buddy. This is the first day I've had off six months...

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, but they aren't doing 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth.

And your answer for them? Hate... that's pretty interesting. So tell again, why the fuck should they pay taxes to carry your ass when this is the response?

Quite the contrary, if the wealth was fairly distributed, we probably wouldn't need social programs. We spend far more on pointless wars, pork barrel and other spending the One percent largely benefit from.

The recession was caused by the stupidity of the central bank mostly. Capitalism made US rich far before that and the recession is just an irrelevant talking point that you pull out of your ass to deny the extreme success of capitalism. Even during the depression America was rich as hell...

You obviously don't know people who grew up during the Depression, or you wouldn't say shit like that.

No, guy, the recession was caused because the rich got too greedy, again, and they knew the government would bail them out.
just name one social country that is successful with your utopia share of wealth? just one. please.
Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

Here's the problem with that, Kaz.

Nobody on your side, except the nutty Libertarian Fringe, is arguing that government should be getting out of the women's health/family planning business. They are arguing that those monies should go to organizations that aren't PP for the exact same purpose. Not because they could do a better job than PP, PP has been in the family planning business before most of the technologies even existed.

Nope, they are arguing PP shouldn't get that money because we don't like other activities PP engages in that are entirely funded by a capitalist model. If PP just did abortions, they'd been in the black, all the time. It's the other stuff that costs money because there's no profit in providing it to poor people.

This isn't "Charity", it's policy. Is it better to address the problem when it can be handled inexpensively, or wait until costs a lot more money.
it's charity. too bad for you. and on one is asking the money to go to other organizations for women's health. post a link if you believe that.

I would think that if PP was as good as they claim they are, and if a lot of American citizens feel they are a necessary service, then they would have plenty of voluntary charitable donations for their cause.

Personally, if I had to choose, I would rather my tax dollars fund a place like St. Jude's Children's Hospital than Planned Parenthood.
accept that isn't happening. PP is getting all the money. it's wrong. plain and simple to kill babies.
You seem to have an awful obsession with one percenters. The ones who pay the overwhelming amount of taxes and enable your contribution free lifestyle.

I work 80 hours a week, buddy. This is the first day I've had off six months...

The One Percent have 43% of the wealth, but they aren't doing 43% of the physical labor to create that wealth.

And your answer for them? Hate... that's pretty interesting. So tell again, why the fuck should they pay taxes to carry your ass when this is the response?

Quite the contrary, if the wealth was fairly distributed, we probably wouldn't need social programs. We spend far more on pointless wars, pork barrel and other spending the One percent largely benefit from.

The recession was caused by the stupidity of the central bank mostly. Capitalism made US rich far before that and the recession is just an irrelevant talking point that you pull out of your ass to deny the extreme success of capitalism. Even during the depression America was rich as hell...

You obviously don't know people who grew up during the Depression, or you wouldn't say shit like that.

No, guy, the recession was caused because the rich got too greedy, again, and they knew the government would bail them out.
just name one social country that is successful with your utopia share of wealth? just one. please.
cause somewhere someone is in control. Always will be, there is no such place you choose to find. and the fact that you wish to destroy mankind looking for it is selfish. thanks.
What McCain-Feingold Meant to Do But Didn't
The primary objective of McCain-Feingold was the restore public trust in the political system by banning donations to political parties from wealthy individuals and corporations.

But the legislation allowed people and corporations to give their money elsewhere, to independent and third-party groups.

Then you pass a new law limiting those cash transfers.

you also maybe open investigations into the donors for bribery.....
The only way 3rd party candidates will be ever win even a presidential primary is by nominating viable candidates. We need SANE 3rd party ideals. The "green party"???? Those people are totally NUTS, and their ideas are WAY out there. Gary Johnson came so CLOSE, but he blew it in the end by not doing his homework and making himself look like a dumbass on the world stage.

Okay, Crazy Cat Lady, Gary Johnson was always a joke.

His goal wasn't to "Win", it was to hit 5% so he could get that sweet, sweet Matching Fund Money the major parties don't even bother with anymore.

The real question is, why does the GOP spend so much time pandering to the Libertarian Children?
just name one social country that is successful with your utopia share of wealth? just one. please.

America before Reagan. Western Europe. Japan.

I would think that if PP was as good as they claim they are, and if a lot of American citizens feel they are a necessary service, then they would have plenty of voluntary charitable donations for their cause.

Personally, if I had to choose, I would rather my tax dollars fund a place like St. Jude's Children's Hospital than Planned Parenthood.

Again, we have government programs because charities can't handle the needs of the people.

In the case of PP, though, it's a simple matter.

Do you-

1) Pay to provide poor women with contraception.


2) Pay to education, clothe, feed, house and eventually incarcerate all those unwanted babies that result.

Seems to me as a matter of public policy, the latter is more practical. You'll even have more money left over to give tax cuts to rich people!!!!
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?
just name one social country that is successful with your utopia share of wealth? just one. please.

America before Reagan. Western Europe. Japan.

I would think that if PP was as good as they claim they are, and if a lot of American citizens feel they are a necessary service, then they would have plenty of voluntary charitable donations for their cause.

Personally, if I had to choose, I would rather my tax dollars fund a place like St. Jude's Children's Hospital than Planned Parenthood.

Again, we have government programs because charities can't handle the needs of the people.

In the case of PP, though, it's a simple matter.

Do you-

1) Pay to provide poor women with contraception.


2) Pay to education, clothe, feed, house and eventually incarcerate all those unwanted babies that result.

Seems to me as a matter of public policy, the latter is more practical. You'll even have more money left over to give tax cuts to rich people!!!!
why can't we expect that grown humans be self sufficient?
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?
What's a moderate leftist?
Someone who wants to deny healthcare to millions of Americans?
Someone who wants to end school lunches for poor children?
Someone who is against education?
Someone who thinks needy billionaires need more tax cuts?
Someone who doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work?

Not sure what a "moderate" Republicans is since those are beliefs EVERY Republican has.
What's a moderate leftist?
Someone who wants to deny healthcare to millions of Americans?
Someone who wants to end school lunches for poor children?
Someone who is against education?
Someone who thinks needy billionaires need more tax cuts?
Someone who doesn't believe in equal pay for equal work?

Not sure what a "moderate" Republicans is since those are beliefs EVERY Republican has.
Exactly. I am in favor of free birth control. I would be glad to donate to Planned Parenthood if they got off the government dole. It's my job to fund that since I support it, not taxpayers. Taxpayers should only be paying for things like roads and defense. Charity is not an action that can be performed at the point of a gun

Here's the problem with that, Kaz.

Nobody on your side, except the nutty Libertarian Fringe, is arguing that government should be getting out of the women's health/family planning business. They are arguing that those monies should go to organizations that aren't PP for the exact same purpose. Not because they could do a better job than PP, PP has been in the family planning business before most of the technologies even existed.

Nope, they are arguing PP shouldn't get that money because we don't like other activities PP engages in that are entirely funded by a capitalist model. If PP just did abortions, they'd been in the black, all the time. It's the other stuff that costs money because there's no profit in providing it to poor people.

This isn't "Charity", it's policy. Is it better to address the problem when it can be handled inexpensively, or wait until costs a lot more money.
it's charity. too bad for you. and on one is asking the money to go to other organizations for women's health. post a link if you believe that.

I would think that if PP was as good as they claim they are, and if a lot of American citizens feel they are a necessary service, then they would have plenty of voluntary charitable donations for their cause.

Personally, if I had to choose, I would rather my tax dollars fund a place like St. Jude's Children's Hospital than Planned Parenthood.
The majority of government payments to PP are for women’s health services
For those of you who used to consider yourselves moderate leftists, but have been co-opted by Trump Derangement Syndrome into rubber stamping the radical left's agenda, I have a question. Where do you go from here when Trump is gone? Can you un-ring the bell? Can you somehow go back to believing you have moderate positions, not radical left positions as you are supporting now?

Why aren't you asking all the conservative Republicans (i.e. RINOs) the same question. They've been co-opted into the 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' as much as any moderate liberals.

Perhaps it's because Trump is truly deranged?

Tone down the hate, it isn't pretty

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